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Bøger af Per V. Jenster

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  • af Henning Kure, Peter Madsen, Per V. Jenster, mfl.
    137,95 kr.

  • - Determining Strategic Capability
    af Per V. Jenster
    527,95 kr.

    The company appraisal is an essential part of the strategy process and is generally recommended as the first step in strategic planning. It is a subject that, although critical, is somewhat neglected in the literature. The appraisal of the company covers the assessment of strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, resources and vulnerabilities.

  • - Building Strategic Insight
    af Per V. Jenster & Klaus Solberg Søilen
    166,95 kr.

    Market Intelligence provides managers with helpful concepts, tools and ideas on market intelligence and analysis. Additionally, it gives the reader some of the analytical tools used to analyze both micro and macro factors in the organization's environment to better predict future outcomes and help decision making. The authors’ focus is not only on competitors, but also on customers, suppliers and a range of other stakeholders. The field of competitive intelligence is studied by a diverse research community. Contributions are made to aid states on a national, regional and local level (Public Intelligence), the military (Military Intelligence), non-profit organizations (NPO Intelligence) and private companies (Private Intelligence). However, these contributions are mostly done in isolation, even though all these fields of study have much in common. The authors build their in-sight on these various schools as well as practical applications and provide the essential insights to aid management thinking.

  • - An International Perspective
    af Per V. Jenster, H. Michael Hayes & David E. Smith
    232,95 kr.

    Not only will the reader gain a valuable perspective on the current state of marketing concepts and techniques, but the book offers managerial perspectives which also can provide guidance for the business success.Several features of the book merit special mention.-Unique to business marketing books this book includes, in one volume, text that presents major concepts of both business marketing and strategic management.-A global perspective is integrated throughout the text. The basic premise is that marketing concepts are fundamentally international. The authors elected therefore, to integrate international aspects of marketing as extensions of fundamental concepts where appropriate rather than to have separate international sections.-The book has a strong strategic and managerial orientation. The first five chapters establish the context of marketing planning and include corporate and business planning and a separate chapter on industry analysis. The remaining chapters address segmentation and product, pricing, and communication and distribution decisions.

  • - A Global Perspective
    af Per V. Jenster, David E. Smith, Darryl J. Mitry & mfl.
    162,95 kr.

    The Business of Wine is aimed at anyone with an interest in broadening his or her view of wine to encompass some of the fascinating complexities of the business side of this international industry.It is also the intention that it provides substantive reading for the professional, the academic, or the student seeking to gain deeper insight into the structure and economics of the industry as well as into the various trends and pressures which are currently affecting it.Go to any bookstore, and you will find a myriad of guides to the wines of the world. Interesting as such books are to wine lovers, these volumes leave many gaps. The aim of this book is to fill those gaps and to provide a global overview of wine as a business.While it is still possible to drive through Provence, Napa Valley or Mendoza unearthing the odd case of undiscovered nectar, the real backbone of today's wine industry lies elsewhere. It is that backbone - its structure and complex functions - that is examined in detail in The Business of Wine.

  • af Flemming Poulfelt, Søren H. Jensen, Per V. Jenster & mfl.
    184,95 kr.

    Strategi og viden handler om, hvordan videntunge virksomheder kan opsamle og lede den viden, de allerede har, og hvordan en klar videnstrategi øger deres muligheder for at skabe vækst og øge konkurrenceevnen. Når virksomheder har en klar videnstrategi, har de også lettere ved at forbedre deres eksisterende produkter og skabe nye produkter.Men det er ikke let at få styr på virksomhedens viden eller at opbygge en klar videnstrategi. Dette kræver, at virksomheden får skabt overblik over interne ressourcer og processer og udnyttelsen af viden. Hvordan virksomheden opnår dette overblik, beskrives på en konstruktivt og tilgængelig måde.Bogen er bygget op over syv praktiske case-historier fra videnintensive virksomheder, og den syntetiserer sig frem til nogle lighedspunkter, der fungere som guidelines for læseren.

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