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Bøger af Peter A Olsson

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  • - A Political Theological Fantasy
    af Peter A Olsson
    143,95 kr.

    Cosmic spiritual presences swirl, emote, and cogitate in the long moments before the universe's Big Bang of origin. Where will the grandest of all creaturely psycho-social-spiritual experiments lead? How do God and the God Group, (The Grand Committee), plan things in the moments and eons just before the Big Bang occurs? Crucial disagreements about freedom, individual responsibility, power, control, dignity, love, prayer and destruction occur within The Grand Committee. BANG! After millions of years post Big Bang, how does the God Group evaluate the project? Emergency measures must be taken due to dangers emerging at far flung planets. Particularly the earth project. Can the God Group solve the problems of his/their creation? Who can best lead the rescue efforts that are launched? CONTENTS IPRELUDE to the BIG BANG: An Overture to All Time IIPOSTLUDE to the BIG BANG: Confronting Past and Present Time IIIBIG BANG'S FINALE: An End to Time IVSEQUEL: Moonstar and Sonstar's Second Earth Missions *The Cast of Characters: Voce (The Formal LuceBluestone derives from Bluestone as comprises the stone in Stonehenge) also Voce = God The Grand Committee = God as Group, i.e., the group-self domain aspect of God's omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. Only with the Grand Committee's approval can God voluntarily suspend omnipotence. Without God as group, the freedom thing would die. Luce (Formal LuceSulfur as linked to hellfumes) = Satan, Lucifer, the Devil Mikhail= the recorder and scribe=the archangel Gabriel Sonstar = Jesus Moonstar =Mohammad Marainbo = The Mother Mary MarEarthay = Mary Magdalene, purveyor of Earthy sexuality Novolin = the Holy Spirit. Derived from the videogame Captain Novolin. The author developed a word analogizing the internet as world-wide spiritual presence for good and evil.

  • - Advice to a Young Psychotherapist
    af Peter A Olsson
    98,95 kr.

    An experienced psychotherapist shares experiences from his clinical work and teaching for over fifty years. Dr. Olsson gives practical advice and recommended reading for young psychotherapists.

  • af Peter A Olsson
    143,95 kr.

    The author has found psychodrama group therapy to be very helpful in treating addictions, marital, vocational, family, and psychosomatic problems. Basic techniques of psychodrama like role-playing, role reversal, doubling, the soliloquy, empty chair, the narrator and magic shop can be helpful in group or individual therapy...even medical teaching. Classic Psychodrama involves a stage area (Preferably elevated), the director, protagonist(s), antagonists, the audience, alter-egos and doubles. Hospital staff and other patients are asked to assume roles in the patient situation on focus. Efforts are made to dramatize the actual emotional experience and conflicts in the patient's life situation. Such participation is essential to the therapeutic group process. The audience group is a vital part of the therapeutic group process. Unlike the Hollywood movie director who stays at a distance back of the camera it is crucial that the director stay close to the patient who has chosen to have his life situation on focus. In classic psychodrama, the director like the captain of a ship or airplane is in charge. Staff and other patients may occasionally make suggestions but the final clinical decision rests with the director. The director needs to stay in tune with the protagonist's facial expression, tension, emotions as he or she sets the scenes and implements various psychodrama techniques. The psychodrama techniques like the soliloquy, the empty chair (Where an important person in the patient's life is imagined to be sitting and be confronted), doubling of the patient's likely inner unconscious or preconscious thoughts, role-reversal with an antagonist and focus on a patient's dream or fantasy can be very powerful therapeutically...But, for a fragile, highly anxious or borderline psychotic patient care must be taken with dosing of conflicts confronted in the patient. More Detail about the Three Basic Psychodrama Techniques 1.Role Reversal---At the initiative of the director, the patient is asked to suddenly switch roles with the person to whom he is talking. For example, a husband embroiled with his wife in a heated conflict situation is abruptly instructed to take her role in the scene. This technique can jolt the patient with sudden stunning insight. 2.Doubling---The director asks a staff member or other patient in the group to stand close to or behind the patient and speak out clearly what the inner thoughts, feelings or perceptions of the patient apparently are. These thoughts are pretended not to be heard unless the patient choses to voice them. Doubling is often crucial at the time a role reversal is implemented by the director. 3.Soliloquy---The scene is halted by the director and a key person in the scene usually the patient on focus is urged to deliver a lengthy monologue about his feelings, doubts, fears, insights or contemplated plans of action. A double can assist the patient with this process. Classic psychodrama has five phases. Warm-up, Setting-the-scene, Rising action, Climax, Declining action /Resolution and Share-back.An actual stage or regularly designated stage area, stage furniture and props (If possible), are important to enliven the therapeutic process. At all times during the psychodrama the director needs to stay close to the patient protagonist. The director must set the scene(s) as accurately as possible, and always try to see the psychodrama stage- world as the patient is experiencing it. A scene may be shifted fluidly between past, present or future by the director. Past, present and future may even be represented simultaneously on the psychodrama therapy stage. A scene may be repeated several times (therapeutic instant- replays), in search of conflict resolution. Resolution and mastery of a conflict and changed behavior in actual action (not merely words) is celebrated and applauded.

  • - Short Stories by Peter Olsson MD
    af Peter A Olsson
    98,95 kr.

    Wandering Selves is a collection of short stories about unusual characters illustrating psychological conflicts and personality dynamics that encompass universal issues about searches for identity. Get acquainted with a goofy psychiatrist, a depressed librarian, an unusual pollster, a brilliant woman overcoming a painful trauma, a dedicated but traumatized policeman and the tragedy of a homeless psychotic young man. Each of these wandering souls brings "Modern" American life into clear and often painful focus.

  • - Successful Psychotherapies
    af Peter A Olsson
    88,95 kr.

    I describe a group of unique individuals I worked with in psychotherapy or encountered in my clinical work. Their stories are interesting and poignant but the characteristic most striking about them was their resilience. It was so necessary for success in their/our hard work of psychotherapy. I chose them to write about because of my admiration for their candor and resilience. None of them were severely psychotic or psychopathic. However, they all had significant issues and conflicts necessary to master in- order- to move forward with success in their lives. Each therapy involved my patients' families in various and significant ways. Though cooperation by families was often important, it was not always possible or imperative for a positive therapy result. I have carefully made efforts to protect the confidentiality of my patients. This involved disguising places, names and some events. However, I think the essence of their life story and therapy process has been maintained. The form I use is the short story. I have sought concision in the stories. I have sometimes condensed time periods and intervals by editing- out descriptions of lengthy periods involving the fallowing of insights obtained, and the gradual working through of an insight or domain of mindfulness. I sometimes emphasize dramatic and important psychotherapy events by exact dialogue and descriptions. I hope these convey the essence of important psychotherapy work. At the end of each chapter I will describe what I learned from each psychotherapy process. Unlike many melodramatic Hollywood movie scenarios about psychotherapy, changes occurring in psychotherapy are often deceptively quiet...often muted. Psychotherapy involves many emotional experiences...anxiety, fear, fascination, wonder, boredom, humor/laughter, anger, sadness and often pain. The more severe and ominous forms of pain, destruction, and even a death prevented, go unheralded. They are unnoticed because existentially they like a suicide prevented, never in fact exist or occur.

  • af Peter A Olsson
    278,95 kr.

    In times of rapid change and instability, people are vulnerable to seductions of cult leaders and terror groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. This book describes the psychological roots of such Malignant Pied Pipers.

  • af Peter A Olsson
    101,95 kr.

    The story involves a young man, Will Powers, who is in the throes of malignant self-absorption and potential victim of a satanic cult led by his father who is the leader of a satanic group that regularly sacrifices animals. Fortunately, Will becomes involved in a successful but at times disturbing psychotherapy with a psychiatrist who has keen insights and is able to handle the powerful emotions that inevitably arise. As the psychotherapy unfolds, the evil dynamics behind destructive leaders is exposed. The book includes an intriguing final section called "Existential Addenda." (1) An emotional revery involving a lecture-sermon about a cure of evil pedophile priests, and (2) a dream of a psychiatrist's benevolent therapeutic revenge, which includes a confrontation (in a dream) with the parents of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and other destructive leaders. The author concludes this section noting that "spiritual salvation never results from simply believing the correct idea or practicing a correct ritual. Spiritual salvation or wholeness requires hard psychological and spiritual work. The mind God created in a child needs to be treated respectfully and gently like a valuable, delicate flower. Narrow, rigid, judgmental teaching can pervert it."

  • - A Psychological Study of Destructive Cult Leaders from Rev. Jim Jones to Osama bin Laden
    af Peter A Olsson
    188,95 kr.

    For more than twenty years, I have studied destructive and apocalyptic cult leaders like Jim Jones, David Koresh (Waco), Shoko Asahara (Aum Shinriko), Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate), Charles Manson (Helter Skelter Murderers), and Luc Jouret and Joseph DiMambro (Suicidal Solar Temple).These cult leaders, the mesmerizing Malignant Pied Pipers of our time, led idealistic, father-hungry, or disillusioned young people away from their homes and toward destruction.Having an understanding of cult mentality and the pathological personalities of cult leaders is essential, for there are striking similarities between these deadly leaders and the newest examples, Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda cult of ultimate terror. The death toll from Jonestown, the Branch Davidian disaster at Waco, and Al Qaeda/ISIS terror cults of the last 30 years is horrendous.My previous book, A Boyish God, is a troubling novel with deep insights. I was jolted to my core when I learned that a college friend’s son died at the Rev. Jim Jones’s side at Jonestown. Over 30 years later, I am still searching for answers, especially about terror prevention.About the Author: Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Peter Olsson, M.D., trained at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Following his internship in mixed medicine at the University of Vermont, he took a psychiatry residency at Baylor, and later was a psychiatrist at Oakland Naval Hospital, where he ran the substance abuse unit and worked with POWs returning from Vietnamese prisons. Dr. Olsson graduated from the Houston-Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute in Houston, and practiced psychiatry and psychotherapy while teaching psychotherapy in Houston for 25 years. An assistant professor of psychiatry at Dartmouth Medical School and an adjunct professor of clinical psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine, he is now retired.Publisher’s website:

  • af Peter a Olsson M D
    153,95 - 268,95 kr.

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