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Bøger af Peter Hertzberg

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  • af HC Andersen & Peter Hertzberg
    152,95 kr.

    The matchstick made a warm and bright flame, like a small candle, as she held her hands over it. But it burned with a curious flame. HC Andersens beloved story retold through text-free illustrations to be readable by all, no matter age or language, to try to honor the message of the original story.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    163,95 kr.

    A veces, el gris tiene el brillo más hermoso. "El gorrión" es una historia navideña sin texto inspirado en el poema "El gorrión en la mañana de Navidad" de Zacharias Topelius.

  • af Kahlil Gibran & Peter Hertzberg
    172,95 kr.

    After twelve years in exile a ship has finally arrived that can take Almustafa home. As he''s about to board, a group of villagers ask him to share more of his wisdom as a last goodbye. In twenty eight poetic speeches he answers their quandaries. Of these speeches, the three opening ones (on love, marriage and children) are included in this first part of a graphic novel adaptation of Kahlil Gibran''s evergreen poetic essays on life and on living. To read Gibran''s text, rhythmic and vibrant with emotions, feels like listening to music rather than just consuming a series of words. A composition now arranged by Peter Hertzberg, with his illustrations as the instruments playing the music to which Gibran''s thoughts dance in to our souls. "The Prophet" was published in 1923 as an immediate success, but the story has its humble origins in Gibran''s own experiences of living as an immigrant in New York where he dedicated his life to writing and painting until he passed away at 1931. A modern classic, and probably the twentieth century''s most beloved spiritual fiction, "The Prophet" offers inspiration to everyone feeling unbalanced in a world out of balance. Peter Hertzberg is an illustrator and storyteller born in Finland and has since also lived in Sweden and Spain. He speaks four languages but only communicates well in images. ΓÇïHe self-publishes his comics and picture books at via his publishing company at OMOiOMO and writes about himself in third-person.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    375,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    628,95 kr.

    220+ sidor tjock med 3 serier och illustrerade sagor om kompisanda, mod och tolerans! Denna samlingen har de serierna och illustrerade sagorna aom gjordes av Peter Hertzberg under 2021, OMOiOMOs 4e solvarv. Med sagorna: Vinter natt - En textfri julserie om sann kompisanda och magi! En jakt - Den textfria serieromanen om hur jakten efter status leder en person till dess verkliga behov. Monstret har rymt - En bilderbok om hur ofta finns mer under ytan som inte genast syns.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    474,95 - 662,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    144,95 kr.

    Ett monster har rymt! Dess hyss och bus skapar kaos och oreda, men mycket ligger dolt, och det riktiga kaoset finns annanstans. En ny bilderbok av kreativa tecknaren och storytellern Peter Hertzberg, som ger en givande upplevelse till barn och till vuxna!

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    144,95 kr.

    A monster is loose! Its rumpus and mischief creates chaos and disarray, but all is not as it seems as the real chaos lies elsewhere.A new picture book for children and adults alike, creatively penned by independent illustrator and storyteller Peter Hertzberg!

  • af Hertzberg Peter Hertzberg
    470,95 - 656,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    385,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    385,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    146,95 kr.

    Lost in the forest looking for a hunt and prey for a change of prey. The second book in a comic book series about a puzzle piece with the wrong shape.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    157,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    157,95 kr.

    Back, the praise tastes bitter. Hidden, until the fire took the untruths. Exposed, the monster and its home. The fifth and final book in a comic book series about a puzzle piece that doesn''t fit.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    157,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    157,95 kr.

    De vuelta, la alabanza tiene un sabor amargo. Oculto, hasta que el fuego se llev├│ las mentiras. Expuesto, el monstruo y su hogar. La a quinta y ├║ltima parte de una serie de c├│mics sin texto sobre una pieza de un rompecabezas que no encaja.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Louttaa Lapseen, mutta rohkeus muutuu lehtien kanssa ja putoa. Tekstitön sarjakuvasarjan neljän kirja epämuodostuneesta palapelin palasta.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Tillit till barnet men modet skiftar med bladen och faller.. Den 4e boken i en samling textfria serier om en pusselbit med fel form.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Confiando en la niña, pero el coraje cambia con las hojas y cae..La cuarta parte de una serie de cómics sin texto sobre una pieza de un rompecabezas que no encaja.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Trusting the child, but the courage shifts with the leafs and fall..This is the fourth book in a text-free comic book series about a piece of a puzzle that doesn't fit in.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    293,95 - 514,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    293,95 - 514,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    293,95 - 514,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Metsässä ja eksyminen, joku on löytänyt ja itsensä löytäminen. Tekstitön sarjakuvasarjan kolmas kirja epämuodostuneesta palapelin palasta.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Svunnen i skogen blir funnen och finner sitt jag. Den tredje boken i en samling textfria serier om en pusselbit med fel form.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Perdido en el bosque, encontrado por alguien y encontrarse a sí mismo. La tercera parte de una serie de cómics sin texto sobre una pieza de un rompecabezas que no encaja.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    139,95 kr.

    Lost in a forest found by someone and finding himself. This is the third book in a text-free comic book series about a piece of a puzzle with the wrong shape.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    293,95 - 514,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    297,95 - 518,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hertzberg
    297,95 - 518,95 kr.

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