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Bøger af Peter Hollins

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  • - The Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self-Control to Resist Temptation and Achieve Your Goals
    af Peter Hollins
    211,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • - How to Teach Yourself Anything, Learn More in Less Time, and Direct Your Own Education
    af Peter Hollins
    218,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • - The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline
    af Peter Hollins
    218,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • - Creatively Solve Problems, Think with Clarity, Make Insightful Observations & Deductions, and Develop Quick & Accurate Instincts
    af Peter Hollins
    168,95 kr.

    nstantly have flashes of genius, solve mysteries, read people's minds, and size up situations. Well, sort of...Sherlock Holmes, famous detective of 221 Baker Street, is one of literature's most beloved figures. Why? Because he is able to unravel a complex story from simple observation, perception, creative thinking, and problem-solving.No book can make you Sherlock. But this book can teach you his most practical tactics and introduce you to the building blocks of what it takes to be a famous detective.Sharpen your judgment and instincts for better decisions.Think Like Sherlock is as close as you'll get to thinking like a sleuth. There are references and case studies sprinkled throughout to illustrate just how you can improve your thinking habits to not only solve the mysteries in your life, but approach life with analysis, care, and creativity.You'll find a plethora of techniques and illustrative examples. No other book provides you with such a clear blueprint of the skills you need to think with clarity and understand what really matters.Learn everyday deductive reasoning to decipher the events in your life.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Techniques from a wide range of disciplines to solve problems.-How to shift your perspective and open up a new world of thought.-The process of observation and deduction, and how to works on an everyday basis.-How altered states of consciousness contribute to clear thinking and how Einstein and Salvador Dali took advantage of this.How to systematically and consistently think outside the box.-Critical thinking and why you shouldn't take things or people at face value.-How to invert, reverse, substitute, adapt, magnify, minimize, lateral, and distance (and more...) your thinking for flashes of genius.-Learn how to use reverse brainstorming and the Fishbone technique to solve the 'crimes' in your life.Sherlock sees the world for what it is, underneath the mask and facade - and so can you.

  • af Peter Hollins
    188,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • - How to Go Outside the Box, Analyze Deeply, Creatively Solve Problems, and Innovate
    af Peter Hollins
    183,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hollins
    198,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • - Rapid Knowledge Acquisition Skills to Learn Faster, Comprehend Deeper, and Reach a World-Class Level
    af Peter Hollins
    168,95 kr.

    A deconstruction of the elements of expertise, and practical step-by-step methods to reach it ASAP.Expertise - we all want it, and traditionally it would take years of intense study and practice. But just because it's always been that way doesn't mean you have to follow that path. It's time to use all the resources at your disposal and learn a new approach.Learn a plethora of scientifically-validated methods.Accelerated Expertise has a simple goal. Let's help you get from Point A to Point B, where Point B is an extremely high level of expertise in your desired area or topic. You'll learn how to learn effectively, and what steps you must take to gain a respectable and enviable knowledge base.Understand what the industry leaders know, and how to make sense of completely foreign topics.Think outside the box and strategically accelerate your expertise.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Make learning easier, more efficient, and more organized.-Learning myths, the biology of learning of expertise, and the most important mindsets for expertise.-Information: how to collect it, filter it, organize it, understand it, and master it.-Easy tactics to exponentially improve your memory.Outpace, outthink, and outperform others.-Multiple models and paths to expertise, including using exemplars and finding knowledge gaps.-What language acquisition and learning an instrument can teach us about expertise.1% world-class expertise opens the door to the life you want.Expertise is always the goal, whether in the office or in our personal lives. They can mean very different things in each context, but the end result is greater happiness and fulfillment. All you need is a clearer and deeper understanding of what expertise really is, and how you can attain it. Begin the journey to the best phase of your life with this book.Gain efficient, effective, and effortless expertise by clicking the BUY NOW BUTTON at the top right of this page!

  • - Research-Based Methods to Understand Human Sexuality, Make Sparks Fly, and Love Like Casanova
    af Peter Hollins
    143,95 kr.

    Fulfilling, unforgettable sex is 95% mental. What are you missing out on - for both you and your partner?Discover real, scientifically-proven triggers to human sexuality with none of the generic Cosmo hype. This book is a look behind the scenes into what arouses us, titillates us, and makes us swoon as human beings. No more silly advice about that one position that will make you squirm.We've been doing it wrong the whole time.The Science of Getting It On is an insightful look into human sexuality and exactly how we can have better sex, more orgasms, flirt better, understand our sexuality better, and become the best lover your partner will EVER have - using evolutionary and biological science. Over 30 studies referenced and analyzed to improve your sex life from beginning to end.Create chemistry naturally and easily.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Learn the seeds of evolutionary attraction and desire.-The real elements of remarkable sex; no tricks or whips.-The biological basis of unforgettable sex.-Why you aren't achieving orgasm, and how to consistently O.Get inside your partner's mind.-The double-edged sword of pornography and how it alters your brain.-Why we love kinky sex and fetishes.-What successful flirting really looks like.Understand your sexuality and create a fulfilling sex life.This isn't a book about one person's experiences, and it's not about using whipped cream or whips. It's a book with peer-reviewed studies and real evidence and conclusions about how to take advantage of our primal nature. You'll learn how to use instinctual triggers, communicate better, and connect more deeply.When you can understand people's instincts, you can satisfy them effortlessly.Become Casanova and scroll to the top of this page and click the BUY NOW BUTTON.

  • af Peter Hollins
    178,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • - Advanced Methods to Learn, Remember, and Master New Skills, Information, and Abilities
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Scientific Methods to accelerate your learning to save time, beat competition, and get from Point A to point B at the speed of light.Learning is the key to bettering your circumstances and becoming the person you want to be. Skills, information, and abilities will never come to you - it's up to you to seek them out, and this book shows you how to do so in the most effective and efficient manner.Applicable and actionable advice - not just theory and description. Work smarter, not harder.The Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition is the definitive resource to get you where you want to be in terms of a new talent, skill, or ability. You may not realize it, but each day is a set of skills and tasks that we repeat. Each hobby and interest is also a set of skills and tasks. This book focuses on what matters in processing information and being able to use it effectively to your advantage.Rapid skill acquisition is how you get ahead in life professionally and personally.Learn to rapidly train your brain and develop muscle memory. Understand the underlying psychology and biology.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Tactics that top 1% performers and competitors use.-Theories and principles of learning and what we are doing wrong.-How your expectations matter more than your amount of talent.-How to make a plan to strategically deconstruct and analyze information and skills.How to get better results while working less.-Surprising methods to utilize the people and environment around you.-The art of practicing, pivoting, and correcting yourself.-How to stack your skills and become a unique resource.-Take advantage of learning science to best absorb info.Learning slowly and inefficiently will lead to your downfall -- or even worse, being average.We live in a fast-paced world. Will you fall behind or take the lead? The choice is yours -- learning unlocks the doors to everything we want in life. Accelerating that process makes your life easier andmore fulfilled. Personally, your intersts and hobbies will grow at a quick pace for more enjoyment. Professionally, your career opportunities will skyrocket because of your newfound proficiencies.Start your journey rapidly by clicking the BUY NOW BUTTON at the top of this page!

  • af Peter Hollins
    178,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Peter Hollins
    198,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • - Discover Your Flawed Logic, Failures in Common Sense and Intuition, and Irrational Behavior - How to Think Less Stupid
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Your first instincts and gut feelings are usually flat out wrong. Discover why, and learn how to actually think clearly.A brain fart is a lapse in judgment. We do this every day without realizing it, and it can have severe consequences on our lives. Use this book as a field guide to think better, understand your feelings better, and tame your stupid brain.Cure your flawed thinking habits and mental blunders.Brain Fart is a book that will get you to think about how you think. Never before has such a deep look been taken into the roots of illogical and rash decisions - how they form, and how they persist in our lives. We all recognize our big blunders, but it's the subconscious ones that can sink us.Brain Fart is expertly researched with psychological and scientific studies, and delves into neuroscience and behavioral economics. In a book that has wide ranging implications, Peter Hollins illustrates why we tend to immediately regret our decisions and proclaim, "What was I thinking?!"Stop falling into your own mental traps and develop clarity of thought.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Discover your brain's subtle tricks and everyday illusions.-Why our concept of free will is illusory at best.-The roots of superstitious and magical thinking.-How advertisers are so effective at emptying our wallets.-Why our memories betray us.Understand what your head is really up to.-How we evaluate risk entirely wrong.-Why our first impressions lead us astray.-Why our egos skew our sense of reality.Solve your fuzzy thoughts and solve your life.Think with clarity and you'll perform at peak levels and stop making sub-optimal decisions. Make sure your reasoning gets you where you want to be and never settle for less than you deserve. Thinking is difficult. But Brain Fart makes it much, much easier.Prevent your next brain fart by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

  • - Advanced Strategies for Quicker Comprehensi
    af Peter Hollins
    168,95 kr.

    Make learning: painless, exciting, habitual, and self-motivating. Absorb info like a human sponge.We've never been taught how to learn, and that's a shame. This book is the key to reversing all the misconceptions you have and making learning fun again.Scientifically-proven, step-by-step methods for effective learning.The Science of Accelerated Learning is not a textbook - it's a guidebook for your journeys in learning. It will show you the most effective methods, the pitfalls we must avoid, and the habits we must cultivate. This book is highly organized and addresses all phases of the learning process, from creating a positive environment, to the biological basis of memory, to learning theories, and more. It borrows from multiple scientific disciplines to present comprehensive techniques to simply learn more, faster.Master your approach and save countless hours.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Smarter, faster, and better ways to achieve expertise.-The physical and psychological pre-conditions to effective learning.-How our memory works and how to make it work for you.-The learning techniques that work - with evidence.-How to never need to cram again.Tame distractions and procrastination through specialized habits.-Why Einstein loved to play violin while working.-The learning mistakes you are probably committing right now.-Steps to building true expertise.-How to teach effectively, and teach to learn.Outpace others, beat the competition, and get where you want to go in record time.Learning to learn is one of the most valuable skills you will ever possess because it unlocks everything you want in life. You will achieve: better grades, better work product, better relationships, more enjoyable hobbies, and each day you will grow closer to the life you truly want.It unlocks the paths you can take, and it unlocks the happiness you can potentially feel. Learning is growing, and life without growing is not a life worth living.Save your valuable time by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

  • - Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Discover the hidden causes and motivations behind your entire personality. Stop trying to impersonate someone you're not.We throw the terms introvert and extrovert around constantly, and use them to label ourselves and everyone we know. But do we know what they really mean? How are different personality types created, and what really drives our actions on a daily basis?The Science of Introverts (And Everyone Else) will uncover everything you never knew about yourself and others, and will teach you how to take advantage of who you are and capitalize on your unique strengths.Feel comfortable in your own skin.Think of The Science of Introverts (And Everyone Else) like the most actionable, applicable, entertaining, and interesting textbook you've ever come across. It is filled with breakthrough and fascinating studies regarding introversion, extroversion, and personality in general -- and the lessons we can take and use to enrich our lives and feel more comfortable in our unique identities.Never before has a book provided such a journey of self-discovery and practical knowledge.Analyze, read, and innately understand others.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. He's also a massive introvert - this book is written for introverts by an introvert.Expertly calibrate your social presence.-An insightful analysis into three major personality types.-The social, physiological, and psychological differences and how they effect us.-The role of personality type in romance and love.Learn how to thrive socially no matter your personality.-How to cultivate more happiness.-An action plan for introverts.-How to harness your personality type for success.Understand your identity; connect with anyone.Uncovering what really drives and motivates you is extremely important to living the life you want. When you can understand what is pulling you in different directions, you can change things at the root and live with clarity. You'll learn to interact with people better and more easily because you'll understand them. Social success is yours for the taking.Understand yourself and create the life you want TODAY by scrolling up and clicking the BUY NOW button!

  • - Human Nature, Irrationality, and Why We Do What We Do. The Hidden Influences Behind Our Actions, Thoughts, and Behaviors.
    af Peter Hollins
    168,95 kr.

    Understand, avoid, and defeat the subconscious causes of your irrational and self-defeating behaviors. It's only human nature.A psychological trigger is something that causes us to act out of urgency - not correctness or even happiness. It's a switch that is flipped outside of our consciousness. This is fertile ground for some of the worst decisions of our lives.Seize control and of your impulses and make better decisions.Psychological Triggers is an introduction to yourself - your impulses, your desires, and everything in your subconscious that drives you to action. It answers the question, "Why did I just make a terrible choice when I know I shouldn't have?"We are all slaves to our triggers, and this book seeks to identify them to better battle them. We might think we are making our decisions independently and out of free will, but you'll discover that to be far from reality.Master your psychology, master your life.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Think clearly and triumph over your human nature.-The triggering effects of social pressure and conformity.-How everyday emotions are behind some of the most powerful triggers.-Natural, biological, evolutionary human drives - can you regulate them?-Simple thinking traps we all fall victim to.-The notion of free will and whether it truly exists.Beat psychological triggers, reclaim your free will, and irrationality.Is purely rational thinking, devoid of emotion and human drives, a reality? Probably not. But you can certainly live free from your worst impulses and irrational hunches, which are what psychological triggers create more often than not. See yourself thrive from consistently making beneficial decisions and defeating your primal psychology.

  • - 23 Methods for More Productivity, More Discipline, Less Procrastination, and Less Stress
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Overhaul your entire approach to focus using strategic, science-proven methods to save hours a day and achieve twice as much.Your current focus methods and level of productivity might be "fine." But they will never be great or reach their potential if you don't understand how your psychology and physiology work together affect your focus.Learn to short circuit your brain into instant focus.The Science of Powerful Focus looks at focus in a revolutionary new way, and sheds light on studies both new and old that lead to the path of massive productivity and conquering of goals. It is a holistic view of how focus can be tackled from every angle of a person's life.Other books will tell you to simply ditch your phone, stop multi-tasking, and sleep more. Is that really helpful information, or is it just common sense? Here, even the concept of focus is re-defined, and you will learn a plethora of actionable ways to integrate science into your daily life.Calm your mind and learn to sit still.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Defeat distractions and get "into the zone" on command.-Master the foundations of discipline and willpower.-Set goals that inevitable.-The biological basis behind procrastination.-Managing energy, your circadian rhythm, and nature's schedule.Stop procrastinating and do more in half the time.-How to effectively "singletask."-How to prime your mental engine.-To-do lists, priority lists, don't do lists, and all you need to keep you accountable and on track.Master your focus, master your life.Focus is the most important of real life skills - the ability to accomplish what you want and get things done. A life without focus is a life defined by settling for "good enough." A life with focus is defined by less stress, more success, greater achievements, more money, more goals checked off, and a higher life trajectory.Squeeze every bit out of your day and spend time on things you truly love.Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

  • - How to Think More Clearly, Save Your Time, and Maximize Your Happiness. Destroy Indecision!
    af Peter Hollins
    143,95 - 153,95 kr.

    Are you overwhelmed with information and paralyzed by pressure? Constantly missing opportunities because your intuition is wrong?You can't just rely on your gut instinct or "hunch" when you make decisions. There's a science to improving your critical thinking, weighing pros and cons, and avoiding the traps that take you down the wrong path. We can systematically make decisions that will improve our lives if we just know what to focus on.Learn why most of our instincts about decisions are flat-out wrong.The Science of Intelligent Decision Making will teach you to seize control of your life and make sure your decisions aren't making you. This book cites years of research and scientific studies about what constitutes a great decision and the factors that will inevitably lead you there. It is an in-depth look at human nature and psychology and why we think the way we do. It's largely subconscious, but easily overcome with the methodologies described within.Think more quickly and more thoroughly - at the same time.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and the human condition for over a dozen years. This book contains tactics pulled from his personal experience, as well as some of the most famous studies in decision theory and social psychology to help you make snap decisions.Beat analysis paralysis.-Learn your subconscious motivations, needs, and desires.-Discover the surprising causes and cures for decision fatigue.-Over 10 of the most dangerous cognitive biases and decision traps.-How to make your pros and cons lists incredibly useful.Never have "buyer's remorse" regrets again.-The 6 Hats Method of intelligent decisions.-How to make group decisions optimally.-The WRAP method of preparing for failure.-How to think outside the box and creatively solve problems.Remove the stress of tough and uncertain decisions forever.When you master decision making, you can control your happiness and seize the opportunities life gives you. Better decisions more information and understanding and less stress and anxiety.What if you could predict the future with consistency through your decisions? You will fail far less, stop wasting your time, and cut down on the regrets in your life. Wise choices will allow you to perform under pressure, and even strategically think outside the box.Start choosing happiness by QUICKLY AND DECISIVELY clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

  • - Master Your Mindset. Control Your Thoughts. Transform Your Mental Patterns to Live On Your Own Terms.
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Your thoughts determine your actions. Your actions determine your life. Harness and control them to achieve the impossible.Do you feel helpless, confused, and a victim to your impulsive and destructive thoughts? Your mind is running amok, and it is throwing your life into chaos. The life you want comes from the way you think - you need to learn how to think intentionally.Discard harmful beliefs and discover empowering mental frameworks.The Art of Intentional Thinking is a guide on transformation. Your actions, behaviors, and perspective of the world stem from your thoughts. Unfortunately, this may be harming you rather than helping you. This book takes a deep look into how people tend to think, what exactly how they should subtly re-frame their thoughts to feel confident, powerful, happy, and in charge of their own life.Intentional thinking is your vehicle to get from Point A to Point B - Point B is the life you want. Every chapter has actionable advice to implement today. The changes are small and simple, but they have huge implications.Change your thinking to change your life.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Learn to reshape unhealthy thought patterns and think clearly.-Mind over matter - how can you accomplish this?-How to seize agency and control of your life.-Gain perseverance and willpower quickly.-How to think in terms of taking action and motion.Small mindset shifts will unlock your huge potential.-How to think big yet realistic.-Embrace gratitude, humility, and thoughtfulness.-Intentional thinking and unlocking your potential.Create the change you want by changing the way you think.All it takes is a simple change of perspective to intentional thinking. Control your thoughts - and welcome to the new chapter of your life where you are able to create the reality you want. Avoid being a slave to your emotions and impulses. Know that every decision you make is exactly the one you want. Think intentionally.Control your destiny and jump into the driver's seat by clicking the BUY NOW BUTTON at the top right of this page.

  • - How to Engineer Good Fortune, Consistently Catch Lucky Breaks, and Live a Charmed Life
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Practical, real life methods to become the luckiest person you know with - no lucky charms or rituals needed.Luck - we're not sure what it is, but we know we want it on our side. Is luck a cosmic force that we can randomly stumble upon, or is there something real that people we consider lucky have discovered? The Science of Being Lucky is an in-depth look at what all lucky people have in common and how they set themselves up for success time after time.Put success into your own hands, not fate's.The Science of Being Lucky takes you on a science-based journey into what luck is, what we think it is, and how to get more of it in your life. The journey begins by breaking down and defining the lucky breaks, coincidences, and serendipitous events in our lives - then delves into the specific traits, life factors, and perspectives that create lucky outcomes.The Science of Being Lucky will open your eyes to what is behind each moment you would call lucky and give you a concrete action plan to create more of the same. Luck doesn't have to be just fantasy.Become immune to bad luck.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. He's no stranger to bad luck, having broken the same toe three times, but he's found ways to reverse his luck and live the good life.Ditch the lucky underwear and rabbit's foot.-The human illusion of control and lucky thinking.-Popular methods for luck - do they work? (One does, one does not)-The downside of probabilities.-Avoiding bad luck internally and externally.Set yourself up for inevitable success.-Coincidence, serendipity, and other "small world" phenomenon.-Three traits that practically manufacture luck.-Max Gunther's famous "strategic luck planning" approach to life.Stack the deck in your favor and live better.The Science of Being Lucky will teach you how to turn lead into gold, a cloudy day into paradise, and your life into the stuff of movies.You will learn to create the conditions for luck and success instead of hoping for them. The more you internalize these mindsets, the luckier you'll get until your friends ask you what your secret is. The secret? It's not actually about luck."Break a leg" TODAY by scrolling up and clicking the BUY NOW button!

  • - Memorize More, Read Faster, Focus Better, and Master Anything with Ease
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Wish you could learn and memorize more in less time? Stay focused, quit being frustrated, and absorb info like a human sponge?If you're looking to (1) accelerate your learning abilities, (2) improve your memory instantly, (3) pick up new skills efficiently, and (4) fly through material and ace tests - the answers are right in front of you.Step by step methods and habits to train your brain.Learn Like Einstein is your scientifically proven field guide on using your brain to its fullest potential like Albert Einstein. This is NOT a boring textbook full of generic tips like "manage your time better and don't cram at the last minute." There are specific and actionable tactics to address every aspect of your learning - from memorizing, reading faster, absorbing more, and focusing better.Become an expert and decipher complexities rapidly.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years. This book represents the scientifically proven methods he has used to become an expert in multiple domains.Learn faster and save your valuable time.-Discover how to double your reading speed and finish any book in less than an hour.-Develop bulletproof focus and concentration.-Learn memory techniques used by top experts.-How to CRAM the absolute best way.Become an information processing machine.-Why your current notes are sabotaging your learning.-Why some people learn by hearing, doing, music, or moving.-How to rehearse and practice to achieve expertise in record time.-How to use the secret superpower of spaced repetition.Rediscover your life with laser sharp focus and mental clarity.Learning to learn is one of the most valuable skills you will ever possess because it unlocks everything you want in life. Imagine learning any skill, hobby, or passion in just days versus months, and becoming good enough to make money with it.Imagine remembering important dates and appointments, and breezing through tests with less studying time than anyone. What could you accomplish if you could guarantee being able to learn and perfect it? Success in business, personal satisfaction, better relationships and friendships, and overall: creating the life you want.Reach your brain's potential by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

  • - Rapid Knowledge Acquisition Skills to Learn Faster, Comprehend Deeper, and Reach a World-Class Level
    af Peter Hollins
    168,95 kr.

    A deconstruction of the elements of expertise, and practical step-by-step methods to reach it ASAP.Expertise - we all want it, and traditionally it would take years of intense study and practice. But just because it's always been that way doesn't mean you have to follow that path. It's time to use all the resources at your disposal and learn a new approach.Learn a plethora of scientifically-validated methods.Accelerated Expertise has a simple goal. Let's help you get from Point A to Point B, where Point B is an extremely high level of expertise in your desired area or topic. You'll learn how to learn effectively, and what steps you must take to gain a respectable and enviable knowledge base.Understand what the industry leaders know, and how to make sense of completely foreign topics.Think outside the box and strategically accelerate your expertise.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Make learning easier, more efficient, and more organized.-Learning myths, the biology of learning of expertise, and the most important mindsets for expertise.-Information: how to collect it, filter it, organize it, understand it, and master it.-Easy tactics to exponentially improve your memory.Outpace, outthink, and outperform others.-Multiple models and paths to expertise, including using exemplars and finding knowledge gaps.-What language acquisition and learning an instrument can teach us about expertise.1% world-class expertise opens the door to the life you want.Expertise is always the goal, whether in the office or in our personal lives. They can mean very different things in each context, but the end result is greater happiness and fulfillment. All you need is a clearer and deeper understanding of what expertise really is, and how you can attain it. Begin the journey to the best phase of your life with this book.Gain efficient, effective, and effortless expertise by clicking the BUY NOW BUTTON at the top right of this page!

  • - Find Balance and Strength, Become Unbreakable, and Overcome Adversity
    af Peter Hollins
    168,95 kr.

    Become tough as nails. Bounce back from hurt. Be Calm. Bend without ever breaking.We all get knocked down, but everyone has the choice to get back up or not. How will your life your life?The art of emotional self-defense.The Science of Emotional Resilience is the rare book that understands where you've been, the obstacles you've overcome, and what you need to make sure you are in full control of your life at all times. This is a stunningly detailed and insightful guide into our emotions, our triggers, and why we act against our own interests so frequently.Emotional resiliency is NOT just "think calm and meditate" or "be mindful and grateful." This book avoids unhelpful platitudes and gives you real advice, borrowing from all fields, such as psychology, counseling, behavior science, evolutionary biology, and even Buddhism and Stoicism. This book gives you the tools for emotional success.Control your emotions; don't let emotional instability dictate your life.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Persevere and adapt to any challenge.-Understand the biological and psychological purposes of emotions.-Find what triggers your deepest, strongest emotions.-Learn how to properly express yourself for greater understanding.-How to recognize and regulate in the heat of the moment.Discover your inner strength and resolve.-What journaling and gratitude really mean.-How to activate your "emotional immune system."-Self-defense from manipulators and users.Gain the calm confidence to handle anything.Research has shown that resilience and grit is more important to success and happiness - more than EQ, IQ, and even money. It takes you where you want to go in your career, relationships, and friendships.This book is the first step to emotional resilience, and gives you the true blueprint to what to do when you inevitably get knocked down. It's your choice what to do next.Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

  • - Think Smarter, Creatively Solve Problems, and Sharpen Your Judgment. How to Develop a Logical Approach to Life and Ask the Right Questions
    af Peter Hollins
    153,95 kr.

    Develop clarity of thought. Avoid analysis paralysis. Make better decisions. Never miss a beat.Clear and effective thinking clashes with most of our instincts and habits. Think Like Einstein will shine a light onto the mistakes you've been making and show you how to defeat them once and for all.Learn to think outside the box.Think Like Einstein is a scientifically proven guide for improving your critical thinking skills and developing a sense of intuition and judgment. You will learn how to attack problems from a multitude of angles and generate solutions that previously seemed impossible.This book is not a simple list of tips - it is full of 100% actionable insights into human psychology and action patterns. Discover what is holding you back from quick strategic thinking and decision making that can make huge differences in your life.Analyze situations, people, and data better.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success.Create consistent flashes of insight in your daily life.-Discover the four types of obstacles to clear thinking.-What Mozart, Chess, and brain training programs mean for you.-How an ancient Greek method can help you discover your information gaps.-How to make optimal decisions with the given information.Work smarter; not harder. Improve your focus and productivity.-How to help your brain perform at its peak.-How to think creatively in any situation.-Understanding everyday data, statistics, and probabilities.-Einstein's most effective thinking technique.These are the skills that allow you to live the life you want.It was Socrates himself who once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."When you can think effectively and creatively, you will be able to tackle your problems and take advantage of your opportunities. You will work faster than others, catch more mistakes, discover more insight, and create better outcomes and conclusions. Thinking better doesn't just help you in school or work - it helps you with people, fixing the toilet, and even deciding what to eat for dinner. You will be able to find the path of least resistance yet biggest impact consistently. You might not discover a new theory of relativity like the book's namesake, but you will gain a drastically different approach to life.Reach your brain's potential by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

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  • af Peter Hollins
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  • af Peter Hollins
    188,95 - 278,95 kr.

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