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  • af Pitshou Moleka
    285,95 kr.

    Dans les méandres sombres de l'histoire de l'humanité, se cache un chapitre déchirant de souffrance et de désespoir : la traite négrière. Pendant des siècles, des millions d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants furent arrachés à leur terre natale, vendus comme du bétail et transportés dans des conditions inhumaines vers les Amériques. Leurs vies furent marquées par le labeur forcé, les mauvais traitements et l'oppression. Pourtant, au c¿ur de cette tragédie, la quête de liberté persistait. Les noirs, victimes de cette traite abjecte, se sont battus avec une détermination sans faille pour échapper à leurs chaînes et retrouver leur humanité volée. Leurs histoires sont des témoignages d'espoir et de résilience face à l'adversité, illuminant la noirceur de cette période sombre de notre histoire commune. C'est dans cet esprit que je vous présente mon roman inédit intitulé "Les chaînes de l'espoir". À travers les pages de ce récit, je m'engage à explorer les profondeurs du système esclavagiste et à donner une voix à ceux qui ont été réduits au silence. Je souhaite exposer la cruauté de la traite négrière, mais aussi mettre en lumière la quête de libération de ses victimes.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    439,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2023 in the subject Psychology - Work, Business, Organisation, grade: A, , language: English, abstract: This book brings several new frameworks, paradigms and concepts to the science of workplace spirituality:Integrating Spirituality in Organizational Development: This book brings a new paradigm by proposing that spirituality should be integrated into organizational development. It introduces the concept of "spiritually intelligent based organizations" (SIBO) and provide a framework for developing spiritual intelligence in organizations. A new framework that I call S-P-I-R-I-T-U-A-L-IT-Y (S : Sense of Purpose ; P : Practices for Mindfulness and Self-awareness ; I : Importance of Empathy and Compassion ; R : Responsibility for Ethical Behavior and Social Responsibility ; I : Investment in Continuous Learning and Development ; T : Teamwork and Community Service ; U : Utilization of Servant Leadership ; A : Alignment with Purpose and Meaning ; L : Leadership Development ; I : Inclusivity and Diversity ; T : Transparency and Open Communication ; Y : Year-round Focus on Spirituality) is developed in this book.The Role of Technology in Workplace Spirituality: The book explores the role of technology in facilitating workplace spirituality. It introduces new concepts such as "digital mindfulness" and "virtual spirituality" and provide guidance on how to integrate technology in workplace spirituality practices.This book brings also several new frameworks to measure workplace spirituality impact on employees and leaders such as Spiritual Values Assessment (SVA) and Workplace Spirituality Climate Survey (WSCS)In practice, this book can be useful for managers, leaders, and employees who are interested in incorporating workplace spirituality into their organizations. It provides practical insights and examples of how workplace spirituality can be implemented in organizations, and how it can benefit both individual employees and the organization as a whole. This can help organizations create a more positive and fulfilling work environment, enhance employee engagement and well-being, and promote social responsibility and purpose-driven work. Overall, this book can be a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the role of workplace spirituality in modern organizations, both from a theoretical and practical perspective.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    369,95 kr.

    In the past decade, Africa has witnessed a surge in social media usage, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp becoming essential tools for communication and organization. The widespread availability of smartphones and affordable internet access has empowered individuals and communities, enabling them to actively participate in political discussions and mobilize for social change. From the Arab Spring to the #EndSARS protests in Nigeria, social media has provided a platform for African citizens to voice their grievances, demand accountability from their governments, and challenge oppressive regimes. The contributions of social media in Africa's political moments are undeniable. It has facilitated the rapid spread of information, allowing citizens to bypass traditional media gatekeepers and share real-time updates on political events. This book aims to contribute to the existing body of literature on social media and political movements by focusing specifically on the African context. While much of the existing research has focused on Western countries and the Middle East, this book fills a critical gap by shedding light on the unique dynamics faced by African activists.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    461,95 kr.

    Document de l¿année 2023 dans le domaine Gestion des ressources humaines - Styles de management, , langue: Français, résumé: Dans un monde en constante évolution, la gouvernance est un enjeu majeur pour assurer le bon fonctionnement des sociétés et répondre aux défis complexes de notre époque. Les modèles traditionnels de gouvernance sont souvent confrontés à des limites et des critiques, ce qui a conduit à l'émergence de nouveaux modèles innovants. Dans cet ouvrage, nous explorerons ces différents modèles innovants de gouvernance et leurs contributions potentielles à la société.Ils mettent en évidence l'importance de la participation citoyenne, du management public innovant, de la régulation des politiques publiques, de la collaboration intersectorielle, de la confiance et de la prise de décision basée sur des preuves pour une gouvernance plus efficace et inclusive. En combinant ces différentes perspectives, nous pouvons développer des modèles de gouvernance innovants.Dans cet ouvrage, nous explorerons ces différents modèles innovants de gouvernance et leurs contributions potentielles à la société. Nous mettrons en lumière des exemples concrets de réussite, ainsi que les défis et les limites auxquels ils sont confrontés. En repensant la gouvernance à travers ces modèles innovants, nous pouvons ouvrir la voie vers une nouvelle forme de gouvernance adaptée aux enjeux actuels et futurs.Selon le rapport du Forum économique mondial sur la gouvernance mondiale de 2020, la complexité croissante des enjeux mondiaux tels que les changements climatiques, les inégalités sociales et la transformation numérique nécessite une gouvernance plus inclusive et adaptative. De plus, l'ouvrage "Reinventing Organizations" de Frederic Laloux met en avant la nécessité de repenser les modes de gouvernance pour permettre une plus grande autonomie, responsabilité et créativité dans les organisations.Face à ces défis, de nombreux chercheurs et praticiens ont exploré de nouveaux modèles de gouvernance innovants. Dans leur ouvrage "Nouveaux modèles de gouvernance : pour un management public innovant", Philippe Bezes et Patrick Le Lidec analysent les différentes pratiques de gouvernance émergentes dans le secteur public. Ils soulignent l'importance de la participation citoyenne, de la collaboration entre acteurs publics et privés et de la prise de décision basée sur des données scientifiques.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    400,95 kr.

    Document from the year 2023 in the subject Theology - Miscellaneous, grade: 18, , language: English, abstract: This book aims to address this gap by delving into the epistemological dimensions of Christian social work. It seeks to understand how the integration of faith and knowledge influences social work theory, practice, and research within a Christian context. By exploring the intersection of faith, knowledge, and practice, we can gain insights into the uniqueness of Christian social work and identify potential areas for further development.Christian social work is an interdisciplinary field that integrates the principles of Christianity with social work practice. It seeks to address the holistic needs of individuals, families, communities, and societies, guided by faith-based values and ethical frameworks. The epistemological foundations of Christian social work explore the intersection of faith, knowledge, and practice. Understanding how these dimensions intertwine is crucial in developing effective approaches to social work within a Christian context.Social work, as a profession, is rooted in the values of social justice, dignity, and the well-being of all individuals. The integration of faith into social work practice has a long history, with faith-based organizations and individuals playing significant roles in providing compassionate care and advocating for marginalized populations. However, the specific epistemological foundations, or ways of knowing, that underpin Christian social work have not been extensively explored.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    363,95 kr.

    Document de l¿année 2023 dans le domaine Sociologie - Travail, Education, Organisation, note: 19, , langue: Français, résumé: Alors que l'éducation continue d'évoluer en réponse aux progrès technologiques, le concept d'Éducation 5.0 a pris de l'importance. Cependant, il est crucial d'analyser de manière critique les limites et les défis de ce modèle. Ce livre présente un examen de l'éducation 5.0, identifie ses inconvénients et propose une vision pour l'éducation 6.0. qui représente un changement de paradigme majeur dans ce champ.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    350,95 kr.

    Texte Universitaire de l¿année 2023 dans le domaine Politique - Région: Afrique, , langue: Français, résumé: La gouvernance joue un rôle crucial dans le développement et la stabilité des pays. Le cas du Botswana offre une perspective intéressante en matière de gouvernance hybride afro-centrée, combinant des éléments traditionnels africains avec des pratiques modernes pour atteindre des résultats optimaux. Mais comment s'y prendre? Telle est la question principale développée dans ce livre pour inspirer une gouvernance de créativité, d'innovation et de prospérité commune en Afrique, partant du cas de Botswana.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    324,95 kr.

    Document from the year 2023 in the subject Psychology - Miscellaneous, grade: 18, , language: English, abstract: This book explores the relationship between trauma and gun violence, examining the experiences of survivors of trauma and their interactions with guns, different types of trauma, and the psychosocial effects of trauma, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and prevention and intervention strategies. The study of trauma experience and firearms risk represents a significant departure from traditional approaches to gun violence prevention. While efforts to reduce access to firearms and strengthen gun control laws remain important, this research recognizes the importance of understanding the underlying psychological and social factors that contribute to gun violence. By examining the relationship between trauma and firearms risk, this field of study sheds light on the profound impact of trauma on individuals and communities and highlights the need for trauma-informed approaches to gun violence prevention. The issue of gun violence has been a topic of discussion in the world for decades. The debate about gun ownership and control has been fueled by tragic events such as mass shootings, killings, and suicides are just a few of the horrific incidents that have sparked a discussion about gun ownership and legislation. While the causes of gun violence are complex, research has shown that experiences of trauma can increase the risk of gun violence.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    300,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2023 in the subject Leadership and Human Resources - Miscellaneous, grade: 18, , language: English, abstract: Spirituality manifests itself in three main ways. Employees who practice individual spirituality may believe that their company is trustworthy and that they are connected to one another on the job. Workplace spirituality at the organizational level inspires everyone in the organization to strive for excellence as well as individuality. They address both the societal level, which is related to social issues and poor environmental conditions brought on by rapid industrial growth, and the individual level by providing an environment where people get along, enjoy what they do, and have personal goals and beliefs that are in line with the organization's mission. The ethical and social responsibility aspects of workplace spirituality will be discussed in this book.The concept of workplace spirituality refers to the idea that employees can bring their spiritual or religious values and beliefs into the workplace. This can have several ethical and social responsibility implications for organizations, including respect for diversity: Encouraging workplace spirituality can help organizations to respect the diverse beliefs and values of their employees. However, organizations need to ensure that they do not discriminate against employees who do not share the same spiritual or religious beliefs.Workplace spirituality can encourage employees to be more socially responsible and to make decisions that benefit society as a whole. However, organizations need to ensure that they do not use spirituality as a way to avoid their responsibilities to society or to promote their own interests at the expense of others. To guide the practice of CSR some principles are necessary: Stakeholder principe: businesses have a responsibility not only to their shareholders, but also to a wider range of stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the local community. All businesses should prioritize the interests of all stakeholders and not just the financial interests of shareholders. Triple bottom line principle: businesses should focus on not just financial performance, but also social and environmental performance. The triple bottom line framework includes measuring a company's success based on its economic, social, and environmental impact.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    671,95 kr.

    Africa has a leadership crisis in all kinds of organizations (small or big, private or public). The answer to this crisis is spiritual intelligence which is a key qualification for whoever wants to act effectively as a leader in any organization. Spiritual intelligence has many impacts on the life of leaders and their followers such as a new perspective in the work which is seen not only as merchandise but also as Beruf, a mission. Other benefices are: the capacity of innovation and creativity are multiplied because not only rational quotient (RQ) is used but also spiritual quotient (SQ). To be operational, spiritual intelligence requires a multilevel and multidimensional conversion in leadership: economical, political, intellectual, psychological, axiological, ethical¿With spiritual leaders, the black continent can experience development.

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    268,95 kr.

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