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  • af Poonam Sharma
    347,95 kr.

    Proteins have been broadly utilized in current detergents; there are not many examinations that manage chemical dose as its relationship with other. Catalyst based cleansers have been utilized for redesigning cleaning productivity of cleansers for a long time. This investigation for the most part centers around making a cleanser that is perfect, condition amicable and productive with assistance of chemical lipase and watching its connection with surfactants i.e SDS, CTAB, Tween-20. Various examinations are directed at four unique temperatures i.e 25¿C, 30¿C, 35¿C, 40¿C. The physico-chemical properties are examined to acquire the basic micelle focus (CMC), the thermodynamic parameters (¿H¿m, ¿S¿m, ¿G¿m) of Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and Tween 20. The surface pressure reads are additionally accomplished for Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and Tween 20.

  • - The Missing Manual for the Modern Marriage
    af Poonam Sharma
    173,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE 2014 INDIE EXCELLENCE AWARD IN THE MARRIAGE CATEGORY! Why do strong women struggle with marriage problems even though they are so successful in other areas of their lives? How do you stop feeling trapped, resentful, and alone in your relationship? Is it really possible for a woman to be strong and have a happy marriage too? In Strong Women, Strong Love: The Missing Manual for the Modern Marriage, licensed psychologist, Dr. Poonam Sharma, reveals how to effectively navigate the marriage problems you may have encountered...all while maintaining your self-confidence and strength as a woman. Use the practical and straightforward advice in this marriage manual to help you learn how to: Avoid the common triggers that will instantly make your husband feel defensive. Eliminate the dangerous behaviors research confirms will ruin your marriage. Practice the essential habits necessary for creating deep intimacy and passion that last. Be honest in a way that draws your husband closer. Build a lifestyle that protects and nurtures your relationship for years to come. A successful marriage is one of the most important, meaningful, and loving bonds you can experience in a lifetime. Don't settle for less. Stay true to yourself, and use the insights you gain from this powerful relationship manual to create the relationship of your dreams.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    558,95 kr.

    NCERT books are not only considered as best study materials for CBSE board exams but also for some highly competitive exams such as NEET, JEE (Main & Advance), etc. The series "NCERT SOLUTIONS" for class VI-XII offers a complete package of the syllabus along with well-explained chapters of every subject in a concise way. Here's reintroducing the freshly updated edition of NCERT Exercises' Solutions series "NCERT SOLUTIONS- BIOLOGY" which has been consciously designed for class XI students. This book provides a complete solution to all the chapter exercises of the NCERT book along with detailed explanations to grasp the concepts easily and enhance thinking and learning abilities. To get a quick recap of each concept, two Additional features, that is, Explanatory Solutions & Notes are also included in each chapter. This book also covers solutions to selected problems of NCERT Exemplar Problems. A comprehensive Exercise solution book of NCERTProvides a complete solution to NCERT BiologyDetailed Explanations to understand each concept easilyAdditional features include Explanatory Solutions & NotesCovers solutions of NCERT Exemplar ProblemsTABLE OF CONTENT:The Living World, Biological Classification, Plant kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Structural Organisation in Animals, Cell: The Unit of Life, Biomolecules, Cell Cycle and Cell Diversion, Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth and Development, Digestion and Absorption, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement, Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration

  • af Poonam Sharma
    718,95 kr.

    La prevalenza delle malattie sistemiche è in aumento in tutto il mondo a causa dei cambiamenti nel modello di vita. È stato concluso che l'obesità e la malattia parodontale sono associate tra loro e l'obesità è emersa come indicatore di rischio della malattia parodontale. Molti studi sono stati condotti per individuare l'impatto delle malattie sistemiche sulla salute orale e hanno rilevato un'associazione tra diabete, obesità e malattia parodontale. Inoltre, è stato riscontrato che i disturbi sistemici hanno un effetto diretto sui tessuti parodontali e rappresentano le manifestazioni parodontali della malattia sistemica. Negli ultimi tempi la sindrome metabolica e la malattia parodontale sono state messe in relazione. La sindrome metabolica è un gruppo di anomalie metaboliche interrelate che aumenta il rischio di morbilità e mortalità cardiovascolare. È quindi importante che un dentista sia aggiornato sulle relazioni sistemiche orali per attuare piani appropriati di prevenzione e trattamento.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    718,95 kr.

    Die Häufigkeit systemischer Erkrankungen nimmt aufgrund der veränderten Lebensweise weltweit zu. Man ist zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass Adipositas und Parodontalerkrankungen miteinander in Verbindung stehen, und Adipositas hat sich als Risikoindikator für Parodontalerkrankungen erwiesen. In zahlreichen Studien wurden die Auswirkungen systemischer Erkrankungen auf die Mundgesundheit untersucht und festgestellt, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen Diabetes, Fettleibigkeit und Parodontalerkrankungen besteht. Darüber hinaus wurde festgestellt, dass sich systemische Erkrankungen direkt auf das parodontale Gewebe auswirken und diese die parodontalen Manifestationen der systemischen Erkrankungen darstellen. In letzter Zeit wurden das metabolische Syndrom und Parodontalerkrankungen miteinander in Verbindung gebracht. Das metabolische Syndrom ist eine Gruppe von miteinander verbundenen Stoffwechselanomalien, die das Risiko für kardiovaskuläre Morbidität und Mortalität erhöhen. Daher ist es wichtig, dass der Zahnarzt über die systemischen Zusammenhänge im Mundraum auf dem Laufenden ist, um geeignete Pläne für die Vorbeugung und Behandlung dieser Erkrankungen zu erstellen.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    718,95 kr.

    La prévalence des maladies systémiques augmente dans le monde entier en raison de l'évolution du mode de vie. Il a été conclu que l'obésité et les maladies parodontales sont associées l'une à l'autre et que l'obésité est apparue comme un indicateur de risque de maladie parodontale. De nombreuses études ont été menées pour déterminer l'impact des maladies systémiques sur la santé bucco-dentaire et ont montré qu'il existe une association entre le diabète, l'obésité et les maladies parodontales. En outre, on a constaté que les troubles systémiques avaient un effet direct sur les tissus parodontaux, ce qui représente les manifestations parodontales des maladies systémiques. On a récemment établi un lien entre le syndrome métabolique et les maladies parodontales. Le syndrome métabolique est un groupe d'anomalies métaboliques interdépendantes qui augmente le risque de morbidité et de mortalité cardio-vasculaires. Il est donc important pour un dentiste de se tenir au courant des relations orales systémiques afin de mettre en ¿uvre des plans appropriés pour sa prévention et son traitement.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    718,95 kr.

    A preveligia das doenças sistémicas está a aumentar em todo o mundo devido às mudanças no padrão de estilo de vida. Concluiu-se que a obesidade e a doença periodontal estão associadas uma à outra e que a obesidade surgiu como um indicador de risco de doença periodontal. Muitos estudos têm sido feitos para descobrir o impacto das doenças sistémicas na saúde oral e descobriram que existe uma associação entre Diabetes, Obesidade e Doença Periodontal. Além disso, descobriu-se que as doenças sistémicas têm um efeito directo nos tecidos periodontais e estas representam as manifestações periodontais da doença sistémica. Da síndrome metabólica tardia e da doença periodontal têm sido associadas. A síndrome metabólica é um grupo de anomalias metabólicas interrelacionadas que aumenta o risco de morbilidade e mortalidade cardiovascular vascular. Por isso, é importante que um dentista seja actualizado sobre a relação sistémica oral para implementar planos apropriados para a sua prevenção e tratamento.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    1.303,95 kr.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    318,95 kr.

    Automatic identification of different voice qualities present in a speech signal which is very beneficiary for detecting any kind of speech by an efficient speech recognition system. Proposed technique is based on three important characteristics of speech signal namely Zero Crossing Rate, Short Time Energy and Fundamental Frequency. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the data collected from three different speakers and an overall accuracy of 87.2 % is achieved.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    426,95 kr.

    The prevelance of systemic diseases are increasing world wide due to the changes in the life style pattern. It has been concluded that obesity and periodontal disease are associated with each other and obesity has emerged as a risk indicator of periodontal disease. Many studies have been done to find the impact of systemic diseases on oral health and found that there is an association between Diabetes, Obesity and Periodontal disease. Furthermore systemic disorders have been found to have a direct effect on periodontal tissues and these represent the periodontal manifestations of systemic disease. Of late metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease have been linked. Metabolic syndrome is a group of inter-related metabolic abnormalities which increases the risk of cardio vascular morbidity and mortality. So it is important for a dentist to be updated on oral systemic relationship to implement appropriate plans for its prevention and treatment.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    573,95 kr.

  • - The Infinite and the Eternal
    af Poonam Sharma
    178,95 kr.

  • af Poonam Sharma
    245,95 kr.

    Are you a college student or recent graduate with a great idea for a business? You're not alone. All across the country, more and more students are seeking advice on starting their own businesses.

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