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  • - Ciclo Vital
    af Rafael López
    198,95 kr.

    Las dinámicas actuales de vida han incrementado la importancia de la agilidad con la que ejecutamos nuestras actividades diarias. Sin embargo, el bombardeo constante con información proveniente de diferentes fuentes, genera una sobrecarga que afecta negativamente tanto a los sentidos, como a las actividades. Como respuesta a estas dinámicas, surgen nuevos métodos y herramientas. Ellos se enfocan principalmente en la forma de llevar a cabo las actividades, a manera de lograr los objetivos.En la medida que las personas son eficaces en la consecución de sus metas y objetivos, en esa misma medida se sienten satisfechas con ellas mismas, y por ende con sus vidas. Este proceso origina situaciones dónde es cada vez más frecuente la obtención del éxito, indistintamente de la interpretación individual que se tenga de él.Crecer es un conjunto de talleres orientados al desarrollo personal con alto impacto en el desempeño, y que nacen de la necesidad de aumentar la productividad individual como modo de mejorar y acelerar el flujo y ejecución de las acciones adelantadas en el ambiente laboral.6 talleres divididos en dos ciclos de 3 talleres cada uno: Ciclo Vital: Accionar, Mejorar, FluirCiclo Integral: Emocionar, Socializar, ConcientizarCiclo VitalAccionarEl flujo de nuestro accionar se ve retrasado y entorpecido principalmente por la sincronización incorrecta de las acciones con otros entes (personas, equipos, organizaciones). En la medida que aprendamos el esquema básico de las conversaciones de coordinación de acciones y su sincronización, mejorará nuestro accionar. Basado en: la Ontología del Lenguaje y el esquema básico AIDA de las conversaciones.MejorarAfortunadamente los seres humanos estamos en un constante proceso de crecimiento y mejora. Qué, Para qué, Cómo y Cuándo mejorar son las preguntas básicas para optimizar el flujo de nuestro accionar. Basado en: la Mejora Continua 7x7 y herramientas diversas.FluirPara que nuestro accionar fluya de manera adecuada es necesario contar con una herramienta que nos permita coordinar y sincronizar nuestras acciones con otros entes y con nosotros mismos. Basado en: la Agenda para Coordinar Acciones ACA. Este taller se enfoca sobre cómo usar esta herramienta y sacarle el máximo provecho a nuestro tiempo.De Crecer - Ciclo Vital trata este libro, escrito desde las experiencias obtenidas en los talleres y la práctica de consultoría-coaching en diferentes empresas y grupos humanos. Práctica e inteligencia de calle con un sólido fundamento teórico y marco de referencia.

  • - Vital Cycle
    af Rafael López
    198,95 kr.

    Today's life dynamics have increased the importance of the agility which we execute our daily activities. However, constant bombardment with information from different sources generates an overload that negatively affects both the senses and the activities. In response to these dynamics, new methods and tools emerge. They focus primarily on how to carry out the activities, in order to achieve the targets.As people are effective in achieving their goals and targets, to that very extent they feel satisfied with themselves, and therefore with their lives. This process gives rise to states where success is increasingly prevalent, regardless of the individual interpretation of it.Grow Up is a set of workshops oriented to personal development with a high impact on performance, and born of the need to increase individual productivity as a way to improve and accelerate the flow and execution of advanced actions in the work environment.6 workshops divided into two cycles of 3 workshops each: Vital Cycle: Action, Improve, FlowIntegral Cycle: Emotional, Socialize, AwarenessVital CycleActionThe flow of our action is delayed and hindered mainly by the incorrect synchronization of actions with other entities (people, teams, organizations). As we learn the basic outline of action coordination conversations and their synchronization, our action will improve. Based on: Rafael Echeverria's Language Ontology and the basic AIDA scheme of conversations.ImproveFortunately, humans are in a constant process of growth and improvement. What, Why, How and When to Improve are the basic questions to optimize the flow of our action. Based on: 7x7 Continuous Improvement and various tools.FlowFor our action to flow properly it is necessary to have a tool that allows us to coordinate and synchronize our actions with other entities and ourselves. Based on: The Action's Coordinating Agenda ACA. This workshop focuses on how to use this tool and make the most of our time.From Grow Up - Vital Cycle deals with this book, written from the experiences gained in the workshops and practice of consulting-coaching in different companies and human groups. Practice and intelligence for everyday use with a solid theoretical foundation and frame of reference

  • af Rafael López
    1.068,95 kr.

    The study of surfaces with constant mean curvature (CMC) is one of the main topics in classical differential geometry. Moreover, CMC surfaces are important mathematical models for the physics of interfaces in the absence of gravity, where they separate two different media or for capillary phenomena. Further, as most techniques used in the theory of CMC surfaces not only involve geometric methods but also PDE and complex analysis, the theory is also of great interest for many other mathematical fields.While minimal surfaces and CMC surfaces in general have already been treated in the literature, the present work is the first to present a comprehensive study of "compact surfaces with boundaries," narrowing its focus to a geometric view. Basic issues include the discussion whether the symmetries of the curve inherit to the surface; the possible values of the mean curvature, area and volume; stability; the circular boundary case and the existence of the Plateau problem in the non-parametric case. The exposition provides an outlook on recent research but also a set of techniques that allows the results to be expanded to other ambient spaces. Throughout the text, numerous illustrations clarify the results and their proofs.The book is intended for graduate students and researchers in the field of differential geometry and especially theory of surfaces, including geometric analysis and geometric PDEs. It guides readers up to the state-of-the-art of the theory and introduces them to interesting open problems.

  • af Rafael López
    301,95 kr.

  • af Rafael López
    188,95 kr.

    Children of all ages are invited to a bright and colorful multicultural celebration with We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands! In English and Spanish!

  • - Metrics Based Systems for Countering Asymmetric Threats
    af Rafael López
    501,95 kr.

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