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  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    562,95 kr.

    No livro "Atomic Habits in Dentistry" (Hábitos atómicos na medicina dentária), o autor investiga o poder transformador de acções pequenas e consistentes no campo da medicina dentária. Baseando-se nos princípios dos hábitos atómicos, o livro explora a forma como pequenas mudanças no comportamento podem conduzir a melhorias notáveis nas práticas dentárias. Desde o aperfeiçoamento da comunicação com o paciente até à melhoria das competências clínicas, a narrativa enfatiza a importância de cultivar hábitos positivos para criar um sucesso profissional duradouro. Com ideias práticas e exemplos da vida real, o livro serve de guia para os profissionais de medicina dentária que procuram implementar mudanças incrementais que podem ter um impacto profundo nas suas rotinas diárias, nos resultados dos pacientes e na satisfação profissional geral. Oferece uma perspetiva convincente sobre o papel dos hábitos na medicina dentária e capacita os profissionais a construírem uma base de excelência através de mudanças intencionais e atómicas nas suas vidas profissionais.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    562,95 kr.

    Nel libro "Abitudini atomiche in odontoiatria", l'autore analizza il potere trasformativo di piccole azioni coerenti nel campo dell'odontoiatria. Basandosi sui principi delle abitudini atomiche, il libro esplora come piccoli cambiamenti nel comportamento possano portare a notevoli miglioramenti negli studi dentistici. Dal perfezionamento della comunicazione con i pazienti al miglioramento delle competenze cliniche, la narrazione sottolinea l'importanza di coltivare abitudini positive per creare un successo professionale duraturo. Con spunti pratici ed esempi reali, il libro funge da guida per i professionisti del settore dentale che cercano di implementare cambiamenti incrementali che possono avere un impatto profondo sulla loro routine quotidiana, sui risultati ottenuti dai pazienti e sulla soddisfazione professionale complessiva. Offre una prospettiva convincente sul ruolo delle abitudini in odontoiatria e consente ai professionisti di costruire una base di eccellenza attraverso cambiamenti intenzionali e atomici nella loro vita professionale.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    563,95 kr.

    Dans le livre "Atomic Habits in Dentistry", l'auteur se penche sur le pouvoir de transformation des petites actions cohérentes dans le domaine de la dentisterie. S'appuyant sur les principes des habitudes atomiques, le livre explore comment de minuscules changements de comportement peuvent conduire à des améliorations remarquables dans les cabinets dentaires. Qu'il s'agisse d'affiner la communication avec les patients ou d'améliorer les compétences cliniques, le récit souligne l'importance de cultiver des habitudes positives pour créer un succès professionnel durable. Avec des idées pratiques et des exemples de la vie réelle, le livre sert de guide aux professionnels dentaires qui cherchent à mettre en oeuvre des changements progressifs qui peuvent avoir un impact profond sur leurs routines quotidiennes, les résultats pour les patients et la satisfaction professionnelle globale. Il offre une perspective convaincante sur le rôle des habitudes dans la dentisterie et permet aux praticiens de construire une base d'excellence grâce à des changements intentionnels et atomiques dans leur vie professionnelle.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    563,95 kr.

    In dem Buch "Atomic Habits in Dentistry" (Atomare Gewohnheiten in der Zahnmedizin) beschäftigt sich der Autor mit der transformativen Kraft kleiner, konsequenter Handlungen im Bereich der Zahnmedizin. Auf der Grundlage der Prinzipien der atomaren Gewohnheiten untersucht das Buch, wie winzige Verhaltensänderungen zu bemerkenswerten Verbesserungen in der zahnärztlichen Praxis führen können. Von der Verfeinerung der Patientenkommunikation bis hin zur Verbesserung der klinischen Fähigkeiten wird die Bedeutung der Kultivierung positiver Gewohnheiten für einen dauerhaften beruflichen Erfolg hervorgehoben. Mit praktischen Einblicken und Beispielen aus dem wirklichen Leben dient das Buch als Leitfaden für Zahnärzte und Zahntechniker, die schrittweise Änderungen vornehmen wollen, die sich tiefgreifend auf ihre tägliche Routine, die Ergebnisse für die Patienten und die allgemeine berufliche Zufriedenheit auswirken können. Es bietet eine überzeugende Perspektive auf die Rolle von Gewohnheiten in der Zahnheilkunde und befähigt Zahnärzte, durch bewusste, gezielte Veränderungen in ihrem Berufsleben eine Grundlage für hervorragende Leistungen zu schaffen.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    572,95 kr.

    In the book "Atomic Habits in Dentistry," the author delves into the transformative power of small, consistent actions in the field of dentistry. Drawing on the principles of atomic habits, the book explores how tiny changes in behavior can lead to remarkable improvements in dental practices. From refining patient communication to enhancing clinical skills, the narrative emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive habits to create lasting professional success. With practical insights and real-life examples, the book serves as a guide for dental professionals seeking to implement incremental changes that can have a profound impact on their daily routines, patient outcomes, and overall professional satisfaction. It offers a compelling perspective on the role of habits in dentistry and empowers practitioners to build a foundation of excellence through intentional, atomic shifts in their professional lives.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    563,95 kr.

    In den dunklen Ecken der Gesellschaft, wo Armut und Vernachlässigung gedeihen, tobt im Stillen ein oft vergessener Kampf - ein Kampf, der im Mund und im Lächeln ausgetragen wird. In diesem Buch begeben wir uns auf eine Reise, die die tiefe Verbindung zwischen Armut und Mundgesundheit aufdeckt. Anhand von Geschichten über Widerstandskraft, Widrigkeiten und Hoffnung beleuchtet dieses Buch die Kämpfe, mit denen Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften konfrontiert sind, die durch Armut belastet sind, und zeigt gleichzeitig die transformative Kraft der Mundgesundheit auf. Indem wir das Bewusstsein schärfen, den Dialog fördern und zum Handeln anregen, haben wir die Macht, den Teufelskreis der Armut zu durchbrechen und eine Zukunft zu schaffen, in der jedes Lächeln strahlt, unabhängig vom sozioökonomischen Status der Menschen. Es liegt in unserer gemeinsamen Verantwortung, dafür zu sorgen, dass kein Lächeln im Schatten der Armut verborgen bleibt.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    578,95 kr.

    Este é um livro inovador que explora o campo dinâmico da saúde pública dentária e o seu papel crucial na promoção da saúde oral, na prevenção de doenças e na melhoria do acesso aos cuidados dentários. Este guia abrangente apresenta uma riqueza de conhecimentos, ideias práticas e estratégias baseadas em provas para capacitar os profissionais de medicina dentária, os profissionais de saúde pública, os decisores políticos e os investigadores na sua busca de uma saúde oral óptima para todos os indivíduos e comunidades. O livro fornece uma visão abrangente da saúde pública dentária, destacando o seu contexto histórico, os princípios fundamentais e o impacto dos determinantes sociais nos resultados da saúde oral. Os leitores irão adquirir conhecimentos sobre a importância da vigilância da saúde oral, da recolha de dados e da análise na identificação das tendências da saúde oral, na avaliação das necessidades e na avaliação da eficácia dos programas de saúde pública.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    528,95 kr.

    The tobacco industry is a vast and influential sector with a significant impact on a global scale. This overview provides key insights into the industry's operations, historical context, economic significance, and the tobacco industry is a vast and influential sector with a significant impact on a global scale. This overview provides key insights into the industry's operations, historical context, economic significance, and societal implications. societal implications. Understanding the relationship between tobacco use and dental well-being is of utmost significance due to the profound impact tobacco can have on oral health.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    528,95 kr.

    In the dimly lit corners of society, where poverty and neglect thrive, an often forgotten battle silently rages¿a battle fought within mouths and smiles. In this book we embark on a journey that unveils the profound connection between poverty and oral health. Through stories of resilience, adversity, and hope, this book illuminates the struggles faced by individuals and communities burdened by poverty, while shedding light on the transformative power of oral healthcare. By raising awareness, promoting dialogue, and inspiring action, we have the power to break free from the cycle of poverty and forge a future where every smile shines bright, regardless of one's socioeconomic status. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that no smile remains hidden in the shadows of poverty.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    565,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Medicine - Dentistry, grade: A, Teerthanker Mahaveer University (Teerthanker Mahaveer University), course: MDS, language: English, abstract: It is important to understand how a very common prevalent condition of tooth wear (TW) impacts a person¿s day-to-day oral health. An emerging concept of measuring the parameter of oral healthrelated quality of life (OHRQoL), which evidently impacts the daily living of a person, makes it practical to examine the correlation between TW and OHRQoL. For measuring the OHRQoL, we can apply various methods, and the most effective is the use of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) questionnaire. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to assess the correlation between TW and the OHRQoL among adult patients attending a dental college and hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional research was performed on patients who visited the outpatient department of Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College and Research Centre, Moradabad, India. Initially, the sociodemographic details of patients, including their oral hygiene and dietary habits, were recorded. This step was followed by the assessment of TW using the Smith and Knight TW index. Then, the translated version of the OHIP questionnaire was filled up, in which the patients were asked to rate each question on a Likert scale, with five points ranging from 0 to 4, where 0 = never, 1 = hardly ever, 2 =occasionally, 3 = fairly often, and 4 = very often.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    347,95 kr.

    Altmetrics, an emerging field in scholarly research evaluation, offers new ways to assess the impact and visibility of dental research. Unlike traditional citation-based metrics, altmetrics measure the online attention and engagement generated by research outputs, including articles, clinical guidelines, and conference proceedings. This review article aims to provide an overview of the application of altmetrics in dental research, highlighting its potential benefits and limitations. We discuss the various altmetrics indicators and platforms available for tracking and analyzing dental research impact, such as social media mentions, downloads, views, and citations in non-traditional sources.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    347,95 kr.

    This is a groundbreaking book that explores the dynamic field of dental public health and its crucial role in promoting oral health, preventing diseases, and improving access to dental care. This comprehensive guide presents a wealth of knowledge, practical insights, and evidence-based strategies to empower dental professionals, public health practitioners, policymakers, and researchers in their pursuit of achieving optimal oral health for all individuals and communities. Key The book provides a comprehensive overview of dental public health, highlighting its historical context, fundamental principles, and the impact of social determinants on oral health outcomes. Readers will gain insights into the importance of oral health surveillance, data collection, and analysis in identifying oral health trends, assessing needs, and evaluating the effectiveness of public health programs.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    347,95 kr.

    Pathways to Public Health: Navigating the Challenges and Promoting Well-being is a captivating and thought-provoking book that delves into the multifaceted field of public health, its significance, and its potential to transform societies. Authored by leading experts in the field, this comprehensive volume explores the fundamental principles, challenges, and triumphs of public health, offering readers a profound understanding of its vital role in safeguarding and improving the well-being of communities worldwide. Through a skillful blend of rigorous research, compelling case studies, and insightful analysis, the book highlights the intricate interplay between social, environmental, and behavioral determinants of health. It delves into key issues such as healthcare access, infectious diseases, chronic conditions, mental health, and health disparities, shedding light on the complex web of factors that shape population health outcomes. Moreover it goes beyond the theoretical realm by providing practical strategies and evidence-based interventions to address public health challenges.

  • af Rangoli Srivastava
    580,95 kr.

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