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Bøger af Rasna Sehrawat

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  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    674,95 kr.

    La pandemia di Covid-19 ha cambiato la vita delle persone in tutti i settori, compreso quello dell'istruzione. Le istituzioni scolastiche sono state costrette ad adattarsi all'apprendimento a distanza con poca o nessuna preparazione, il che ha portato al rapido passaggio dell'istruzione in India all'istruzione digitale. Di conseguenza, la mancanza di competenze tecnologiche e di esperienza degli insegnanti ha portato a un peggioramento dell'ambiente di apprendimento per gli studenti, causando demotivazione. Di conseguenza, è emersa la necessità di dotare gli insegnanti di una profonda conoscenza degli strumenti TIC che utilizzano per trarne il massimo beneficio. Inoltre, la nuova era dell'apprendimento richiede una riduzione dell'apprendimento passivo e preferisce un apprendimento più attivo, richiedendo agli insegnanti una buona conoscenza dei mezzi di apprendimento interattivi. alle persone nelle aree remote del Paese. L'infrastruttura tecnologica si concentra soprattutto sull'eliminazione delle barriere linguistiche, sulla semplificazione della gestione e della pianificazione dell'istruzione e sull'aumento dell'accesso agli studenti di Divyang.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    675,95 kr.

    La pandémie de Covid-19 a changé la vie des gens dans tous les secteurs, y compris celui de l'éducation. Les établissements d'enseignement ont été contraints de s'adapter à l'apprentissage à distance avec peu ou pas de préparation, ce qui a entraîné le passage rapide de l'éducation en Inde à l'éducation numérique. Par conséquent, le manque de compétences et d'expérience des enseignants en matière de technologie a entraîné une détérioration de l'environnement d'apprentissage pour les étudiants, ce qui les a démotivés. Il est donc devenu nécessaire de doter les enseignants d'une connaissance approfondie des outils TIC qu'ils utilisent afin d'en tirer le meilleur parti. En outre, le nouvel âge de l'apprentissage exige une réduction de l'apprentissage passif et préfère un apprentissage plus actif, ce qui exige des enseignants qu'ils soient bien familiarisés avec les médias d'apprentissage interactifs. L'infrastructure technologique est principalement axée sur l'élimination des barrières linguistiques, la rationalisation de la gestion et de la planification de l'éducation et l'amélioration de l'accès aux étudiants de Divyang.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    674,95 kr.

    A pandemia de Covid-19 mudou a vida das pessoas em todos os sectores, incluindo o sector da educação. As instituições de ensino foram obrigadas a adaptar-se ao ensino à distância com pouca ou nenhuma preparação, o que levou a uma rápida mudança do ensino na Índia para o ensino digital. Consequentemente, a falta de competência e de experiência tecnológica dos professores conduziu a um agravamento do ambiente de aprendizagem para os alunos, provocando a sua desmotivação. Assim, tornou-se necessário dotar os professores de um conhecimento profundo das ferramentas TIC que utilizam para tirar o máximo partido delas. Além disso, a nova era da aprendizagem exige uma redução da aprendizagem passiva e prefere uma aprendizagem mais ativa, exigindo que os professores estejam bem familiarizados com os meios de aprendizagem interactivos. A infraestrutura tecnológica tem como principal objetivo eliminar as barreiras linguísticas, racionalizar a gestão e o planeamento da educação e aumentar o acesso dos estudantes Divyang.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    675,95 kr.

    Die Pandemie von Covid-19 hat das Leben der Menschen in allen Bereichen verändert, auch im Bildungssektor. Die Bildungseinrichtungen waren gezwungen, sich mit wenig oder gar keiner Vorbereitung auf den Fernunterricht einzustellen, was zu einer raschen Umstellung der Bildung in Indien auf digitale Bildung führte. Der Mangel an technologischer Kompetenz und Erfahrung der Lehrkräfte führte zu einer Verschlechterung des Lernumfelds für die Schüler, was zu deren Demotivation führte. Es wurde daher notwendig, den Lehrern ein tiefes Verständnis der von ihnen verwendeten IKT-Tools zu vermitteln, um das Maximum daraus zu machen. Außerdem verlangt das neue Zeitalter des Lernens eine Verringerung des passiven Lernens und bevorzugt aktives Lernen, was von den Lehrern verlangt, dass sie sich mit interaktiven Lernmedien auskennen. für Menschen in abgelegenen Gebieten des Landes. Die technologische Infrastruktur ist vor allem darauf ausgerichtet, Sprachbarrieren zu beseitigen, die Bildungsverwaltung und -planung zu rationalisieren und den Zugang zu Divyang-Schülern zu verbessern.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    470,95 kr.

    The pandemic of Covid-19 has changed people's lives in all sectors, including the education sector. Education institutions were forced to adapt to distance learning with little or no preparation leading to the quick shift of education in India to Digital Education. Consequently, the Teacher¿s lack of technology competence and experience led to a worsening learning environment for the students, causing demotivation among them. Thus, there became a need to equip teachers with a deep understanding of the ICT tools they use to extract the maximum out of it. Also, the new age learning demands reduced passive learning and prefers more active learning, requiring teachers to be well-versed with interactive learning media. to people in remote areas of the country. The technology infrastructure has a major focus on eliminating language barriers, streamlining educational management and planning, and increasing access to Divyang students.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    404,95 kr.

    Over the last 20 years, there has been a tremendous shift in the way that users integrate technology into their personal lives. These changes have taken time to filter down into the educational sector, but slowly teachers have realized the need to adapt their practice to reflect the changing nature of technological use in the wider world. Today¿s learners have become particularly adapt at creating and collaboratively developing content for a wide variety of purposes, for example, so-called Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, forums, and wikis. Moreover, children and young people are now becoming increasingly interested in the concept of ¿content curation¿ ¿ selecting, showcasing, and sharing content with friends, family, and peers. The change from a ¿read Web¿ to a ¿read/write Web¿ has encouraged teachers to become increasingly inventive in their approach to engaging technologically savvy learners who want to publish their work within an ever-expanding arena. We advocate for evolution in educational practices and approaches to instruction, which not only align with the processes and operations of the world outside of school but also leverage the emerging power and potential of these.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    296,95 kr.

    Comprehensive innovativeness and expertise thrive, with a reason to be the start of the best movement of instructional machine a decent method to accomplish the honorable training venture in gatherings. Innovation assumes the job of a facilitator in teaching. It advances the instructive experience giving alternatives that can oblige understudies in their journey to learn. This work is an attempt to examine the effects of Technology on students' creative thinking skills along with its effect on students¿ academic achievement and learning outcome after using technology. Promoting high-order creative thinking skills in students is a major consideration of the work.

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