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  • af Reza Nazari
    297,95 kr.

    Get ready for the ALEKS Math Test with a PERFECT Math Workbook!ALEKS Math Exercise Book 2020-2021, which reflects the 2020 - 2021 test guidelines, represents extensive exercises, math problems, sample ALEKS questions, and quizzes with answers and detailed solutions to help you hone your math skills, overcome your exam anxiety, boost your confidence-and do your best to ace the ALEKS Math test. The surest way to succeed on the ALEKS Math Test is with intensive practice in every math concept tested-and that's what you will get in ALEKS Exercise Book 2020-2021. Not only does this comprehensive exercise book review all math topics you will need to defeat the ALEKS Math test, but it also offers two full-length and realistic ALEKS Math tests that reflect the format and question types on the ALEKS to help you check your exam-readiness and identify where you need more practice.This comprehensive exercise book for the Math section of the ALEKS test contains many exciting and unique features to help you improve your test scores, including: Content 100% aligned with the 2020 ALEKS testComplete coverage of all ALEKS Math concepts and topics which you will be testedNumerous ALEKS math practice questions in both multiple-choice and grid-in formats with answers grouped by topic, so you can focus on your weak areasAbundant Math skill-building exercises to help test-takers approach different question types that might be unfamiliar to them2 full-length practice tests (featuring new question types) with detailed answersALEKS Math Exercise Book 2020-2021 and other Effortless Math Education books are used by thousands of test-takers each year to help them review core content areas, brush-up in math, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and achieve their best scores on the ALEKS test.Visit for Online Math Practice

  • af Reza Nazari
    172,95 kr.

    ¡Sumérgete en el emocionante mundo de las matemáticas con MCAS Álgebra I para principiantes! Este libro está diseñado específicamente para ayudarte a comprender los fundamentos esenciales del álgebra de una manera clara y accesible.Si eres nuevo en el álgebra o simplemente necesitas repasar los conceptos básicos, este libro es perfecto para ti. A través de explicaciones paso a paso, ejemplos prácticos y ejercicios resueltos, te guiará en el proceso de aprendizaje de esta disciplina fascinante.Desde la simplificación de expresiones algebraicas hasta la resolución de ecuaciones lineales y sistemas de ecuaciones, MCAS Álgebra I para principiantes cubre todos los temas clave que necesitas dominar. A medida que avanzas a lo largo del libro, encontrarás que tus habilidades matemáticas se fortalecen y ganas confianza en tus capacidades.Este libro también es una herramienta invaluable para aquellos que se están preparando para el examen MCAS de Álgebra I. Con ejercicios cuidadosamente seleccionados para reflejar el formato y la dificultad del examen, te ayudará a familiarizarte con el estilo de preguntas que puedes encontrar y a mejorar tus resultados.No importa si eres un estudiante de secundaria, un estudiante universitario o simplemente alguien que desea adquirir una base sólida en álgebra, MCAS Álgebra I para principiantes es tu compañero perfecto en el camino hacia el éxito matemático. ¡Descubre el poder de las matemáticas y desbloquea todo tu potencial con este libro imprescindible!

  • af Reza Nazari
    172,95 kr.

    Si las matemáticas nunca han sido un tema sencillo para ti, ¡no te preocupes! Este libro lo ayudará a prepararse para (e incluso ACE) la sección de matemáticas del examen TSI . A medida que se acerca el día de la prueba, la preparación efectiva se vuelve cada vez más importante. Afortunadamente, tiene esta guía de estudio completa para ayudarlo a prepararse para el examen. Con esta guía, puede sentirse seguro de que estará más que listo para el examen de matemáticas TSI cuando llegue el momento.En primer lugar, es importante tener en cuenta que este libro es una guía de estudio y no un libro de texto. Es mejor leerlo de principio a fin. Cada lección de este "libro de matemáticas autoguiado" se desarrolló cuidadosamente para garantizar que esté haciendo el uso más efectivo de su tiempo mientras se prepara para el examen. Esta guía actualizada refleja las pautas de la prueba de 2023 y lo pondrá en el camino correcto para perfeccionar sus habilidades matemáticas, superar la ansiedad por los exámenes y aumentar su confianza, para que pueda tener lo mejor de sí mismo para tener éxito en la prueba de matemáticas TSI .

  • af Reza Nazari
    227,95 kr.

    "If mathematics has never been an easy subject for you, don't worry! This book will help you prepare for (and even ACE) the math section of the GED test. As test day approaches, effective preparation becomes increasingly important. Fortunately, you have this complete study guide to help you prepare for the exam."--

  • af Reza Nazari
    217,95 kr.

    Si las matemáticas nunca han sido un tema sencillo para ti, ¡no te preocupes! Este libro lo ayudará a prepararse para (e¡GED Matemáticas en 10 días! El curso intensivo de matemáticas de GED más efectivo¿Estás listo para obtener tu certificado GED pero te preocupa el examen de matemáticas? ¡No busques más! ¡GED Matemáticas en 10 días! es el curso intensivo que necesitas para dominar las matemáticas de GED de manera rápida y efectiva. Diseñado para adultos ocupados y estudiantes de todas las edades, este libro te guiará paso a paso a través de los conceptos matemáticos más desafiantes, asegurándote el éxito en tu examen.Características destacadas: Plan de estudio de 10 días: Un enfoque estructurado y eficiente que maximiza tu tiempo de estudio.Explicaciones claras y concisas: Conceptos complejos simplificados para facilitar la comprensión.Ejercicios prácticos: Más de 200 problemas resueltos y preguntas de práctica con soluciones detalladas.Estrategias de examen: Consejos y técnicas para manejar el tiempo y abordar diferentes tipos de preguntas.Recursos adicionales en línea: Acceso a materiales suplementarios y simulaciones de exámenes para una práctica adicional.¿Qué aprenderás?Aritmética básica y operacionesÁlgebra y funcionesGeometría y medidaAnálisis de datos, probabilidad y estadística¿Para quién es este libro?Adultos que se preparan para el examen GED y necesitan un repaso intensivo de matemáticas.Estudiantes que buscan un método eficiente para mejorar sus habilidades matemáticas.Cualquier persona que desee superar sus dificultades con las matemáticas de manera rápida y efectiva.No dejes que el miedo a las matemáticas te detenga. Con ¡GED Matemáticas en 10 días!, tendrás las herramientas y la confianza necesarias para aprobar tu examen y abrir las puertas a nuevas oportunidades educativas y laborales. ¡Empieza hoy y logra tu objetivo en solo 10 días!

  • af Reza Nazari
    262,95 kr.

    Te felicito por elegir Effortless Math para tu preparación para el examen de matemáticas ÁLGEBRA y felicitaciones por tomar la decisión de tomar el examen ÁLGEBRA! Es un movimiento notable que estás tomando, uno que no debe ser disminuido en ninguna capacidad. Es por eso que debe usar todas las herramientas posibles para asegurarse de tener éxito en el examen con el puntaje Álgebra I para principiantes está diseñada para ser integral y cubrir todos los temas que normalmente se cubren en un curso de Álgebra I. Proporciona explicaciones claras y ejemplos de los conceptos e incluye problemas de práctica y cuestionarios para probar su comprensión del material. El libro de texto también proporciona soluciones paso a paso a los problemas, para que pueda verificar su trabajo y comprender cómo resolver problemas similares por su cuenta. Además, este libro de texto está escrito de una manera fácil de usar, por lo que es fácil de seguir y entender, incluso si ha tenido problemas con las matemáticas en el pasado. También incluye una variedad de ayudas visuales como diagramas, gráficos y tablas para ayudarlo a comprender mejor los conceptos..Álgebra I para principiantes es flexible y se puede utilizar para complementar un entorno de aula tradicional, o como un recurso independiente para el autoestudio. Con la ayuda de este libro de texto completo, tendrá la base necesaria para dominar el material y tener éxito en el curso de Álgebra I.

  • af Reza Nazari
    207,95 kr.

    Esta guía de estudio: Explicar el formato de la prueba de matemáticas TASC.Describa estrategias específicas para tomar exámenes que pueda usar en el examen.Proporcione consejos para tomar exámenes de matemáticas TASC.Revise todos los conceptos y temas de TASC Matemática en los que será probado.Ayudarle a identificar las áreas en las que necesita concentrar su tiempo de estudio.Ofrezca ejercicios que lo ayuden a desarrollar las habilidades matemáticas básicas que aprenderá en cada sección.Este recurso contiene todo lo que necesitará para tener éxito en el examen de matemáticas TASC. Obtendrá instrucciones detalladas sobre cada tema de matemáticas, así como consejos y técnicas sobre cómo responder a cada tipo de pregunta. También obtendrá muchas preguntas de práctica para aumentar su confianza en la toma de exámenes.Además, en las siguientes páginas encontrarás:

  • af Reza Nazari
    262,95 kr.

    La guía definitiva para GED Matemática + 2 exámenes de práctica completos Esta guía de estudio: Explica el formato de la prueba de matemáticas GED.Describe estrategias específicas para tomar exámenes que pueda usar en el examen.Proporciona consejos para tomar exámenes de matemáticas GED.Revisa todos los conceptos y temas de GED Matemática en los que será probado.Le ayudarla a identificar las áreas en las que necesita concentrar su tiempo de estudio.Ofrece ejercicios que lo ayuden a desarrollar las habilidades matemáticas básicas que aprenderá en cada sección.Ofrece 2 pruebas de práctica realistas y completas (con nuevos tipos de preguntas) con respuestas detalladas para ayudarlo a medir su preparación para el examen y generar confianza.Este recurso contiene todo lo que necesitará para tener éxito en el examen de matemáticas GED. Obtendrá instrucciones detalladas sobre cada tema de matemáticas, así como consejos y técnicas sobre cómo responder a cada tipo de pregunta. Además, en las siguientes páginas encontrarás: Cómo usar este libro de manera efectiva: esta sección le proporciona instrucciones paso a paso sobre cómo aprovechar al máximo esta completa guía de estudio.Cómo estudiar para el GED Matemática Test Se ha desarrollado un programa de estudio de seis pasos para ayudarlo a hacer el mejor uso de este libro y prepararse para su examen de GED Matemática. Aquí encontrará consejos y estrategias para guiar su programa de estudio y ayudarlo a comprender GED Matemática y cómo aprobar el examen

  • af Reza Nazari
    207,95 kr.

    Grammaire farsi en usage est un guide concis et divertissant sur la grammaire et l'utilisation du farsi. Cette ressource conviviale comprend des explications simples de grammaire et des exemples utiles pour aider les élèves de tous âges à améliorer leur farsi. Adapté à toutes les tranches d'âge, ce guide facile à suivre rend l'apprentissage de la grammaire et de l'utilisation du farsi simple et amusant. Pour tous ceux qui veulent comprendre les principales règles et directives subtiles de la grammaire et de l'utilisation du Grammaire farsi en usage offre des instructions simples et complètes. Il couvre un large éventail de sujets tels qu'ils sont enseignés dans de nombreuses écoles de langues à travers le monde. Grammaire farsi en usage est écrit pour les étudiants qui trouvent l'apprentissage de la langue inhabituellement difficile et déroutant et / ou, dans de nombreux cas, tout simplement ennuyeux. Il ne faut pas toute une vie pour maîtriser la grammaire farsi. Tout ce qu'il faut, c'est Grammaire farsi en usage. Rempli d'exemples clairs et de quiz d'auto-évaluation, c'est l'une des ressources en langue farsi les plus fiables disponible à ce jour. Grammaire farsi en usage est le seul livre de grammaire dont vous aurez besoin ! Il peut être utilisé comme un cours d'auto-apprentissage. Vous n'avez pas besoin de travailler avec un enseignant (il peut également être utilisé avec un enseignant). Vous n'avez même pas besoin de connaître un peu le farsi avant de commencer.https: //

  • af Reza Nazari
    227,95 kr.

    Esta guía de estudio: Explicar el formato de la prueba de matemáticas HISET.Describa estrategias específicas para tomar exámenes que pueda usar en el examen.Proporcione consejos para tomar exámenes de matemáticas HISET.Revise todos los conceptos y temas de HISET Matemática en los que será probado.Ayudarle a identificar las áreas en las que necesita concentrar su tiempo de estudio.Ofrezca ejercicios que lo ayuden a desarrollar las habilidades matemáticas básicas que aprenderá en cada sección.Este recurso contiene todo lo que necesitará para tener éxito en el examen de matemáticas HISET. Obtendrá instrucciones detalladas sobre cada tema de matemáticas, así como consejos y técnicas sobre cómo responder a cada tipo de pregunta. También obtendrá muchas preguntas de práctica para aumentar su confianza en la toma de exámenes.

  • af Reza Nazari
    262,95 kr.

    Si las matemáticas nunca han sido un tema sencillo para ti, ¡no te preocupes! Este libro lo ayudará a prepararse para dominar la sección de matemáticas del examen ÁLGEBRA II. A medida que se acerca el día de la prueba, la preparación efectiva se vuelve cada vez ás importante. Afortunadamente, tiene esta guía de estudio completa para ayudarlo a prepararse para el examen. Con esta guía, puede sentirse seguro de que estará más que listo para el examen de matemáticas ÁLGEBRA II cuando llegue el momento.Primero y, antes que nada, es importante señalar que este libro es una guía de estudio y no un libro de texto. Es mejor leerlo de principio a fin. Cada lección de este "libro de matemáticas autoguiado" se desarrolló cuidadosamente para garantizar que esté haciendo el uso más efectivo de su tiempo mientras se prepara para el examen. Esta guía actualizada refleja las directrices del examen de 2023 y te pondrá en el camino correcto para perfeccionar tus habilidades matemáticas, superar la ansiedad del examen y aumentar tu confianza, para que puedas tener lo mejor para tener éxito en el examen de matemáticas del ÁLGEBRA II.

  • af Reza Nazari
    222,95 kr.

    The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Algebra IThe MCAS Algebra I assessment is a pivotal exam that plays a significant role in a student's success throughout high school. To help you conquer this high-stakes test, we have meticulously crafted the ultimate guide, MCAS Algebra I for Beginners. This comprehensive guide provides you with everything you need to excel in the examination.Exploring the Essential Concepts in DepthOur comprehensive guide, MCAS Algebra I for Beginners, delves deep into the core subjects necessary for the MCAS Algebra I Exam, ensuring that you are well-prepared to excel. The primary topics covered include: Linear equations and their graphical representationsQuadratic equations and their related functionsSystems of equations and their solutionsExponential functionsFundamental statistical concepts and techniquesEngaging and Stimulating Practice Problems to Reinforce LearningMCAS Algebra I for Beginners offers an extensive range of practice problems throughout the guide, carefully designed to solidify your understanding of each concept. These problems strike the perfect balance between challenging and achievable, instilling the confidence required to tackle the actual exam.Authentic Full-Length Practice Exams for Accurate AssessmentThis all-inclusive prep book features two full-length practice tests, offering a precise evaluation of your progress and helping you pinpoint any areas that may need further practice.Clear, Concise, and Easily Understandable LanguageMCAS Algebra I for Beginners is written in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring that readers with diverse mathematical abilities can effortlessly comprehend the instructions and solve the presented problems.Your All-Inclusive Resource for MCAS Algebra I SuccessMCAS Algebra I for Beginners is the only resource you will need to excel on the MCAS Algebra I Exam. With its comprehensive content coverage and easy-to-grasp material, this guide empowers you to triumph over algebra and achieve outstanding results on the exam.Embark on Your Journey to Test PreparednessSecure your copy of MCAS Algebra I for Beginners today and commence your journey towards test readiness. With this guide as your ally, you will be well-equipped to pass the test and obtain your diploma.Published by: Effortless Math Education (

  • af Reza Nazari
    222,95 kr.

    The Ultimate Guide to Mastering AzMerit Algebra IThe Only Book You Will Ever Need to Ace the AzMerit Algebra I Test!AzMerit Algebra I for Beginners offers a thorough and accessible guide tailored for high school students, adult learners, and anyone seeking to develop or enhance their algebra skills. This all-inclusive resource streamlines the learning experience by presenting AzMerit Algebra I's fundamental concepts in a clear and digestible manner. The book delves into crucial topics such as linear equation solving and quadratic function graphing, preparing you for success in the test. Master Algebra I fundamentals with: - Comprehensive coverage of key Algebra I topics- Step-by-step guidance for complex concepts>Key features of AzMerit Algebra I for Beginners include: - Perfect alignment with Algebra I courses and AzMerit Algebra I Test requirements- Engaging writing style to promote understanding and retention of the material>This indispensable guide is ideal for those who are: - Struggling with algebra and seeking lucid explanations- Aiming to enhance their skills and comprehension of Algebra I principles- Pursuing a complete self-study resource>Excel in the AzMerit Algebra I Test with this ultimate preparation book, and establish a strong foundation in algebra and basic mathematics that will benefit you for years to come.Published by: Effortless Math Education (

  • af Reza Nazari
    222,95 kr.

    Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) Algebra I TestThe ISASP Algebra I assessment is a vital examination that plays a critical role in determining a student's success in high school. To help you excel on this high-stakes test, we have created the all-inclusive guide, ISASP Algebra I for Beginners, your roadmap to success.Dive Deep into Essential TopicsOur guide delves into the heart of the critical subjects required for the ISASP Algebra I Test, ensuring that you are well-prepared to tackle the exam. The key topics covered include: - Linear equations and their graphical representations- Quadratic equations and their corresponding functions- Systems of equations and their solutions- Exponential functions- Foundational statistical concepts and methodsEngaging and Challenging Practice Problems to Enhance LearningISASP Algebra I for Beginners features an array of practice problems throughout, carefully designed to reinforce your understanding of each concept. These problems strike the perfect balance between challenging and achievable, giving you the confidence you need to face the actual test.Genuine Full-Length Practice Tests for Accurate AssessmentThe guide includes two full-length practice exams, offering a genuine evaluation of your progress and helping you identify any areas requiring further practice.Clear, Concise, and Easily Comprehensible LanguageISASP Algebra I for Beginners is written in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring that readers of all mathematical skill levels can easily understand the instructions and solve the presented problems.Tailored for Learners at All LevelsWhether you're a high school student grappling with algebraic concepts or an adult learner looking to refresh your skills, this guide is customized to meet your needs. It covers all the essential topics you must master to succeed on the test.Your One-Stop Resource for ISASP Algebra I SuccessISASP Algebra I for Beginners is the only resource you'll need to excel on the ISASP Algebra I Test. With its comprehensive content coverage and easy-to-understand material, this guide will enable you to conquer algebra and shine on the exam.Embark on Your Journey to Test ReadinessPurchase your copy of "ISASP Algebra I for Beginners" today and take the first step towards test preparedness. With this guide by your side, you'll be well-equipped to pass the test and secure your diploma.Published by: Effortless Math Education (

  • af Reza Nazari
    217,95 kr.

    Algebra II for Beginners provides students with the essential tools and skills necessary for success in Algebra II courses. This comprehensive guide includes hundreds of examples, over 1,500 skill-building exercises, and two practice tests to ensure thorough preparation for the Algebra II final exam. It will help improve math abilities, increase confidence, and sharpen problem-solving skills. Algebra II for Beginners offers complete coverage of all Algebra II concepts and aligns with national and state standards. The dynamic design and interactive activities make learning engaging and concrete, while targeted practices build essential skills. All exercise solutions are included, allowing students to check their understanding and progress.>Key Features of Algebra II for Beginners: In-Depth Understanding: The book provides the essential tools and skills necessary for success in Algebra II courses, presenting hundreds of examples and over 1,500 skill-building exercises to ensure comprehensive preparation for the Algebra II final exam.Boost Confidence and Skills: This guide is designed to enhance math abilities, increase confidence, and sharpen problem-solving skills, ultimately leading to improved academic performance.Comprehensive Coverage: All Algebra II concepts are thoroughly covered in alignment with national and state standards.Engaging and Interactive: The book's dynamic design and interactive activities make learning engaging and concrete. It turns abstract concepts into tangible knowledge, making learning more enjoyable and effective.Targeted Practices: The book includes targeted practices that help build essential skills. Students can immediately apply what they have learned, thereby reinforcing understanding.Solutions Provided: All exercise solutions are included, allowing students to check their understanding and monitor their progress.Perfect for Review and Refinement: This comprehensive textbook for Algebra II is ideal for students looking to review core content, refine their math skills, and achieve their best results on the Algebra II course.Suitable for Self-Study and Classroom Use: Algebra II for Beginners offers a comprehensive approach to excelling in Algebra II, whether studying individually or being used as a classroom resource.Digital Support: The book includes a unique online resource feature. For each topic covered, a QR code and link are provided, directing to a web page that offers further information, supplementary exercises, and explanatory videos. This digital integration enhances understanding and caters to various learning styles.Full-Length Practice Tests: Two full-length Algebra II practice tests are provided at the end of the book. These tests simulate the format and difficulty of the actual exam, helping students gauge their readiness, identify areas of improvement, and build confidence for their Algebra II final exam.>Ideal for both self-study and classroom use, Algebra II for Beginners offers a comprehensive approach to excelling in Algebra II. Visit for additional online math practice opportunities.

  • af Reza Nazari
    197,95 kr.

    The Only Book You Will Ever Need to Ace Algebra I Course!Algebra I for Beginners is a comprehensive guide for those just starting out in algebra. Designed for high school students or those looking to brush up on their skills, this book provides a clear and easy-to-follow approach to the subject. From solving linear equations to graphing quadratic functions, this book covers all the core concepts of Algebra I. With complete coverage of Algebra I topics, step-by-step explanations, and a wealth of examples and practice problems, Algebra I for Beginners offers the best education possible. Written by a math teacher and expert, the book is aligned with Algebra I courses and features an engaging writing style that makes it easy to understand and retain the material. Key Features: Step-by-Step Explanations: This comprehensive Algebra textbook employs a student-friendly approach to teaching Algebra I, with each concept broken down into digestible parts. Each algebraic concept is presented in a step-by-step manner, accompanied by lucid explanations and illustrative examples. This methodology not only simplifies complex ideas for beginners, but it also facilitates efficient and effective learning by presenting information in an organized, logical sequence.Rich Problem Sets: To solidify the understanding of the presented concepts, the book includes numerous problem sets right after each explanation. These practice exercises range in complexity, helping students apply the concepts they have learned in different contexts. Immediate application of theoretical knowledge through these problem sets strengthens understanding and encourages a proactive learning approach. Furthermore, solutions are provided for all problems, allowing students to check their answers and learn from any mistakes.Comprehensive Coverage: The book offers a thorough examination of all core Algebra 1 topics. Whether it's basic equations, inequalities, functions, or graphing, nothing is left untouched. This extensive coverage ensures a holistic learning experience, setting students on the path to mastering Algebra I. Each topic is discussed in depth, using straightforward language and explanations to ensure comprehension.Full-Length Practice Tests: To top it all off, the book concludes with two full-length Algebra I practice tests. These tests, designed to mirror the format and difficulty of the actual exam, provide a realistic testing experience for students. They offer an opportunity to apply the full range of Algebra I concepts, thereby bolstering readiness for course examinations or standardized tests. Fully worked-out solutions accompany these tests, providing insight into effective problem-solving strategies and aiding in the identification and rectification of any areas of weakness. These tests are a valuable tool for self-assessment and will give students a clear idea of what to expect in a real test scenario.>Get ready for the Algebra I Exam with a perfect prep book from Effortless Math Education. Published by: Effortless Math Education (

  • af Reza Nazari
    197,95 kr.

    "The ultimate crash course ot help you ace the PSAT math test"--

  • af Reza Nazari
    197,95 kr.

    The Ultimate Crash Course to Ace the ACT Math Test!If you want to ace the ACT Math Test, the ACT Math Book is essential. Unlike other study guides, this book along with its online resources is all you'll need to succeed on the test!ACT Math in 10 Days is a perfect resource to help students improve their math skills and test-taking strategies to boost their confidence when taking test and helps them to do their absolute best at mastering the ACT Math Test.Assisting the test takers in their math skills, test-taking skills, and raising their confidence when taking the exam, this book has been exclusively revised to the needs of the students to help them ace the ACT Math Test.Here's why more teachers and test takers turn to this ACT Math crash course: - Content 100% aligned with the 2024 ACT test- Written by a top ACT Math instructor and test expert- Targeted Review - study only what you need to know- Step-by-step guide for all ACT Math topics- Abundant Math skills building exercises to help test-takers approach unfamiliar question types- 2 full-length practice tests (featuring new question types) with detailed answers>When it's crucial crunch time and your ACT Math test is just around the corner, you only need ACT Math in 10 Days! Practice Your Way to Excellence. Ideal for self-study and classroom usage!Visit for Online Math Practice

  • af Reza Nazari
    197,95 kr.

    The Ultimate Crash Course to Ace the SAT Math Test!Are you getting ready for the SAT Math test? Are you looking for the best SAT Math quick study guide? Do you believe you will be unprepared for the exam? Don't worry, the SAT Math in 10 Days is here to help!If you want to ace the SAT Math Test, the SAT Math in 10 Days should be a must. Unlike other learning resources, this book along with its online resources has everything you'll need to take the SAT Math test! This book has been updated for the 2024 test guidelines and will undoubtedly help you improve your proficiency in math, pass the test, and overcome test anxiety.Here's why more and more teachers and test takers turn to this SAT Math crash course: - Content 100% aligned with the 2024 SAT- Written by a top SAT Math instructor and test expert- Targeted Review - study only what you need to know- Step-by-step guide for all SAT Math topics- Abundant Math skills building exercises to help test-takers approach unfamiliar question types- 2 full-length practice tests (featuring new question types) with detailed answers>When it's crucial crunch time and your SAT Math test is just around the corner, you only need SAT Math in 10 Days! Practice Your Way to Excellence. Ideal for self-study and classroom usage!Visit for Online Math Practice

  • af Reza Nazari
    217,95 kr.

    The Ultimate Crash Course to Ace the ALEKS Math Test!For those who desire to do well on the ALEKS Math Test, ALEKS Math in 10 Days is an extraordinary tool. Unlike other study guides, this book provides step-by-step instructions to help test takers ace the ALEKS Math Assessment Exam!ALEKS Math in 10 Days reflects the new exam requirements for 2024, and it will help you improve your math skills, succeed on the test, and overcome anxiety about taking the actual exam.Assisting the test takers in their math skills, test-taking skills, and raising their confidence when taking the exam, this book has been exclusively revised to the needs of the students to help them ace the ALEKS Math Test.Here's why more teachers and test takers turn to this ALEKS Math crash course: - Content 100% aligned with the 2024 ALEKS test- Written by a top ALEKS Math instructor and test expert- Targeted Review - study only what you need to know- Step-by-step guide for all ALEKS Math topics- Abundant Math skills building exercises to help test-takers approach unfamiliar question types- 2 full-length practice tests (featuring new question types) with detailed answers>When it's crucial crunch time and your ALEKS Math test is just around the corner, you only need ALEKS Math in 10 Days! Practice Your Way to Excellence. Ideal for self-study and classroom usage!Visit for Online Math Practice

  • af Reza Nazari
    182,95 kr.

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