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Bøger af Rick Magers

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  • af Rick Magers
    216,95 kr.

    This book was written by using the author's aircraft log and his ship's log when he was a commercial lobsterman trapping the Caribbean Sea and the Bahamas. With two huge vessels he and his partner set crawfish (Florida & Caribbean lobster) traps off the coast of South America, St. Croix, Cochinos Banks behind Cuba, and most of the Bahamian Banks all the way to the farthest northern reef in the Bahamas. They fought running gun battles with pirates until they decided to settle near Lily Bank on the Little Bahama Bank near the world famous blue marlin tournament grounds near Walker's Cay. For two years there were no pirates in that area and only a few local natives tried stealing from their traps, and they stopped when Rick delivered them a message via: chain mail from his airplane. Pirates found their 3,000 traps in the 3rd year and the shooting began again. After two more years of thieves, Rick climbed in his plane determined to locate a place on the Florida coast where he and his best friend could be left alone to fish for their living. While his best friend began bringing their traps back across the Gulfstream to Riviera Beach, Florida Rick and his wife began flying along the coasts of Florida. While passing over the Southern Everglades they spotted a small town among the Ten Thousand Islands. As Rick flew over it his wife pointed down and said one word...Traps. After spending three days in Everglade's City they returned to Lily Bank on their trapping vessel. When his friend heard what they had seen he said, "Sounds like you mighta found a place where we can fish without machineguns." Probably woulda been too, if it hadn't been for one little glitch in the dream. Everglade's City was the import hub for most of the drugs coming into the USA from points south. Now you know where that famous bumper sticker originated...SHIT HAPPENS.

  • af Rick Magers
    173,95 kr.

    3 dogs-2 tails-1 tale, Dead Body in a Meat Grinder. Hunter/Trophies, Killing a President, They Never Called Me Nigger Again. Bingo Nuts...All are fun reading, and YES, they are all for young readers, and NO they are not what they at first seem to be, but to understand that, you must read them all, and all the others...and oh yes, will bring you to the edge of your seat, and then leave you crying...if you have compassion for abused children.

  • - The McKannahs trilogy book 2
    af Rick Magers
    173,95 kr.

    Fire on the Mountain By noon, the day after Jesse killed the redheaded thief, he knew changes in his plans were necessary. Towing the canoe full of pelts behind his canoe, he faced an almost impossible task. By tossing his pelts, Jesse was able to save a small band of Flathead Indians, only moments before the forest fire roared down upon the area where they had been standing. It changed his life forever. He had found The People, and would live with the Flathead Indians for many years. Losing the love of his life, forces Jesse back into the high mountains. Alone again, he traps beaver, and tries to forget her. Another thief seals his own fate when he kills Jesse's beloved horse, and almost kills him. An enemy from his past causes Jesse to be jailed in San Francisco. Mexicans in California have been helped many times by The McKannah family, and seeing Jesse unjustly jailed, the Mexican community take it upon themselves to carry the news to his brothers, Patrick, Broderick, Simon, and Ian. They drop everything, and from different areas of the west, the four brothers head toward San Francisco. Arriving, they find an army waiting to help them.

  • - The McKannahs trilogy book 3
    af Rick Magers
    173,95 kr.

    White Buffalo Returns The sun was going down as Jesse entered Fort Connah. Angus McDonald was no longer there, but his replacement, Everett Bullock, seemed happy to finally be meeting the man that Angus had spoken so highly of. Everett was born in Scotland but was raised in Dublin, Ireland and obviously loved his Irish liquor as much as Angus. Jesse smiled as the man poured himself a glass of the Irish whisky from one of two bottles Jesse had brought, hoping Angus might still be there. "Mmmmm, lad, that's real whisky n' I bloody well thank you for it, life's blood for Scots n' Irish alike it is, by Jesus." Jesse McKannah rode away disappointed after his visit to Fort Connah, partly because the new Indian Agent seemed inept and out of place compared to Angus McDonald. But mostly because Jesse had been thinking about his Flathead friends and wanted badly to sit around a fire outside with Angus and listen to his side of this tragic story. Everett's okay I reckon, he thought, and I doubt there's anybody that could fill ole Angus' shoes.

  • af Rick Magers
    188,95 kr.

    This is a book of short stories that are anything but traditional. However, fans of this author have shoved it a notch closer to the top of his list of books.

  • af Rick Magers
    263,95 kr.

    In the first year of our 41 year marriage, I vowed to my soulmate that I would never let her suffer if for any reason all quality of life had abandoned her. I honored that vow. I now live alone and occupy my time writing books. I gave the house I built her in the North Georgia mountains to one of my sons, and then, with my Jack Russell terrier, Dandy, did book signing throughout the south. Dandy is gone now, and at nearly 80, I live alone with my memories of the good years with my Aquarius wife, before her health carried her to a place that was too difficult and painful to endure.

  • af Rick Magers
    208,95 kr.

    Disgusted with how their Flathead Indian friends are being treated, Jesse McKannah and his brothers drop everything and head up into the mountains once again, to help the Native Americans cope with corrupt politicians.

  • - A Western Novel
    af Rick Magers
    243,95 kr.

    Sean McKannah leaves 17th century Ireland aboard a sailing vessel after losing his family to an apartment fire. After traveling several years with his surrogate father-figure, Capt. Mullholland, he bids the sea farewell to try his hand at trapping in the mountains of Northern California above San Francisco with his newfound friend, Francisco. Although successful, the two young men are lured away by Francisco's Uncle to Southern California, to search for wild mustangs to use for breeding wild strength into his soon-to-arrive, high blooded Spanish mares. Following a few years of horse ranching, that pits the two young men and their Mexican ranch hands against Apache Indians and murderous outlaws, Sean marries Francisco's sister Isabella and together they create a successful sheep ranch in Northern California. Their six children, Patrick, Broderick, Simon, Ian, Jesse, and Aleena are the characters that drive the second half of this story. Patrick and Broderick attend the newly formed Harvard Law School...Simon becomes a man hunter and eventually a Texas Ranger...Ian, a professional gambler...Jesse, the driving character, shuns modern society to live with the Flathead Indians...and Aleena becomes a schoolteacher. The McKannah family alone could create enough adventure, but they are joined by many interesting characters that will keep the reader turning pages, and anticipating the sequel that will be available mid 2011.

  • af Rick Magers
    173,95 kr.

    17 years ago (1998) a tiny puppy, somehow crossed the highway on Auraria Road, on the outskirts of Dahlonega, Georgia...a beautiful little town in the North Georgia Mountains. His limping indicated that he had been injured. I later learned that he had escaped Dog Dachau, a canine nightmare down in the hallow across the highway. Once he realized that he was now living with people who loved all animals, especially dogs, he relaxed and began playing with 'our' dogs. My wife, Dottie, (Feb. 1931/Sept. 2002) for 41 years and I created a way-station for traveling dogs. They must have created a system similar to the one used by hobo travelers many decades ago...STOP HERE--GOOD FOOD--NURSING CARE--PLENTY OF HEAD-PETTING. We had 15 'ribs-showing' hungry, traveling dogs during one winter, but usually we had only 5 or 6, plus Coti and Dandy. Several times I noticed small tree limbs up near the highway, and all around our 'God's Little Acre', low to the ground, which appeared to have been chewed on. Perhaps a signal to exhausted, traveling dogs? We took Dandy (Named that because he resembled our Jack Russell, Andy--who was with us for 15 years, until he decided to go hunting--I found him once, a few weeks earlier, but he only stayed two days before continuing his hunt...never saw him again) to the Veterinarian, the day after he came to us. His X-ray showed small pellets (like birdshot) in the area around his left hip. "They've been in there a while," the Vet said, "so it would probably do more damage taking them out, so I suggest we leave them where they are." Dandy stopped limping after a few months, and quite a few warm bathtub soakings with me. He was Dottie's constant companion during the two years she had left on this beautiful blue planet. I couldn't stand the memories of our mountain home, that were attached to the walls of my brain, so I left it, telling our son, Tom, to do whatever he wanted with it, and Dandy and I headed south in our little Toyota Dolphin motorhome. I was Dottie's 24/7 caregiver during her final 2 years. To keep my sanity, I began writing two books that had been floating around in my mind for a long time. Blue Water Adventure was one, (now in 2015 it is titled Dark Caribbean) the other was The McKannahs. We stopped in Atlanta and had 20 copies of each printed. They used the cover art that was done by a Dahlonega friend, and the other by an Aussie artist, who became my Webmaster. Dandy was the best companion any traveler could ever have. He would lay beneath the table I was signing copies. If he needed to pee or poop, he would just stand up and look at me. After walking him for about fifteen minutes, something that helped me too, he would curl up on his mat beneath the table again and snooze. Dandy was blind the last year, and handled it well, until he began crying softly through the night. He was too good a friend to turn my back on, so in 2013 I had the Vet euthanize him. As usual, Dandy just lay there in Stubby and accepted the needle as the next phase of his life. Rather than one, I now have two special places in my brain. My two best friends, Dottie and Dandy occupy them.

  • af Rick Magers
    228,95 kr.

    War had been predicted when the free world realized that a known homosexual egomaniac had inherited the Korean throne due to an unexpected death. His military kin however terminated the new leader, and continued with their plan to wipe out the United States of America, as the first stepping-stone toward world domination. 5 star General Theodore Rexlar McArther, known by his Army as T-Rex, had made a move a few years earlier, that will eventually prevent the majority of nuclear missiles launched by Korea, now one country rather than two, after winning the Second Korean War. By a simple move by T-Rex' young protégé, Korea and the rest of the Western hating world are cast back into a replica of the primitive world. T-Rex and his soldiers feel blessed to be in a country that has received fewer nuclear tipped missiles than any other country. All are certain that with T-Rex' trillions of dollars in pure gold, they will be able to eventually rebuild the country into New America. However, a teenage German genius spots something in his celestial telescope that takes three years for him to understand what it is. T-Rex and a son he never knew he had, Aaron, understand that whatever it is, they must shelve plans to rebuild their country, and concentrate on saving the entire planet that they thought would be home to humans forever.

  • af Rick Magers
    218,95 kr.

    Book #1. The Black Widowmaker is the story of a young black girl abandoned by her mother. She is abused in every way possible during her youth, and never forgets. As a grown woman, she decides to search and find her abusers. As she locates them, Pearl E. White begins making widows. Book #2. Satan's Dark Angels is a frightening look at the people we meet every day as we go about our business. If the reader does not abandon the book, they will ever after look at the people they meet through different eyes.

  • af Rick Magers
    173,95 kr.

  • af Rick Magers
    228,95 kr.

  • af Rick Magers
    243,95 kr.

    Some of these stories are listed TRUE, most are stories that I wrote when my wife, Dottie (1931/2002) and I were traveling in our Cherokee-6, or visiting friends in the Caribbean or Bahamas on our 40' flybridge Huckins...they usually originated from some event that sparked my unlimited imagination...several, like A Father's Visit, or, They Never Called Me Nigger Again, won awards and praise, touching the heart of readers and editors...a few are quite lengthy, while others occupy only a few lines...some should not be read at night if you are alone...if you ignore my warning and read them anyway, and then wind up in an asylum, forget suing me, because I spend money faster than I can ever earn it.

  • af Rick Magers
    253,95 kr.

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