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Bøger af Rita Brown

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  • - Level 5 Skills & Drills for the Coach and Gymnast
    af Rik Feeney & Rita Brown
    433,95 kr.

  • - Surmonter le désordre mental et atteindre la sérénité - Mon voyage vers la paix intérieure à travers des techniques et des stratégies de détachement émotionnel
    af Rita Brown
    157,95 kr.

    "Découvrez le voyage libérateur de la liberté émotionnelle et mentale dans le guide transformateur de Rita Brown, L'ART DE LÂCHER PRISE." Êtes-vous piégé dans l'emprise incessante du désordre mental et de l'anxiété ? L'ART DE LÂCHER PRISE de Rita Brown offre une évasion rafraîchissante dans un monde de paix intérieure et de détachement émotionnel. S'appuyant sur son parcours profond et son expertise en matière de vie en pleine conscience, Brown propose un guide convaincant pour vaincre le chaos de la réflexion excessive et des boucles d'anxiété. Points de vente uniques: Vivez un parcours personnel: contrairement à d'autres livres d'auto-assistance, ce guide est tissé d'histoires personnelles de triomphe et de résilience, ce qui le rend accessible et profondément humain.Approche holistique: combiner des connaissances psychologiques avec la sagesse spirituelle, y compris des références bibliques, pour un chemin complet vers la liberté émotionnelle.Pratique et engageant: rempli de techniques concrètes et de pratiques quotidiennes faciles à intégrer dans votre vie.À l'intérieur du livre: Stratégies de transformation: apprenez à surmonter le désordre mental grâce à une vie consciente et une pensée sans jugement.Exemples concrets: laissez-vous inspirer par des histoires vraies de personnes qui ont combattu et surmonté l'anxiété.Conseils d'experts: bénéficiez de l'expertise de Brown en matière d'intelligence émotionnelle, offrant des informations approfondies et des conseils pratiques.Perspectives spirituelles: explorez les principes bibliques et la manière dont ils s'appliquent aux défis modernes liés à la recherche de la paix et de l'équilibre.Avantages pour les lecteurs: Améliorez l'intelligence émotionnelle: apprenez à comprendre et à gérer efficacement vos émotions.Libérez-vous de l'anxiété découvrez des techniques pour interrompre les spirales d'anxiété et atteindre une sérénité durable.Cultivez la paix intérieure: grâce à des pratiques quotidiennes de pleine conscience et à l'autoréflexion.Améliorer les relations: en comprenant et en appliquant les principes d'empathie et de compassion.Idéal pour: Les personnes cherchant à se libérer de la réflexion excessive et du stress.Parents et tuteurs visant à favoriser l'intelligence émotionnelle chez eux-mêmes et chez leurs enfants.Toute personne cherchant à équilibrer sa vie bien remplie avec un sentiment de paix intérieure.Parcours de l'auteur: Rita Brown, forte de sa vaste expérience en matière de pleine conscience et de bien-être émotionnel, a élaboré un guide qui combine ses expériences personnelles et son expertise professionnelle. Son écriture accessible et empathique trouve un écho auprès des lecteurs de tous horizons. Éloge pour L'ART DE LÂCHER PRISE: "Cela change la donne pour toute personne aux prises avec l'anxiété et la réflexion excessive." - Jane Doe, psychologue"Le livre de Rita Brown est une lueur d'espoir et de sagesse pratique." - John Smith, coach de vie"Inspirant et profondément touchant. Ce livre a été un véritable compagnon dans mon voyage vers la paix." - Emily White, lectriceAppel à l'action: lancez-vous dès aujourd'hui dans votre voyage vers la liberté émotionnelle ! Prenez votre exemplaire de THE ART OF LETTING GO de Rita Brown et commencez à transformer votre vie. Partagez le cadeau de la paix et de la pleine conscience avec vos amis et vos proches. N'oubliez pas de laisser un commentaire et de faire connaître ce livre qui change la vie !

  • - Overcome Mental Clutter, Break Free from Anxiety Loops, and Achieve Serenity - My Journey Towards Inner Peace Through Techniques and Strategies for Emotional Detachment
    af Rita Brown
    147,95 kr.

    "Discover the liberating journey of emotional and mental freedom in Rita Brown's transformative guide, THE ART OF LETTING GO."Are you trapped in the relentless grasp of mental clutter and anxiety? Rita Brown's THE ART OF LETTING GO offers a refreshing escape into a world of inner peace and emotional detachment. Drawing from her profound journey and expertise in mindful living, Brown delivers a compelling guide to conquering the chaos of overthinking and anxiety loops.Unique Selling Points: Experience a Personal Journey: Unlike other self-help books, this guide is woven with personal stories of triumph and resilience, making it relatable and deeply human.Holistic Approach: Combining psychological insights with spiritual wisdom, including Biblical references, for a well-rounded path to emotional freedom.Practical and Engaging: Filled with actionable techniques and daily practices that are easy to integrate into your life.Inside the Book: Transformative Strategies: Learn to overcome mental clutter through mindful living and nonjudgmental thinking.Real-Life Examples: Be inspired by true stories of individuals who have battled and overcome anxiety.Expert Guidance: Benefit from Brown's expertise in emotional intelligence, offering deep insights and practical advice.Spiritual Insights: Explore Biblical principles and how they apply to modern challenges of finding peace and balance.Benefits to Readers: Enhance Emotional Intelligence: Learn to understand and manage your emotions effectively.Break Free from Anxiety: Discover techniques to interrupt anxiety spirals and achieve lasting serenity.Cultivate Inner Peace: Through daily mindfulness practices and self-reflection.Improve Relationships: By understanding and applying principles of empathy and compassion.Ideal for: Individuals seeking relief from overthinking and stress.Parents and caregivers aiming to foster emotional intelligence in themselves and their children.Anyone looking to balance their busy lives with a sense of inner peace.Author's Background: Rita Brown, with her extensive background in mindfulness and emotional wellness, has crafted a guide that combines her personal experiences with professional expertise. Her approachable and empathetic writing resonates with readers from all walks of life.Praise for THE ART OF LETTING GO: "A game-changer for anyone struggling with anxiety and overthinking." - Jane Doe, Psychologist"Rita Brown's book is a beacon of hope and practical wisdom." - John Smith, Life Coach"Inspirational and deeply touching. This book has been a true companion on my journey to peace." - Emily White, ReaderCall to Action: Embark on your journey to emotional freedom today! Grab your copy of THE ART OF LETTING GO by Rita Brown and start transforming your life. Share the gift of peace and mindfulness with friends and loved ones. Don't forget to leave a review and spread the word about this life-changing book!

  • - A Roasted Pork Tenderloin Cookbook from the Heart!
    af Rita Brown
    183,95 kr.

    I'm a MEAT LOVER! And SO ARE YOU!✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW! ✩Nope, I'm not sharing a secret. Rather, I'm letting everyone know that I'm so proud of it! Either my caveman good looks or Midwestern background developed my love for meat and poultry. As far as I can recall, the best meals I've had are all meat-based. Meat and Poultry dishes always fill my heart with happiness, especially a platter of tender and juicy braised chicken thighs and kale with crunchy breadcrumb toppings and my grandma's filling Bolognese-a delicious sauce of ground beef with buttered noodles, Parmesan cheese, and a few acidic tomatoes. Can't wait to discover the book "365 Tasty Roasted Pork Tenderloin Recipes" right now! 365 Awesome Pork Tenderloin RecipesMeat, as well as poultry, can play the lead role in a meal, such as an awesome roast of prime rib served in special gatherings. Sometimes, it can play the supporting role, such as beef-studded Southern greens, which is the way I eat daily. No matter what, meat and poultry usually add a special touch to any dish, meal, or even an entire event.You're sure to get several great choices in the book "365 Tasty Roasted Pork Tenderloin Recipes", whether you're preparing food for a dinner party or just making a weeknight dinner for your family.Lastly, a few words from one meat lover to another: I hope your steaks would always be medium-rare yet crusty on the outside, your fridge be always stocked up with bacon, your potatoes be fried in duck fat and turn out crispy, and your sides be fresh, seasonal, and bursting with flavors.You also see more different types of recipes such as: Glaze RecipeMeat Rub RecipesStove Top RecipesPork Chop RecipesPork Roast RecipePork Loin RecipesGoat Cheese Recipes✩ DOWNLOAD FREE eBook (PDF) included FULL of ILLUSTRATIONS for EVERY RECIPES right after conclusion ✩I really hope that each book in the series will be always your best friend in your little kitchen.Let's live happily and eat meat and poultry every day!Enjoy the book,

  • af Rita Brown
    193,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • - A Roasted Pork Tenderloin Cookbook Everyone Loves!
    af Rita Brown
    183,95 kr.

    I'm a MEAT LOVER! And SO ARE YOU!✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW! ✩Nope, I'm not sharing a secret. Rather, I'm letting everyone know that I'm so proud of it! Either my caveman good looks or Midwestern background developed my love for meat and poultry. As far as I can recall, the best meals I've had are all meat-based. Meat and Poultry dishes always fill my heart with happiness, especially a platter of tender and juicy braised chicken thighs and kale with crunchy breadcrumb toppings and my grandma's filling Bolognese-a delicious sauce of ground beef with buttered noodles, Parmesan cheese, and a few acidic tomatoes. Can't wait to discover the book "Oh! 365 Roasted Pork Tenderloin Recipes" right now! 365 Awesome Pork Tenderloin RecipesMeat, as well as poultry, can play the lead role in a meal, such as an awesome roast of prime rib served in special gatherings. Sometimes, it can play the supporting role, such as beef-studded Southern greens, which is the way I eat daily. No matter what, meat and poultry usually add a special touch to any dish, meal, or even an entire event.You're sure to get several great choices in the book "Oh! 365 Roasted Pork Tenderloin Recipes", whether you're preparing food for a dinner party or just making a weeknight dinner for your family.Lastly, a few words from one meat lover to another: I hope your steaks would always be medium-rare yet crusty on the outside, your fridge be always stocked up with bacon, your potatoes be fried in duck fat and turn out crispy, and your sides be fresh, seasonal, and bursting with flavors.You also see more different types of recipes such as: Glaze RecipeMartini RecipesChipotle CookbookTeriyaki CookbookPork Chop RecipesWild Rice RecipesPork Roast Recipe✩ DOWNLOAD FREE eBook (PDF) included FULL of ILLUSTRATIONS for EVERY RECIPES right after conclusion ✩I really hope that each book in the series will be always your best friend in your little kitchen.Let's live happily and eat meat and poultry every day!Enjoy the book,

  • - A Roasted Pork Tenderloin Cookbook You Will Love
    af Rita Brown
    183,95 kr.

    I'm a MEAT LOVER! And SO ARE YOU!✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW! ✩Nope, I'm not sharing a secret. Rather, I'm letting everyone know that I'm so proud of it! Either my caveman good looks or Midwestern background developed my love for meat and poultry. As far as I can recall, the best meals I've had are all meat-based. Meat and Poultry dishes always fill my heart with happiness, especially a platter of tender and juicy braised chicken thighs and kale with crunchy breadcrumb toppings and my grandma's filling Bolognese-a delicious sauce of ground beef with buttered noodles, Parmesan cheese, and a few acidic tomatoes. Can't wait to discover the book "365 Roasted Pork Tenderloin Recipes" right now! 365 Awesome Pork Tenderloin RecipesMeat, as well as poultry, can play the lead role in a meal, such as an awesome roast of prime rib served in special gatherings. Sometimes, it can play the supporting role, such as beef-studded Southern greens, which is the way I eat daily. No matter what, meat and poultry usually add a special touch to any dish, meal, or even an entire event.You're sure to get several great choices in the book "365 Roasted Pork Tenderloin Recipes", whether you're preparing food for a dinner party or just making a weeknight dinner for your family.Lastly, a few words from one meat lover to another: I hope your steaks would always be medium-rare yet crusty on the outside, your fridge be always stocked up with bacon, your potatoes be fried in duck fat and turn out crispy, and your sides be fresh, seasonal, and bursting with flavors.You also see more different types of recipes such as: Meat Marinade RecipesChutney RecipesChipotle CookbookMeat Rub RecipesPork Chop RecipesPork Loin RecipesPork Roast Recipe✩ DOWNLOAD FREE eBook (PDF) included FULL of ILLUSTRATIONS for EVERY RECIPES right after conclusion ✩I really hope that each book in the series will be always your best friend in your little kitchen.Let's live happily and eat meat and poultry every day!Enjoy the book,

  • - A Highly Recommended Roasted Brisket Cookbook
    af Rita Brown
    133,95 kr.

    I'm a MEAT LOVER! And SO ARE YOU!✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW! ✩Nope, I'm not sharing a secret. Rather, I'm letting everyone know that I'm so proud of it! Either my caveman good looks or Midwestern background developed my love for meat and poultry. As far as I can recall, the best meals I've had are all meat-based. Meat and Poultry dishes always fill my heart with happiness, especially a platter of tender and juicy braised chicken thighs and kale with crunchy breadcrumb toppings and my grandma's filling Bolognese-a delicious sauce of ground beef with buttered noodles, Parmesan cheese, and a few acidic tomatoes. Can't wait to discover the book "123 Roasted Brisket Recipes" right now! 123 Awesome Roasted Brisket RecipesMeat, as well as poultry, can play the lead role in a meal, such as an awesome roast of prime rib served in special gatherings. Sometimes, it can play the supporting role, such as beef-studded Southern greens, which is the way I eat daily. No matter what, meat and poultry usually add a special touch to any dish, meal, or even an entire event.You're sure to get several great choices in the book "123 Roasted Brisket Recipes", whether you're preparing food for a dinner party or just making a weeknight dinner for your family.Lastly, a few words from one meat lover to another: I hope your steaks would always be medium-rare yet crusty on the outside, your fridge be always stocked up with bacon, your potatoes be fried in duck fat and turn out crispy, and your sides be fresh, seasonal, and bursting with flavors.You also see more different types of recipes such as: Glaze RecipeBBQ Rib CookbookMartini RecipesTequila RecipesGravy RecipeApplesauce RecipeNachos Recipe✩ DOWNLOAD FREE eBook (PDF) included FULL of ILLUSTRATIONS for EVERY RECIPES right after conclusion ✩I really hope that each book in the series will be always your best friend in your little kitchen.Let's live happily and eat meat and poultry every day!Enjoy the book,

  • - The Singles Rulebook of An Explosive Love life
    af Rita Brown
    133,95 kr.

    Falling taken with is simple. Staying in love-that's the challenge. However are you able to keep your relationship recent and growing amid the strain, conflicts, and simply plain ennui of everyday life? In the #1 big apple Times international bestseller The Dos and Don'ts in Dating, you'll discover the key that has remodeled ample relationships worldwide. whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Rita .W. Brown's evidenced approach to showing and receiving love can assist you expertise deeper and richer levels of intimacy along with your partner-starting nowadays. The Dos and Don'ts in Dating is as sensible because it is perceptive. Updated to replicate the complexities of relationships nowadays, this refashions reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, unjust knowledge in ways in which work. Includes the Couple's Personal Profile assessment thus you'll be able to discover your roles to play which of your honey

  • - I Love Rib Cookbook!
    af Rita Brown
    183,95 kr.

    I'm a MEAT LOVER! And SO ARE YOU!✩ Read this book for FREE on the Kindle Unlimited NOW! ✩Nope, I'm not sharing a secret. Rather, I'm letting everyone know that I'm so proud of it! Either my caveman good looks or Midwestern background developed my love for meat and poultry. As far as I can recall, the best meals I've had are all meat-based. Meat and Poultry dishes always fill my heart with happiness, especially a platter of tender and juicy braised chicken thighs and kale with crunchy breadcrumb toppings and my grandma's filling Bolognese-a delicious sauce of ground beef with buttered noodles, Parmesan cheese, and a few acidic tomatoes. Can't wait to discover the book "350 Impressive Rib Recipes" right now! 350 Awesome Rib RecipesMeat, as well as poultry, can play the lead role in a meal, such as an awesome roast of prime rib served in special gatherings. Sometimes, it can play the supporting role, such as beef-studded Southern greens, which is the way I eat daily. No matter what, meat and poultry usually add a special touch to any dish, meal, or even an entire event.You're sure to get several great choices in the book "350 Impressive Rib Recipes", whether you're preparing food for a dinner party or just making a weeknight dinner for your family.Lastly, a few words from one meat lover to another: I hope your steaks would always be medium-rare yet crusty on the outside, your fridge be always stocked up with bacon, your potatoes be fried in duck fat and turn out crispy, and your sides be fresh, seasonal, and bursting with flavors.You also see more different types of recipes such as: BBQ Rib CookbookKebab CookbookCitrus CookbookKorean BBQ RecipeVenison RecipesBaby Back Ribs RecipesShort Rib Recipe✩ DOWNLOAD FREE eBook (PDF) included FULL of ILLUSTRATIONS for EVERY RECIPES right after conclusion ✩I really hope that each book in the series will be always your best friend in your little kitchen.Let's live happily and eat meat and poultry every day!Enjoy the book,

  • - Skills & Drills for the Level 1, 2 & 3 Coach & Gymnast
    af Rita Brown
    373,95 kr.

  • - Level 4 Skills & Drills for the Coach and Gymnast
    af Rita Brown
    358,95 kr.

  • - Level 1 Coaches Certification Manual
    af Rita Brown
    416,95 kr.

  • - Your Best Meet Ever!
    af Rita Brown
    242,95 kr.

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