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I efteråret 1878 tog forfatteren Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) på en tolv dages vandring gennem den franske bjergkæde Cevennerne. Året efter udgav han med stor succes rejsedagbogen fra den tur, Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes. Rejsedagbogen udgives nu for første gang på dansk og det i Niels Brunses oversættelse. Vandringer med et æsel i Cevennerne består af Stevensons charmerende iagttagelser i naturen, af mennesker, han møder, og lokal folklore og historie. Ligesom den handler om æslet Modestine, det genstridige pakdyr, som Stevenson købte ved rejsens begyndelse. Vandringer med et æsel i Cevennerne regnes for en af verdens første ”outdoor”- bøger. I 2017 figurerede bogen på The Guardians liste over verdens hundrede bedste nonfiktion-bøger. Stevensons vandringsrute - også kaldet The Stevenson Trail - er i dag et populært mål for vandreturisme på linje med Caminoen. Robert Louis Stevenson er forfatteren bag klassikere som Skatteøen og Dr. Jekyll og Mr. Hyde.
'All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil'Published as a 'shilling shocker', Robert Louis Stevenson's dark psychological fantasy gave birth to the idea of the split personality. The story of respectable Dr Jekyll's strange association with 'damnable young man' Edward Hyde; the hunt through fog-bound London for a killer; and the final revelation of Hyde's true identity is a chilling exploration of humanity's basest capacity for evil.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!' Treasure Island is a tale of pirates and villains, maps, treasure and shipwreck, and is perhaps the best adventure story ever written.When young Jim Hawkins finds a packet in Captain Flint's sea chest, he could not know that the map inside it would lead him to unimaginable treasure. Shipping as cabin boy on the Hispaniola, he sails with Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Dr Livesey, the sinister Long John Silver and a frightening crew to Treasure Island. There, mutiny, murder and mayhem lead to a thrilling climax.
Since his first literary appearance in 1886, the murderous Mr Hyde has embodied the evil that even good men including his alter ego, Henry Jekyll - are capable of when the constraints of civilized life are loosed. This chilling anthology also collects nine of Stevenson's best-known tales of horror.
Originally designed as a story for boys, but with great appeal for adult readers, Stevenson's novel is narrated by the teenage Jim Hawkins, who outwits a gang of murderous pirates led by Long John Silver.
Treasure Island is a much loved Puffin Classic by Robert Louis Stevenson.Following the demise of bloodthirsty buccaneer Captain Flint, young Jim Hawkins finds himself with the key to a fortune. For he has discovered a map that will lead him to the fabled Treasure Island. But a host of villains, wild beasts and deadly savages stand between him and the stash of gold. Not to mention the most infamous pirate ever to sail the high seas . . .With a wonderfully funny introduction by award-winning author Eoin Colfer, Treasure Island is one of the twenty brilliant classic stories being reissued in Puffin Classics in March 2015.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied law but preferred writing and in 1881 was inspired by his stepson to write Treasure Island. Other famous adventure stories followed including Kidnapped, as well as the famous collection of poems for children, A Child's Garden of Verses. Robert Louis Stevenson is buried on the island of Samoa.The book includes a behind-the-scenes journey, including an author profile, a guide to who's who, activities and more.The Puffin Classics relaunch includes:A Little PrincessAlice's Adventures in WonderlandAlice's Adventures Through the Looking GlassAnne of Green Gables seriesBlack BeautyHans Andersen's Fairy TalesHeidiJourney to the Centre of the EarthLittle Women seriesPeter PanTales of the Greek HeroesThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Adventures of King ArthurThe Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Call of the WildThe Jungle BookThe OdysseyThe Secret GardenThe Wind in the WillowsThe Wizard of OzTreasure Island
I 1800-tallets London eksperimenterer den anerkendte læge og forsker Dr. Jekyll med en en mikstur, som skal kunne skille hans gode sider fra de dårlige. Men med eksperimenterne slipper han istedet en ond side af sig selv løs. En side som får et liv og en krop for sig selv under navnet Mr Hyde. Dr Jekyll får dog stadig sværere ved at kontrollere denne Mr Hyde, som efterhånden får lov at tage mere og mere over..."Robert L. Stevensons nybrydende roman om det spaltede sind kan stadig vække frydefuld rædsel" - David Rehling i Informationidden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlRobert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894) var forfatter og journalist, født og opvokset i Skotland. Han skrev flere romaner, som siden har fået udødelig klassikerstatus, bl.a. sørøverromanen Skatteøen (1883) og horrorfortællingen Dr. Jekyll og Mr. Hyde (1886).
'"e;One more step, Mr Hands,"e; said I, "e;and I'll blow your brains out"e;'In Treasure Island, a weathered old sailor known as Billy Bones arrives at the inn of young Jim Hawkins's parents - and it is the start of an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined. For when Bones dies mysteriously, Jim stumbles across a map of a mysterious island in his sea chest - where 'X' marks the spot of a stash of buried pirate gold. Setting sail with his friends on the ship Hispaniola to recover the treasure, Jim soon realizes that he's not the only one who knows about the hoard. Suddenly he is thrown into a world of treachery, mutiny, castaways and murder and, at the centre of it all, is the charming but sinister Long John Silver, who will stop at nothing to grab his share of the loot... The Ebb-Tide, a short novel published the year of Stevenson's death, is also a rollicking seafaring adventure, narrating the voyage of a stolen ship whilst exploring such themes as imperialism, violence, dishonesty, Christianity and corruption.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
An irresistible invitation to reject the work ethic and enjoy life's simple pleasures (such as laughing, drinking and lying in the open air), Robert Louis Stevenson's witty and seminal essay on the joys of idleness is accompanied here by his writings on, among other things, growing old, visiting unpleasant places and the overwhelming experience of falling in love. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are
En gammel kaptajn ankommer til kroen "Admiral Benbow" med en mystisk rejsekiste. Unge Jim Hawkins finder et skattekort i kaptajnens gemmer, og eventyret kan begynde. Sørøverkaptajnen Flints gemte skat skal findes. Og Jim, doktor Livesey og godsejer Trelawney tager af sted på det gode skib Hispaniola uvidende om, at besætningen mest består af pirater, deriblandt skibskokken Lange John Silver. Med denne pragtudgave af Robert Louis Stevenson's Skatteøen får du den originale, uforkortede fortælling, der nærmest suger dig ind i den eventyrlige skattejagt sammen med unge Jim og Lange John Silver. Selv om romanen er fra 1881, er den stadig en af de helt store klassikere - og læseværdig for alle eventyrlystne fra 8 år. Det er en blodig historie om griskhed, mod, længsel og venskab.Nærværende udgave er uforkortet og sproget er med nænsom hånd opdateret, så man let og flydende suser igennem den medrivende historie. Sørøverkaptajner, pirater, skattekister og en blodigt spændende historie - værsgo!Lydbogen er indlæst af Martin Greis.
Part of Alma Classics Evergreen series, this new edition includes pictures and extra material section on Stevenson's life and works. This volume also contains seven other Gothic stories by Stevenson - such as 'The Body Snatchers', 'Markheim' and 'Olalla'.
In South Sea Tales Stevenson shows himself to be a virtuoso of narrative styles. But beyond their generic diversity the stories are linked by their concern with representing the multiracial society of which their author had become a member. In this collection--the first to bring together all his shorter Pacific fiction in one volume--Stevenson emerges as a witness both to the cross-cultural encounters of nineteenth-century imperialism and to the creation of the global culture which characterizes the post-colonial world.
A collection of Stevenson's short stories found in one volume. Titles include "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", "Markheim", "Lodging for the Night", "Thrawn Janet", "The Body Snatcher" and "The Misadventures of John Nicholson".
This intriguing novel, both fantasy thriller and moral allegory, depicts the struggle of two opposing personalities -- one essentially good, the other evil -- for the soul of one man.
I 1400-tallets England udkæmpes en række krige mellem adelshusene York og Lancaster, og midt i denne konflikt fanges den unge ridder Dick Shelton. I håbet om at hævne sin faders alt for tidlige og mystiske død, bliver han tvunget til at slutte sig til en gruppe fredløse krigere, som går under navnet 'den sorte pil'. Her drages han ind i den større konflikt, som omhandler retten til selve Englands trone!"Stevenson skrev vidunderlig godt og er fuldkommen læselig den dag i dag" - Anne Knudsen i WeekendavisenRobert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894) var forfatter og journalist, født og opvokset i Skotland. Han skrev flere romaner, som siden har fået udødelig klassikerstatus, bl.a. sørøverromanen Skatteøen (1883) og horrorfortællingen Dr. Jekyll og Mr. Hyde (1886).
Uncovering a governmental conspiracy to frame a friend for murder puts David Balfour on the run and striving to protect the woman he's come to love.Released with the title David Balfour when originally released in the United States, Catriona is Robert Louis Stevenson's follow-up to Kidnapped. David Balfour, hero of both books, is made a target by his willingness to testify in favor of a friend falsely accused of murder. His stubborn sense of justice will get him challenged to a duel in which he is clearly overmatched, plotted against, pursued and kidnapped once again. In the midst of the action a fledgling romance appears, as David meets the endearing Catriona, a woman more than a few readers have also been smitten with. Misunderstandings, conniving family members and outright villains combine to keep them from one another and their romance seems doomed before it begins. The story rolls along against a richly depicted historical backdrop of the 18th century, with the author stirring many historical characters, places, and even ships into his tale of adventure and long-suffering love rewarded at last. First published in 1893, Catriona was the last novel the author completed on his own before his untimely death at 44 years of age.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Catriona is both modern and readable.
When young Jim Hawkins finds a treasure map among a captain's belongings, the scene is set for an adventure to discover Treasure Island. With 80 original illustrations by Robert Ingpen.
Det bliver aldrig kedeligt i selskab med Jim Hawkins og den karismatiske skibskok Long John Silver.Eventyrromanen Skatteøen er skrevet i 1883 og er den mest kendte af Robert Louis Stevensons romaner. Den har, som mange andre klassikere, været genstand for mange gendigtninger, filmatiseringer mv. Det er en barsk roman om mod og loyalitet, hvor hovedpersonen Jim Hawkins udover at miste sin far, kommer i kløerne på Long John Silver.
Drengen Jim kommer ud på et farligt eventyr med skibet Hispaniola.Rejsen går til Skatteøen, hvor han skal finde Kaptajn Flints skjulte skat.Jim må samle alt sit mod og kæmpe det bedste, han kan, mod farlige pirater.Måske bliver eventyret på Skatteøen det sidste, Jim kommer til at opleve?Letlæste klassikere er en ny serie med nogle af verdenshistoriens mest velkendte fortællinger. Bøgerne er genfortalt af den svenske børnebogsforfatter Maj Bylock og henvender sig især til læsere på 8-12 år. De eventyrlige og stemningsfulde illustrationer er medvirkende til at give historierne nyt liv. Bøgerne kan både bruges til frilæsning eller som en del af et undervisningsforløb i dansk på mellemtrinnet.Maj Bylock (1931-2019) har genfortalt nogle af verdenshistoriens mest kendte klassikere for at gøre indholdet mere tilgængeligt. Hensigten er at formidle dele af en rig kulturskat, vække læseglæde og give lyst til at læse mere.
Also Known as The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, this Annotation-Friendly edition has: An introduction by Dr Anne Rooney, author of Jekyll and Hyde: York Notes for GCSE (9-1). Large spaces between lines for annotations. Large outer margins. Pages at the end of each chapter for note taking. Arial font size 12 for ease of reading.
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Tim Middleton, Head of English Studies, University of Ripon and York.In seeking to discover his inner self, the brilliant Dr Jekyll discovers a monster. First published to critical acclaim in 1886, this mesmerising thriller is a terrifying study of the duality of man's nature, and it is the book which established Stevenson's reputation as a writer.Also included in this volume is Stevenson's 1887 collection of short stories, The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables.The Merry Men is a gripping Highland tale of shipwrecks and madness; Markheim, the sinister study of the mind of a murderer; Thrawn Janet, a spine-chilling tale of demonic possession; Olalla, a study of degeneration and incipient vampirism in the Spanish mountains; Will O' the Mill, a thought-provoking fable about a mountain inn-keeper; and The Treasure of Franchard, a study of French bourgeois life.
The Master of Ballantrae is a book by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, focusing upon the conflict between two brothers, Scottish noblemen whose family is torn apart by the Jacobite rising of 1745. The novel is presented as the memoir of one Ephraim Mackellar, steward of the Durrisdeer estate in Scotland. The novel opens in 1745, the year of the Jacobite Rising. When Bonnie Prince Charlie raises the banner of the Stuarts, the Durie family-the Laird of Durrisdeer, his older son James Durie (the Master of Ballantrae) and his younger son Henry Durie-decide on a common strategy: one son will join the uprising while the other will join the loyalists. That way, whichever side wins, the family's noble status and estate will be preserved. Logically, the younger son should join the rebels, but the Master insists on being the rebel (a more exciting choice) and contemptuously accuses Henry of trying to usurp his place, comparing him to Jacob. The two sons agree to toss a coin to determine who goes... Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world.
Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale takes to intriguing extremes the widely-held belief that everyone has good and bad sides. First published in 1886, the story is justly famous; it has spawned countless stage and film adaptations and "Jekyll and Hyde" has entered the English language as an epithet for someone whose personality oscillates between extremes. Stevenson's tale was inspired by the true story of Edinburgh cabinet maker and locksmith, William (Deacon) Brodie, a respected businessman by day and thief by night. Brodie was caught and hanged in 1788, on gallows that many believe he himself helped to design.
En dag banker en gammel, vejrbidt sømand på døren til Jims forældres værtshus og spørger efter et værelse. Den dag ændres Jims liv for altid.Sømanden afslører hurtigt, at han i sin kiste har et kort over en ø med en nedgravet skat. Og kort efter falder han død om.Jim beslutter sig for at lede efter skatten. Sammen med sine to venner, doktor Livesay og mr. Trelawney, sejler han til den berygtede Skatteøen. Men de er ikke de eneste, der er ude efter skatten … Der er mange gamle sørøvere, som også har hørt om skattekortet, og de forsøger at bremse Jim og hans venner.Skatteøen er blevet læst og elsket i mere end hundrede år. Her kommer den nu i en ny, bearbejdet udgave, så nutidens eventyrlystne børn også kan få lov at nyde den!LÆS EN KLASSIKER er en serie af de store klassikere – bearbejdet og omskrevet til letlæste udgaver for børn og unge fra 10 år og op. De sværeste ord med ældre betydning er markeret med fed i teksten og forklaret bagerst i bogen.Lix: 21 Bogen tilhører serien Læs en klassiker.
This action-packed adventure established the classic pirate story as it was written for more than a century afterward, and it made the literary reputation of its young author, Robert Louis Stevenson.
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