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  • af Robert Owens
    142,95 kr.

    Here we go again another volume in my New Old Sayings series.The idea that God speaks to us is in a deeply personal way is nonsensical to the worldly.The truth of the matter is: God speaks.And that says it all.I offer here the fifth volume of New Old Sayings. Once again, I don't end this book by saying, "Thus said the Lord." I do not claim literal inspiration for what is contained within these pages. I do say that God speaks to me. He speaks to me primarily through His Word as contained in the Bible.I find Him weaving His way through books, songs, paintings, poetry, movies, and websites. Everywhere I look I see God.His voice cascades through my reality infusing and embracing everything. Even those who reject God, even those who try with all their might to deny Him give context and substance to His words, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'"

  • af Robert Owens
    138,95 kr.

    This book on Chapters Five and Six concludes my effort to share what I believe the Lord has given me through a study of Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. This has taken over thirty years to complete, and I pray that it will be a blessing to someone, somewhere, somehow.

  • af Robert Owens
    141,95 kr.

    This is the fourth volume of New Old Sayings. This offers another one thousand glimmers gleaned from more than sixty years of Dr. Owens' songs, poems, essays, novels, books, lectures, speeches, personal conversations, contemplation, meditation, and education.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In Two Trails to the Horizon, we are introduced to one man who lives in two worlds. Cody Landry is a fast draw pistolero who weathers the storm of the War Between the States, trails up from Texas seeking revenge, and finds the world of the Whites holds nothing for him. Becoming Walking Crow of the Meskwaki he heads north to find the freedom he's only heard about around campfires fading slowly in the long dark night of a dying way of life.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In America's Armageddon the fifth volume in the America's Trojan War series America splinters as the descendants of the Pioneers, the Founders, and the Framers stand up to be counted. President Bryan, General Stando, and their whole corrupt regime fight to maintain their grip on the throat of a free nation. The battle between the various sides increasingly becomes a war between light and darkness, between good and evil, and a struggle to the death in the midst of a struggle for life.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    What is poetry? Is it just alliteration, imagery, rhyme, rhythm, sound, stanzas, tone, and meter? Or is it something shimmering between reality and realization? Is it the charismatic sister of prose encapsulating enchantment bringing substance to that which is known intuitively? Dr. Owens started writing poetry before he ever heard of poetry. There are poems in this book that he wrote while in grade school and there are poems in this book that he wrote in 2020. Therefore, this book took more than sixty years to write. Touching on politics, religion, sociology, economics, and whimsey the offerings in this book are meant to entertain, enlighten, and amuse.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In COGIC History The dark Years Dr. Owens examines a period of transition in the history of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). This period includes the years 1961-1968, from the death of the founder, Bishop C. H. Mason, to the installation of the first Presiding Bishop. This is the first scholarly reconstruction of the events of this period. The author uses the resulting case study as the basis for an analysis of the leadership styles and organizational types, which precipitated, endured, and resolved this period of transformation in one of America's greatest religious organizations.

  • - You Can't Go Home Again
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In America's Odyssey: You Can't Go Home Again the much requested and long anticipated sequel to America's Trojan War General Stamper and the Phantom Force face twin challenges as a war in Europe and the actions of an out of control central government threaten to destroy the last best hope for humanity: the United States. With wars raging on two continents and families ripped apart follow the saga of America's General as he battles to save all we hold dear.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    This book is filled with essays whose purpose is to encourage faith and point to the hope that dwells within the Gospel, the hope of glory in Christ Jesus. I believe Jesus Christ came to set us free. And if He sets us free, we are free indeed. So, take courage. Don't lose hope. Instead be hope-filled. All you have to do is confess Jesus as lord, the leader of your life, believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and you will enter into a world of joy unspeakable and full of glory. If you haven't done that before I'm going to believe you just did, and that fills me with hope.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In America's Steel Horse Brigade, the fourth volume of Dr. Owens' thrilling America's Trojan War series, the battle between the Bryan/Stando regime and the forces of freedom heats up. Tensions rise and emotions flare as fighting erupts like a volcano of violence melting any semblance of normal life. From the Heartland through the border regions massive armies dance in a duel of death as freedom hangs in the balance.

  • - Chapter One
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    While guiding the mature out into the deeper waters of the faith Paul in his letter to the Ephesians speaks volumes to the lukewarm Christians of the twenty-first century. Living as we do in an age of I'm Okay You're Okay churches full of feel good pastors and preachers leading secret agent Christians in a feel no pain religion of traditions and customs there has never been a better time to dive into the deep end through a study of Ephesians. Let's begin with Chapter One.

  • - Its Roots and its Message
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In The Azusa Street Revival: Its Roots and Its Message, Dr. Robert R. Owens follows the Pentecostal movement from the birth of the church on the Day of Pentecost through the days of the early church, the persecutions of the Dark Ages, the revivals of the Reformation and the Holiness movement, to the Azusa Street Revival. Dr. Owens contends the Azusa Street Revival was the greatest religious event of the twentieth century. He challenges several traditional historical assessments of events associated with Azusa Street and provides new information regarding some of the early influences and people who helped shape the revival.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In this book Dr. Robert Owens reflects on some thoughts about God and how walking through this world hand-in-hand with Christ helps us not only cope but overcome. He shares his faith. For our witness is all we really have to share that is of eternal significance. This is our calling. For just as Christ told Paul He also tells us, "For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard." And just like Paul, we were blind and we couldn't see but now through faith in Christ who is the light of the world we can walk in the light.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    America's Trojan War (the first book of a five book series) combines gut wrenching realism and fast paced action to make this feel like it was ripped from the morning's headlines. Lisa Billingham and Sargent Bushings rushed into the building firing into the faces of the enemy. Hundreds and soon thousands of police, firemen, and civilians poured into the buildings of St Elizabeth Hospital. They shot anything that moved. By force of numbers they pushed the defenders back from the windows and doors. Room by room sometimes desk by desk the fire fights raged leaving dead, wounded and dying scattered in every conceivable pose, piled on the floor, slumped over desks and chairs, and half in and half out of doors and windows. It was no exaggeration to say the building was littered with bodies. Still the Americans in their righteous anger assaulted the enemy with a ferocity they had never imagined.

  • - Vol. One: Colonial History
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    This series is written for non-Historians as a handy easy-to-read look at American History. It's guaranteed to reveal to the average reader things about America's story they don't know. This first volume covers our Colonial History. It's composed of short chapters each of which is designed to be a stand-alone treatment of a segment of time. It's my hope that this book will contribute to our historical perspective the lack of which which I believe is a major factor in the current lack of appreciation for the uniqueness which is the United States of America.

  • - How the left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    This examination of the Vietnam War is not a detailed account of the battlefield struggle. Instead, it looks at the goals and objectives as stated in the rhetoric of America's leadership. The criteria used for judgement are the public records of the achievements or failures of those goals and objectives. This work is not only necessary for historical accuracy, but it is imperative in the cause of justice for the brave men and women who fought and won the war. To you, the unappreciated veterans of Vietnam, I say, "You may not have received a parade when you came home. The media may continue to malign your name. However, beginning here it is my hope that you will see the record of your courageous achievements corrected and the history of your selfless service acknowledged. In this book I reveal the best kept secret of the twentieth century, "America won the Vietnam War" or "How the left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory."

  • - The Essential Story
    af Robert Owens
    123,95 kr.

    This work is written for non-Historians, and is a handy easy-to-read condensed look at Early American History. It is composed of short chapters each of which is designed to be a stand-alone treatment of a segment of time. It is my hope that this book will help fill the void that is exposed by the general lack of historical perspective which I believe is a major contributor to America's current lack of self-awareness of and appreciation for the uniqueness which is the United States. Dr. Robert Owens is a College Professor/Administrator and the author of a widely published weekly opinion column, The History of the Future, which can be viewed at He is also a retired house painter, a retired pastor, a musician and a composer. He holds an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies, Bachelor Degrees in History and Religious Education, a Master's Degree in Religious Education, a Master's Degree in History, and a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Religion and Leadership. His books include: The Constitution Failed, The Azusa Street Revival, America Won the Vietnam War! and NEVER FORGET!

  • - You Must Go Home Again
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In America's Odyssey II: You Must Go Home Again the much requested and long anticipated third installment in the America's Trojan War series General Stamper and the Phantom Force are straining at the bit to get home. They're mired down in a massive war in Italy against a relentless foe. Pressed against the wall by overwhelming forces they must watch as their beloved country sinks under the weight of a cruel dictatorship. A vicious civil war tears America apart as competing forces strive to impress their wildly divergent views of the future on reality. Will President Bryan and General Stando succeed in subjugating the free people of America and extinguishing the light of freedom? Or will the Constitutional States and the Resistance Army prevail in their epic struggle to restore a government of the people, by the people, and for the people?

  • - The Legendary Life and Hippie Experiences of Bobby Backstreet the Street Angel
    af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    While neither the first nor the last Hippie, Backstreet was in many ways the quintessential Hippie. Today the Hippie experience has been glamorized and sanitized by the dreaming of the young and the gleaning of the old. When confronted with the word "Hippie" most people today would respond with words such as, "peace, love, communes, and togetherness," Backstreet was only into peace and love (as he used to say), "Upside your head." And while he played and partied through a number of communes, and while he constantly had large crowds of people living at his various homes his most telling comments on communal relationships were: "Ten zeros still equals zero," and "All you get for nothing is nothing." From beginning to end the idea of togetherness to Backstreet was always a distillation of the gang motto, "You see, there's US and then there's THEM."Backstreet's experiences covered the whole range of experimentation and rebellion that the Hippies came to symbolize. From the "Summer of Love" in People's Park and Haight Ashbury, (he helped bury the Hippie in San Francisco) through Drop City, Colorado to the Armadillo in Austin, Texas.Backstreet was there. Dropping acid, smoking dope, snorting coke, and constantly drunk he led, followed, or got out of the way for fifteen years from coast to coast. More than the Lost Generation of the post W.W.I era or the Beat Generation of the 1950's the Hippie Generation represents the ultimate in missed opportunities, lost dreams, and eventually counterproductive goals. This is so because of the sheer size of the movement. Instead of tens of thousands there were millions directly involved, and through the wonders of commercialization there were and are tens of millions of fellow travelers who adopted the clothes, music, slang, hair, and drugs. But, underneath there was something hollow, something with the feel of the sordid, the wasted, the lost. Millions of tacky experiences glossed over and called love. Millions of lives filled with talent wasted and called freedom. Millions of lost opportunities for real contributions called peace. The peace of the grave yard in the lives of so many Hippies came to symbolize a rebellion against those who conquered the world by those who benefited the most from that conquest.Most of the stories in this book have been transcribed from interviews with participants, newspaper accounts, tapes from fireside and gang Rap Sessions, and an extensive collection of letters written by Backstreet himself. Backstreet always said, "I'll record my whole life and then when I'm gone you can just play it back." In a large sense that is what I have done in compiling this biography. The extensive tape archives constructed and compiled by Backstreet represent a treasure trove of oral history and ethnographic research relating to the Hippie era. The first person is used whenever the records justify a complete re-creation of the account in Backstreet's own words.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    In Then Came Trump Dr. Robert Owens shares insights about where we have come from, where we are now, and where the Donald promised to lead us. Featuring Dispatches from the History of the Future these essays are guaranteed to provide food for thought as current events you remember are placed in an historical and constitutional context. A text without a context is a pretext. In today's world of fake news the progressive spin of the wall-to-wall megaphone of the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCPBSNPR cartel pumps out its left-leaning version of the day's events. This combined with the stories they make-up out of whole cloth need to be balanced. This book is an attempt to provide that balance. We have labored in the darkness of the Obamanation. We have waited for a light at the end of the tunnel that was not another progressive steamroller chugging down the tracks. We have looked for anyone who could cut the Gordian Knot and loose the potential of America again. Then came Trump.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    Dr. Robert Owens the author of the History of the Future shows not only that the Constitution has failed but that in many ways the arguments of the Anti-Federalists foretold that failure before it was ratified. He then offers recommendations for how We the People can organize and advocate for solutions which he believes could bring about a return to limited government, preserve liberty, and reignite economic opportunity in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    This book is filled with some of the positive accomplishments of President Trump's first Administration. Most of this has never been covered by the echo-chamber megaphone pretending to be an objective media. Some of it has been covered as if through a carnival mirror, distorted and reshaped to fit the negative agenda of the Left.Though the media elites, the perpetually re-elected, and the bureaucrats of the deep state are united in their determination to defeat Donald Trump they've forgotten one thing ... most Americans still believe in America. And though they've used the Plandemic to shut down our economy and their shock troops are burning down our cities they'll not be able to terrorize us into staying home on election day.And when the dust settles, four more years may give us enough breathing space to: Make America Great Again - Again!

  • af Robert Owens
    78,95 kr.

    The definitive, exhaustive, and Complete Encyclopedia of Socialist Wisdom exposes the timeless truth that Socialism which proudly proclaims "From each according their ability to each according to their need!" actually means "Rob Peter to pay Paul." The redistribution of wealth by government has never and can never work. It ultimately results in the sharing of misery by those who work and the unearned enrichment of those bureaucrats who decide who gets what. You will marvel at the depth of insight that is the foundation of central planning, spreading the wealth around, and generally forcing those who produce to support those who don't.Or as William Graham Sumner, a Yale University professor, stated in an essay in 1876 "As soon as A observes something which seems to him wrong, from which X is suffering, A talks it over with B, and A and B then propose to get a law passed to remedy the evil and help X. Their law always proposes to determine what C shall do for X, or, in better case, what A, B, and C shall do for X... What I want to do is to look up C. I want to show you what manner of man he is. I call him the Forgotten Man. Perhaps the appellation is not strictly correct. He is the man who never is thought of.... I call him the forgotten man... He works, he votes, generally he prays-but he always pays..."

  • af Robert Owens
    167,95 kr.

    If we don't stand up after the Miracle in November and demand that the swamp is drained when will it happen? When Crazy Bernie, Creepy Joe, Chelsea, AOC, or some other socialist gets elected? If we can't drain the swamp now the swamp is going to drain us right into the sewer of history.

  • af Robert Owens
    228,95 kr.

    In Constitutional Philosophy in Action Dr. Owens begins by expressing the Enlightenment philosophies which are the bedrock of the Constitution in modern American English. He then uses these philosophies as a lens to look at current events in the second Obama administration. Finally, he offers some ideas and suggestions on how we can use these same philosophies and principles to re-ignite liberty in America.

  • af Robert Owens
    173,95 kr.

    Within the span of one generation three of eight American presidents left office via the assassin's bullet rather than the ballot, and yet the image presented to the world conveyed the ideas of stability, continuity, and peaceful societal evolution. This book is an examination of public rhetoric with regard to the assassinations of three American presidents, Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. The public rhetoric before, during and after each assassination is examined. This examination is used as examples and evidence to build the case that the elites in America used that rhetoric to promote the secular deification of the murdered Presidents within the context of a secular American Political Religion.

  • af Robert Owens
    238,95 kr.

    The vast majority of human action reflects the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings of the actor. There have always been and there will always be those whose actions are erratic or divorced from reality. The actions of this small minority are best ascribed to pathology not philosophy. For the rest of us, we think therefore we are. What we think about today we act upon tomorrow. The Dispatches from the History of the Future contained in this book convey the basic political philosophy which I believe will one day re-inspire our nation to stride upon the stage of History with another round of liberating political action. Dr. Robert Owens is a College Professor/Administrator and the author of a widely published weekly opinion column, The History of the Future, which can be viewed at He is also a retired house painter, a former pastor, a musician and a composer. He holds an Associ- ate Degree in Biblical Studies, a Bachelor Degree in Religious Education, a Bachelor Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Religious Education, a Master's Degree in History, and a Ph. D. in Organizational Leadership. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Religion, and Leadership. His books include; Colonial American History: The Essential Story, The Constitution Failed, The Azusa Street Revival, America Won the Viet- nam War! and NEVER FORGET! All these books are available online from, and numerous other outlets.

  • - Teachers Living Under the Shadow of NCLB
    af Andrew Nash, Marilyn Johnston-Parsons, Jeff Bernardi, mfl.
    678,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    Tells stories of life in a ""failing"" school. This book features insider stories of the daily lives of children and educators in an urban school during a time when accountability weighs heavy on both teachers and students. It shows how most educators are in favor of accountability.

  • - An Introduction
    af Robert Owens
    1.245,95 kr.

    Appropriate for use in language development courses.A best-selling, comprehensive, easy-to-understand introduction to language development Language Development: An Introduction offers a cohesive, easy-to-understand overview of all aspects of language development, including syntax, morphology, semantics, phonology, and pragmatics. Each idea and concept is explained in a way that is clear to even beginning students and then reinforced with outstanding pedagogical aids such as discussion questions, chapter objectives, reflections, and main point boxed features. Filled with real-world examples, the book looks at how children learn to communicate in general, and in English specifically, while emphasizing individual patterns of communication development. The 10th Edition keeps readers up to date on major topics in the field and the challenges that teachers face in today’s diverse classrooms. It provides more child language examples; improves readability with more thorough explanations and clarifications; includes updated research with the addition of several hundred new references; streamlines the discussion of reading comprehension; includes practical learning theories; and more. Also available with the Enhanced Pearson eText The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with embedded videos, self-check exercises, and end-of-chapter quizzes. Instructors, visit to register for your digital examination copy. Students, register for or purchase your eText at

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