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Bøger af Robert Wagner

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  • af Robert Wagner
    127,95 kr.

    Sometimes evil is just too good. Crack open this book and join me for 12 macabre stories, ranging from the worst first date in history, to the patrons of a haunted house finding the scares inside a little too real. You'll find evils both supernatural and all to human.This short story collection includes: -Fresh to your door-Barony of Terror-The Question of Me-The Were-house of Horrors-Man's Best Friend-New Year, New You-Luchorpán-Unmasked-Beholder-Lance Blackwater and the Case of the Unfamiliar familiar-Cycles-Delivery Guaranteed

  • - Memoirs of a Casino Dealer
    af Robert Wagner
    152,95 kr.

    The innocent-sounding "Winner, winner, chicken dinner" could get you an evil stare in Las Vegas. I should know. As a veteran dealer and floor manager, I've written a book detailing the best, worst, and funniest parts of casino life for anyone who'd like to work in one or is just intrigued by the carnival-like atmosphere. The only one of its kind, The Cardslinger is flush with vignettes about the hilarity, naughtiness, depravity, and revenge that ensue at your average casino. The book is a must read for anyone contemplating working at a casino or who visits a casino regularly. Readers will learn basic terms and how to play many games-as well as how not to be that guy (or gal) everyone hates. I've worked at casinos from Las Vegas to Florida-and yes, Robert Wagner is my real name. Having met more than a million people, I've also worked games with more than a million and a half dollars riding on them. I decided to write The Cardslinger: Memoirs of a Casino Dealer exactly one year after my wife's passing. In it, I wanted to do what I do best, which is make people laugh.

  • af Robert Wagner
    212,95 kr.

    Read the inspiring story of Robert Wagner's life, including how he built a wine business during Prohibition. A fascinating memoir from one of the recipients of Georgetown's John Carroll award.

  • - Triumph of Evil
    af Robert Wagner
    167,95 kr.

    This novel is historical fiction. It's setting is the Spanish Inquisition and Spain's reconquest from the Arabs. Described are Spain's monarchs efforts to create a country of pure blood and one faith (Catholicism). To this end non Christians were expelled and their wealth retained. Spain became an elitist society, self-segregated and closed minded religion. Casiano, a Christian knight and Perla, a Converso Jewess are fictional. They are subjected to the cruelties of self-serving Church and Kings. Perla is arrested for heresy but is rescued from the stake by Casiano. They escape to live in freedom, away from Church and Crown.

  • - The Story of Robert Wagner
    af Robert Wagner
    77,95 kr.

    Large-print edition of the original autobiography.

  • af Robert Wagner
    142,95 kr.

    The Outbreak Continues in Book 2...The remaining band of once strangers still struggle to survive in an America overrun with zombie hordes. JT and Hannah races to save the life of their friend Gus and stumbles onto a church community run by a holy man whose intentions are anything but clear.

  • - seleção de leis específicas para a atividade de Inteligência da Abin
    af Robert Wagner
    222,95 kr.

    O livro Legislações da Inteligência: seleção de leis específicas para a atividade de Inteligência da Abin, uma publicação exclusiva da Amazon Prime em sua 1a Edição de 2023, com recurso de áudio habilitado (ebook-Alexa), apresenta principais leis e atos normativos ao arcabouço da Atividade de Inteligência brasileira, a exemplo da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD, Lei 13.709/18), da Política Nacional de Segurança Pública e Defesa Social (PNSPDS, Lei 13.675/18), da Política Nacional de Inteligência (PNI, Decreto 8.793/2016). Isto é, as normas federais de abrangência nacional, com aplicação a todo ente federativo (União, Estados-membros, Distrito Federal e Municípios), bem como a disciplina dos parâmetros e limites legais da atuação da Atividade de Inteligência (Inteligência e Contrainteligência) e de seus executores (órgãos, autarquias, pessoas jurídicas) no âmbito do Sistema Brasileiro de Inteligência (Sisbin). No Brasil, a atividade de Inteligência de Estado é coordenada pelo órgão federal Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Abin), criado pela Lei federal n° 9.883 de 7 de dezembro de 1999. À Abin compete "planejar e executar ações, inclusive sigilosas, relativas à obtenção e análise de dados para a produção de conhecimentos destinados a assessorar o Presidente da República; relativas à proteção de conhecimento sensíveis, de interesses à segurança do Estado e da sociedade civil; avaliar ameaças, internas ou externas, à ordem constitucional da República Federativa do Brasil (CF/88); e promover o desenvolvimento de recursos humanos e da doutrina de Inteligência, seus estudos e pesquisas para o exercício e aprimoramento da atividade de Inteligência" (art. 4°, Lei 9.883/99). O objetivo dessa obra é, mediante a reunião de tal legislação nacional (atualizada), fortalecer os princípios constitucionais da publicidade e legalidade (art. 37, caput, CF/1988); ser instrumento e acesso ao estudo da matéria de Inteligência de Estado. Em um regime democrático de direito, a publicidade da legislação de um órgão qual a Abin é a regra, sendo a exceção o sigilo, este nos casos expressos em lei especial (Segurança Nacional). Então, o conhecimento da "letra da lei" é fundamental para quem almeja ingressar, via concurso público de provas ou de provas e títulos, nos quadros de cargos efetivos da Abin (Oficial de Inteligência, Agente de Inteligência, etc.).

  • af Robert Wagner
    297,95 kr.

  • - Exploration Class
    af Robert Wagner
    117,95 - 127,95 kr.

    Her job is exploration. Now Herra's newest discovery could shape the very course of galactic history. In 2117 a probe hits an anomaly out past Pluto. Scientific investigation discovers it's a enormous wormhole, one that leads to deep space. With this discovery humans escape beyond the solar system. The Great Colonization begins as brave explorers set out to find Earth like planets to inhabit.Herra pilots Dauntless, an exploratory class spaceship, meant to find new planets to colonize or mine. She loves nothing more than to be out on the edge, pushing the boundaries of known space. Unfortunately, her finds so far pay only enough to keep her ship functioning and her small crew paid. When a routine examination of a new solar system picks up an unknown distress call, Herra decides to investigate, not knowing what she found would shake up the entire galaxy.

  • af Robert Wagner
    222,95 kr.

    The epidemic of unhappiness, loneliness and rushed lives is growing and growing. To whom should we look for help? Do you often feel like you are going through life on triple speed? Like the days are passing you by?Do you get the feeling of loneliness, even though you message with your friends all day long. When was the last time you had a peaceful dinner with the ones you love and care about? Did you answer well... to any of those? Be honest - we all do. To one, two, or even to all. We are constantly being rushed, pushed to do more things, have more things, be faster, more efficient, more successful. But it''s burning us out. Even when we reach success, we''re not happy with it. Here is a preview of what You''ll learn... ┬╖       How to find happiness changing perspective and habits┬╖       How to Make Your Lifestyle/Home More Hygge┬╖       How to Practice Hygge with new ideas┬╖       3 Things that describe Hygge lifestyle┬╖       Why food plays a significant role in the Hygge culture┬╖       5 Ways to embrace Hygge Beginning to practice hygge in your life simply requires a desire to create an atmosphere conducive to comfort and calm, a focus on togetherness and family rather than work and status.A belief that material wealth and consumer products do not equal happiness. Rather, it is an intrinsic feeling that comes from leading a comforting life of self-care and well-being. Success, following hygge, is not defined via one material thing. Rather, success is about work-life balance, creativity, and productivity in your life, comfort, and happiness in your home.

  • af Wagner Robert Wagner
    167,95 - 392,95 kr.

  • af Friedrich Hoffmann, Robert Wagner & Hans-Christian Brauweiler
    1.007,95 kr.

    Das Werk richtet sich an Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, die sich ohne spezielle Vorkenntnisse in den umfangreichen Bereich der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung einarbeiten wollen. Praxisnahe Erläuterungen zum Aufbau computergestützter Informationssysteme, die über die formale theoretische Abarbeitung technischer Spezifikationen hinausgehen, sollen den Einstieg in die äußerst komplexe Welt der EDV erleichtern. Das in das Buch eingefügte Glossar ermöglicht einen schnellen Überblick über die Bedeutung der am häufigsten verwendeten Fachtermini.

  • - Eine Mehrebenenanalyse Von Absorptive Capacity Praktiken
    af Robert Wagner
    346,95 kr.

    In Zeiten schnellen technologischen Wandels und in einem stets dynamischen Wettbewerbsumfeld versuchen Unternehmen durch Innovationen einen komparativen Vorteil zu erlangen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Eine Möglichkeit, Zugang zu dem für die Innovationen benötigten Wissen zu erhalten, bietet die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen oder Forschungseinrichtungen in Form der kooperativen Technologieentwicklung. Ein diesbezüglich relevantes Konzept ist das der Absorptive Capacity. Es versucht zu erklären, warum Unternehmen unterschiedlich leicht Zugang zu potenziell für Innovationen relevantem Wissen finden und warum Unternehmen dieses Wissen teilweise mehr, teilweise weniger effizient umsetzen können. Obwohl bereits zahlreiche Forschungsbeiträge theoretische Zusammenhänge der Absorptive Capacity genauer beleuchtet haben, wurde den tatsächlich zur Anwendung kommenden Praktiken bisher wenig Beachtung geschenkt. An dieser Lücke setzt diese Arbeit an und fokussiert so die Praktiken der Absorptive Capacity.

  • - Einsatzmoeglichkeiten des sozialen Netzwerkes twitter im Marketing
    af Robert Wagner
    356,95 kr.

  • af Robert Wagner
    132,95 kr.

  • af Paul Williams, David Bowles, Robert Wagner, mfl.
    439,95 kr.

    This Student Book has been approved by AQA and provides full support for AQA's new linear AS Level and for Year 1 of the full A Level. This book supports the major changes in assessment style. Using clear and concise explanations, and abundant worked examples, it covers all the pure, mechanics and statistics content needed.

  • af Robert Wagner
    155,95 kr.

    They fell instantly and deeply in love and stayed together until the stress of their careers drove them to divorce. Trying to forget the pain, he made more movies and spent his time in Europe with the likes of Steve McQueen, Sophia Loren, Peter Sellers, Laurence Olivier, David Niven, Liz Taylor and Joan Collins.

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