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Bøger af Roger Oakland

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  • - The Impact of Darwinsim on the World and the Church
    af Roger Oakland
    172,95 kr.

    Twenty five years ago Caryl Matrisciana and Roger Oakland came out with their co-authored book The Evolution Conspiracy. The book was published by Harvest House. While the creation/evolution debate was important back then, it is substantially more vital today. The western world's push to have evolution taught in every public school and secular college has been successful, and unbeknownst to most, the effects of this invasion of evolutionary thinking have completely changed the morality and the spirituality of our present-day society. This new edition also includes an updated foreword by Dr. John Morris, President Emeritus of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR).We believe every Christian family should read this book. Don't send your children or grandchildren into the world without them having a solid understanding of creationism vs. evolution and how the "evolution conspiracy" has affected the world and even the church.

  • - An Urgent Message to the Last-Days Church
    af Roger Oakland
    172,95 kr.

    Since the turn of the millennium, in particular since September 11, 2001 when America was attacked by terrorists triggering a global-wide spiritual paradigm shift, Christianity as we have known it has experienced a major meltdown. While many are saying Christianity is on the brink of a great revival and even a "new reformation," in reality, we are witnessing the greatest apostasy in modern-day history. This latter-day deception has impacted every evangelical and Protestant denomination to one degree or another, and it is worldwide. The sheep have been led astray by shepherds who have neglected what they have been called to do-protect the sheep. The Good Shepherd Calls brings clarity to what this delusion looks like, why it is happening, where it is headed, and what can still be done to warn believers and unbelievers alike.

  • af Roger Oakland
    187,95 kr.

  • af Roger Oakland
    157,95 kr.

    If the foundational principal of Christianity is recognizing who Jesus is and what He has done, then sharing this truth with unbelievers should be next in line. If we follow Jesus' New Testament commandment, which challenges us to love God first and then our neighbors before ourselves, should we not do everything in our power to share the Good News of God's saving grace with others? There has never been a more critical time to sow the truth of the Gospel into our world. Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to our present generation is becoming increasingly more difficult. While people everywhere have embraced Darwinian evolution as a means of explaining away the existence of God, there is a growing trend in our society to accept the New Age worldview that evolution is God. Witness to This Generation provides biblical insights showing how "creation evangelism" can be used to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our generation and why the time remaining to do so may be very short.

  • af Roger Oakland
    177,95 kr.

    Roger Oakland heads to university with the morals and values of his Christian parents intact. When he enters school, he believes in God as a Creator, but soon exchanges this for Darwinian evolution. After graduation, he begins teaching biology (with an emphasis on evolution) at the same university. Challenged one day by a young Christian student, Roger mocks the whole idea of Creation and God.Through a series of painful circumstances, including the death of a baby son, he begins searching for answers to life - until one day he has a dramatic experience when hit with the realization that God created everything. Becoming a creationist and later a committed born-again Christian, Roger's life is radically changed, and he is filled with a passion to tell others about God. Little does he know at the time that he will travel throughout the world to share his message. Through his research, he finds a connection between evolution and the New Age. He discovers that multitudes of people are rejecting the idea of a Creator God and replacing it with an impersonal panentheistic "God." Much to his alarm, Roger learns that New Age concepts, such as this evolutionary "God," are being absorbed into mainstream Christianity.As time progresses, Roger realizes that the Christian church is heading down a dangerous road of apostasy. He comes head to head with Christian leaders whom he learns are guiding believers toward a one-world religion via the Roman Catholic church through mysticism and the emerging church. The cost of telling the truth and warning the church is high for Roger Oakland. Within his own denomination, Calvary Chapel, he begins to see signs of spiritual deception. He works tirelessly to teach and warn about the coming apostasy. Eventually, he realizes that both he and his message are being rejected by leaders of the movement that he tried to support for so many years.From the wheat fields of Saskatchewan to the classrooms of evolutionary humanism, to a fallen USSR to poverty-stricken villages in Myanmar, Roger shares his message to over 130 countries. This apologetics biography will inspire you to give all for the sake of Christ and His Gospel.Topics This Book Addresses: Biblical creation versus Darwinian evolutionRussia's openness to the Gospel after the fall of the USSRA plan by the Catholic church to absorb ProtestantismThe connection between evolution and the New AgeHow the Christian church is being lured into a one-world religion that is prophesied in the BibleContrasting the Light of the World to the darkness of this ageThe role mysticism is playing in end times deceptionHow Christian leaders are ignoring the study of Bible prophecy Questions this book answers: What is real science? Is Darwinian theory scientific?Is spiritual deception talked about in the Bible?What is the Catholic Eucharistic Evangelization plan?What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?What is the essential ingredient for true revival?Are signs-and-wonders revivals like the Toronto Blessing biblical?Why do many Christian pastors and leaders avoid talking about spiritual deception? Does the Bible mandate Christians to warn against spiritual deceptio

  • af Roger Oakland
    177,95 kr.

    Es el movimiento de la iglesia emergente solamente otra moda pasajera, un enfoque contemporneo de la iglesia, o una inconformidad de la gente joven buscando respuestas? En realidad, es algo mucho ms extenso que todo esto, y est influyendo de manera significante en el Cristianismo actual. Basado sobre el misticismo antiguo de siglos pasados, este movimiento es poderoso pero altamente engaoso, tomando su empuje de prcticas y experiencias que son ajenas al Cristianismo bblico. El camino de la iglesia emergente la lleva a abrazar una perspectiva de inter-espiritualidad que tiene un profundo significado proftico. En realidad, es una nueva manera de ser Cristiano, y busca todas las formas posibles para introducir una nueva Reforma. Sin duda, impactar a todas las iglesias del mundo occidental y an ms all de ellas. Detrs de esta nueva clase de iglesia hay una estrategia cuidadosamente diseada por el prncipe de este mundo, el enemigo de nuestras almas, para verdaderamente deshacer y despedazar la fe de millonesy el resultado ser nada menos que la fe desechada.

  • af Roger Oakland
    167,95 kr.

    Is the emerging church movement just another passing fad, a more contemporary approach to church, or the discontent grumblings of young people looking for answers? In fact, it is much broader and is influencing Christianity to a significant degree. Grounded in a centuries-old mystical approach, this movement is powerful yet highly deceptive, and it draws its energy from practices and experiences that are foreign to biblical Christianity. The path the emerging church is taking is leading right into the arms of an interfaith perspective that has prophetically profound ramifications. It is indeed a new way of being Christians, and in every conceivable manner, it is striving to bring about a new reformation. Without a doubt, it will have an impact on all churches in the Western world and far beyond. For behind this new kind of church is a well-designed strategy and maneuver by the prince of this world, the enemy of our souls, to literally take apart the faith of millions-it will be nothing less than faith undone.

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