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Bøger af Rumi

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  • - Translated by Nader Khalili
    af Rumi
    118,95 kr.

    The Love Poems of Rumi is a beautiful and elegantly illustrated gift book of Rumi's poems translated by Nader Khalili, geared for readers searching for inspirational themes and messages about love.

  • - Translated by Nader Khalili
    af Rumi
    153,95 kr.

    The Friendship Poems of Rumi is an elegantly illustrated gift book of the famous Rumi's poems, translated by Nader Khalili, that center on the meaning of friendship and its many beautiful meanings.

  • - Translated by Nader Khalili
    af Rumi
    118,95 kr.

    The Spiritual Poems of Rumi is a captivating collection penned by the legendary Persian poet, Rumi. Published by Wellfleet Press, U.S., in 2020, this book is a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom and lyrical beauty. The genre of this book can be best described as spiritual poetry, a genre in which Rumi excels like no other. Each poem is a glimpse into Rumi's profound and deep connection with the divine. His words are not merely poems, but spiritual lessons that resonate with the reader, regardless of their faith or beliefs. This book is an excellent addition to anyone's collection who seeks spiritual enlightenment through the medium of poetic verse. Dive into the spiritual world of Rumi and let his words guide you on your spiritual journey.

  • af Rumi
    133,95 kr.

    Thirteenth-century Persian philosopher, mystic, scholar and founder of the order of the Whirling Dervishes, Jelaluddin Rumi was also a poet of transcendental power. His inspirational verse speaks with the universal voice of the human soul and brims with exuberant energy and passion. Rich in natural imagery from horses to fishes, flowers to birds and rivers to stars, the poems have an elemental force that has remained undiminished through the centuries. Their themes - tolerance, goodness, the experience of God, charity and awareness through love - still resonate with millions of readers around the world.

  • - The Garden of the Soul, the Heart, and the Spirit
    af Rumi
    136,95 kr.

  • af Rumi
    138,95 kr.

    "This is a collection of inspirational wisdom for living a meaningful and productive life. This selection of quotations has been chosen to reflect Rumi's inspiring and uplifting approach to life and the inevitable issues that we encounter during our lifetimes. The wisdom includes no-nonsense statements, observations, and facts-ranging from matters of the heart, to understanding human nature, to embracing the nature of the divine. The result is an extended meditation on how to live one's life with meaning, productivity, and kindness"--

  • af Rumi
    558,95 kr.

    रूमी ईरान के सर्वाधिक प्रसिद्ध कवि हैं। उनकी ग़ज़लें ऊर्जस्वी काव्य के दुर्लभ उदाहरणों में से हैं। रूमी की ग़ज़लें सामान्य कविताओं की तुलना में अलग हैं। इनकी प्रत्येक ग़ज़ल का हर शेर आत्म-अनुभूति की परिपूर्णता से उच्छलित है। इनकी कविता केवल काव्यात्मक चमत्कारों को प्रदर्शित कर पाठकों को लुब्ध करने में पर्यवसित नहीं होती, बल्कि दिल से निकलकर मस्तिष्क और हृदय को भिगोती हुई आत्मा तक का स्पर्श कर लेती है। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक उनकी चुनिन्दा 100 ग़ज़लों का अनुवाद है। इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से रूमी पहली बार सीधे फ़ारसी से हिन्दी में अनूदित हुए हैं। इसमें सबसे पहले फारसी ग़ज़लों का देवनागरी में लिप्यन्तरण प्रस्तुत किया गया है फिर साथ में ही उनका हिन्दी अनुवाद दिया गया है। अन्त में मूल ग़ज़लें फ़ारसी लिपि में भी रखी गई हैं। पुस्तक के अन्त में दिए गए अनेक परिशिष्टों के माध्यम से फ़ारसी काव्य भाषा को समझने के महत्त्वपूर्ण उपकरण जुटाए गए हैं। इसमें ग़ज़लों में प्रयुक्त सभी छन्दों को ईरानी तथा भारतीय काव्यशास्त्रीय रीति से समझाया गया है। क्लासिकल फ़ारसी कविता के सम्यक् परिचय के लिए आवश्यक संक्षिप्त फ़ारसी व्याकरण जोड़ा गया है। अन्त में प्रत्येक शब्द का अर्थ भी दिया गया है। इस प्रकार मूल से जुड़े रसपूर्ण अनुवाद की प्रस्तुति के साथ ही यह पुस्तक रूमी-रीडर के तौर पर भी उपयोग में आने योग्य है।

  • af Rumi
    198,95 kr.

  • af Rumi
    166,95 kr.

    "Love is a boundless ocean, in which the heavens are but a flake of foam." For more than eight hundred years, the poetry of Jalalu'l-Din Rumi has touched and inspired people of all faiths and cultures. Considered the greatest mystical poet of Iran, Rumi is also known as "the Sufi poet of love." His stirring and mesmerizing words have gained a new appreciation in the western world, influencing celebrities and musicians from Deepak Chopra to Coldplay and Madonna. Rumi produced an enormous body of work--as many as 2,500 mystical odes; 25,000 rhyming couplets; and 1,600 quatrains--each reflecting his fervent belief in the transformative powers of longing, love, and spirituality. This beautifully designed hardcover volume presents more than one hundred of Rumi's finest verses, including "The Marriage of True Minds," "The Children of Light," "The Man Who Looked Back on His Way to Hell," "The Ascending Soul," "The Pear-Tree of Illusion," "The Riddles of God," and many more.

  • af Rumi
    163,95 kr.

    A Year Of Love offers new English translations of 52 short Rumi poems, to be used for weekly reflection and meditation. Each poem can be the starting point for a journey of inquiry into the mysteries of the self and the universe. The book also includes the poems in the original Farsi language and corresponding transliterations, as well as blank pages for writing notes.

  • af Rumi
    63,95 kr.

  • af Rumi, Ibn Arabi, Attar, mfl.
    39,94 kr.

    Plongez au coeur de la pensée spirituelle islamique avec 100 citations et proverbes soufi. Des enseignements des grands maîtres et des poètes mystiques, Al-Alawi, Attar, Ibn Arabi, Kharaqânî, Rûmî et bien d'autres, aux proverbes et enseignements anonymes, dépositaires de la sagesse de générations : chaque citation est une ouverture vers la transformation personnelle et une entrée en profondeur dans la sagesse des plus grands initiés.

  • af Rumi
    136,95 kr.

    A selection of original translations of the great Persian poet by an up-and-coming American translator and musician.Up until the age of 40, the 13th century Persian sage Rumi was chiefly known as a preacher and a man of serious and sober views. At that point, however, an encounter with the poet Shams of Tabriz left him utterly transformed. Rumi became a poet himself, a poet in singleminded pursuit of ecstatic illumination and liberation whose poetry is meant to induce a similar revelation in his audience, bringing them to a condition of serenity, compassion, and oneness with the divine. Rumi's poetry is a masterpiece of world literature to which readers in many languages continue to return for inspiration and succour as well as aesthetic delight. This new translation preserves the radical intelligence and the ecstatic drama of poems that are as full of individual character as they are of visionary wisdom.Marilyn Hacker, one of America's finest contemporary poets, praises Haleh Liza Gafori's new translations of Rumi as "the work of someone who is at once an acute and enamored reader of the original Farsi text, a dedicated miner of context and backstory, and, best of all, a marvelous poet in English."

  • - Arabic Poems of Rumi
    af Rumi
    230,95 kr.

    Following on from Love Is My Savior, this book offers more of the little-known Arabic poems of Mawlana Rumi. These poems take the reader on a journey of spiritual search, ecstatic union, universal salvation, and mystic reconciliation, in which Rumi reveals his soul and welcomes everyone to his spiritual feast.

  • - The Arabic Poems of Rumi
    af Rumi
    213,95 kr.

    This new volume of Rumi's works, the first-ever English translation of his Arabic poems, will be exciting for the newcomer to Rumi's verses as well as to readers already familiar with his mystical philosophy.

  • - The Masnavi -- Book I
    af Rumi
    109,94 - 188,95 kr.

  • - Unseen Poems
    af Rumi
    213,95 kr.

  • - A New Translation of Selected Poems
    af Rumi
    163,95 kr.

    Championed by the likes of Madonna, Donna Karan, and Deepak Chopra, Rumi has won such a following in this country that a few years ago he was proclaimed our bestselling poet. But translations that have popularized the work of this thirteenth-century Sufi mystic have also strayed from its essence. In this new translation, Farrukh Dhondy seeks to recover both the lyrical beauty and the spiritual essence of the original verse. In poems of love and devotion, rapture and suffering, loss and yearning for oneness, Dhondy has rediscovered the Islamic mystic of spiritual awakening whose quest is the key to his universal appeal. Here is at once a great poet of love, both human and divine, and the authentic voice of a moderate Islama voice that can resonate in todays turbulent, fundamentalist times.

  • af Rumi
    178,95 kr.

  • af Rumi
    218,95 kr.

    Stories are told to illustrate a point and each moral is discussed in detail. It incorporates a variety of Islamic wisdom but primarily focuses on emphasizing inward personal Sufi interpretation. In contrast to Rumi's Diwan, the Masnavi is a relatively "sober" text. It explains the various dimensions of spiritual life and practice to Sufi disciples and anyone who wishes to ponder the meaning of life. It was left unfinished at the time of the demise of Mawlana Rumi but he said in the last few line of the book that another pious person will come to complete the book and the Sunni Muslims believe that man to be Mufti Ilaahi Bakhsh Kandhlawi, who authored Ikhtimaam-e-Mathnawi as an addendum and the completion of this magnum opus. Books 1 and 2: They "are principally concerned with the nafs, the lower carnal self, and its self-deception and evil tendencies."Books 3 and 4: These books share the principal themes of Reason and Knowledge. These two themes are personified by Rumi in the Biblical and Quranic figure of the Prophet Moses.Books 5 and 6: These last two books are joined by the universal ideal that man must deny his physical earthly existence to understand God's existence.

  • af Rumi
    138,95 kr.

    Rumi: Unseen Poems - the second volume of Rumi in the Everyman Pocket Poet series - is a treasury of poems which have never been translated before, researched and translated by Rumi biographer Brad Gooch and the Iranian writer Maryam Mortaz.

  • - 105 Stories and Fables That Illumine, Delight, and Inform
    af Rumi
    168,95 kr.

    Philip Pullman, author of 'His Dark Materials' trilogy, has remarked that after nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world. This new collection of Rumi stories fills that need.This fresh prose translation of 105 short teaching stories by Rumi, which form the core of the six-volume Masnavi, explores the hidden spiritual aspects of everyday experience. Rumi transforms the seemingly mundane events of daily life into profound Sufi teaching moments. These prose gems open the mystical portal to the world of the ancient mystic.These stories include well-known and popular tales such as Angel of Death, The Sufi and His Cheating Wife, Moses and the Shepherd, Chickpeas, and The Greek and Chinese Painters as well as the less commonly quoted parables: The Basket Weaver, The Mud Eater, and A Sackful of Pebbles.Rumis voice alternates between playful and authoritative, whether he is telling stories of ordinary lives or inviting the discerning reader to higher levels of introspection and attainment of transcendent values. Mafis translations delicately reflect the nuances of Rumis poetry while retaining the positive tone of all of Rumis writings, as well as the sense of suspense and drama that mark the essence of the Masnavi.

  • af Rumi
    136,95 kr.

    This book is not only a guide for meditation but also a light switch that you can turn on to make your daily connection with spirit. Use these words as tools to better your life each day, to draw continued guidance, inspiration and spiritual wealth.

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