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Bøger af Sahara Kelly

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  • af Sahara Kelly
    78,95 kr.

    "Their memories aren't the only things haunting them..." Miss Allegra Carruthers surprised everyone by refusing the eminently respectable Sir Oliver Bennett's offer of marriage. However, that was three years ago, and times have changed.Allegra's family is pressuring her to wed, but there's that certain something that still haunts her when she thinks about Sir Oliver. So when she finds herself in a strange carriage with the man himself, she's puzzled, confused, and more than a little irritated to find that something is still there.Oliver is haunted too, by the memory of that kiss he stole from Allegra so long ago, but he isn't expecting her to be joining him on a mysterious journey out of London. And he certainly has no idea of the otherworldly adventure awaiting them at a deserted inn.It's a good thing it's Christmas. How else could they hope to explain the strange experiences they're about to share? The season brings magic, along with a snowstorm, and a second chance for Ally and Oliver. But first they have to accept that there really are such things as ghosts...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    113,95 kr.

    Rumours are circulating about Harbury Hall and the terrible disasters that have befallen those associated with it. Lady Alywnne Harbury is recovering from one such nightmare; but as her strength returns, so does her determination to exact revenge. She plans a Winter Ball, recruiting both Charlotte Fielding and her new "companion", one Miss Mary Jones, as assistants for the grand event. Inspector Burke and Devon Harbury are not thrilled with this development, but see no alternative but to agree. Even with the presence of Baron Gerolf von Landau, a renowned professor of the mind, James isn't pleased to see Charlotte walking into Harbury Hall. If they knew what Lady Alwynne had planned, they'd be even more unsettled. It's unlikely they'd even believe what the Baron has in mind...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    133,95 kr.

    Lydia gathered her skirts. "Shall we drown her in the punch? Drive a violin bow into her left ear? Command us, O General. We shalt do thy bidding.""I have pins in my reticule..." Ivy looked thoughtful.Lady Maud chuckled. "Nothing so drastic, darlings, but I do appreciate the creativity." She paused. "Especially the violin bow. I rather like that. Messy, but effective."Lady Maud Sydenham, on the matter of an unwelcome guest, to Miss Lydia Davenport and Miss Ivy Siddington, The Wednesday Club, London, Spring 1819Ivy Siddington adores her Wednesday Club friends, along with Miss Prudence Hartsmere-Drake, niece of the Duke of Maidenbrooke. Chaperoning Prudence is a delight, but the Duke...well, he's the kind of problem that keeps a girl awake at night when she's not dreaming of a hero just like him.A boorish lackwit, a moment of madness - and the consequent scandal results in a massive upheaval in Ivy's life. Scarcely able to comprehend it, she finds herself in the middle of an adventure she could never have imagined, and an attraction that quietly grows into passion.There will be a garden, a madman, and a fountain, not to mention a daring moment of crisis and a cruelly murdered bonnet. But love will triumph, and Ivy's heart will bloom at last - along with her flowers.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    War can tear a man into pieces and Fleet Captain Del Moreton knows first hand what bombs and savagery can do to humanity. Strange, then, that he should arrive at Harbury Hall, a place where horror lurks beneath the stately rooms and elegant grounds. A place where a catacomb of laboratories houses the kind of science that could only emanate from nightmares, and the silent screams of human guinea pigs never reach past the thick stone walls of their cells. Dr. Merrill Ringwood is creating one such nightmare - a new substance that could literally blow the world away in an instant... Harbury is shaken, as is Del, by the constant subterranean rumblings of Ringwood's experiments. But an unexpected guest brings an even greater shock and the result will change Del's world forever.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    88,95 kr.

    She sometimes feels as regimented as the clocks she collects! Marielle Todd has a good life, but there's definitely something missing. She's a regular at the Sunday meetings of the Steampunk Society, enjoying the lectures and the teas. So when she decides to break her habit and attend a Saturday evening function, the dance party she finds comes as quite a surprise. But a delightful one. Adding to the charm is the presence of two very attractive men... Ian Mathews and Tad Fisher own an up-market antiques store on Newbury Street. Friends since kindergarten, they've worked hard to get where they are. Neither is dating at the moment, and a casual conversation helps them realize they're past the horny-and-desperate-guy stage of sex. They want something more. Something different. When they arrive at the Steampunk Society's Saturday night social, they realize something else. They want Marielle. They want to share her, spend the night pleasuring her and themselves as well, taking a journey for three down a road to wild sensations and steaming hot passion. So the only question that remains is...can they wind her up enough to consider the idea? And if they do, will her clockwork façade shatter to reveal the sensual woman beneath? Two men-Marielle is shocked, intrigued and aroused. It's something she could only fantasize about, and now it's about to happen. A wonderful afternoon of fun at an Italian festival seals the deal, and Marielle's fate. Together, these three turn their naked backs on convention to focus on ecstasy. It's a night of wild fulfillment. But what will happen when it's time to face reality once more?

  • af Sahara Kelly
    113,95 kr.

    Viscount Rhys Hadley has no idea that the young woman he's about to rescue from a ridiculous lawsuit is the one woman who can change his life forever. And not just because she has a set of unique talents he's never imagined... Lady Alice Giddenhurst has fled London Society, preferring the quiet of the country where she can heal the occasional broken limb or injured animal without occasioning comment. This lawsuit, however, threatens to compromise her peace of mind, so she welcomes the assistance of a Viscount. It only takes a moment for them both to realize they're on the edge of the greatest magic of! But there are secrets and dangers lurking near Alice - and for Rhys it's a battle to keep her safe until he can make her his, permanently!

  • - A Ballinger Bastards Adventure
    af Sahara Kelly
    133,95 kr.

    Some titles are inherited, others must be earned... The circumstances of Mr Fitzallan Wilde's birth are less than acceptable, but fortune has blessed him in a number of ways. Possessed of a gift for numbers and a handsome smile that attracts a lot of female attention, Fitz has found his niche in the household of his friend and sponsor, Lady Agnes Barlow. It might not be the top tier of the Ton, but he's content with matters as they are.However, he has guarded his heart, knowing his history will prevent him from any kind of acceptable marriage. What he cannot know is that this Season will take him down a new path, one where he'll have to play the role of Good Samaritan to an innocent victim-and end up with a lot more than he ever expected.It might be time for him to learn that being a Ballinger Bastard and a rascal is a good thing after all...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    88,95 kr.

    Cora Standish is in desperate need of money to pay off an IRS bill. Through no fault of her own, she's in debt and a second job is the only answer. When she learns that a new private club is opening and needs waitresses, it seems like the answer to her prayers. The waitresses have to be able to sing and dance - and Cora's been dancing since she was a toddler. Jack Brandon, the owner of Goggles and Cogs, is thrilled with the success of his new club and fascinated by a certain blonde. After a few weeks he admits to himself he's got a major crush, but it isn't until a special event is booked that matters between him and Cora come to a head. The bachelor party requires something "special" in the way of entertainment. Best described as burlesque, it's something Cora and her friends aren't sure about...but damn, the extra money would really help. Grabbing her ostrich feather fans, Cora joins two other women and puts on a show that is guaranteed to keep a bachelor party smiling. But right before the final moment, a storm kills the power and Jack and Cora take advantage of the darkness and the heat between them. Cora lap dances her way into Jack's arms and Jack takes Cora beyond any physical sensations she's ever imagined. It's a night of storms, both outside and inside Goggles and Cogs. And the result might separate these two lovers for ever, unless Cora can learn to forgive Jack...and herself.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    Abigail Foxworth is an independently-minded young lady who refuses to wed just anyone. He has to be the right one, if there is such a man. Abby has high standards and thus far her suitors have failed to meet any of them. Then one night she attends a lecture on mesmerism and looks into the speaker's eyes... For committed bachelor and scientist Philip Ashton, a certain woman in the front row is giving him chills of desire. He has to wonder who is doing the mesmerizing...and if there's a way to find out!

  • af Sahara Kelly
    124,95 kr.

    Miss Rose Glynde-Beauchamp is both charming and intelligent, but not quite in the highest tier of London's most eligible young ladies. Her mama, however, is determined to see Rose married well, whether she likes it or not, and that means the threat of Almack's rather than the fun of the Wednesday Club. For an unusually gifted young lady like Rose, it's a potential nightmare hanging over her head. Enter Lord Miles Linfield, whose mama is also on a similar marriage-rampage. Commiserating with Rose, Miles hatches a convenient plan that will save them both from endless maternal nagging. They discover a shared interest in music, which takes them down an unexpected path to a few surprises. They must solve a theft, get soaked to the skin, deal with a very unusual ménage, wear outrageous clothing and rescue a wayward copyright from greedy hands. Rose has to let go of some erroneous notions, and Miles must try and control some of his. Was Shakespeare right? Is music truly the food of love? That may well depend on just how hungry one is when the right melody comes along...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    168,95 kr.

    Two outrageous tales from the off-center imagination of Sahara Kelly. If you're a fan of the Fae, then you must come visit Faerieland and meet Persephone - a human struggling with a whole bunch of new ideas (including having really hot sex while growing wings), and Ripple - a New York City smartass Fae struggling with a serious case of the hots for one French wine Monsiegneur. Will these gals get their wings/guy? Will Oberon and Titania manage to go a full twelve hours without doing the deed? (Probably not). Will you ever forget these insanely funny wee folk? Who knows. But with luck they'll leave you laughing! (And sweating a bit as well!)

  • af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    It is the Victorian age and England is thriving with astounding mechanical inventions. The ongoing war overseas seems a very long airship flight away from the idyllic country estate, Harbury Hall. But beneath the stately edifice lurks a place of darkness and unspeakable horrors. Seven underground levels lie below the Hall, occupied at the moment by scientists, doing experiments that cannot be imagined by any rational mind. It's a place where life means little, humanity is an abstract concept, and for those who cannot escape - it is a living death. Dr. Matthew Henderson and his assistant Emily are working down on Level Six, where they are creating a bizarre creature from their unique inventions. Only one thing is needed to complete their project - Beauty. But this beauty comes at a terrible price... (Horror content may offend some readers)

  • af Sahara Kelly
    88,95 kr.

    A handsome hero, a willful heroine, and a horse with a misplaced sense of humor. (A sweet standalone Regency tale for the Holidays.) Horse racing and Christmas go together like mincemeat pies and mulled wine. Unfortunately, only gentlemen get to enjoy the excitement of hooves pounding on the cold turf, and Miss Geraldine Foster is only too aware of that fact. She has a much-loved and unusual horse, and she's convinced the two of them can beat the other jockeys to win the annual Mistletoe Cup. But alas, she's unlikely to get the chance to show her skills, since ladies do not even consider doing such things. However, this year may be different. Sir Blaine Kendall has arrived to take over his father's estate, and he's never been one to bend to society's dictates. Especially when confronted with an intriguing young lady who insists she could win the annual race. It may be a mistake, but he devises a plan to allow her to enter. And from there...both are destined for adventure, and with it will come some inevitable bruises on bones-and hearts. But fate is never short of surprises, and Blaine will learn that mistakes often produce unexpected and astonishing results. Is it possible for love to win the race? They say anything can happen at Christmas...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    163,95 kr.

    Three stories of love, seasoned with lust, and occasionally requiring lipstick. Join Dr Susanna Chalmers as she tries to live down her high school nickname. But when you've been known as "Sizzle", it's difficult to shed the image, especially with that special boy who's all grown up now but never outgrew his fascination with a certain redhead! Meet Syndea Ellerby who runs a private BDSM club - not so ably assisted by a vile stepmother and two appalling stepsisters. She's convinced she's a pumpkin away from ruin until a mysterious message on her laptop begins a journey that will lead her to her handsome prince and a glass...well, let's just say it isn't a slipper... Hansell and Gretty - longtime friends and soon-to-be lovers! Emma Hansell takes a new job at Enchanted Cottage Inc, with Michael Gretty, but all is not fairy dust and sunshine. There's a new CIO in town, and Ms Jasmine Wietsch, (rhymes with b*tch) has only one goal, which is purely personal. Her second-in-command, Max Wolfe, intends to help her with her plans, but the enterprising couple who stand in their way have a secret weapon...chocolate. And a whole lot of love to keep them going toward their happily ever after...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    123,95 kr.

    Gallant Knights and Lovely Ladies - Here There Be Merriment!Three Renaissance Faires provide the settings for three contemporary romances, featuring love reclaimed, love shared, and love - er - forged. (There is a blacksmith involved so forging works.)Three linked novellas together in one volume, bringing you laughter and mayhem, jousting and drinking, sword-making and various kinds of sword-wielding. Meet Drina the Medieval Fae, Slash the Maiden Fair, and Sophie the Brave. They're in for their very own Medieval Festivals, complete with the appropriate brave Knights, and they're going to party like it's 1749!

  • - A Ridlington Christmas Novella
    af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    A vision in a gypsy's mirror starts Michael FitzDoone on a journey that will change his life. It leads him to Ariadne Wilton, who is trapped in her own difficult situation, and together they discover a shared gift for the unusual and mysterious. Their journey to find the answers will include a well-placed punch, someone stuck up a tree and of course-mistletoe.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    113,95 kr.

    Four women, trapped in the mold assigned them by the society in which they live. But inside each burns an independent spirit and when they meet the right man, the fires of passion erupt. They might be Regency belles, but they're all women of intelligence and honor. Lucky the gentlemen privileged to love them!!

  • - A Ballinger Bastards Adventure
    af Sahara Kelly
    133,95 kr.

    Those who teach still have much to learn... Mr John Ashgate, Ballinger Bastard, is an educator, through and through. He loves watching his students learn, as much as he enjoys watching them grow into intelligent young men. Being settled in remote Wayhill Castle gives him the added privacy of the countryside and a welcome respite from the judgement of Society on his birth. Mrs Caroline Wellsmere, the lovely new Wayhill governess, has a few secrets of her own. A widow for several years, she's also found solace at the castle, along with young ladies who are both challenging and delightful. The latter description could also be applied to her counterpart, the attractive tutor, who sparks an immediate response in places she'd thought long dead. Their relationship grows apace, but when an unexpected incident disrupts the tranquillity of the countryside, the two of them have no choice but to seek help, lest young lives meet the worst of fates. Joining old friends in London is a good start, but there are tricky paths to walk before all are safe. It's a dangerous undertaking for Caro and John, even though together they're a force to be reckoned with. But no matter the outcome, one thing is clear. When you truly love someone, no obstacle is insurmountable...

  • - A Christmas Novella
    af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    She's waited since the summer for him to come back. Now he has, but he's not in London just to see her. Sir Ronan O'Malley has a family problem and he'll need the help of not only Prudence Hartsmere-Drake, but the other Wednesday Club members who are in town for Christmas. The matter is urgent, more so than many realize, but Ronan knows he must settle it before he can get to the most important item on his Christmas list - Miss Prudence!

  • af Sahara Kelly
    123,95 kr.

    Lady Alwynne Harbury is a fine example of the miracles science can produce. Her beauty remains untouched even as the years roll by. But the vapors that keep her young have other effects. And when modified by the two greedy scientists behind the formula, the result leads to chaos and unspeakable acts of savagery. While these perversions are destroying lives, others are being saved. Like one certain inmate locked in the depths of what is now known as the Asylum for the Mechanically Insane...

  • - A Ridlington Christmas Novella
    af Sahara Kelly
    83,95 kr.

    "You have no country seat, Perry, am I right?" Grace gazed from the window as the hedgerows, dappled with snow, flashed past. "True. There was once a Hawkesbury Manor, but I think my ancestor lost it in a game of cards to one of Henry the Eighth's cronies." "Clumsy of him." "He probably cheated." A conversation between a Lady and a Gentleman in a carriage, England, Christmas 1816Sometimes, it takes a nudge from Fate to unite a couple and awake the realization that they're perfectly suited to each other.In the case of the self-conscious Grace Chaney and the intellectual Sir Peregrine Hawkesbury, the nudge Fate produces is an ice storm, trapping them in a house that doesn't belong to either of them, and with a family they've never met.Lively children, horrid weather and unusual circumstances aside, Perry and Grace manage to capture some Christmas spirit of their own, with the help of a piano and Grace's musical brilliance. But whether it will last or not-well that's a decision they'll make on Christmas Eve - if they can find each other, that is. Was Shakespeare correct? Is music truly the food of love? Find out when Perry and Grace play on!

  • af Sahara Kelly
    118,95 kr.

    Hecate Ridlington has flown the family nest and landed at a small country estate in Devon. It's a brutal year, weather-wise, so when she finds a man lost and ill in the forest, she has no choice but to take him in and heal him. The result...surprises, adventures and a romance that will lure her heart out of hiding...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    158,95 kr.

    I am determined upon a course that will involve careful consideration, calculation, and actions that will be of benefit to me. Nobody else. For only by pursuing this course will I fully recover my life, my independence, my self-confidence - and my soul.I thought my life had ended when I was seventeen. It hadn't. I thought my life would end last year at the Dower House. It didn't. Now I have yet another chance at a brand new life. This time, I shall be the one to direct it. I will not open my heart to the risk of another betrayal by any man. For that would indeed be the death of me.The Journal of Gwyneth, Dowager Countess, Lady of Wolfbridge, March 1818 Weak and desperate, Gwyneth, Dowager Countess of Kilham, clings to what's left of her life, unaware that rescue is on the way. Awakening in a strange bed she struggles to recover, wondering about the handsome men who are nursing her back from the brink of death. Assuming the mantle of Lady of Wolfbridge, Gwyneth begins to improve not only her health, but her damaged soul, finding solace in the willing and loving arms of her four gentlemen. Daring to obey her desires and turn her back on convention, she learns that there are still men who believe in honour-and generous, selfless passion. In addition, she discovers herself to be a woman unafraid of those passions.The Whitsun fête is a grand occasion for the entire estate, but it also brings danger to Wolfbridge. The Lady will have to take a stand against those who would destroy her and seize everything she now holds dear. And she'll have to be brave enough to understand that she is no longer alone. This is the second novel in The Saga of Wolfbridge Manor and features characters who made their debut in Book 1 - Lady Adalyn. Your reading pleasure will be enhanced if these books are read in order. The story will be continued in Book 3.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    Chillendale traditions are well-loved and is the ale they've been brewing for generations. The Christmas one, however, where unmarried men are crowned the Mistletoe Marquess - and matched with a suitable bride - is not to Reid Chillendale's liking. The candidate is not a woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with - but there seems no other suitable alternative. Until an accident with a snow covered branch brings an alluring stranger into his life - and everything changes. Reid may have found his consort in Lady Prudence Eldridge, but will she agree? Getting his way isn't as easy as stealing passionate and erotic moments on snowy nights, but Reid isn't about to give up. This Mistletoe Marquess will fight for what he wants. And it's a lot more than a simple Christmas kiss beneath those white berries...

  • - A Risqué Regency Romance
    af Sahara Kelly
    98,95 kr.

    Simon Ridlington enjoys the position of Vicar in Ridlington's ancient church, St. Simon's. It's full of scandalous legends, wobbly pews-and woodworm. With a dwindling congregation and rising expenses, the last thing he needs is an accounting audit. Even worse? It is to be conducted by Lady Ellsmere. In her youth she was Tabitha Worsley, the one girl who was Simon's weakness. Fate, he assumes, is having a good laugh at his expense.Tabby never forgot the tall young neighbor who taught her about desire in a sunlit field. Her life since then has taken her down a variety of interesting and often dangerous roads, but now she has returned to Ridlington-and Simon. Is that fire of passion still simmering? It takes a broken arm, a pretend engagement, a secret hiding place and an unexpected threat to get this couple over their differences. Perhaps it's time for St. Simon to lend a...toe?

  • af Sahara Kelly
    113,95 kr.

    Ridlington Village inn doesn't seem like the place for Fate to linger and meddle in the affairs of mortals. Letitia Ridlington certainly doesn't think so; she's there to meet a publisher who has expressed interest in her first-rather scandalous-novel.But before she can sign the contract, she encounters a lady in distress, and by lunchtime she has an almost complete promise of publication, along with a new maid, Harriet Selkirk.Sir James FitzArden patiently accepts his growing affection for Letitia, but feels no rush to declare himself. Until the revelations within a certain manuscript open his eyes to surprises hidden beneath her demure façade. It's time for him to claim her, and he begins his campaign, but the lady herself has a very strong will, along with ideas that don't exactly match his. Nobody seems to notice that others are also keeping a close eye on Letitia and her new companion.An importunate duck will offer his opinions, some shocking interludes will raise more than a few genteel eyebrows, and there will be flirtatious stable hands, as well as an outrageous suggestion or two. Letitia is about to lead James into a frustrating dance, and it isn't the quadrille...

  • af Sahara Kelly
    118,95 kr.

    "This is Brussels and we are on the verge of war. There is no time." Lord Angleford leaned back. "So I must ask, Mr. Ridlington, how do you plan on settling up this debt? And when may I and my colleagues expect payment in full?" Take a young woman caught in a scandal, a city readying for battle, a murder and an impossible choice. Mix well and you have Richard Ridlington's current situation.It's 1815-so he has a lot of company in town, including the Duke of Wellington, vast numbers of the military, and his current employer, the Earl of Perrenporth. Richard is his aide-de-camp, an important role at this time and in this place. But Fate is breathing down his neck and he finds himself in the worst kind of mess, with only one way out. Marriage.Cressida Branscombe's situation is not dissimilar; there's only one way to save her family's reputation, and she finds the alternative unthinkable. Reluctantly, with no other options left, she agrees to become the wife of a man she's never met. The newlywed couple, who have known each other all of four hours or so, set sail for England, determined to sort out their future as best they can, given the circumstances.What they find in the gloriously wild countryside of North Devon is something quite out of the ordinary, especially when secrets from the past reveal a grave injustice. Richard and Cressy will have to face a ghostly mystery, eccentric household staff, and their growing desire for one another-all without forgetting to walk the dog.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    133,95 kr.

    Three stories that will make you laugh, sweat, gasp and shake your head. These aren't the fairy tales you heard as a least we don't think so! There's a Beast, a Dragon, and six well known princesses, all up to antics you have to read to believe! You'll never think of "once upon a time..." the same way again.

  • af Sahara Kelly
    113,95 kr.

    Sir Lucius Gordon is down to his last sixpence and facing the debtor's gaol! He needs to marry money, but his reputation is damaged, so he needs to look outside Society for a bride. He finds one in widowed Julia Willoughby, who has her own reasons for needing a husband. She's not enthusiastic about wedding a dissolute aristocrat but her choices are limited as well. Neither Lucius nor Julia expected the heat of passion to flare between them, or to find themselves in the midst of adventures that will take them from London to Lucius's country home - and into a bout of fisticuffs in a cold and snowy field. Will trust bloom? And can love steer these mis-matched newlyweds onto the right path?

  • - A Risqué Regency Romance
    af Sahara Kelly
    123,95 kr.

    A Scottish Bow Street Runner and a disgraced Society beauty make a strange couple, but Fate doesn't care. Adventures await these two as they travel north; thefts, mothers, fires, and a lot of that magical Highland loving...

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