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Bøger af Santiago Gamboa

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  • af Santiago Gamboa
    198,95 kr.

    An author visiting Jerusalem is pulled into a stranger's mysterious death in this gripping, moving novel by one of Colombia's major literary voices.Winner of the La Otra Orilla Literary AwardUpon recovering from a prolonged illness, an author is invited to a literary gathering in Jerusalem that turns out to be a most unusual affair. In the conference rooms of a luxury hotel, as war rages outside, he listens to a series of extraordinary life stories: the saga of a chess-playing duo, the tale of an Italian porn star with a socialist agenda, the drama of a Colombian industrialist who has been waging a longstanding battle with local paramilitaries, and many more. But it is José Maturana-evangelical pastor, recovering drug addict, ex-con-with his story of redemption at the hands of a charismatic tattooed messiah from Miami, Florida, who fascinates the author more than any other. Maturana's language is potent and vital, and his story captivating. Hours after his stirring presentation to a rapt audience, however, Maturana is found dead in his hotel room. At first it seems likely that he has taken his own life. But there are a few loose ends that don't support the suicide hypothesis, and the author is moved by Maturana's life story to discover the truth about his death, in a literary mystery from "one of the most interesting Latin American writers . . . his most ambitious novel yet" (La Nación)."A modern Decameron."-La Liberté

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    183,95 kr.

    ¿Guerra o paz? A través de la pluma de Santiago Gamboa un recorrido histórico sobre este controvertido tema.Santiago Gamboa se propone, con este ensayo, hacer un aporte a la reflexión que hoy se plantea el país acerca de los temas del conflicto y la reconciliación. Y lo hace por medio de un rico e ilustrador viaje através de la historia, para mostrar las distintas caras de la guerra y el camino que otros pueblos han recorrido en la construcción de la paz, la creación más elaborada y valiosa de la civilización. La paz, afirma Gamboa, será posiblemente #el más decisivo y contundente de todos los combates librados por la sociedad colombiana en las últimas décadas#.#A lo largo de este libro pretendo interrogar, desde una perspectiva humanista y cultural, el modo como la guerra ha ido transformando a las sociedades y lo que ha significado la paz en algunos momentos claves. Y aunque no soy un historiador ni un teórico, he querido ver los avatares de esa experiencia a través de la historia, la literatura, la filosofía e incluso las religiones; también, en algún caso concreto, desde mi propia experiencia directa de cronista y viajero curioso.#SANTIAGO GAMBOAENGLISH DESCRIPTIONWar or peace? From Santiago Gamboa comes a historical journey through this controversial topic. In this essay, Santiago Gamboa sets out to contribute to the reflection that awaits the country about the topics of conflict and reconciliation. And he does it via a rich and illustrative journey through history, to show the different faces of war and the path that others have traveled in the construction of peace, civilization's most elaborate and valuable creation. Peace, affirms Gamboa, "will possibly be the most decisive and overwhelming of all the battles fought by Colombian society in the last few decades."Throughout this book, I aim to examine, from a humanist and cultural perspective, the way that war has transformed societies and what peace has signified in certain key moments. And while I'm neither a historian nor a theorist, I have tried to see the avatars of that experience through history, literature, philosophy, and even religion; and also, in a particular case, from my own direct experience as a journalist and curious traveler." -Santiago Gamboa

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    191,95 kr.

    La nueva novela de uno de los mejores escritores colombianos: una intriga sobre la corrupción de las iglesias cristianas en América Latina. Un niño es testigo de un violento enfrentamiento en una carretera perdida en el departamento del Cauca, en Colombia. Ese mismo día alguien limpia las huellas del desastre para que no quede el menor rastro. nadie en el pueblo más cercano dice haber oído nada, y sin embargo, una denuncia anónima pone en marcha una peligrosa investigación que desemboca en el universo oscuro de las iglesias cristianas que hoy están presentes en toda América Latina. Será larga la noche es una novela de suspense salpicada de notables momentos de humor y de dolor; una historia que desvela la desigualdad y la violencia que no dan tregua a todo un país.

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    193,95 kr.

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    268,95 kr.

    El sagaz e intuitivo fiscal Jutsiñamuy y la intrépida pero atribulada Lezama regresan en una vertiginosa historia llena de giros y desdoblamientos, posesiones, médiums y una galería de personajes entre los que destacan un profesor y gurú indigenista que practica el poliamor y un enigmático mercenario argentino que sueña con la revolución latinoamericana.

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    136,95 kr.

    An addictive and nuanced narrative about conflict-rife Colombia

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    136,95 kr.

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    198,95 kr.

    Two Colombian siblings struggle to reunite as the clock ticks down in this emotional thriller from an author praised for his ';masterful suspense' (Publishers Weekly). As a boy, Manuel was a dreamer, a lover of literature, and a tagger. His sister, Juana, made a promise to do everything in her power to protect him from the drug- and violence-infested streets of Bogot. She decided to take him as far from Colombia as possible, and in order to raise the money to do so, she went to work as a high-priced escort and entered into contact with the dangerous world of corrupt politiciansand when things spun out of control she was forced to flee, leaving her beloved brother behind. Now Manuel, a philosophy student, has been arrested in Bangkok and accused of drug trafficking. Unless he enters a guilty plea he will almost certainly be sentenced to death. But it is not this prospect that weighs most heavily on himit is the longing for his sister, Juana, whom he hasn't seen for years. Before he dies he wants nothing more than to be with her again.Finally, one man learns of Manuel's situation and decides to find Juananow married to a rich man in Tokyoand reunite the siblings. But it is a feat that may be beyond his power ... With the style that has earned him a reputation as one of ';the most important Colombian writers' (Manuel Vzquez Montalbn), Santiago Gamboa presents a compelling and moving story about the mean streets of Bogot, the sordid bordellos of Thailand, and a love between siblings that knows no end.

  • af Santiago Gamboa
    358,95 kr.

    Santiago Gamboa er en af Colombias mest spændende nulevende forfattere. Hans stil er kalejdoskopisk, kosmopolitisk noir, som gør hans romaner intense og hans karakterer uforglemmelige. I romanen møder vi Manuela Beltrán, en ung kvinde plaget af en ulykkelig barndom, som hun forsøger at glemme gennem poesi. Den argentinske prædikant Tertullian påstår, at han er pavens søn, og tyr til ekstreme metoder for at skabe et harmonisk samfund. Til persongalleriet hører også Ferdinand Palacios, en colombiansk præst tynget af skyld over sin mørke paramilitære fortid, foruden Rimbaud, den unge, brillante digter, hvis liv var en konstant rejse, og Juana og konsulen, som sammen leder efter et sted at vende tilbage til. Alle disse personer giver liv til Gamboas portræt af en fjendtligsindet, turbulent verden, hvor man kun kan finde ro ved at rejse frem og tilbage for måske at finde hjem. ”Et actionfyldt plot driver denne moderne roman hurtigt frem, i takt med at den undersøger menneskets bevægelser gennem det skiftende geopolitiske landskab, det umulige i at vende tilbage og poesiens potentielle forløsende kræfter.” — The New York Times Book Review ”Tilbage til den mørke dal er moderne litteratur på bedste og mest presserende vis. Gamboas navn bør huskes på linje med de mest interessante latinamerikanske forfattere, der er udgivet på engelsk.” — Mark Harper, Brazos Bookstore ”En bjergtagende, fortryllende roman. Den river de – nationale, kulturelle, spirituelle – mure ned, som adskiller os her på vores forvirrende og tiltagende klaustrofobiske planet. Mangler du en bedre forståelse for det 21. århundrede, skal du læse Gamboa.” — Andy Greenwald, manuskriptforfatter og vært på The Watch ”En page-turner, som råt indfanger vores samtid og med en kynisk humor analyserer de kræfter, der hiver verdens holdepunkter op.” — Miami Rail ”Det her er den mest ambitiøse form for international noir. Sæt Gamboa op på siden af Javier Marías, Patrick Modiano og Juan Gabriel Vásquez.” — Dwyer Murphy, Electric Literature

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