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Bøger af Sarah Bamford Seidelmann

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  • - Min uventede rejse fra læge til healer
    af Sarah Bamford Seidelmann
    247,95 kr.

    Efter to travle årtier som lægestuderende og efterfølgende hårdtarbejdende læge med egen praksis og mor til fire hev Sarah Seidelmann seks måneder ud af kalenderen for at rejse ud og finde tilbage til sig selv og føle sig i live igen. Hun havde været vidne til lidelser både tidligt i sin egen familie og i sit arbejde, og hun længtes efter at kunne tage sig af andet og mere end blot sine patienters fysiske problemer – og finde en større mening med tilværelsen. At svømme med elefanter er Sarah Seidelmanns forrygende, hjertegribende, til tider excentriske og meget morsomme fortælling om en vild spirituel rejse, om fascinerende møder med spirituelle lærere og om at undergå en overraskende forvandling fra læge til healer. Hun tager bl.a. til Sydafrika og Indien og møder en elefant, der bliver hendes åndelige følgesvend, og som hjælper hende til den indre transformation, hun har søgt efter. Bogen er både underholdende og dybt tankevækkende læsning om at følge sit hjerte, føle sig fuldt ud i live og have modet til at stå ved sig selv.

  • - Min uventede rejse fra læge til healer
    af Sarah Bamford Seidelmann
    74,95 kr.

  • af Sarah Bamford Seidelmann
    218,95 kr.

    ★ High-school senior Meera has big plans. She's going to make the world beautiful! ★The only problem is that to do this she's got to attend Interior Design School at the University, hundreds of miles from home. She hasn't gone on a sleepover since seventh grade. Thank God her BFF Penn is there for her because with Lorraine, her mom, it's complicated. When Meera discovers something unexpected, a whole lot of confusing things suddenly make sense and, simultaneously, absolutely nothing is clear.Meera senses she can't get through this in the ordinary way. It's going to take otherworldly assistance. But will she have the courage to open that door?And will it even matter? Meera's epic and mythical adventures lead, quite unexpectedly, to more contentment and joy than she ever could have imagined. Meera's journey, which features the adoption triad of mother, birthmother and adoptee, teaches us about the essential wisdom of following our heart's desires, paying attention to the omens and messengers along the way (especially the wild ones), and the importance of pursuing our dreams.Join Meera on her journey by pre-ordering this tale full of magic and wonder!

  • - Daily FEELGOOD Inspiration for Creatives, Healers, and Helpers
    af Sarah Bamford Seidelmann
    313,95 kr.

    Sarah and her magnificent spirit animal Alice the Elephant created this wee book of inspiration to encourage creatives, healers and helpers. Alice offers up daily wisdom in a lighthearted (and sometimes salty) way and Sarah adds her own reflections along with a prompt and prayer. Themes include humility, moderation, self-love, family, friendship, creativity, pitfalls & quagmires, addiction recovery, and dealing with fear. How good are YOU willing to let it get? We hope that your answer is,"VERY good!", and this book will help you get there.

  • - Your A-to-Z Guide to the Illuminating Wisdom of Spirit Animals
    af Sarah Bamford Seidelmann
    238,95 kr.

    Beastie [bee-stee]: The overarching spirit of any species of insect, reptile, bird, mammal, or mythical creature that exists or has ever existed; also known as an animal totem or spirit animal. "From an ancient perspective, everything-including all natural things, like rocks, flowers, trees, insects, birds, and mammals-is alive and infused with conscious energy or spirit," writes Sarah Seidelmann. If you're one of the many people looking to reconnect with the creativity, wisdom, and vital energy of the natural world, here is a fantastic guide for tapping into the power of animal totems, or "beasties."The Book of Beasties invites you to explore why certain animals show up in your life-and what teachings they may be trying to share. Packed with information, illustrations, and traditional and modern insights into the unique qualities of different beasties, The Book of Beasties teaches you about: . Guest Beasties: how certain beasties enter your life to give you messages or assistance you need just when you need them . Core Beasties: meet the guiding beasties who are your lifelong companions, friends, and helpers . Beastie Relationships: tips and techniques for deepening your relationship with beasties and becoming more receptive to their support . Beasties A-Z: an expansive compendium of individual beasties and their unique qualities-including bats, wolves, elephants, salmon . . . even unicorns and dragons! "A message brought by a beastie may be about beauty or family or work," teaches Sarah. "It might offer you guidance on a prickly problem. Or it might make you smile just when you need it." Whether you're a long-time shamanic practitioner or simply curious about what secret messages your favorite animal might have for you, The Book of Beasties is an ideal resource for discovering the wild and wonderful world of spirit animals.

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