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Bøger af Scott Fields

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  • af Scott Fields
    158,95 kr.

    It has been two years since the death of his wife, and Frank Watson still struggles with the loss. Every morning, he meets with his friends at the local diner to talk and to exchange gossip, but inevitably must return to his farm that remains undisturbed since his wife's death. Then, Pepper Ledley breezed into his life and a steamy romance begins. She was the new waitress in town nearly half his age and offered Frank something he had never before considered, a new beginning. However, it somehow didn't seem right to Frank. How could he have these feelings when he still loved Ida? As he struggles with his new feelings and the memory of his beloved wife, Frank faces the biggest crisis of his life. A large foreign corporation needs five hundred acres of land to build an egg factory and Frank alienates himself from the rest of the town when he, steadfastly, refuses to sell. What transpires is a web of deceit, manipulation and murder.

  • af Scott Fields
    193,95 kr.

    Harlan Steelman owned most of the town of Bear Creek and found his way in and out of every backroom, barroom, and bedroom. When his rival from high school, John Watson, returns to Bear Creek with his wife and son to start anew, Harlan vows to ruin John's life and take Kara, his wife, away from him. When Harlan is found murdered, John Watson is the likely suspect and is taken into custody. What happens next is the trial of the century for the little town of Bear Creek, but it takes a horrible twist at the end.

  • af Scott Fields
    183,95 kr.

  • af Scott Fields
    133,95 kr.

    When she was 17, there wasn't a man alive she would let get near her, and when she was 18, there wasn't a man she would keep away.She stood five feet seven inches tall, weighed one hundred twenty pounds, her green eyes sparkled like brilliant cut emeralds, her inviting full lips always ruby red and moist. Women universally hated her, men continued to hold doors for her long after she passed by - just to watch her walk away. To imply that Jessie exuded sex would be an understatement, akin to inferring that water was wet. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the men in Steam Corners wanted her, but she only wanted one man, Spencer Deacon. He was everything that she was not, even-tempered, amicable, well respected and kind. The one thing that Spencer didn't want was Jessie, and his firm and undeniable rejections infuriated her.What followed was a series of sordid events involving murder, deceit, betrayal and the conviction of an innocent man.

  • af Scott Fields
    198,95 kr.

    It was the last days of innocence; the last days before a place called Pearl Harbor ushered in the horrors of war. Addie Watson was living the American dream in the small town of Millersburg, Iowa. Known for her sometimes bizarre and destructive inventions, Addie was warned, repeatedly, that she was forbidden to invent even one more device, and, yet, it was that one more device that led her to a toe-to-toe meeting with Adolph Hitler.

  • af Scott Fields
    188,95 kr.

    From her watery grave at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the Titanic, even today guards secrets of the past. A woman, reportedly died that fateful night when the Titanic sunk, and yet she lived until the year 1995. Why did she feign her death all those years ago, and now after she's gone, why is she trying to send a message to the living? This is the untold story about the Titanic that has been kept secret for over eighty years. THE LAST LETTER is novel about two people drawn together by the hand of a woman that neither had ever met. Together, they set out to fulfill the unconsummated relationship of two people who met and fell in love over eighty years before.

  • af Scott Fields
    178,95 kr.

    It has been two years since the death of his wife, and Frank Watson still struggles with the loss. Every morning, he meets with his friends at the local diner to talk and to exchange gossip, but inevitably must return to his farm that remains undisturbed since his wife's death. Then, Pepper Ledley breezed into his life. She was the new waitress in town nearly half his age and offered Frank something he had never before considered, a new beginning. However, it somehow didn't seem right to Frank. How could he have these feelings when he still loved Ida? As he struggles with his new feelings and the memory of his beloved wife, Frank faces the biggest crisis of his life. A large foreign corporation needs five hundred acres of land to build an egg factory and Frank alienates himself from the rest of the town when he, steadfastly, refuses to sell. What transpires is a web of deceit, manipulation and murder.

  • af Scott Fields
    158,95 kr.

    It was the worst two-week killing spree in Ohio's history.On the night of July 21, 1948, Robert Daniels and John West entered John and Nolena Niebel's house with loaded guns. They forced the family including the Niebel's 21-year-old daughter, Phyllis, into their car and drove them to a cornfield just off Fleming Falls Road in Mansfield. The two men instructed the Niebels to remove all of their clothing, and then Robert Daniels shot each of them in the head. The brutal murders caught national attention in the media, but the killing spree didn't stop there. Three more innocent people would lose their lives at the hands of Daniels and West in the coming week. Scott Fields tirelessly researched the killings, the capture and trial of Daniels and even interviewed a surviving member of the Niebel family to weave this tragic story into a must-read novel bringing the reader back to those dark days in the summer of 1948. What led to these brutal killings, and why was the Niebel family singled-out to be savagely murdered? It has been more than sixty years since the tragedy, and, yet, this question still remains unanswered. The killing spree is not only remembered to this day, but is an important and dark part of Mansfield lore.

  • - A fresh roasting revolution
    af Scott Fields & Asher Yaron
    343,95 kr.

    Asher Yaron presents a chronological case study of how coffee has evolved from its initial discovery as a medicinal substance by its early users, to the present day where it has been co-opted and controlled by major corporations for the purpose of profit. Mr. Yaron looks at the 3 major 'Waves", or epochs, of coffee's evolution. Beginning with the 1st Wave and the commercial distribution of coffee throughout the world, into the 2nd Wave which mainly focused on Espresso equipment and the role of the Barista, and into the current 3rd Wave which concentrates on growing origins and micro-roasting. He also presents a case for the future of coffee, the coming 4th Wave, the fresh roasting revolution, in which he foresees the home roasting phenomenon going viral.

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