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Bøger af Scott Meyer

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  • af Scott Meyer
    497,95 kr.

    In der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung, insbesondere in der Friedensforschung, wird häufig Feldforschung als Methode zur Datenerhebung eingesetzt. Dabei sind die Forscher einer Vielzahl von Sicherheitsrisiken ausgesetzt, auf die sie oft nicht vorbereitet sind. Forscher und die sie entsendenden Institutionen sollten die Risiken im Feld besser managen, insbesondere durch die Entwicklung von Entscheidungsstrategien für Forscher. Diese Strategien sollten sowohl auf inhaltlichem Wissen als auch auf dem Erfahrungs- und Gefühlswissen anderer Forscher, die Feldforschung betrieben haben, beruhen. Diese Arbeit beleuchtet meine eigenen Forschungserfahrungen und die Gefahren, denen ich begegnet bin. Durch die Darstellung des typischen Feldforschungsprozesses und des minimalen Fokus auf das Risikomanagement wird deutlich, dass Sicherheit und persönliche Erfahrungen wesentliche Bestandteile der Forschung und der akademischen Erkenntnisse sind. Diese Arbeit gibt anderen Forschern, die Vorfälle im Feld erlebt haben, eine Stimme und eröffnet eine Diskussion darüber, wie man Forschern am besten dabei helfen kann, Risiken in der Umgebung der Feldarbeit zu bewältigen.

  • af Scott Meyer
    496,95 kr.

    A investigação nas ciências sociais, e especificamente nos estudos sobre a paz, utiliza frequentemente o trabalho de campo como método de recolha de dados. Durante este processo, os investigadores estão expostos a uma variedade de riscos de segurança para os quais não estão muitas vezes preparados. Os investigadores e as instituições que os enviam devem fazer um melhor trabalho de gestão dos riscos no terreno, nomeadamente através da criação de estratégias de tomada de decisões para os investigadores. Estas estratégias devem ser informadas tanto pelo conhecimento substantivo como pelo conhecimento experiencial e emocional de outros investigadores que efectuaram trabalho no terreno. Este trabalho destaca a minha própria experiência de investigação e os perigos com que me deparei. Ao mostrar o processo típico do trabalho de campo e a atenção mínima à gestão do risco, é evidente que a segurança e a experiência pessoal são partes essenciais da investigação e dos resultados académicos. Este trabalho dá voz a outros investigadores que sofreram incidentes no terreno e abre um debate sobre as melhores formas de ajudar os investigadores a gerir os riscos do ambiente de trabalho de campo.

  • af Scott Meyer
    497,95 kr.

    La recherche en sciences sociales, et plus particulièrement les études sur la paix, utilise souvent le travail sur le terrain comme méthode de collecte de données. Au cours de ce processus, les chercheurs sont exposés à une variété de risques de sécurité qu'ils ne sont souvent pas préparés à gérer. Les chercheurs et les institutions qui les envoient devraient mieux gérer les risques sur le terrain, notamment en créant des stratégies de prise de décision pour les chercheurs. Ces stratégies devraient s'appuyer à la fois sur des connaissances de fond et sur les connaissances expérientielles et émotionnelles d'autres chercheurs ayant effectué un travail sur le terrain. Ce travail met en lumière ma propre expérience de recherche et les dangers que j'ai rencontrés. En montrant le processus typique du travail sur le terrain et l'attention minimale accordée à la gestion des risques, il est clair que la sécurité et l'expérience personnelle sont des éléments essentiels de la recherche et des résultats académiques. Ce travail donne la parole à d'autres chercheurs qui ont connu des incidents sur le terrain et ouvre une discussion sur les meilleurs moyens d'aider les chercheurs à gérer les risques liés au travail sur le terrain.

  • af Scott Meyer
    496,95 kr.

    La ricerca nelle scienze sociali, e in particolare negli studi sulla pace, utilizza spesso il lavoro sul campo come metodo per raccogliere dati. Durante questo processo, i ricercatori sono esposti a una serie di rischi per la sicurezza che spesso non sono preparati ad affrontare. I ricercatori e le loro istituzioni di provenienza dovrebbero fare un lavoro migliore per gestire i rischi sul campo, in particolare creando strategie decisionali per i ricercatori. Queste strategie dovrebbero essere informate sia da conoscenze sostanziali che da conoscenze esperienziali ed emotive di altri ricercatori che hanno condotto un lavoro sul campo. Questo lavoro mette in luce la mia esperienza di ricerca e i pericoli che ho incontrato. Mostrando il tipico processo di lavoro sul campo e la minima attenzione alla gestione del rischio, è chiaro che la sicurezza e l'esperienza personale sono parti essenziali della ricerca e dei risultati accademici. Questo lavoro dà voce ad altri ricercatori che hanno vissuto incidenti sul campo e apre una discussione sui modi migliori per aiutare i ricercatori a gestire i rischi dell'ambiente di lavoro sul campo.

  • af Scott Meyer
    167,95 kr.

    Martin and his friends discovered that their world is computer generated and that by altering the code, they could alter reality. They traveled back in time to Medieval England to live as wizards. Almost everything they've done since then has, in one way or another, blown up in their faces.So of course they decide to make dragons. It does not go well.As the wizards struggle to control their creations and protect innocent citizens, they try new things (most of which they don't enjoy), meet new people (most of whom are angry at them), and fight epic battles (most of which they lose).But their biggest challenge may be a young girl who knows that the wizards created the dragons and is determined to make them pay. On her side she has powerful allies, a magical artifact, and a faithful if not particularly helpful dog.Fight and Flight is a rollicking tale of bravery, wonder, love, revenge, greed, discovery, deception, and animal husbandry.

  • af Scott Meyer
    167,95 kr.

    When you discover the world is a computer program, and you figure out that by altering the code you can time travel and perform acts that seem like magic, what can possibly go wrong?Pretty much everything.Just ask Brit, who has jumped around in time with such abandon that she has to coexist with multiple versions of herself. Now, Brit the Elder finds that her memories don't match Brit the Younger's. And there's the small matter of a glitch that's making Brit the Elder's body fritz out. Brit the Elder's ex-boyfriend Phillip wants to help her, but he'll have to keep it secret from his current girlfriend, Brit the Younger, who can't stand her future self.Meanwhile, Martin is trying to protect Phillip from a relentless attacker he somehow hasn't noticed; Gwen is angry because Martin accidentally proposed to her; Gary tries to help the less fortunate, with predictably disastrous results; and an old nemesis might have to be the one to save them all.In Out of Spite, Out of Mind, our fearless wizards discover the biggest glitch in their world's program may well be themselves.

  • af Scott Meyer
    182,95 kr.

  • af Scott Meyer
    152,95 kr.

  • af Scott Meyer
    147,95 kr.

  • af Scott Meyer
    122,95 kr.

    This handy little gift book is the perfect pocket guide to your garden!For the green thumb in your life, this delightful companion is blooming with fun facts and helpful ideas for everything from indoor seed-starting totips for hassle-free roses. What's the difference between heirlooms and hybrids? How can I stop weeds from invading myflowerbeds? And what's the best way to attract helpful, beneficial insects? All these questionsand more are answered for gardeners of all ages and experience.Topics include:*;Tips for Hassle-Free Roses *;How to Grow Perfect Tomatoes *;How to Start Seeds Indoors *;How to Extend the Growing Season And more!

  • af Scott Meyer
    107,95 kr.

  • af Scott Meyer
    162,95 kr.

  • af Scott Meyer
    107,95 kr.

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