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Bøger af Seema Ramniwas

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  • af Sunpreet Singh, Divya Singh, Seema Ramniwas & mfl.
    1.894,95 kr.

    This book compiles a diverse and interdisciplinary range of scientific literature, laboratory developments, industrial implications and future prospects covering Entomophagy in 3D food printing to fight against hunger and nutritional deficiencies. Recent developments in Entomphagy in 3D printing of Drosophila based materials, and their nutritional, social, economic, scientific and environmental aspects. are comprehensively covered. Readers will also find shortcomings, guidelines, and industrial prospects for these materials, with emphasis on processing methods for the extraction of sustainable materials through 3D food printing. 3D Printing of Sustainable Insect Materials focuses on the methodology, technology and processing used for utilizing insects in 3D food printing applications, establishing technology-driven knowledge to fight against hunger. Chapters cover the principles for Entomophagy, insect processing methods, modern 3D food printing technologies, and the theoretical and practical aspects of Emtomophagy in 3D printing, with a special focus on future prospects and technologies. This ground-breaking book will serve knowledge to researchers and industry professionals across the food industry with broad coverage of emerging technologies, materials developed through Entomophagy, functional characterization and the technical details required to produce sustainable insect-based materials through 3D food printing.

  • af Seema Ramniwas
    798,95 kr.

    La répartition géographique des plantes et des animaux est principalement déterminée par des facteurs climatiques et par la capacité des espèces à s'adapter à leur environnement et à tolérer des conditions extrêmes. Dans cet ouvrage, l'accent a été mis sur : a) l'étude des espèces et des populations à différentes températures de croissance ; b) l'utilisation de lignées isofemelles ; c) la comparaison des populations sauvages et de laboratoire en termes de coefficient de variation et de variance pour différents traits ; d) le calcul de l'héritabilité sur la base de la régression parent - descendance qui implique la base génétique des variations phénotypiques pour différents traits chez différentes espèces de drosophiles.

  • af Seema Ramniwas
    798,95 kr.

    A distribuição geográfica das plantas e animais é principalmente determinada por factores climáticos, e pela capacidade das espécies de se adaptarem ao seu ambiente e de tolerarem condições extremas. Neste livro foi colocada uma grande ênfase: a) na investigação de espécies e populações a diferentes temperaturas de crescimento; b) no emprego de linhas isofemininas c) na comparação de populações selvagens e de laboratório em termos de coeficiente de variação, bem como de variância para diferentes características; d) no cálculo da hereditariedade com base na regressão de progenitores - descendentes, o que implica uma base genética das variações fenotípicas para várias características em diferentes espécies de Drosophila.

  • af Seema Ramniwas
    798,95 kr.

    La distribuzione geografica di piante e animali è determinata principalmente da fattori climatici e dalla capacità delle specie di adattarsi al proprio ambiente e di tollerare condizioni estreme. In questo libro è stata data grande importanza: a) allo studio di specie e popolazioni a diverse temperature di crescita; b) all'impiego di linee isofemminali; c) al confronto tra popolazioni selvatiche e di laboratorio in termini di coefficiente di variazione e varianza per diversi caratteri; d) al calcolo dell'ereditarietà sulla base della regressione genitore-figlio che implica la base genetica delle variazioni fenotipiche per diversi caratteri in diverse specie di Drosophila.

  • af Seema Ramniwas
    798,95 kr.

    Die geografische Verbreitung von Pflanzen und Tieren wird hauptsächlich durch klimatische Faktoren und durch die Fähigkeit der Arten bestimmt, sich an ihre Umwelt anzupassen und extreme Bedingungen zu tolerieren. In diesem Buch wurde ein Hauptaugenmerk darauf gelegt: a) Arten und Populationen bei unterschiedlichen Wachstumstemperaturen zu untersuchen; b) isofemale Linien zu verwenden; c) Wild- und Laborpopulationen hinsichtlich des Variationskoeffizienten sowie der Varianz für verschiedene Merkmale zu vergleichen; d) die Heritabilität auf der Grundlage der Eltern-Nachkommen-Regression zu berechnen, die die genetische Grundlage der phänotypischen Variationen für verschiedene Merkmale in verschiedenen Drosophila-Arten impliziert.

  • af Seema Ramniwas
    477,95 kr.

    The geographical distribution of plants and animals is mainly determined by climatic factors, and by the capacity of species to adapt to their environment and to tolerate extreme conditions. In this book A major emphasis has been laid: a) on investigating species and populations at different growth temperatures; b) by employing isofemale lines c) by comparing wild and laboratory population in terms of coefficient of variation as well as variance for different traits; d) by calculating heritability on the basis of parent ¿ offspring regression which implies genetic basis of the phenotypic variations for various traits in different Drosophila species.

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