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  • af Sevda Kaplan
    482,95 kr.

    This book analyzes Restoration period between the years 1660 and 1702 by trying to find out whether upper-class society is satirized or praised in Restoration comedies. The dark age between the years 1642 and 1660 having a great influence on theatres, is first handled from the aspects of political, social issues and theatres. Then, Restoration theatre is introduced, in which the conditions of theaters, audience, and court are reflected under the light of historical and social events casting their shadow on theatres. Also, their reflections on Restoration drama are illustrated along with some types of examples from playwrights and plays of the period. Restoration comedy is analyzed by focusing on some characteristics such as characterization and themes under the term of Comedy of Manners constituting an important place in the genre of comedy. Three important plays reflecting their period are analyzed from the points of upper-class society and their representation in the plays. Restoration comedies aim to criticize, satirize and thus correct the life style of the upper class, not just a mere representation of the immoral and disapproved life style of them in a positive manner.

  • af Sevda Kaplan
    673,95 kr.

    Ce livre examine l'écriture dramatique politique d'Henry Fielding, qui a commencé sa carrière d'écrivain en écrivant des pièces pour la scène, mais qui est aujourd'hui généralement connu comme romancier. La carrière politique de Fielding entre 1707 et 1754, à la lumière des événements politiques et sociaux qui ont jeté leur ombre sur les théâtres avec l'imposition du Licensing Act de 1737, est discutée dans cet ouvrage. Les trois pièces politiques importantes de Fielding, Rape Upon Rape, The Modern Husband et The Tragedy of Tragedies : or, the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, sont analysées d'un point de vue politique et social. Ce livre révèle l'effondrement moral, social et politique de cet environnement basé sur la corruption de la famille royale à cette époque, en examinant des pièces politiques et satiriques contenant des messages importants. Bien que Fielding soit considéré comme un romancier, dans ses pièces politiques, c'est l'écriture de pièces politiques de Fielding plutôt que son identité de romancier qui est prise en considération car, dans ses pièces politiques, il traite des abus électoraux, des comportements non éthiques des fonctionnaires de l'État qui se moquent des valeurs de la société et ne croient pas en l'existence de l'honnêteté politique, et des côtés corrompus des autorités.

  • af Sevda Kaplan
    482,95 kr.

    Este livro examina a dramaturgia política de Henry Fielding, que iniciou a sua carreira de escritor escrevendo peças para o palco, mas que hoje é geralmente conhecido como romancista. A carreira política de Fielding nos anos entre 1707-1754, à luz dos acontecimentos políticos e sociais que ensombraram os teatros com a imposição do Licensing Act de 1737, é discutida nesta obra. As três importantes peças políticas de Fielding, Rape Upon Rape, The Modern Husband e The Tragedy of Tragedies: or, the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, são analisadas do ponto de vista político e social. Este livro revela o colapso moral, social e político deste ambiente, baseado na corrupção da família real nesse período, através da análise de peças políticas e satíricas com mensagens importantes. Embora Fielding seja aceite como romancista, nas suas peças políticas, a sua dramaturgia política, mais do que a sua identidade como romancista, é tida em consideração, uma vez que, nas suas peças políticas, Fielding lidou com o abuso eleitoral, os comportamentos pouco éticos dos funcionários do Estado que zombam dos valores da sociedade e não acreditam na existência de honestidade política, e os lados corruptos das autoridades.

  • af Sevda Kaplan
    482,95 kr.

    Questo libro esamina la drammaturgia politica di Henry Fielding, che iniziò la sua carriera di scrittore scrivendo opere per il palcoscenico, ma che oggi è generalmente conosciuto come romanziere. La carriera politica di Fielding si svolge negli anni 1707-1754, alla luce degli eventi politici e sociali che gettano la loro ombra sui teatri con l'imposizione del Licensing Act del 1737. Le tre importanti opere politiche di Fielding, Rape Upon Rape, The Modern Husband e The Tragedy of Tragedies: or, the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, sono analizzate dal punto di vista politico e sociale. Questo libro rivela il collasso morale, sociale e politico di questo ambiente, basato sulla corruzione della famiglia reale in quel periodo, esaminando opere teatrali politiche e satiriche con messaggi importanti. Sebbene Fielding sia considerato un romanziere, nei suoi drammi politici viene presa in considerazione la sua scrittura politica piuttosto che la sua identità di romanziere, perché nei suoi drammi politici ha trattato l'abuso elettorale, i comportamenti non etici dei funzionari statali che si fanno beffe dei valori della società e non credono nell'esistenza dell'onestà politica, e i lati corrotti delle autorità.

  • af Sevda Kaplan
    483,95 kr.

    V ätoj knige rassmatriwaetsq politicheskaq dramaturgiq Genri Fildinga, kotoryj nachal swoü pisatel'skuü kar'eru s napisaniq p'es dlq sceny, no segodnq shiroko izwesten kak romanist. V rabote rassmatriwaetsq politicheskaq kar'era Fildinga w 1707-1754 godah w swete politicheskih i social'nyh sobytij, brosiwshih ten' na teatry s wwedeniem Zakona o licenzirowanii 1737 goda. Tri wazhnye politicheskie p'esy Fildinga "Iznasilowanie za iznasilowaniem", "Sowremennyj muzh" i "Tragediq iz tragedij: ili Zhizn' i smert' Bol'shogo pal'ca" analiziruütsq s politicheskoj i social'noj tochek zreniq. Jeta kniga pokazywaet moral'nyj, social'nyj i politicheskij krah w ätoj srede, osnowannyj na korrupcii korolewskoj sem'i w tot period, rassmatriwaq politicheskie, satiricheskie p'esy s wazhnymi poslaniqmi. Hotq Fildinga schitaüt romanistom, w ego politicheskih p'esah uchitywaetsq imenno politicheskaq dramaturgiq Fildinga, a ne ego lichnost' kak romanista, poskol'ku w swoih politicheskih p'esah on rassmatriwal zloupotrebleniq na wyborah, neätichnoe powedenie gosudarstwennyh chinownikow, kotorye popiraüt cennosti obschestwa i ne werqt w suschestwowanie politicheskoj chestnosti, a takzhe korrumpirowannye storony wlasti.

  • af Sevda Kaplan
    673,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch untersucht das politische Schreiben von Theaterstücken von Henry Fielding, der seine schriftstellerische Laufbahn mit dem Schreiben von Theaterstücken für die Bühne begann, heute jedoch allgemein als Romanautor bekannt ist. Fieldings politische Karriere in den Jahren zwischen 1707 und 1754 wird im Lichte der politischen und sozialen Ereignisse erörtert, die mit der Verhängung des Licensing Act von 1737 ihre Schatten auf die Theater warfen. Fieldings drei wichtige politische Stücke Rape Upon Rape, The Modern Husband und The Tragedy of Tragedies: or, the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great werden aus der politischen und sozialen Perspektive analysiert. Dieses Buch zeigt den moralischen, sozialen und politischen Zusammenbruch in diesem Umfeld auf, der auf der Korruption der königlichen Familie in dieser Zeit beruht, indem es politische, satirische Stücke mit wichtigen Botschaften untersucht. Obwohl Fielding als Romancier anerkannt ist, wird in seinen politischen Stücken weniger seine Identität als Romancier als vielmehr sein politisches Schreiben berücksichtigt, da er in seinen politischen Stücken den Missbrauch von Wahlen, das unethische Verhalten von Staatsbeamten, die sich über die Werte der Gesellschaft lustig machen und nicht an die Existenz politischer Ehrlichkeit glauben, und die korrupten Seiten der Autoritäten behandelt.

  • af Sevda Kaplan
    481,95 kr.

    This book examines the political playwriting of Henry Fielding, who began his writing career by writing plays for stage, yet today generally known as a novelist. Fielding¿s political career the years between 1707-1754 under the light of political and social events casting their shadow on theatres with the imposition of the Licensing Act of 1737 is discussed in this work. Fielding¿s three important political plays Rape Upon Rape, The Modern Husband, and The Tragedy of Tragedies: or, the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great are analyzed from the political and social perspective. This book reveals the moral, social, and political collapse in this environment based on the corruption of the Royal family in that period by examining political, satirical plays having important messages. Though Fielding is accepted as a novelist, in his political plays, Fielding¿s political playwriting rather than his identity as a novelist is taken into consideration because he, in his political plays, handled electoral abusiveness, the unethical behaviours of state officers who mock with the society¿s values and do not believe in the existence of political honesty, and the corrupted sides of authorities.

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