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  • af Shamsul Jamel Elias
    363,95 kr.

    Dostawcy us¿ug telekomunikacyjnych stoj¿ przed wyzwaniami polegaj¿cymi na niewielkim wzro¿cie na g¿ównych rynkach lub jego braku oraz zwinnych konkurentach atakuj¿cych dochodowe nisze. Tworz¿c sie¿ nowej generacji, dostawcy us¿ug telekomunikacyjnych zidentyfikowali potrzeb¿ nowych, dochodowych us¿ug i obni¿enia kosztów ju¿ istniej¿cych. Ch¿¿ unowocze¿nienia obecnej sieci i przyj¿cia nowej technologii pozwoli im wej¿¿ na now¿ telekomunikacyjn¿ granic¿ technologiczn¿. W poszukiwaniu rozwi¿zä dostawcy us¿ug zdali sobie spraw¿, ¿e sieci nowej generacji mog¿ pomóc im sprostä niezliczonym wyzwaniom. Nieod¿¿cznym elementem architektury IMS NGN jest oddzielenie sterowania po¿¿czeniami, struktury prze¿¿cznika i aplikacji po¿¿czonych w sie¿ IP obs¿uguj¿c¿ jako¿¿ us¿ug. Ta architektura zapewnia szybkie tworzenie us¿ug w ramach elastycznej infrastruktury. Wspieraj¿c nowe us¿ugi, sie¿ nast¿pnej generacji podsystemu multimediów IP (IMS) mo¿e pomóc dostawcom us¿ug w budowaniu silniejszych relacji z klientami.

  • af Shamsul Jamel Elias, Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin & Anita Abu Hassan
    464,95 kr.

    This study aims to determine the level of product quality based on the eight quality dimensions framework and the relationship towards the buyer purchase behavior. For a good understanding of the study, a case study on Malaysia''s national motorcycle/scooter manufacturer has been used by considering the lack of theoretical studies being conducted on the sales of motorcycle/scooter products. In this study, the result shows the level of customer perceptions has no significant impact on the customer purchase decision. The customers are looking at other elements beyond quality perceptions on their purchase decision and only they themselves understand what they are actually looking for. Buyers may not rely on the perceptions of quality alone in deriving purchase intention of any motorcycle/scooter product. With the data presented in this study, it can be expected that the future research can be of benefit by giving a new source of ideas and information.

  • af Shamsul Jamel Elias, Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin & Ahmad Zambri Shahuddin
    461,95 kr.

    This research mainly focuses on the development of ISE Club Information System (ISECIS) based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for ISE Club (ISEC). By applying MVC pattern architecture to ISECIS, it divides the core business model functionality from the presentation and control logic that uses the functionality. It studies the development of a web-based that gives researcher a better understanding about MVC architecture concept that separate an application into three major components which are; models that includes the main functionality, views that represent the user interface and controllers that control the updates to views. This research is as a solution to the problem occurs in disseminating the information and activities in ISE Club and other problems faced. The purpose of this ISECIS website is to be as an information center that provides the information for ISEC community.

  • af Shamsul Jamel Elias, Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin & Kamarul Zamani Baharudin
    462,95 kr.

  • af Shamsul Jamel Elias, Jamaluddin Jasmis & Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin
    462,95 kr.

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