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Bøger af Signe Skov

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  • - en aktivitetsbog
    af Peter Stray Jørgensen, Signe Skov & Lotte Rienecker
    267,95 kr.

    Specialestuderende i hele landet har gennem flere år anvendt Specielt om specialer.4. udgave er udformet som en aktivitetsbog, der hjælper dig til at gøre specialet så godt som muligt, så effektivt og hurtigt som muligt.I hvert kapitel er der en række læse-, undersøge- og skriveaktiviteter, som er specialearbejde i en struktureret form. Før og efter aktiviteterne forklarer vi hvorfor og hvordan. Det du skriver i aktiviteterne, er enten planlægning af eller kladdeudkast til specialetekst. Når du har gennemført en aktivitet, har du faktisk skrevet noget på dit speciale.

  • - - hjemmeopgaver og eksamensopgaver på videregående uddannelser
    af Signe Skov
    37,95 kr.

    For mange studerende er det første møde med den bundne opgave ofte en stor udfordring.Bundne opgaver - hjemmeopgaver og eksamensopgaver på videregående uddannelser giver de studerende retningslinjer for, hvad der kendetegner den gode bundne opgave, hvilke typiske krav til indhold og form der gør sig gældende, og hvordan de sikrer sig, at opgaven lever op til kravene.De studerende får også gode råd til, hvordan de forbereder sig bedst muligt, inden de skal skrive opgaven, og hvordan de kommer i gang med at skrive.I hæftet er der masser af eksempler på bundne opgaver fra vidt forskellige fag og uddannelser, og de studerende kan således få inspiration og hjælp til blandt andet opbygning, sprog, skriveproces, indholdskrav og kvalitetskriterier.

  • af Hanne Leth Andersen & Signe Skov
    127,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Læringsorienterede kursusdesign er en håndbog i kursusplanlægning og i udformning af studieordninger for undervisere, studieledere og uddannelsesledere ved universitetsuddannelserne. Håndbogen giver tips og gode råd til formulering af læringsmål og til valg af relevante undervisnings- og eksamensformer på en måde, så der skabes konstruktiv sammenhæng mellem Kvalifikationsrammens slutmål, de enkelte uddannelsers kompetenceprofiler, konkrete uddannelseselementers læringsmål, undervisningsformer og eksamensformer. Bogen er skrevet af en ekspert inden for området med stor rådgivningserfaring.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    22,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    27,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    8,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    40,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    27,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    12,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    13,94 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    32,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    10,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    23,94 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    30,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    12,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • - Genres and Quality Criteria
    af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    40,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

  • af Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen & Signe Skov
    22,95 kr.

    The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses.The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model:1. Research question2. Purpose3. Data, materials and phenomena4. Theories, concepts and methods5. Research designThe book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes.It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper?The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

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