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  • af Silviya Rankova
    128,95 kr.

    Alex sleepily rubbed his eyes and reached for his glasses on the nightstand. He slowly got off his bed and peered through the window. Then, suddenly, he saw her outside on the tree - the little maple fairy. She would reveal important news about the maple tree in his front yard and help him save it and its inhabitants.

  • af Silviya Rankova
    128,95 kr.

    "The very stubborn camel" is a heartwarming tale centered around Jamal, a headstrong camel with a mind of his own. The story begins with Jamal's owner loading him up with goods and embarking on a journey through a hot and arid desert to reach the bustling marketplace. However, Jamal decides that he's had enough of the noisy market and takes matter into his own hooves.In a surprising twist, Jamal veers off the intended path and stops in front of a run-down house, refusing to budge. Frustrated by the Jamal's stubbornness, his owner quickly discovers that this act of disobedience leads to unexpected and heartwarming consequences. Rather than a source of frustration, Jamal's refusal becomes a catalyst for positive change.Through a series of fortune coincidences and serendipitous encounters, the story follows Jama's interactions with various individuals he comes across. Each encounter brings out the best in the people he meets, highlighting their kindness, resourcefulness, and generosity. As Jamal remains steadfast in his decision, the community around him begins to blossom, demonstrating the power of doing what feels right rather than what's expected.At its core, the tale champions the idea that sometimes, going against the grain and following one's instincts can lead to unexpected and meaningful outcomes, The story underlying message of good luck following good deed resonates as Jama's actions leads to a chain of positive events. This message encourages readers to think independently and consider the impact of their choices on themselves and otherMoreover, the story offers a unique perspective on disobedience, individuality, and the potential for positive change that can arise from unexpected situations. It teaches children about camels and some interesting facts about their lifestyle as well as the Sahara Desert.It's a heartwarming read that encourages readers to embrace their instincts and think beyond the conventional norms, making it a recommended choice for families seeking to instill values of independent thinking and kindness in their children.Finally, the three main characters- Omar- the camel' owner, the little girl, and Jamal found themselves forever connected, woven together by the threads of fate and compassion. Their unforeseen bond served as a poignant illustration of the profound impact of kindness, friendship, and the strong connection between a man and his camel.

  • af Silviya Rankova
    108,95 kr.

    In this Halloween tale, brothers Danny and Alex, along with their playful cat Olly, don Halloween costumes for a spirited night of trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. Along the way, they encounter friendly neighbors, spooky decorations, and surprises. Olly, the adventurous kitty, adds a touch of humor to the night's festivities, making it a memorable Halloween adventure for the trio.

  • af Silviya Rankova
    108,95 kr.

    Christmas is one of the most joyful holidays of the year.A time when families gather to share food and cheer.It's a season of exchanging gifts and singing merry tunes:"We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"

  • af Silviya Rankova
    99,95 kr.

    "Инатестото камилче Джамал" е една стопляща сърцето приказка за едно дружелюбно, но своенравно камилче на име Джамал. От нея децата научават някои интересни факти за камилите и начина им на живот, както и за пустинята Сахара. Историята провокира младите читатели да се вслушат в инстинктите си и да мислят отвъд общоприетите норми. Книжката е чудесен избор за семейства, които искат да насърчават нестандартно мислене и доброта у децата си.

  • af Silviya Rankova
    100,95 kr.

    Някога, в една стара гора, в една, малка, омагьосана къщурка, живеели могъщият магьосник Иван и младият му син Яни.Една вечер, когато се прибирал от обичайната си обиколка из гората, Яни дочул силен шум от падащи предмети, идващ от дома им. Вратата била леко открехната и той видял книги, билки и малки шишенца с отвари да се въртят из въздуха. Баща му тичал насам-натам след някого, изричайки заклинание.

  • af Silviya Rankova
    100,95 kr.

    "Кленовата фея и малкият арборист" е една вълнуваща история, която съчетава елементи на фантазия и екологично съзнание. Историята разказва за малкия Алекс, който среща Фей-кленовата фея, и тяхната мисия за спасяването на кленовото дърво и неговите обитатели. Един вдъхновяващ разказ, който възхвалява чудесата на природата и борбеният дух на онези, които се стремят да я опазят.

  • af Silviya Rankova
    154,95 kr.

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