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Bøger af Søren Holmgren

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  • - The Road to Personal Succes
    af Søren Holmgren
    71,95 kr.

    One day at the age of 17 Soren Holmgren dropped a Yatzy dice on the floor. But he couldn't see it even though it was right in front of him. The verdict was tough and clear; He was turning blind, and all of a sudden he realized that he would never be able to fulfill his dreams - or would he? He had never been any good at ball games but that changed and with his team he won two times Olympic gold in Goalball, a ball game specifically for blind people. He had a dream to work with sales and relations so he picked up the phone and got an interview at IBM. After his first year he won the honor of being their most selling newhire in the entire Europe, Middle East and Africa. He found the love of his life and today they have two daughters. Søren Holmgren chose to take up the challenge instead of accepting incapacity benefit as a very young man. He has embraced his blindness and chosen to look at the bright side of life. Soren Holmgren's book is about creating success in life. About how tools and strategies from the world of sport, mixed with targeted motivation and improvements in processes, can lead to success just when the challenge may seem like an insurmountable obstacle for the individual. Readers are presented with the tools Soren Holmgren took advantage of in elite sport, and which he now uses in both his daily work and in his personal life. All seasoned with both dramatic and humorous stories about life as a blind man.

  • - Vejen til personlig succes
    af Søren Holmgren
    168,95 kr.

    Som 17-årig tabte Søren Holmgren en dag en terning på gulvet. Men han kunne ikke se den, selvom den lå lige foran ham. Dommen var hård og klar: Han var ved at blive blind, og pludselig forstod han, at han aldrig mere ville kunne udleve sine drømme – eller kunne han? Han havde aldrig før været god til boldspil, men det blev han og var med til at vinde to gange OL-guld i goalball, et særligt boldspil for blinde. Han havde en drøm om at blive sælger, og derfor blev han årets sælger i IBM. Han fandt sit livs kærlighed og har i dag to døtre. Søren Holmgren valgte at tage udfordringen op i stedet for at sige ja tak til at få førtidspension som helt ung. Han har accepteret sin blindhed og valgt at se lyst på tilværelsen.I Blind tillid fortæller Søren Holmgren sin historie og viser de værktøjer, han bruger for at blive en succes i både privatlivet og arbejdslivet. Et positivt livssyn kombineret med nøje planlægning og ikke mindst en fordomsfri tilgang til verden er hemmeligheden bag Søren Holmgrens succes.

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