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Bøger af Sophus Helle

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  • af Sophus Helle
    37,95 kr.

    Sophus launches the podcast with a deep-dive into the human mind, this engine of chaos and expanse of possibility we all carry around inside us. The episode begins with a reminder—taken from, of all places, the British tax collection agency—to marvel at the clouds and allow ourselves to be stunned by volcanoes. And it ends with a walk through the woods of southern Italy, in the company of a dog and three Paleolithic teenagers.Hosted and written by Sophus HelleSound editing by Simone Nystrup-LarsenEdited by Andreas Lindinger SaxildFind out more at MindCombining wit and wisdom, silliness and seriousness, the podcast Monkey Mind by Sophus Helle takes the audience on a weekly jaunt through the jungle of the mind. Each episode throws a new and unusual light on the issues of everyday life—trees, typos, taxes, and much more besides—making the audience look again at a world they thought they knew. It tells stories that are designed to make the listener chuckle, then reflect, drawn from both the host’s own life and from the deep well of history.Sophus Helle is a writer, translator, and cultural historian. He is an expert in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh and the ancient poet Enheduana.

  • af Sophus Helle
    37,95 kr.

    Why do people treat their books so differently? Some people like to keep their books in near-mint condition, handling them with metaphorical gloves on and making sure that there is not a single scratch to be found on their cover. Other people, like Sophus, want to dogear the corners, doodle in the margins, and crack the spine of every book they read. In this episode, Sophus traces the origins of this book-lover battle.Hosted and written by Sophus HelleSound editing by Simone Nystrup-LarsenEdited by Andreas Lindinger SaxildFind out more at MindCombining wit and wisdom, silliness and seriousness, the podcast Monkey Mind by Sophus Helle takes the audience on a weekly jaunt through the jungle of the mind. Each episode throws a new and unusual light on the issues of everyday life—trees, typos, taxes, and much more besides—making the audience look again at a world they thought they knew. It tells stories that are designed to make the listener chuckle, then reflect, drawn from both the host’s own life and from the deep well of history.Sophus Helle is a writer, translator, and cultural historian. He is an expert in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh and the ancient poet Enheduana.

  • af Sophus Helle
    37,95 kr.

    We all have something we would like to forget, or something we would like others to forget about us. But it can be surprisingly difficult to forget. You can try to make yourself hold on to a memory, but letting go of it can be much trickier. Forgetfulness comes, wanted or otherwise, but always at its own pace. This episode charts various people who have tried, and failed, to bring about forgetfulness, from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant to the American actress Barbra Streisand.Hosted and written by Sophus HelleSound editing by Simone Nystrup-LarsenEdited by Andreas Lindinger SaxildFind out more at MindCombining wit and wisdom, silliness and seriousness, the podcast Monkey Mind by Sophus Helle takes the audience on a weekly jaunt through the jungle of the mind. Each episode throws a new and unusual light on the issues of everyday life—trees, typos, taxes, and much more besides—making the audience look again at a world they thought they knew. It tells stories that are designed to make the listener chuckle, then reflect, drawn from both the host’s own life and from the deep well of history.Sophus Helle is a writer, translator, and cultural historian. He is an expert in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh and the ancient poet Enheduana.

  • af Sophus Helle
    37,95 kr.

    The episode traces the history of a single word, serendipity, across seven centuries and just as many countries. A "serendipity" is a "happy and unexpected discovery", and the history of the word is itself full of happy and unexpected discoveries, including the history of horror and the origins of crime fiction. Along the way, we meet such fascinating figures as Edgar Allan Poe, the English writer Horace Walpole, the French philosopher Voltaire, and the Sufi poet Amir Khusrau.Hosted and written by Sophus HelleSound editing by Simone Nystrup-LarsenEdited by Andreas Lindinger SaxildFind out more at MindCombining wit and wisdom, silliness and seriousness, the podcast Monkey Mind by Sophus Helle takes the audience on a weekly jaunt through the jungle of the mind. Each episode throws a new and unusual light on the issues of everyday life—trees, typos, taxes, and much more besides—making the audience look again at a world they thought they knew. It tells stories that are designed to make the listener chuckle, then reflect, drawn from both the host’s own life and from the deep well of history.Sophus Helle is a writer, translator, and cultural historian. He is an expert in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh and the ancient poet Enheduana.

  • af Sophus Helle
    37,95 kr.

    When Sophus’s grandfather died, he left behind an old encyclopedia with a mysteriously empty page. In this episode, Sophus talks about happens when we run out of words, as when the mind is made blank by old age or when our loved ones die and we grieve them in silence. Empty pages are a powerfully symbol. They can mark both an ending and a new beginning, they can represent hope as well as grief. Blank pages are everywhere, and surprisingly beautiful.Hosted and written by Sophus HelleSound editing by Simone Nystrup-LarsenEdited by Andreas Lindinger SaxildFind out more at MindCombining wit and wisdom, silliness and seriousness, the podcast Monkey Mind by Sophus Helle takes the audience on a weekly jaunt through the jungle of the mind. Each episode throws a new and unusual light on the issues of everyday life—trees, typos, taxes, and much more besides—making the audience look again at a world they thought they knew. It tells stories that are designed to make the listener chuckle, then reflect, drawn from both the host’s own life and from the deep well of history.Sophus Helle is a writer, translator, and cultural historian. He is an expert in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh and the ancient poet Enheduana.

  • af Sophus Helle
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

    The complete poems of the priestess Enheduana, the world’s first known author, newly translated from the original Sumerian

  • - Udstilling med værker af Peter Brandes og Mille Søndergaard
    af Peter Brandes, Vinnie Nørskov, Rasmus Sevelsted, mfl.
    98,95 kr.

    Katalog til udstillingen SAPPHO/SAPFO på Lemvig Museum (4. juni til 19. september 2022) og Antikmuseet ved Aarhus Universitet (23. september til 18. december 2022).Den græske ø Lesbos forbinder mange i dag med enten ferie eller med de tusinde bådflygtninge, som øen har huset i de seneste år. Men øen er også hjemsted for en af litteraturhistoriens største digtere, Sapfo, der levede omkring 600 før vor tidsregning og er en af de tidligste digtere, vi har overleveret. Digtene blev forfattet som sange, som Sapfo selv fremførte og akkompagnerede på lyre. Hun var kvinde, og hun skrev om kvinders dagligdag, ritualer, følelser og ikke mindst begær. Hendes digte har talt til mennesker lige siden.Ordet lesbisk betød oprindeligt ‘fra Lesbos’, men siden midten af 1800‑tallet er det ogsåblevet en betegnelse for kvinders kærlighed til hinanden. Det skyldes, at Sapfos digte netop her skiller sig ud fra den øvrige klassiske poesi: her beskrives kærlighed mellem kvinder af en kvinde. I Danmark har forfattere fundet inspiration i antikke tekster siden renæssancen. Interessen for Sapfos digtning går tilbage til 1700‑tallet, men den første fuldstændige oversættelse af de bevarede digte og fragmenter blev først lavet i 1924 af digteren Thøger Larsen i Lemvig, som havde lært sig selv oldgræsk. Der skulle gå næsten 100 år, før nogen igen kastede sig over en komplet oversættelse af de bevarede værker. I løbet af 2020 og 2021 udkom hele tre nye oversættelser af Sapfos digte til dansk.Siden 1924 er mange flere digtfragmenter på papyrus blevet fundet i Ægypten og de er siden spredt blandt internationale samlere. Og verden er blevet en ganske anden. Der er ingen tvivl om, at MeToo‑bevægelsen og en ændret kønskultur har skabt fornyet interesse for denne tidlige kvindelige stemme.I udstillingen vises de forskellige tekstlige fortolkninger af Sapfos digte. En oversættelse er aldrig bare en oversættelse. Det er også en fortolkning. Og vi kan følge forskellige måder at læse Sapfos digte på gennem de forskellige oversættelser. De to stavemåder Sapfo/Sappho afspejler ligeledes de personlige tilgange til oversættelse af det græske sprog. Også kunstnere har gennem tiden fundet inspiration i digtene og fortolket dem på forskellige måder. Udstillingen viser to forskellige kunstneriske fortolkninger, som har ledsaget to af de nye oversættelser.Sapfo taler til os fra oldtiden, og ordene skaber billeder. Alle læser ordene med deres egen livserfaring i bagagen, og oplevelsen og indlevelsen bliver derfor forskellig fra person til person. Sapfo taler direkte til dig som læser. Vi glæder os derfor til at byde publikum indenfor på Lemvig Museum og Antikmuseet for i udstillingen selv at opleve, hvordan Sapfos 2600 år gamle digte kan skabe identifikation mellem mennesker på tværs af tid, sted, kultur og køn.

  • af Sophus Helle
    143,95 kr.

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