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Stephen King

Bøger af Stephen King

Stephen King er er en af verdens bedste sælgende forfattere og med over 400 millioner bøger solgt verden over, så er Stephen King en forfatter, der er nærmest umulig at overse. King har udgivet over 50 romaner såvel som en række samlede fortællinger og ikke-fiktion. Hans bøger er oversat til 43 sprog og mange af dem er blevet til store Hollywood film, som er ligeså elsket som bøgerne! Disse tæller blandt andet filmene En verden udenfor, Ondskabens Hotel, It og Den grønne mil. Alt i alt er Stephen King en forfatter af imponerende format og som ganske få andre kan prale af!

Foto af Shane Leonard
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  • af Stephen King
    138,95 kr.

    En roman for alle dem, der ikke aner, at de er Stephen King-fan!Den 22. november 1963 lød tre skud i Dallas, John F. Kennedy døde, og verden var forandret for altid. Men hvad nu hvis man kan ændre historiens gang? Skal man så gøre det? Det spørgsmål må 35-årige Jake Epping stille sig selv, den dag hans gamle ven Al viser ham en tidstunnel skjult i den lokale diner. Jake er en helt almindelig mand; high school-lærer, fraskilt og sympatisk – og ikke mindst skeptisk over for tidstunneller.Men Al har forberedt sig godt og overtaler Jake til at tage turen tilbage til 1958, bo der i fem år og gøre et forsøg på at forhindre mordet på Kennedy. Men Jake er ikke på forlystelsestur, han er en mand med en mission; det er egentlig meningen, at han skal koncentrere sig om den problematiske enspænder Lee Harvey Oswalds færden, det er meningen han skal forhindre et mord. Til gengæld er det ikke meningen, at han skal forelske sig i den smukke bibliotekar Sadie Dunhill. Jake kommer til at finde sig rigtig godt tilrette i fortiden, og samtidig mærker han tydeligt, at fortiden modsætter sig at blive ændret; den kæmper imod.22.11.63 er en imponerende bedrift; veloplagt og tankevækkende. King formår at lege med tiden på troværdig vis, han formår at skabe en tidslomme, hvor ikke kun Jake ønsker at blive, men også læseren; man bliver ganske enkelt opslugt.Oversat af Alis Friis CaspersenJohn F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Dr. Malcolm Oliver Perry, James Patrick Hosty, George de Mohrenschildt, Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova, mordet på John F. Kennedy, cuban missile crisis, 1950-1959, 1960-1969, USA, kærlighed, tidsrejser

  • - En roman om det mørke tårn
    af Stephen King
    104,95 kr.

    Sidste roman i Dark Tower-serien, eller Det mørkeTårn. Nogle kalder den nr. 7 andre kalder dennr. 4,5, men sikkert er det, at den er længeventet på dansk af alle Kings dark tower fans.Vinden gennem nøglehullet er skrevet som densidste i serien, men handlingsmæssigt placererden sig mellem nr. 4 og 5.King indledte faktisk Dark Tower serien helttilbage i 1974, men først i løbet af 80’erne slogserien for alvor igennem, og fik kultstatus.De seneste bind i serien blev udgivet i 2003og 2004, men efterfølgende besluttede Kingsig for at skrive Vinden gennem nøglehullettil stor begejstring for de mange fans. Faktiskkan romanen også læses uden at have læst deøvrige i serien, og kan på den måde udgøre enport ind til Kings forfatterskab.Dark Tower-serien er fantasy, når det erbedst. Læseren tages på en fascinerende og gribende rejse og følger fire forskelligehovedpersoner. Den verden King formår at skabe har beriget utallige læsere gennemårenes løb. Han mestrer fortællekunsten som kun de færreste.

  • af Stephen King
    139,95 kr.

    Atlantis er fem sammenhængende fortællinger, der alle foregår i årene 1960 til 1999. Hver historie har rod i tresserne, og vietnamkrigen spøger i dem alle. Elleveårige Bobby Garfield opdager at livet ikke er retfærdigt. Hans fattige principfaste mor opdrager ham strengt, men da Ted Brautigan, en gammel mand, der flytter ind i hans mors hus, får han en ven. Samtidig finder han dog ud af, at verden er fuld af farlige rovdyr, og han indser, at voksne ikke altid er, hvad de giver sig ud for at være.Maine Universitetet 1966. En gruppe unge studerende med Pete i spidsen bliver grebet af kortspillet Hjerterfri. Mange dropper ud af universitetet, fordi de bruger al deres tid på at spille. Petes veninde Carol, går til en Vietnam-demonstration. Pete beundrer hende, men selvom hun beder ham om det, vil han ikke holde op med at spille Herterfri.To mænd, der voksede op med Bobby Garfield i Connecticut, prøver at udfylde tomheden i deres liv efter Vietnam-krigen. Blinde Willie tigger på Fifth Avenue, men må aflevere en stor del til den lokale betjent, som han hader. Han lever en dobbelttilværelse, er forvirret og blander både fortid og nutid sammen. Og hele tiden hviler Vietnam-krigen som skygge over dem begge.Men alle maskerne falder. Bobby vender tilbage til sin hjemby, hvor en hemmelighed, håbet om udfrielse og hans hjertes inderste ønske måske venter på ham. Atlantis tager nogle læsere med til et sted, hvor de aldrig har været, og andre til et sted, de aldrig rigtigt har kunnet forlade, og betragtes af mange som Kings mesterstykke.Som mange, mange andre læsere hører jeg til dem, der med stor fornøjelse har læst alt af mesteren af bl.a. horror-genren. Hans historier er altid suverænt velskrevne og de er evige historier om det Godes kamp mod det Onde. Nu overrasker ham mig positivt igen med denne novellesamling, der er noget af det bedste King jeg har læst. - Lektør: Carsten Nørby Sørensen

  • af Stephen King
    133,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    153,95 kr.

    The Shawshank Redemption is King's most popular movie adaptations and among the most frequently viewed films of all time. This standalone edition of King's novella, retitled The Shawshank Redemption to capture new King readers, has a new cover with a film still featuring stars Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins for the 30th anniversary of the Best Picture Academy Award nominee.A mesmerizing tale of unjust imprisonment and offbeat escape, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption is one of Stephen King's most beloved and iconic stories, and it helped make Castle Rock a place readers would return to over and over again. Suspenseful, mysterious, and heart-wrenching, this iconic King novella, populated by a cast of unforgettable characters, is about a fiercely compelling convict named Andy Dufresne who is seeking his ultimate revenge. Originally published in 1982 in the collection Different Seasons (alongside ';The Body,' ';Apt Pupil,' and ';The Breathing Method'), it was made into the film The Shawshank Redemption in 1994. Starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins, this modern classic was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and is among the most beloved films of all time.

  • - Stories
    af Stephen King
    475,95 kr.

    "... twelve stories that delve into the darker part of life -- both metaphorical and literal."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Stephen King
    241,95 kr.

    Stephen King hates to fly. Now he and co-editor Bev Vincent would like to share this fear of flying with you. Welcome to Flight or Fright, an anthology about all the things that can go horribly wrong when you're suspended six miles in the air, hurtling through space at more than 500 mph and sealed up in a metal tube (like"€"gulp!"€"a coffin) with hundreds of strangers. All the ways your trip into the friendly skies can turn into a nightmare, including some we'll bet you've never thought of before... but now you will the next time you walk down the jetway and place your fate in the hands of a total stranger. Featuring brand new stories by Joe Hill and Stephen King, as well as fourteen classic tales and one poem from the likes of Richard Matheson, Ray Bradbury, Roald Dahl, Dan Simmons, and many others, Flight or Fright is, as King says, "ideal airplane reading, especially on stormy descents... Even if you are safe on the ground, you might want to buckle up nice and tight." Book a flight

  • af Stephen King
    217,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    89,95 kr.

    El escalofriante caso de una joven en apariencia insignificante que se transform en un ser de poderes anormales, sembrando el terror en su ciudad. Con pulo m gico para mantener la tensi n a lo largo de todo el libro, Stephen King narra la atormentada adolescencia de Carrie, y nos envuelve en una atm sfera sobrecogedora cuando la muchacha realiza una seie de descubrimientos hasta llegar al terrible momento de la vengaza. esta novela fue llevada al cina y obtuvo un imenso xito de p blico y de cr tica.

  • af Stephen King
    97,95 kr.

    Charlie es una niña rubia, de ojos azules, educada y cariñosa.Pero también es piroquinética.Sí, puede encender fuego a distancia, desde inofensivas fogatas hasta hogueras capaces de arrasar amplias extensiones.Y si posee estas capacidades a los siete años, horroriza pensar en sus poderes destructores cuando sea adulta.Aunque, la verdad, tiene pocas probabilidades de llegar a la edad adulta.Porque el servicio secreto norteamericano encargado de realizar investigaciones científicas y paracientíficas para su aplicación militar, ha decidido estudiar a Charlie y luego eliminarla, tal como estudío y elimnó a sus padres después de haberlos utilizado en sus experimentos..."

  • af Stephen King
    94,95 kr.

    El gran gusano hediondo se ha ensenoreado de la aldea abandonada y no permitira que nadie acabe con sus misas negras.La maquina planchadora ha probado la sangre de una virgen y quiere mas, mucho mas, y su macabro deseo no se detendra ante nada.Los amplios maizales imponen a los chicos sus sanguinarios ritos...El umbral de la noche nos transporta a un mundo de terrores imposibles pero que están ahí: a la vuelta de la esquina, en un maizal, en un pueblo abandonado, en una lavandería, debajo de la cama o tras la puerta de ese armario que ni siquiera rechina..."

  • af Stephen King
    97,95 kr.

    Veinte años atrás, por una apuesta infantil, Ben Mears habáa entrado en la casa de los Marsten. Y lo que vio entonces aún poblaba sus pesadillas. Ahora, como escritor consagrado, había vuelto a Salem's Lot para exorcisar sus fantasmas. Salem's Lot era un pueblo tranquilo y adormilado donde nunca pasaba nada, excepto la vieja tragedia de la casa de los Marsten. Y el perro muerto colgado de la verja del cemeterio. Y el misterioso hombre que se instaló en la casa de los Marsten. Y los niños que desaparecían, los animales que morían desangrads. Y la espantosa presencia de "ellos," quienesquiera que fuesen. "Ellos."

  • af Stephen King
    165,95 kr.

    I believe there is another man inside every man, a stranger writes Wilfred Leland James in the early pages of the riveting confession that makes up 1922, the first in this pitch-black quartet of mesmerizing tales from Stephen King. For James, that stranger is awakened when his wife, Arlette, proposes selling off the family homestead and moving to Omaha, setting in motion a gruesome train of murder and madness. In Big Driver, a cozy-mystery writer named Tess encounters the stranger along a back road in Massachusetts when she takes a shortcut home after a book-club engagement. Violated and left for dead, Tess plots a revenge that will bring her face-to-face with another stranger: the one inside herself. Fair Extension, the shortest of these tales, is perhaps the nastiest and certainly the funniest. Making a deal with the devil - never a stranger from most people with something to lose - not only saves Dave Streeter from a fatal cancer but provides rich recompense for a lifetime of resentment. When her husband of more than twenty years is away on one of his business trips, Darcy Anderson looks for batteries in the garage. Her toe knocks up against a box under a worktable and she discovers the stranger inside her husband. It s a horrifying discovery, rendered with bristling intensity, and it definitively ends a good marriage. Like "Different Seasons" and "Four Past Midnight," which generated such enduring films as "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Stand by Me," "Full Dark, No Stars" proves Stephen King a master of the long story form."

  • af Stephen King
    90,95 kr.

    A traves de los telefonos moviles se envia un mensaje que convierte a todos en esclavos asesinos. Pocos se escapan de su fuerza y estos tendran que sobrevivir en un mundo totalmente transformado. Clayton Riddell no tiene telefono movil, su esposa, Sharon, tampoco. Estan separados pero en contacto constante por su hijo Johnny Gee. Sus padres le han regalado un movil para cosas urgentes. Saben que muy a menudo no lo lleva encima y por eso le rinen.El uno de octubre Clay viaja a Boston por una entrevista de trabajo y de repente cuando pasea por el parque es testigo de escenas espeluznantes, escenas totalmente inexplicables: gente en la calle que hablando por el movil se convierten repentinamente en monstruos asesinos, atacan y matan a todos los de su alrededor. Los coches chocan entre si. Es una escena de caos sangriento, incendios, alarmas.. . incomprensible. Ya no hay canales de radio ni television, ni servicios de ningun tipo. Nada que pueda poner orden. Clay entiende que todo ha sido causado por un mensaje a traves de los moviles. Consigue refugiarse en un hotel junto con otro hombre Tom McCourt y una adolescente, Alice, los dos sin movil. Deciden abandonar la ciudad para averiguar si la situacion es la misma en el resto del pais. Para Clay, lo mas importante es localizar a su hijo que, espera que hoy no lleve su movil encima.Los tres emprenden su viaje a pie hacia la ciudad donde vive Johnny y su madre. Andan de noche cuando los locos no se mueven. De dia se esconden en casas abandonadas. En su camino se encuentran con otros que se han salvado pero son pocos y descubren que los locos se han convertido en una especie de zombies telepaticos. Estos se juntan de dia en grandes masas, llamados por musica transmitida por altavoces, en estadios de deportes. De noche duermen. Estan controlados por los sonidos. Andan y andan hacia un solo destino. La mujer de Clay ha sido victima de la gran destruccion pero su hijo parece haber sobrevivido y Clay y sus dos companeros siguen su pista. Van de ciudad en ciudad, entre cadaveres y zombies asesinos, entre el caos y la destruccion, hasta llegar a la ciudad de su destino. Y alli Clay encontrara a Johnny, no el Johnny de antes, pero quizas algun dia aprendera de nuevo a ser un nino normal . El mensaje de los moviles va perdiendo toda su fuerza pero...el mundo nunca volvera a ser lo mismo."

  • af Stephen King
    73,95 kr.

    El escalofriante caso de una joven de apariencia insignificante que se transformo en un ser de poderes anormales, sembrando el terror en la ciudad. Con pulso magico para mantener la tension a lo largo de todo el libro, Stephen King narra la atormentada adolescencia de Carrie, y nos envuelve en una atmosfera sobrecogedora cuando la muchacha realiza una serie de descubrimientos hasta llegar al terrible momento de la venganza. Esta novela fue llevada al cine con un inmenso exito de publico y critica."

  • af Stephen King
    180,95 kr.

    El nuevo lanzamiento del Rey del Terror es una colección de doce relatos que lo afianza, una vez más, como uno de los mejores narradores de nuestro tiempo. PRIMERA EDICIÓN ESPECIAL CON SOBRECUBIERTA REVERSIBLE. «Â¿Te gusta la oscuridad? Perfecto. A mí también» es cómo inicia Stephen King el epílogo de este nuevo y magnífico volumen de doce relatos que se adentran en la parte más sombría de la vida. King lleva más de medio siglo siendo un maestro literario, y estas historias sobre el destino, la mortalidad, la suerte y los múltiples pliegos de la realidad son tan ricas y absorbentes como sus novelas. El autor escribe «para sentir la emoción de dejar atrás la rutina», y en Si te gusta la oscuridad los lectores sentirán, una y otra vez, esa misma emoción. «Dos cabrones con talento» nos revelará el secreto de cómo estos dos caballeros adquirieron sus habilidades. En «El mal sueño de Danny Coughlin», una explosión psíquica inesperada pone patas arriba la vida de docenas de personas, incluido Danny, con catastróficos resultados. «Serpientes de cascabel», secuela de la novela Cujo, nos presenta a un viudo que viaja a Florida buscando descanso y, en su lugar, se topa con una inesperada herencia... con más de una atadura. En «Los soñadores», un taciturno veterano de la guerra de Vietnam acepta un encargo y descubre que hay algunos rincones del universo que deberían quedar inexplorados. «Hombre Respuesta» nos plantea si el don de la clarividencia es una bendición o una maldición, y nos recuerda que incluso una vida marcada por la tragedia tiene significado. La habilidad del Rey del Terror para sorprender, inspirar y provocarnos tanto miedo como consuelo al mismo tiempo no tiene parangón. Cada uno de estos relatos contiene sus propios escalofríos, alegrías y misterios, y todos son icónicos. ¿Os gusta la oscuridad? Pues aquí la tenéis ENGLISH DESCRIPTION From legendary storyteller and master of short fiction Stephen King comes an extraordinary new collection of twelve short stories, many never-before-published, and some of his best EVER. "You like it darker? Fine, so do I," writes Stephen King in the afterword to this magnificent new collection of twelve stories that delve into the darker part of life--both metaphorical and literal. King has, for half a century, been a master of the form, and these stories, about fate, mortality, luck, and the folds in reality where anything can happen, are as rich and riveting as his novels, both weighty in theme and a huge pleasure to digest. King writes to feel "the exhilaration of leaving ordinary day-to-day life behind," and in You Like It Darker, listeners will feel that exhilaration too, again and again. "Two Talented Bastids" explores the long-hidden secret of how the eponymous gentlemen got their skills. In "Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream," a brief and unprecedented psychic flash upends dozens of lives, Danny's most catastrophically. In "Rattlesnakes," a sequel to Cujo, a grieving widower travels to Florida for respite and instead receives an unexpected inheritance--with major strings attached. In "The Dreamers," a taciturn Vietnam vet answers a job ad and learns that there are some corners of the universe best left unexplored. "The Answer Man" asks if prescience is good luck or bad and reminds us that a life marked by unbearable tragedy can still be meaningful. King's ability to surprise, amaze, and bring us both terror and solace remains unsurpassed. Each of these stories holds its own thrills, joys, and mysteries; each feels iconic. You like it darker? You got it.

  • af Stephen King
    133,95 kr.

    In this #1 national bestseller, master storyteller Stephen King, writing as Richard Bachman, tells the tale of the contestants of a grueling walking competition where there can only be one winner--the one that survives. Against the wishes of his mother, sixteen-year-old Ray Garraty is about to compete in the annual grueling match of stamina and wits known as the Long Walk. One hundred boys must keep a steady pace of four miles per hour without ever stopping...with the winner being awarded "The Prize"--anything he wants for the rest of his life. But, as part of this national tournament that sweeps through a dystopian America year after year, there are some harsh rules that Garraty and ninety-nine others must adhere to in order to beat out the rest. There is no finish line--the winner is the last man standing. Contestants cannot receive any outside aid whatsoever. Slow down under the speed limit and you're given a warning. Three warnings and you're out of the game--permanently...

  • af Stephen King
    183,95 kr.

    "Stephen King's HOLLY marks the triumphant return of beloved King character Holly Gibney. Readers have witnessed Holly's gradual transformation from a shy and reclusive (but also brave and ethical) homebody in Mr. Mercedes to Bill Hodges's partner in Finders Keepers and End of Watch to a full-fledged, smart and occasionally tough private detective on her own in The Outsider and If It Bleeds. In this new novel, Holly once again claims the spotlight, and must face some of her most depraved adversaries yet. When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her own mother has just died, and Holly is supposed to be taking time off. But something in Penny Dahl's desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down. Mere blocks from where Bonnie Dahl disappeared live Professors Rodney and Emily Harris. They are the picture of bourgeois respectability: married octogenarians, devoted to each other, semi-retired lifelong academics. But they are harboring an unholy secret in their well-kept, book-lined home, one that may be related to Bonnie's disappearance. And it will prove nearly impossible to discover what they are up to: they are smart, they are patient, and they are ruthless. Holly must summon all her formidable talents to outhink and outmaneuver this brilliant and twisted pair in this chilling new masterwork from Stephen King"--

  • af Stephen King
    243,95 kr.

    Stephen King's legendary debut, about a teenage outcast and the revenge she enacts on her classmates.Carrie White may be picked on by her classmates, but she has a gift. She can move things with her mind. Doors lock. Candles fall. This is her power and her problem. Then, an act of kindness, as spontaneous as the vicious taunts of her classmates, offers Carrie a chance to be a normal...until an unexpected cruelty turns her gift into a weapon of horror and destruction that no one will ever forget.

  • af Stephen King
    423,95 kr.

    For use in schools and libraries only. In this fourth installment of the Dark Tower series, Roland temporarily halts the gunslingers' journey in order to tell a story from his past.

  • af Stephen King
    73,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Guidebook with information and description of over 50 statues and sculptures in Aarhus, including location maps and photos.

  • af Stephen King
    246,95 kr.

    'You like it darker? Fine, so do I', writes Stephen King in the afterword to this magnificent new collection of twelve stories that delve into the darker part of life - both metaphorical and literal. King has, for half a century, been a master of the form, and these stories, about fate, mortality, luck, and the folds in reality where anything can happen, are as rich and riveting as his novels, both weighty in theme and a huge pleasure to read. King writes to feel 'the exhilaration of leaving ordinary day-to-day life behind', and in You Like it Darker, readers will feel that exhilaration too, again and again. 'Two Talented Bastids' explores the long-hidden secret of how the eponymous gentlemen got their skills. In 'Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream', a brief and unprecedented psychic flash upends dozens of lives, Danny's most catastrophically. In 'Rattlesnakes', a sequel to Cujo, a grieving widower travels to Florida for respite and instead receives an unexpected inheritance - with major strings attached. In 'The Dreamers', a taciturn Vietnam vet answers a job ad and learns that there are some corners of the universe best left unexplored. 'The Answer Man' asks if prescience is good luck or bad and reminds us that a life marked by unbearable tragedy can still be meaningful. King's ability to surprise, amaze, and bring us both terror and solace remains unsurpassed. Each of these stories holds its own thrills, joys, and mysteries; each feels iconic. You like it darker? You got it.'As classic as King's novels are, his shorter fiction has been just as gripping over the years' - USA Today 'One of the great storytellers of our time' - Guardian

  • af Stephen King
    103,95 - 188,95 kr.

    For Kings mange fans og et godt sted at starte, hvis man er ny i det store forfatterskab.At stå ansigt til ansigt med sine dæmoner er nogle gange en del af det at blive voksen.Jamie Conklin er søn af en hårdtar­bejdende alenemor, og det eneste, han egentlig ønsker sig, er en almindelig barndom. Men Jamie er ikke noget almindeligt barn – han ser, hvad ingen andre kan se, og ved, hvad ingen andre kan vide. Og da politiet skal bruge hans hjælp til at fange en morder fra den anden side af graven, opdager Jamie præcis hvor høj prisen for hans evner i virkeligheden er.Med ekko af Kings klassiske roman It – Det onde, er Senere en skrækindjagende og bevægende roman om tabt uskyld og kampen mod det onde, uanset hvilken maske det gemmer sig bag.

  • af Stephen King
    206,95 kr.

    Stephen King’s #1 national bestseller about a little mining town, Desperation, that many will enter on their way to somewhere else. But getting out is not easy as it would seem…"I see holes like eyes. My mind is full of them." For all intents and purposes, police officer Collie Entragian, chief law enforcement for the small mining town of Desperation, Nevada, appears to be completely insane. He's taken to stopping vehicles along the desolate Interstate 50 and abducting unwary travelers with various unusual ploys. There's something very wrong here in Desperation...and Officer Entragian is only at the surface of it. The secrets embedded in Desperation's landscape, and the horrifying evil that infects the town like some viral hot zone, are both awesome and terrifying. But one of Entragian's victims, young David Carver, seems to know—and it scares him nearly to death to realize this truth—that the forces being summoned to combat this frightful, maniacal aberration are of equal and opposite intensity...

  • af Stephen King
    783,95 kr.

    Enter once more the world of Roland Deschain—and the world of the Dark Tower...now presented in a stunning graphic novel omnibus form that will unlock the doorways to terrifying secrets and bold storytelling as part of the dark fantasy masterwork and magnum opus from #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King. “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.” With these unforgettable words, millions were introduced to Stephen King’s iconic character Roland Deschain of Gilead. Roland is the last of his kind, a “gunslinger” charged with protecting whatever goodness and light remains in his world—a world that “moved on,” as they say. In this desolate reality—a dangerous land filled with ancient technology and deadly magic, and yet one that mirrors our own in frightening ways—Roland is on a spellbinding and soul-shattering quest to locate and somehow save the mystical nexus of all worlds, all universes: the Dark Tower. Now, in the graphic novel series adaptation Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three, originally published by Marvel Comics in single-issue form and creatively overseen by Stephen King himself, the full story of Roland’s troubled past and lifelong odyssey is revealed. Sumptuously drawn by Piotr Kowalski and Jonathan Marks, adapted by Stephen King expert Robin Furth, and scripted by New York Times bestselling author Peter David, The Drawing of the Three is an extraordinary and terrifying journey—ultimately serving as the perfect introduction for a new audience to Stephen King’s modern literary classic The Dark Tower, while giving longtime fans thrilling adventures transformed from his blockbuster novels. This single-volume omnibus edition includes the complete graphic novel series The Drawing of the Three: The Prisoner; House of Cards; The Lady of Shadows; Bitter Medicine.

  • af Stephen King
    128,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    483,95 kr.

    Holly Gibney, one of Stephen King's most compelling and ingeniously resourceful characters, returns in this thrilling novel to solve the gruesome truth behind multiple disappearances in a midwestern town. "Sometimes the universe throws you a rope." --BILL HODGES Stephen King's Holly marks the triumphant return of beloved King character Holly Gibney. Readers have witnessed Holly's gradual transformation from a shy (but also brave and ethical) recluse in Mr. Mercedes to Bill Hodges's partner in Finders Keepers to a full-fledged, smart, and occasionally tough private detective in The Outsider. In King's new novel, Holly is on her own, and up against a pair of unimaginably depraved and brilliantly disguised adversaries. When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her partner, Pete, has Covid. Her (very complicated) mother has just died. And Holly is meant to be on leave. But something in Penny Dahl's desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down. Mere blocks from where Bonnie Dahl disappeared live Professors Rodney and Emily Harris. They are the picture of bourgeois respectability: married octogenarians, devoted to each other, and semi-retired lifelong academics. But they are harboring an unholy secret in the basement of their well-kept, book-lined home, one that may be related to Bonnie's disappearance. And it will prove nearly impossible to discover what they are up to: they are savvy, they are patient, and they are ruthless. Holly must summon all her formidable talents to outthink and outmaneuver the shockingly twisted professors in this chilling new masterwork from Stephen King. "I could never let Holly Gibney go. She was supposed to be a walk-on character in Mr. Mercedes and she just kind of stole the book and stole my heart. Holly is all her." --STEPHEN KING

  • af Stephen King
    238,95 kr.

    A #1 New York Times Bestseller and New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice! Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher--for that world or ours. Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself--and his dad. When Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and her aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house at the top of a big hill, with a locked shed in the backyard. Sometimes strange sounds emerge from it. Charlie starts doing jobs for Mr. Bowditch and loses his heart to Radar. Then, when Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe. What Bowditch knows, and has kept secret all his long life, is that inside the shed is a portal to another world. Magnificent, terrifying, and "spellbinding...packed with glorious flights of imagination and characteristic tenderness about childhood, Fairy Tale is vintage King at his finest" (Esquire). "Good, evil, a kingdom to save, monsters to slay--these are the stuff that page-turners are made from." --Laura Miller, Slate

  • af Stephen King
    106,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    116,95 - 133,95 kr.

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