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  • - Life. Freedom. Purpose.
    af Steve Goss
    128,95 kr.

    A completely new 10-week Freedom in Christ course for the new generation, comprising workbook, DVDs, and leader's guide.

  • af Steve Goss
    148,95 kr.

    CLAVES PARA UNA VIDA SALUDABLE, PLENA y FRUCTÍFERA es un curso de discipulado en vídeo para cristianos de todo tipo. Funciona tanto para grupos pequeños como individuos. Consta de ocho sesiones principales, dos sesiones adicionales optativas y un componente ministerial: Los Pasos hacia una vida saludable, plena y fructífera. Únete a esta emocionante aventura que reúne la verdad bíblica y la sabiduría médica para equiparte a ser un discípulo de Jesús saludable cuya vida marca una diferencia. Explora cómo cuidar de todo tu ser (espíritu, mente y cuerpo) para ser la persona que Dios diseñó y para hacer las obras que él preparó. Descubre las raíces de los problemas de salud y aprende a resolverlos. Vive bien a pesar de las limitaciones de tu cuerpo. Deshazte del estrés, la ansiedad y el temor. Aprende a tomar decisiones saludables de manera constante. Enfréntate a los hábitos negativos que intentan controlarte. Comprende lo que la Biblia enseña sobre la sanidad sobrenatural. Por qué no tienes que temerle a la muerte. Incluye un plan de 8 puntos para abordar todo problema de salud y así poder estar seguro de que has hecho todo lo que depende de ti. Esta Guía del participante te acompañará a lo largo del curso. También deberás ver los videos del curso. Más información

  • af Steve Goss
    158,95 kr.

    Experience God's Powerful Grace for YourselfGod's grace is all around us, but often we fall back into well-worn paths of discouragement, trying harder, or thinking that we've failed as Christians. The key to a fruitful Christian life lies in the life-changing, heart-changing power of God's grace. It's time to experience it at a deeper level--and bear more fruit than you thought possible! The Grace Course is a powerful, eight-week study from internationally respected ministry Freedom In Christ that will equip you to - deal with the false motivators of guilt, shame, fear, and pride - overcome striving and performing - remain secure in God's love - become an agent of reconciliation and healing in the world. You'll also go through The Steps to Experiencing God's Grace and learn how to use Stronghold-Busting, a powerful tool to renew your mind and bring genuine, lasting transformation. The Grace Course is part of The Grace & Freedom Project, a collaboration between Freedom In Christ Ministries, Bethany House, RightNow Media, and YouVersion. It features a range of top-quality resources to help you experience God's grace and freedom at such a deep level that you are forever changed and equipped to take the love and healing of Jesus to a broken world. See what's available at

  • af Steve Goss
    258,95 kr.

    Help Others Experience God's Powerful GraceGod's grace is all around us, but often we fall back into well-worn paths of discouragement, trying harder, or thinking that we've failed as Christians. In this powerful, eight-week study from internationally respected ministry Freedom In Christ, you will encounter God's grace like never before. This leader's guide for The Grace Course will help you move believers past behavior modification and into heart transformation. Through biblical teaching, reflection and discussion times, video testimonies, and practical exercises, participants will discover how to - deal with the false motivators of guilt, shame, fear, and pride - overcome striving and performing - remain secure in God's love - become agents of reconciliation and healing in the world You can use the accompanying videos or present the content yourself using the scripts in this Leader's Guide. Each participant will need a Participant's Guide as well. The Grace Course is part of The Grace & Freedom Project, a collaboration between Freedom In Christ Ministries, Bethany House, RightNow Media, and YouVersion. It features a range of top-quality resources to help people experience God's grace and freedom at such a deep level that they are forever changed and equipped to take the love and healing of Jesus to a broken world. See what's available at or scan the QR code.

  • - Free To Be Yourself - Discipleship Series Book 1 (Simplified Chinese)
    af Steve Goss
    80,95 kr.

    享受你在基督里的真性情很多基督徒都是按照自己心中的蓝图来行事为人,到头来却跟不上步伐。他们不是放弃,就是筋疲力尽。当我们明白到自己成为基督徒那一刻,就成了一个新造的人,我们才能结果累累。我们若能把现今的身分真实地活出来,一切都会截然不同。耶稣来了并且赐我们"永生",这不仅是死后才得到。我们现今就可以活出截然不同的生活素质----得到完完全全的接纳、非凡的人生意义和十足的安全感。当你认识了真理并选择去相信,就可以成为神心目的那个你。 Enjoy your true nature in Christ.Many Christians act as they think a Christian should act - and find that they simply can't keep it up. They either drop out or burn out. True fruitfulness comes from realising that we became someone completely new the moment we became Christians. Living out the truth of who we now are makes all the difference.The 'eternal life' that Jesus came to give us is not just something we get when we die. It's a whole different quality of life right now, a life which gives us perfect acceptance, phenomenal significance and complete security. Know the truth and choose to believe it and you can be the person you were made to be.

  • af Steve Goss
    713,95 kr.

  • af Steve Goss
    573,95 kr.

  • af Steve Goss
    619,95 kr.

  • af Steve Goss
    238,95 kr.

  • af Steve Goss
    113,95 kr.

  • af Steve Goss
    478,95 kr.

    Many Christians have a good understanding that salvation is by grace through faith, and that there is nothing they can do to earn their salvation. However, many have fallen into the trap that once saved, they must try to maintain God's acceptance by working hard and doing the right things. They focus so much on how well they are behaving as children of God that they miss experiencing life in the reality of God's grace. In the end they become stressed out, burned out, or fed up with trying to act like they think Christians should act but never quite managing it. Tragically they usually come to believe that they will never be "good enough." This course is designed to help Christians understand what it means to be God's child, to help them receive the assurance of what makes them acceptable to God, to point out the things that don't affect their acceptance, and to encourage them to deal with any hindrances that may be stopping them from walking in the fullness of God's grace every day. The intention is that they will then be free to glorify God in their behavior, not because they feel they have to but because they want to. A natural follow-up to the Alpha or Freedom in Christ Course, The Grace Course has been developed by Freedom in Christ Ministries. The Leader's Guide provides all the material necessary to lead the course and includes PowerPoint presentations developed to make the lessons quick and easy for the leader. Participants are not required to prepare before the sessions but a Participant's Guide that emphasizes the take-away of each lesson is also available. The videos (available on Freedom In Christ Ministries video streaming service FreedomStream) are hosted by Steve Goss and Rich Miller and shows them teaching the entire course supplemented by interviews of the leaders.

  • af Steve Goss
    333,95 kr.

    A youth edition of the popular Freedom in Christ Course, providing solid grounding in discipleship for young people

  • af Steve Goss
    138,95 kr.

    El Guía del Líder de Libertad en Cristo para tu Iglesia - Ministerio - Organización ofrece un proceso bíblico paso a paso de como facilitar un retiro de dos a tres días con sus líderes para resolver conflictos espirituales colectivos a través de la fe y el arrepentimiento y así lograr la unidad y libertad en Cristo. Al final del proceso guiados por el Espíritu, escriben un plan de oración y acción para su iglesia, ministerio, organización, e incluso un colectivo como una denominación y, por que no, una ciudad o nación.Este recurso ofrece un enfoque equilibrado al tomar en cuenta la realidad del mundo espiritual, las heridas, y las emociones, así como la necesidad de rectificar los problemas en el liderazgo y en la administración de la iglesia. Los que ponen por obra estos principios bíblicos, descubrirán cómo unirse alrededor de un propósito común, tratar con el poder de los recuerdos que afectan el presente y el futuro de la iglesia, derrotar los ataques de Satanás y seguir adelante con un plan de acción eficaz.

  • - Curso de la Gracia: Guia del Participante
    af Rich Miller, Steve Goss & Jude Graham
    128,95 kr.

  • - Curso de la Gracia: Guia del Lider
    af Rich Miller, Steve Goss & Jude Graham
    308,95 kr.

  • - Curso Para Hacer Discipulos - Guia del Lider
    af Neil T Anderson & Steve Goss
    308,95 kr.

  • - Un Curso de 10 semanas para un discipulado transformador - Lider
    af Neil T Anderson & Steve Goss
    268,95 kr.

  • - Un Curso de 10 semanas para un discipulado transformador - Participante
    af Neil Anderson & Steve Goss
    123,95 kr.

  • af Rod Woods & Steve Goss
    108,95 kr.

  • - A practical guide to using The Steps to Freedom in Christ
    af Steve Goss
    255,95 kr.

    How to lead people through the Steps to Freedom in Christ

  • - Key biblical principles for helping people mature as Christians
    af Steve Goss
    255,95 kr.

    Biblical principles and good practice using the FIC approach

  • af Steve Goss
    50,95 kr.

    Workbook for ages 15-18, single

  • af Steve Goss
    128,95 kr.

    Workbooks for 11-14s, pack of five

  • - American English Version
    af Steve Goss & Mary Wren
    143,95 kr.

    KEYS TO HEALTH, WHOLENESS, & FRUITFULNESS is a video-based discipleship course for every Christian. It is ideal for small groups or individuals. It has eight main sessions, two optional extra sessions, and a ministry component: The Steps To Health & Wholeness.  This Participant’s Guide will accompany you through the course and is designed to be used in conjunction with the Keys To Health, Wholeness, & Fruitfulness videos, available free of charge at: Join our adventure to bring together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world to equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body.Uncover the roots of health issues and learn to resolve them.Live well despite the limitations of your physical body.Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear.Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices.Deal with negative habits that try to control you.Understand what the Bible teaches about healing.Discover why physical death holds no fear.Follow our 8-point plan to address any health issue so that you can be sure you have done everything you can do.

  • - British English Version
    af Steve Goss & Mary Wren
    143,95 kr.

    Join us on an exciting adventure that brings together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world to equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do.Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them.Live well despite the limitations of your physical body.Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear.Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices.Deal with negative habits that try to control you.Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing.Why physical death holds no fear.Includes an 8-point plan to address any health issue so that you can be sure you have done everything you can do.This Participant’s Guide will accompany you through the course.  You will also need access to the accompanying videos via:

  • - Don't let the past hold you back
    af Steve Goss
    98,95 kr.

    Four volumes on developing as a Christian disciple, which can be used alongside the Freedom in Christ course.

  • af Steve Goss
    88,95 kr.

    Charts the development of tea and coffee cups, providing information on the methods of decoration, influential factories and designers. This book guides readers on how to identify the dates of particular patterns, as well as listing a number of museums and auction houses where these ornamental cups can be discovered.

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