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Bøger af Susan Wright

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  • af Helle Pia Laursen, Lotte Louise Dil Bach, Nana Clemensen, mfl.
    358,95 kr.

    Pædagogisk antropologi kombinerer, som navnet siger, de to videnskabelige discipliner pædagogik og antropologi. Antropologi beskæftiger sig med de sociale og kulturelle sammenhænge, der former og formes af specifikke menneskers liv forskellige steder i verden. Det samme gør den pædagogiske antropologi, men her er interessen især rettet mod pædagogiske forhold i bred forstand, dvs. de forventninger og anvisninger, som påvirker og rammesætter folks handlinger og betydningsdannelse.Pædagogisk antropologi - tilgange og begreber giver en indføring i den store variation af tilgange, perspektiver og genstandsfelter, som karakteriserer pædagogisk antropologi som forsknings- og fagområde i dag. Bogens forfattere trækker på en lang række teoretiske inspirationer og traditioner, og de vægter forskellige tematikker og begreber i deres analyser. Det er imidlertid kendetegnende for dem alle, at de er optaget af at belyse menneskers handlinger, opfattelser og relationer i pædagogiske sammenhænge. Bogen afrundes med et perspektiverende efterord af Steen Nepper Larsen.Bogen giver en indføring i de mange aspekter af pædagogisk antropologi, som spiller en stadig større rolle i undersøgelser og studier af pædagogik. Den henvender sig til studerende på universitetsniveau og på de pædagogiske professionsuddannelser.Pædagogisk antropologi – tilgange og begreber er redigeret af Eva Gulløv, Ida Wentzel Winther og Gritt B. Nielsen, der alle forsker og underviser på DPU, Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Susan Wright
    117,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Aromatherapy and Essential Oils" in this beautifully curated collection of recipes, providing you with the tools to harness the incredible power of essential oils. Our recipes have been crafted to create a harmonious environment for yourself and your loved ones. Whether seeking relaxation, stress relief, a burst of energy, or motivation, this recipe book will be your trusted companion on your aromatic journey.Gone are the days of relying on store-bought air fresheners and chemical-filled products. It's time to embrace the natural wonders of the aromatic world. With the recipes in this book, you will create your own all-natural, chemical-free blends that promote wellness, enhancing the ambiance of the world around you.So, say goodbye to synthetic fragrances and hello to the wonders of essential oils. Discover the art of aromatherapy and unlock the numerous benefits it has to offer. Let "Aromatherapy Essential Oils" guide you and embark on a journey of self-care and well-being.

  • af Susan Wright
    127,95 kr.

    Dare to be a Daniella! Through this real-life story, children will be inspired to be courageous, rise above the crowd and stay true to their beliefs.Daniella's life is happy and free until the day the Queen gives her decree..."I am the Queen, you must listen to me. Drink my magic potion and you will be free. You have nothing to fear, it's very protective. You'll never get sick, it's safe and effective." In a world where everyone is lining up for the Queen's magic potion, what will Daniella do? Will she obey and keep her happy life? Or will she refuse and lose everything she loved? Or perhaps she'll be locked away in the Queen's 'Magi-Camp'. Children will be captivated by this delightful rhyming storyline and charming illustrations, based on the life events of a brave Australian girl during the COVID-19 pandemic. This book includes Bella's (Daniella's) personal story, thoughtful discussion questions and a summary of the biblical account of 'Daniel and the King's Food'. It also includes a poster of Daniella with the verse John 8:32. May their stories serve as a reminder that your voice matters, that your actions have power, and that your courage can inspire others to stand up for what they believe in.

  • af Susan Wright
    127,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered how everything came to be? The earth, the sky, the animals? And what about people? This storytelling is based upon the biblical genesis account and helps to provide answers to one of life's very big questions... 'Who Created Everything?'Author and teacher Susan Wright shares a biblical storytelling that is simple, accurate and memorable. Her use of repetition engages the children to be participants in the narrative throughout the reading. The large size realistic visuals adds another dimension for enjoying the biblical account of creation. It is sure to become a creation storybook that will be used by countless Sunday school teachers, parents and families.This book is complemented by the 'Listen & Move Creation Adventure' found on Youtube. It guides the children to use their imagination and bodies to act out the creation story. You can view this musical drama activity along with teacher tutorial on 'Wright Ideas with Susan' youtube channel.

  • af Susan Wright
    112,95 kr.

  • af Susan Wright
    973,95 kr.

    This book examines the transformative power and the limitations of one of Europe's most significant university reforms from an ethnographic and historical perspective. By conceiving of the university as 'enacted' in both ways at once, the book explores how and why the university comes to be imagined and instantiated in new ways.

  • af Susan Wright
    608,95 - 1.542,95 kr.

  • - Meaning-Making and Children's Drawing
    af Susan Wright
    417,95 - 1.354,95 kr.

    Creativity is a key theme in early childhood studies at the moment and is increasingly highlighted in all manner of early childhood academic courses. This book will form the link between creativity and literacy with concrete examples of children's meaning making, as well as offering a protocol for students to follow.

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