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  • af T. Akilan
    443,95 kr.

    Ce livre "Exploring Literary Horizons- Journeys, Perspectives, and Comparative Analyses", Cette collection académique explore divers thèmes littéraires. Le chapitre 1 analyse de manière exhaustive la vie de Bouddha à travers des textes de voyage, en approfondissant les nuances culturelles. Le chapitre 2 applique une perspective coloniale au roman de Yann Martel, en examinant les contextes historiques et l'impact de la colonisation. Le chapitre 3 explore l'évolution de la fantasy, en utilisant la série Harry Potter pour étudier les créatures magiques, la pertinence dans le monde réel et l'impact de l'alphabétisation. Le chapitre 4 explore la représentation de Satan dans l'¿uvre de Milton et son reflet dans la télévision fantastique moderne. Le chapitre 5 démêle l'identité diasporique à travers une analyse comparative, en explorant les thèmes du conflit et des dilemmes. Le chapitre 6 se penche sur les points de vue distincts des poètes en matière de composition poétique et propose une synthèse de leurs approches créatives. Chaque étude contribue à une compréhension nuancée des dimensions littéraires et culturelles.

  • af T. Akilan
    399,95 kr.

    Questo libro approfondisce gli intricati componenti delle arti commerciali - linee, tratti, forme, composizione e luce - fondamentali per comunicare l'identità del marchio e le emozioni. Esplora l'evoluzione della rappresentazione della figura umana nella new media art, dalle tecniche tradizionali a quelle digitali. La narrazione racconta l'essenza della sopravvivenza e della comunicazione attraverso il viaggio della stampa, sottolineando il suo ruolo nella diffusione delle idee attraverso la storia. Dagli stencil a mano preistorici alle stampe digitali contemporanee, le stampe emergono come ambasciatori globali dell'estetica culturale, favorendo l'evoluzione collettiva. Il murale di Benode Behari Mukherjee, "Birbhum Landscape", esemplifica la qualità immersiva dell'arte, che richiede l'impegno e l'esplorazione dello spettatore. Il capitolo si sofferma anche sulle opere trasformative di Joseph Beuys e Santiago Sierra, che sfidano le norme sociali attraverso la "Scultura sociale", presentando una nuova era in cui l'arte influenza ogni aspetto della vita. La creazione di miti di Beuys e la critica di Sierra ridefiniscono collettivamente il ruolo dell'arte, invitando i lettori a riflettere sulle norme sociali attraverso la lente della creatività.

  • af T. Akilan
    444,95 kr.

    V ätoj knige "Issleduq literaturnye gorizonty - puteshestwiq, perspektiwy i srawnitel'nyj analiz", akademicheskij sbornik issleduet razlichnye literaturnye temy. w glawe 1 wsestoronne analiziruetsq zhizn' Buddy cherez texty puteshestwij, wnikaq w kul'turnye nüansy. w glawe 2 primenqetsq kolonial'naq perspektiwa k romanu Yanna Martelq, izuchaq istoricheskie kontexty i wliqnie kolonizacii. Glawa 3 issleduet äwolüciü fäntezi, ispol'zuq seriü "Garri Potter" dlq izucheniq wolshebnyh suschestw, sootwetstwiq real'nomu miru i wliqniq gramotnosti. Glawa 4 rassmatriwaet reprezentaciü Satany w proizwedeniqh Mil'tona i ego otrazhenie w sowremennom fäntezi. Glawa 5 raskrywaet diasporal'nuü identichnost' cherez srawnitel'nyj analiz, issleduq temy konfliktow i dilemm. Glawa 6 poswqschena otlichitel'nym wzglqdam poätow na stihoslozhenie i predlagaet sintez ih tworcheskih podhodow. Kazhdoe issledowanie wnosit swoj wklad w tonkoe ponimanie literaturnyh i kul'turnyh aspektow.

  • af T. Akilan
    444,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch "Exploring Literary Horizons- Journeys, Perspectives, and Comparative Analyses", Diese akademische Sammlung untersucht verschiedene literarische Themen. Kapitel 1 analysiert umfassend Buddhas Leben anhand von Reisetexten und geht dabei auf kulturelle Nuancen ein. Kapitel 2 wendet eine koloniale Perspektive auf Yann Martels Roman an und untersucht historische Kontexte und die Auswirkungen der Kolonisierung. Kapitel 3 erforscht die Entwicklung der Phantastik anhand der Harry-Potter-Reihe, um magische Kreaturen, die Relevanz für die reale Welt und die Auswirkungen auf die Bildung zu untersuchen. Kapitel 4 befasst sich mit der Darstellung des Satans in Miltons Werk und seiner Widerspiegelung im modernen Fantasy-Fernsehen. Kapitel 5 enträtselt die diasporische Identität durch eine vergleichende Analyse und untersucht Themen wie Konflikte und Dilemmata. Kapitel 6 befasst sich mit den unterschiedlichen Ansichten der Dichter zur poetischen Komposition und bietet eine Synthese ihrer kreativen Ansätze. Jede Studie trägt zu einem nuancierten Verständnis der literarischen und kulturellen Dimensionen bei.

  • af T. Akilan
    617,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den komplizierten Komponenten der Werbegrafik - Linien, Striche, Formen, Komposition und Licht -, die für die Vermittlung von Markenidentität und Emotionen entscheidend sind. Es erforscht die Entwicklung der Darstellung menschlicher Figuren in der Kunst der neuen Medien, von traditionellen zu digitalen Techniken. Die Erzählung entfaltet die Essenz des Überlebens und der Kommunikation durch die Reise der Druckgrafik und unterstreicht ihre Rolle bei der Verbreitung von Ideen im Laufe der Geschichte. Von prähistorischen Handschablonen bis hin zu zeitgenössischen Digitaldrucken werden Drucke zu globalen Botschaftern kultureller Ästhetik und fördern die kollektive Entwicklung. Benode Behari Mukherjees Wandgemälde "Birbhum Landscape" ist ein Beispiel für die immersive Qualität der Kunst, die den Betrachter zum Engagement und zur Erkundung auffordert. In diesem Kapitel werden auch die transformativen Werke von Joseph Beuys und Santiago Sierra vorgestellt, die mit der "Sozialen Plastik" gesellschaftliche Normen in Frage stellen und eine neue Ära präsentieren, in der Kunst jeden Aspekt des Lebens beeinflusst. Beuys' Mythenbildung und Sierras Kritik definieren gemeinsam die Rolle der Kunst neu und fordern die Leser auf, gesellschaftliche Normen durch die Brille der Kreativität zu betrachten.

  • af T. Akilan
    369,95 kr.

    This book "Exploring Literary Horizons- Journeys, Perspectives, and Comparative Analyses", This academic collection explores diverse literary themes. chapter 1 comprehensively analyzes Buddha's life via travel texts, delving into cultural nuances. chapter 2 applies a colonial perspective to Yann Martel's novel, examining historical contexts and the impact of colonization. chapter 3 explores the evolution of fantasy, using the Harry Potter series to delve into magical creatures, real-world relevance, and literacy impact. chapter 4 navigates the representation of Satan in Milton's work and its reflection in modern fantasy TV. chapter 5 unravels diasporic identity through a comparative analysis, exploring themes of conflict and dilemmas. Chapter 6 delves into the poets' distinctive views on poetic composition, offering a synthesis of their creative approaches. Each study contributes to a nuanced understanding of literary and cultural dimensions.

  • af T. Akilan
    627,95 kr.

    This book weaves a tapestry of diverse themes, commencing with an analysis of Amitav Ghosh¿s exploration of literature and climate change. It navigates through Protiva Basu¿s portrayal of women during Indiäs Partition, revealing their universal vulnerability amid chaos. The narrative dissects the sociopolitical intricacies of 'The Butari Death Case,' unraveling the layers of a tragic incident. Shifting to cultural impact, it delves into Kpop and Kdrama, examining their influence on ideologies and socio-cultural communication. Addressing global concerns, it examines the decline in global homicides while underscoring the need for sustained efforts. The book also probes the overlooked aspect of freedom from violence in development studies, connecting economic constraints to violence in India. Lastly, it explores the Hallyu wave's influence on India, emphasizing its impact on Manipur, and delves into the evolution of Kpop, spotlighting Seo Taeji and Boys' defiance against societal norms and censorship. This comprehensive exploration covers literature, culture, societal issues, and global phenomena, providing readers with a thought-provoking journey through a diverse array of topics.

  • af T. Akilan
    408,95 kr.

    Este livro aprofunda os componentes intrincados das artes comerciais - linhas, traços, forma, composição e luz - cruciais para comunicar a identidade e as emoções da marca. Explora a evolução da representação da figura humana na arte dos novos media, das técnicas tradicionais às digitais. A narrativa revela a essência da sobrevivência e da comunicação através do percurso da gravura, realçando o seu papel na divulgação de ideias ao longo da história. Desde os stencils manuais pré-históricos até às impressões digitais contemporâneas, as gravuras surgem como embaixadoras globais da estética cultural, promovendo a evolução colectiva. O mural de Benode Behari Mukherjee, "Paisagem de Birbhum", exemplifica a qualidade imersiva da arte, exigindo o envolvimento e a exploração do espetador. O capítulo também revela as obras transformadoras de Joseph Beuys e Santiago Sierra, desafiando as normas sociais através da "Escultura Social", apresentando uma nova era em que a arte influencia todos os aspectos da vida. A criação de mitos de Beuys e a crítica de Sierra redefinem coletivamente o papel da arte, incitando os leitores a refletir sobre as normas sociais através da lente da criatividade.

  • af T. Akilan
    408,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage se penche sur les composantes complexes des arts commerciaux - lignes, traits, formes, composition et lumière - qui sont essentielles pour communiquer l'identité et les émotions d'une marque. Il explore l'évolution de la représentation de la figure humaine dans l'art des nouveaux médias, des techniques traditionnelles aux techniques numériques. La narration dévoile l'essence de la survie et de la communication à travers le parcours de la gravure, en soulignant son rôle dans la diffusion des idées à travers l'histoire. Des pochoirs préhistoriques aux impressions numériques contemporaines, les estampes apparaissent comme des ambassadeurs mondiaux de l'esthétique culturelle, favorisant l'évolution collective. La peinture murale de Benode Behari Mukherjee, "Birbhum Landscape", illustre la qualité immersive de l'art, qui exige l'engagement et l'exploration du spectateur. Ce chapitre présente également les ¿uvres transformatrices de Joseph Beuys et de Santiago Sierra, qui remettent en question les normes sociales par le biais de la "sculpture sociale", présentant une nouvelle ère où l'art influence tous les aspects de la vie. La création de mythes de Beuys et la critique de Sierra redéfinissent collectivement le rôle de l'art, incitant les lecteurs à réfléchir aux normes sociétales à travers le prisme de la créativité.

  • af T. Akilan
    409,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga poswqschena slozhnym komponentam kommercheskogo iskusstwa - liniqm, shtriham, forme, kompozicii i swetu, - kotorye imeüt reshaüschee znachenie dlq peredachi indiwidual'nosti i ämocij brenda. Ona issleduet äwolüciü izobrazheniq chelowecheskoj figury w nowom mediaiskusstwe, ot tradicionnyh do cifrowyh tehnik. Powestwowanie raskrywaet sut' wyzhiwaniq i kommunikacii cherez put' grawüry, podcherkiwaq ee rol' w rasprostranenii idej na protqzhenii wsej istorii. Ot doistoricheskih ruchnyh trafaretow do sowremennyh cifrowyh otpechatkow, grawüry stanowqtsq global'nymi poslannikami kul'turnoj ästetiki, sposobstwuq kollektiwnoj äwolücii. Freska Benode Behari Mukerdzhi "Pejzazh Birbhuma" sluzhit primerom immersiwnogo kachestwa iskusstwa, trebuüschego ot zritelq wowlecheniq i issledowaniq. V glawe takzhe raskrywaütsq preobrazuüschie raboty Jozefa Bojsa i Sant'qgo S'erry, brosaüschie wyzow social'nym normam cherez "Social'nuü skul'pturu", predstawlqüschuü nowuü äpohu, kogda iskusstwo wliqet na wse aspekty zhizni. Mifotworchestwo Bojsa i kritika S'erry w sowokupnosti pereosmysliwaüt rol' iskusstwa, prizywaq chitatelej zadumat'sq nad obschestwennymi normami cherez prizmu tworchestwa.

  • af T. Akilan
    422,95 kr.

    This book delves into the intricate components of commercial arts¿lines, strokes, shape, composition, and light¿crucial for communicating brand identity and emotions. It explores the evolution of human figure representation in new media art, from traditional to digital techniques. The narrative unfolds the essence of survival and communication through the journey of printmaking, emphasizing its role in disseminating ideas across history. From prehistoric hand stencils to contemporary digital prints, prints emerge as global ambassadors of cultural aesthetics, fostering collective evolution. Benode Behari Mukherjee's mural, "Birbhum Landscape," exemplifies art's immersive quality, demanding viewer engagement and exploration. The chapter also unravels the transformative works of Joseph Beuys and Santiago Sierra, challenging social norms through "Social Sculpture," presenting a new era where art influences every aspect of life. Beuys's myth-making and Sierra's critique collectively redefine the role of art, urging readers to reflect on societal norms through the lens of creativity.

  • af T. Akilan
    423,95 kr.

    Cultural Reflections: Unveiling Abhigyan Shakuntalam, Keats, and Titash" is a comprehensive exploration of literary translation, poetic aesthetics, and cinematic adaptation. The book delves into the intricate world of translation theory, emphasizing its impact on religious and literary contexts, particularly in the case of Kalidasa's 'Abhigyana Shakuntalam.' Chapters dissect the cultural politics, dogma, and contextual influences shaping various English renditions. Shifting focus to pure poetry, the narrative spotlights John Keats as a luminary Romantic poet, celebrating truth as beauty and beauty as truth. The exploration extends from the dreamlike pursuit in "Endymion" to the immortalization of art in the Grecian urn, emphasizing the transformative power of imagination. The book concludes with a critical examination of Ritwik's cinematic adaptation of 'A River Named Titash,' revealing the filmmaker's middle-class perspective and the contrast between socio-economic forces in the novel and Ritwik's nostalgic, outsider's lens. Navigating theoretical and technical challenges, "Cultural Reflections" weaves together diverse chapters to illuminate the multifaceted nature of literary.

  • af T. Akilan
    562,95 kr.

    "Demystifying the 8085 & 8086 Microprocessor: In-Depth Insights" is a meticulously structured journey into the multifaceted realm of microprocessors. Organized into distinct chapters, the book commences with a foundational exploration of microprocessors, covering their evolution, architecture, addressing modes, interrupts, data transfer schemes, instruction and data flow, timers, timing diagrams, memory interfacing, and instruction classification. Chapter 2 delves deeply into the iconic 8086 microprocessor, unraveling its architecture, addressing modes, and interrupt management. Chapter 3 shifts gears towards practicality, offering a comprehensive guide to programming with the 8085/8086 microprocessors, encompassing instructions, data transfer techniques, logical operations, looping, indexing, counters, time delays, stacks, subroutines, and conditional instructions. The final chapter, Chapter 4, explores peripheral devices' world, such as the 8237 DMA Controller, 8255 programmable peripheral interface, 8253/8254 programmable timer/counter, 8259 programmable interrupt controller, and 8251 USART and RS232C, showcasing their roles in augmenting microprocessor functionality.

  • af T. Akilan
    648,95 kr.

    "The Big Data Odyssey: Navigating Insights, Innovation, and Impact" is a comprehensive guide to big data and Hadoop, this book starts by introducing big data, its sources, history, drivers, characteristics, and applications. It then delves into key features like intelligent data analysis, data nature, analytic processes, tools, security, compliance, auditing, protection, privacy, and ethics. Next, it explores Hadoop, including its history, the Apache Hadoop project, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), the Hadoop ecosystem, data formats, data analysis, scaling, streaming, and pipes. Moving forward, it introduces the MapReduce framework, explaining its basics, workings, application development, unit testing with MR Unit, job anatomy, scheduling, task execution, types, input and output formats, and features. The final chapter of this book focuses on HDFS, detailing its design, concepts, benefits, challenges, file sizes, block abstraction, data replication, Java interfaces, file system interface command line, data flow, data ingest with Flume and Scoop, archives, I/O, security, administration, monitoring, maintenance, benchmarks, and cloud deployment.

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