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  • af T J Nichols
    73,95 kr.

    This is book 5 of 5 from The Shift. There is a span of time between the first four books and this one. I wanted to wait and see what developed at the end of my take-away program and my final results. I heard The Lord say, "Write 5 books, 5 chapters" several years ago. While I was telling my pastor, she had an open vision and saw an old-time key. I took that to mean that these small books will be the key to the Love Letters from God also titled, Don't Worry God Has You Covered. What I have learned on this journey so far has been amazing. My priorities are completely rearranged, my compassion level has grown, and I have basically taken a complete 360-degree turnaround. I look the same, I guess. People still recognize me. I sound the same, but I am not the same. I am completely emotionally healed. Funny though, I never thought I needed a healing. I used to think I was just fine. Do not settle for "just fine" and "life happens," and "what can you do?" attitude. Life is so much more than "just fine!" You can change "life happens" with spiritual warfare tools! There is a life out here that can permeate you with a peace that truly does pass all understanding. I highly recommend it! In this book, I will attempt to explain some of the things I have done to help me fight in the offensive instead of the defensive! It doesn't hurt nearly as much and it is good to stay on the alert, for our adversary is constantly searching to and fro in search of whom he may devour. Dr. Cindy Trimm has written an excellent book titled Commanding Your Morning. If you are struggling without seeing victory, I highly recommend you read this book. There are so many wonderful nuggets of information. She talks about prayers during the watches of the night.

  • af T J Nichols
    73,95 kr.

    This book is the 4th of a 5-book series. I pray that these stories encourage you as you walk the dusty paths of good and evil in the world. There is good - everywhere! There is evil - everywhere! I pray that we discern the best paths to take and God give us mercy to get back on the right destiny path when we miss it! God has been merciful to me to help me get back on the right path. Little did I know that it is the only way to have true peace and joy. I hope you all experience the high of perfect peace that passes all understanding - the peace that settles deeply inside of you in the midst of every storm. There is a place in God where hope remains and keeps you going - even when you don't understand or see it all. The Bible tells us we see in part...take the supernatural with the natural and expect miracles! Miracles do happen, everyday - look for them; they are in the tiniest of details. God is with you and talking to you and through you - all the time!

  • - Children's Bible Games
    af T J Nichols
    78,95 kr.

    This book has 12 crossword puzzles with the Biblical story and answer key in the back. It is a wonderful tool for Sunday School teachers to teach the lesson with the interaction of the children with the crossword puzzle. Any age child will enjoy this and the teachers have my permission to copy each individual page of puzzles.

  • af T J Nichols
    143,95 kr.

    Genesis is the first of five books in the Bible of the Pentateuch or the Law which Moses had written. Deuteronomy 31:24-27 (NKJV) 24-26 So it was, when Moses had completed writing the words of this law in a book, when they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites, who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying: "Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you;... Our Sunday school class is going to go through the Bible and we have decided it would be good to share with you the things we learn. May we all continue to learn...and how much better than to start at the very beginning of God's Holy Book. When we grasp the beginning, the solid foundation that God has ordained, we can cement into our being the intent of God for our lives. It is His will that we obey Him...and to prosper, which comes with obedience. We will see how God makes covenants with His people. He introduces tithes and honor, commitments and friendship. God makes it very clear that it is His desire that we walk with Him as friends. He wants to be our friend. That just amazes me every time I think of it...and He is so loyal to His friends! I am so glad to introduce you to the Bible in our words from God's Holy Word. May you glean a nugget or two that perhaps you have not thought about that way...or just refresh your memory in the first things...or introduce you for the first time, to God, Our Father, Creator, and Friend.

  • af T J Nichols
    108,95 kr.

    Moses wrote Exodus and it is the second book in the Bible. It is a part of the Pentateuch. The name in the Greek means "To go out." God had already planned for Moses to be raised in the house of Pharaoh. One of the benefits to that was his ability to learn to read and write. He fully understood the Egyptian customs and he fully loved his people, the Israelites. With that in mind alone, this book intrigues me. It is a story of leaving a place of sorrow and pain and being set free in some of the most amazing miraculous ways in the entire Bible. This book is referred to many times throughout the Bible. God wanted the remembrance of all He did for the Israelites to never be forgotten. To this day, there are ceremonies and feasts and Scriptural readings and remembrances of this very important time. It is a story of then and it is a story of now. Our prayer is that you will be encouraged as you leave your wilderness journey or place of pain and walk into a full Promised Land for you and your household. God is not dead and He changes not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What He did for them, He certainly will do for you. Our Sunday school class decided to study this book and we sought God for revelation as to how this can apply to us today in 2015. We have found some nuggets of gold that we want to share with you. We will walk through Exodus 8 chapters at a time until we complete the 40 chapters.I write love letters from God in a series called Don't Worry, God Has You Covered, so this will be sprinkled with some of the love letters God gave me as we studied this book.

  • af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    This is a Christmas play written for children to perform. It is a story of three children waiting for their parents to finish shopping in a mall. They watch a Christmas play and discuss the season with each other. It is a powerful play through the innocence of children. It brings all of Christmas, the busy, hustle bustle to a complete stop as you see the day in Mary's life compared to today.

  • af T J Nichols
    158,95 kr.

    This is the 9th volume of a published series of daily devotionals. There is a scriptural reference and a love letter from God. The scriptures and love letters encourage you at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day. They remind you in intimate details how very loved we are by our Creator God. These letters will fill you with love and hope and a knowing that we are not alone and Jesus is in the details of our lives. If it matters to you, I assure you, it matters to Jesus.

  • - A Biblical Punishment of Theological Antinomianism
    af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    Over the years of ministry, I have observed in the church a growing dislike and disconnect for the Law of God, especially the American Church. Having heard the troubling sound of antinomianism for the last forty years and as one even guilty of making some of the noise, I have decided to address the matter in the following document. The Hebraic Roots movement is growing rapidly all over the world and is bringing strong exposure to both "replacement theology" as well as "antinomianism." It is my desires to see the body of Christ embrace its proper relationship with the law of God. Take this trip with me through the New Testament and look with me at every verse concerning the Law. Be like the saints from Berea and search the scriptures with me. I am confident that you will discover that as a New Covenant believer, it is not the law that has changed but it is our relationship with the law!

  • af T J Nichols
    98,95 kr.

    This is a play about the crucifixion, resurrection, 40 days later, and Christ's ascension. The crucifixion is through the eyes of Jesus' mother, Mary. She reminisces while Jesus is hanging on the tree. This play is different than the usual plays you see at Easter. Theresa felt that it would be good to depict the 40 days that Christ remained before He ascended into Heaven. The play takes around 30 minutes to perform and parts from Matthew, Mark, Luke and St. John are used.

  • af T J Nichols
    78,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered what was on the other side of you? Have you ever wondered if there was something more waiting for you on the other side? Have you ever wondered if you could truly fly and be free as a butterfly? Have you? The answer is "Yes," there is more. The answer is "Yes," God placed in you both wings to fly. The answer is "Yes," and He wants to show you how to tap into the very essence of who He created you to be. Let's get started and dig a hole for the well that is yours. You will find a spring bubbling up inside of that well. Follow me into the mysteries of the things that set you apart from the mechanics of daily things. You are filled with more, so much more.

  • af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    The Shift is 5 books in one that is the true story of some of the most amazing miracles that have happened in my life. The supernatural blends into the natural and has convinced me over the years that God is in the details and can get you out of any mess.

  • af T J Nichols
    73,95 kr.

    These miracles are some of my first encounters with God. They happened at a time when I didn't hear much of God encounters. Today, it seems like an everyday occurrence. It is good to know that there is a large amount of people out there that believe in miracles and God! It is God at work among us. There are no coincidences, so keep a heart full of thankfulness to God for all the small, as well as big, wonderful things He has done in your life, and is doing in your life. He is at work to bring all things together for good to you who love God and are called according to His purpose. If you love God, then you are called according to His purpose because you cannot love God unless He allows it. So, there you have it. This scripture is for you. Thank Him for all the good and bad, forgive and bless your enemies, love your neighbors, life is eternal, not momentary. You will sow what you reap. Therefore, sow well and you will reap well, and live life to encourage another.

  • af T J Nichols
    78,95 kr.

    The Bible is full of Scriptures that I have referenced about the power of the tongue. We can make our life all things wonderful and good as is God's will for us, or we can literally destroy ourselves and others with the power of our tongue. We have a rudder that will turn our ship in the right direction and it is called our tongue. We need to be careful what we think and meditate on because what comes out of the mouth is from the heart. I pray this book helps to remind you, as it has me, the limitless power we carry inside our mouth.

  • af T J Nichols
    78,95 kr.

    The balance has come, the bridge is built, and the power is here, for you have learned how to obey. My maverick, My maverick, my how you run! This time you run in My direction, not yours. I have created in you a good thing. I have reined you in, trained you well, and now I release you to go and tell! Speak My Truth; tell them what I have done. My Spirit will confirm all that you say to help them understand. I am in you, flowing through your veins, strengthening you to run - against the wind. Let not your heart be troubled, I taught you these things to assign you to tell them. I have made your face like flint in the front of the stubborn, for the enemy cannot stop the things I have planned. Remember, My love, there are more for you than against you. This is My war, this is My way, this is My time to catapult you forward. Go, My love, for My power is with you. All of heaven backs you, for I Am Yours, and you are Mine. Go therefore and tell them. I will open the doors for you to go. I will close the doors that are not yours. I Am your Keeper. I Am, and I have come to set the record straight. My suddenly is upon you, it is even now. I Am Your Beauty, I Am Your Crown. I give to you without limit and shine out in My glory, for you are magnificent to behold. Run, My maverick, run!

  • af T J Nichols
    108,95 kr.

    This book is intended as a learning exercise on how to write from the deep place within yourself. I have written some meditations (excerpts from volume 7 of the love letters from God) with a couple of questions and pages at the end of each letter to allow you to write. As you write, you will be amazed at what will arise out of you. There will be hidden things emerge and you will discover the writer within you. I pray this book brings about a healing within your inner self that would allow you to be all that God has created you to be. Enjoy the surprises within yourself!

  • af T J Nichols
    73,95 kr.

    Book two introduces you to some extraordinary details of God in our lives. Although I have loved God all my life, I never knew He was this personal. The overall theme is to let you know that if you pay attention to the details around you, God speaks to you through them. It is very exciting to see God give you details and then see the details come together. I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone, especially in the little things. I always knew God could do great and awesome things, He is God. But I never knew God loved to work in the littlest things too. That just makes me feel even more loved by God. I don't know why it surprises me. He says He loves us more than we love our children. We sincerely care about every detail in our little ones' lives. Every little thing they do thrills us, especially if you are a grandma! God doesn't expect us to understand all things. He just expects us to trust Him, because we can! Chapter 1 The Numbers Chapter 2 Book One Chapter 3 Healings Chapter 4 Jessica's House Chapter 5 Dad's Death Love Letter from God A Poem I wrote

  • af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    I heard a minister on television yesterday say something that brought this need to my attention. There was a young man who had a dad who lived vicariously through his son. The dad pushed the son to be the best athlete he could be, but when it came to anything other than that, the dad did not teach the young man. The young man had an odor - and the minister asked the young man how he showered. He said he stood in the shower and washed his hair, then let the water rinse him and he was through. He never was taught how to shower. When the leader explained to him how to shower, the young man's smell went away, he was then embraced by others, and is now married. Wow. Then, I see a need in my own home as I take care of my 86-year-old mom. I see the things we take for granted, slipping away. I see the need to write this to remind those who fight to keep their mental alertness, how to shower, brush your teeth, the look of toothpaste, the need to show and tell, for these things somehow become forgotten. I have seen the deodorant put on the neck instead of under the arms. Therefore, I see a need for a reminder on how to keep ourselves in a clean body because these are the hard things to tell another when we begin to smell the one or notice the one we love has forgotten. The pictures are in color and have examples of products with application examples. Note: I am not promoting any product line, these pictures are for instructional examples and nothing more.

  • - (Unforgiveness)
    af T J Nichols
    78,95 kr.

    This is the tender place, the visit in your memory that brings back the pain. The wound is still open and bleeding; for the place does not give you rest. If the pain is alive and active, this book is for you. If the pain is healed in the memory of it - used for ministry purposes only, your testimony, your God story, this book can be a tool to aid you in helping another person who is living in their place of pain.

  • af T J Nichols
    93,95 kr.

    There is a word and it is a timely word. There is a word and it is a word for the future. There is a time and place for everything and if you miss one divine appointment, God will give you another. Our God is eternal and has placed in existence time to help us to measure things. In eternity, you are speaking to a God who was and is and is to be, or Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, or ending from the beginning. There are no missed opportunities in this place. He will show you how to retrieve what was stolen. He will show you how to begin again, which is already written and recorded since before time began. I pray this book encourages you to know that our Creator God speaks to us in the most creative ways. I used to box Him in to speak to me through various church ways. But now, I see Him in everything. Especially if you are seeking Him because He says, if we seek Him we will find Him. You can be discouraged or have your mind on the circumstance, instead of the Creator and you may look up and see a sign that reminds you, Jesus loves you. Or you may turn to a page that says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Or you may turn on the radio and there it is, word for word, with a beautiful tune that will pull you back into His eternal realm where hope is restored and dreams do come true. I introduce you to our walk, the walk of faith, the walk of life, the walk of hope, the walk of dreams come true and love everlasting and happily ever after. Come, join us on this cake walk.

  • - A True Story
    af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    This is a Christmas play for children and adults and is very easy to perform. There is no memorization and the play will take about 30 minutes or less. I did not mention in the book, but we are going to place a manger scene at the left side of our church. In this play a grandmother is babysitting all the children while the adults are last minute Christmas shopping. While she is preparing some things in the kitchen, she hears the Lord say, they don't know the real meaning of Christmas. This play is acted out by adults while the grandmother sits in a rocking chair and tells the story of Christmas to the children. It will be wonderful for both children and adults as we remember the real reason why Jesus came.

  • af T J Nichols
    73,95 kr.

    Paul states in the New Testament that we should rejoice in the trials for we are strengthened by them. I admit, rejoicing, for me, comes afterward, not during, I am a work in progress, Lord. The good news is that God is aware of that very thing! His tender moments and unlimited compassion amaze me; He is much kinder to me than I am to myself. Thank you, Lord. I want to share a trial with you, filled with miracles and insights that I have learned. When I read of Abraham's big moment of the potential sacrifice of his son, Isaac, I stand in awe. I could not have done that. When I read Job, I am amazed at his longsuffering. I am encouraged to know that Abraham did not have to go through that "biggie" again. I am encouraged that Job had peace, with a double portion for his trouble all the days of his life. I take comfort in believing that my "biggie" is over. I have finally passed the test and I won't be traveling over this particular mountain again. Right, God? Our Lord directs us to publish His miracles and to tell His people of the wonderful things that He has done. I believe now is the acceptable time of the Lord to tell you the things that He has done. I look forward to reading some of your miracle breakthroughs also! Be sure to let us, the hungry ones, know of all the wonderful things the Lord has done. Our God is no respecter of persons, so write it down, make it plain and we will rejoice with you! Chapter 1 The Beginning Chapter 2 The Take Away Program Chapter 3 The Middle Chapter 4 The Miracles Chapter 5 Revelation and Scriptures Love Letter from God The Truth the Light and the Way

  • af T J Nichols
    108,95 kr.

    I was 47 and wondered why my husband died, the money fled too, and life changed all around me in an instant. I stumbled out of the hospital that day for I had been in the room with him for a month, day and night until his last breath he took. When I stepped outside, the sun hurt my eyes, for I had not seen it for weeks at a time. Now what... The prophet saw it 13 years later, she described the house and the things that were in it. She saw me in a vision praying and praying on the floor of the little house with the books as I sought to find out why Jesus had shut up the heavens. She saw it, the prophet saw it indeed, there was a glass ceiling hanging over me. As the prophets prayed, she saw the metal come up from the floor and shatter the glass ceiling, yet there was something more. There was a piece, a jagged piece still stuck in the corner where the demons remained. The prophets prayed again and the shift was felt, it was a matter of time now, the last piece will fall. This is my story, a 13 year win, step by step - until the Chief Cornerstone came and took out the last piece. This book will give you the insights I learned along the way. It is a true story, it does have a happy ending, for victory comes.

  • - Of the Heart and Soul
    af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    This book was inspired by the many people who have come into my life. Some on a short term basis and some have become long term. There are many memories that were for good and bad. No doubt in my mind that God has made us cross paths for a reason. I happily was encouraged from those who told me that I had a gift that my voice should be heard. To never give up and follow my dream. I thank you all for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I prayed that God would open a door for me and it was answered. To all who have dreams pursue them and remember. With God, all things are possible. TNJ This book is written from the heart in poetry style.

  • af T J Nichols
    78,95 kr.

    My husband, Ralph and I, decided to pull up the weeds around our air-conditioning unit, the house and flower beds one day. That may very well be the last time I will volunteer for that job. I will hire it done next time, or purchase something over the counter to end this little weed battle. The first day was itchy, the second day too, and red sores began to pop up, then blisters too, not to mention the feverish pain in the swelling. I knew I wasn't allergic to poison ivy because I had never been allergic to anything, ever. Come to find out, just because you are not allergic at one point in your life, doesn't mean you will be exempt from being allergic at a later time. This was the case with me. Since I had never been allergic to anything and never had an allergic reaction to anything, I had no idea what to do, what to buy, what to apply, how to apply, nothing. As I learned from friends and the Internet, I decided to put it in this small book to help you, should you ever need to know something quickly and you are too itchy to feel like researching it out, I have done that for you. I decided I would treat this myself, running Ralph to the store often for me to try this and that as I learned what to do. I couldn't go to the doctor, it was under my breast and I couldn't put on a bra. I couldn't wear clothing around my waist, for it went there too. My arms, hands, fingers, legs and feet were also affected. I was miserable, I itched everywhere. Within 1-1/2 weeks into this, I had blisters and sores and rash all over my body. I wanted to copy and paste everything I learned to save you that step, but I couldn't do that for copyright reasons. So I found what I found, then went to the free Wikipedia site to give you their definition. What I found will help you. At least until you can get to a doctor, you can alleviate the itching for periods of time. This book is not written by a doctor, it is written by me, a writer. Everything I learned was from friends who have had experiences that worked for them, medical doctor readings from the internet, and health food specialists, essential oil specialists, anything I could get my hands on. I just want to share with you what I learned and what worked for me. If you are itching, I promise you I have prayed for you. I was praying for everybody all over the world that was itching. I now have a compassion for something I never thought of before. If you are a writer, or talker, you know how we are, we like to share what we just learned. This just happens to be my avenue. Hope it helps you until you can get medical help. If you have prayed and prayed and tried all the natural things and you are still hurting, God did give us doctors and I highly recommend them. Sometimes, you just need a shot. Hope this isn't the case, but if it is, it will be worth it to stop the itch in the meantime. Sometimes an itch and rash can be viral, such as shingles, or it can be from bug bites that get infected and allergies, such as poison ivy or oak, that you didn't know you had. Even some of the home remedies may have an adverse reaction, so I recommend trying one thing at a time to see what works for you. If you have an allergic reaction, it will help you distinguish quickly which one component caused it. Therefore, I looked up natural anti-fungal things, antibiotics, as well as anti-viral things, to be used internally or externally. I hope to have a little of enough things in here to help you find something that can bring you quick relief until you can get professional help, if need be. My prayer to all of us is an immediate healing from Jesus. The first and foremost thing to do is pray. I have saved you some time and listed several healing scriptures for Chapter One. Jesus is our ultimate healer, however He chooses to do it.

  • af T J Nichols
    108,95 kr.

    I was 47 and wondered why my husband died, the money fled too, and life changed all around me in an instant. I stumbled out of the hospital that day for I had been in the room with him for a month, day and night until his last breath he took. When I stepped outside, the sun hurt my eyes, for I had not seen it for weeks at a time. Now what... The prophet saw it 13 years later, she described the house and the things that were in it. She saw me in a vision praying and praying on the floor of the little house with the books as I sought to find out why Jesus had shut up the heavens. She saw it, the prophet saw it indeed, there was a glass ceiling hanging over me. As the prophets prayed, she saw the metal come up from the floor and shatter the glass ceiling, yet there was something more. There was a piece, a jagged piece still stuck in the corner where the demons remained. The prophets prayed again and the shift was felt, it was a matter of time now, the last piece will fall. This is my story, a 13 year win, step by step - until the Chief Cornerstone came and took out the last piece. This book will give you the insights I learned along the way. It is a true story, it does have a happy ending, for victory comes. This book has the same contents as my Governing Through Intercession Book.

  • - Yes or No
    af T J Nichols
    118,95 kr.

    This is colorful book, filled with pictures and questions with answers of yes or no. It is designed for pre-school age. There are lots of animals, cats and dogs, elephants and a Tyrannosaurus too. it is designed to bring family together in love for moms and dads and grandparents too. It promotes family love.

  • af T J Nichols
    108,95 kr.

    This one is a story of three little pigs...and two want to be something else. Oh why, oh why, are they so unhappy? Maybe they were trying to be something that just didn't fit who God created them to be. Maybe, just maybe, it is okay to be you...and you can have so much more fun doing the things that you really want to do.

  • af T J Nichols
    193,95 kr.

    To stop a serial killer a detective will need to explore his own vices…Nathanial Bayard wants nothing more than to find the nobleman creating snuff pornography. If he fails, his career in the recently formed nobility taskforce will be over and as the youngest son he’ll be forced to obey his father and join the church. But a life of celibacy doesn’t appeal. Nathanial has never even kissed another man, fearing for his soul and his reputation.Jericho Fulbright has never lived a wholesome life. After behavior unbecoming he was discharged from the army and sent home in disgrace. His inventor and nouveau riche father refused to have anything to do with him, so Jericho turned to what he knew best: opium, gambling and sex.As the owner of the Jericho Rose, a club for gentlemen who like men, he enjoys a certain notoriety. Some would say he has a golden tongue, but the truth is a succubus lives within him feeding on souls. Once he needed her help, now she is a burden that keeps him from getting close to anyone.After the unfortunate death of a young noble man in Jericho’s bed, Nathanial is sent to investigate. He is scandalized and intrigued by Jericho, but soon realizes that Jericho could be exactly who he needs to help break the snuff case. Together they are drawn into a web of lies that will result in Jericho facing prison unless Nathanial can unmask the real creator of the snuff, a man with rank and privileges that reaches almost to the King.

  • - Studies in Demonology
    af T J Nichols
    213,95 kr.

  • - Studies in Demonology
    af T J Nichols
    218,95 kr.

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