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  • af Tabitha Lasley
    228,95 - 258,95 kr.

    Tabitha Lasley er journalist og midt i trediverne, da hun efter et kaotisk brud tager til Aberdeen i Skotland. Hun har altid været fascineret af de barske mænd fra boreplatformene, der befolker byens gader og barer, og hun beslutter sig for at interviewe dem for at finde ud af, hvordan mænd er uden kvinder i nærheden. Men allerede første aften smider hun alle journalistiske principper overbord og forelsker sig hovedkulds i den første mand, hun interviewer. Gennem de næste seks måneder interviewer hun mere end 100 mænd fra boreplatformene om deres tanker om penge, kvinder og klasse, alt imens hendes eget liv spinder mere og mere ude af kontrol i et på alle måder eksplosivt miljø. Havtilstand er en autobiografisk roman om olieboreplatforme og de mænd, der arbejder på dem. På en gang kærlighedshistorie og en dybt personlig udforskning af maskulinitet, klasse og kvindeligt begær.

  • af Tabitha Lasley
    166,95 kr.

    A Recommended Read from: Vogue * USA Today * The Los Angeles Times * Publishers Weekly * The Week * Alma * Lit HubA stunning and brutally honest memoir that shines a light on what happens when female desire conflicts with a culture of masculinity in crisisIn her midthirties and newly free from a terrible relationship, Tabitha Lasley quit her job at a London magazine, packed her bags, and poured her savings into a six-month lease on an apartment in Aberdeen, Scotland. She decided to make good on a long-deferred idea for a book about oil rigs and the men who work on them. Why oil rigs? She wanted to see what men were like with no women around.In Aberdeen, Tabitha became deeply entrenched in the world of roughnecks, a teeming subculture rich with brawls, hard labor, and competition. The longer she stayed, the more she found her presence had a destabilizing effect on the men?and her.Sea State is on the one hand a portrait of an overlooked industry: ?offshore? is a way of life for generations of primarily working-class men and also a potent metaphor for those parts of life we keep at bay?class, masculinity, the transactions of desire, and the awful slipperiness of a ladder that could, if we tried hard enough, lead us to security.Sea State is on the other hand the story of a journalist whose professional distance from her subject becomes perilously thin. In Aberdeen, Tabitha gets high and dances with abandon, reliving her youth, when the music was good and the boys were bad. Twenty years on, there is Caden: a married rig worker who spends three weeks on and three weeks off. Alone and in an increasingly precarious state, Tabitha dives into their growing attraction. The relationship, reckless and explosive, will lay them both bare.

  • af Tabitha Lasley
    106,95 - 146,95 kr.

    A candid examination of the life of North Sea oil riggers, and an explosive portrayal of masculinity, loneliness and female desire.

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