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Bøger af Tarl Warwick

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  • - From Translations and Reprints
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This little booklet is a gold mine of primary sources related to the persecution of "witches" in times past. Compiled by Burr at the end of the 19th century, it provides a great deal of compact material without any adulteration.Of great interest here are both the writings of religious figures during the era of the Witch Hammer and thereabouts, as well as some texts referring to the firsthand accounts of the prosecuted, including a somewhat chilling account smuggled out of a prison in Bamberg regarding the farcical nature of the witch trials themselves, written by the condemned.

  • - A Complete Fortune Teller
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The New Dream Book is one of the larger, more in depth systems of dream interpretation from the pre modern period. Written at the dawn of the 19th century, some of the allusions within its pages (especially to courtship and trade) are dated, but its occult lore is still of significance. It does not solely speak of dream interpretation, however, making use of a short and simplified oracle, as well as using playing cards to tell fortunes, along with prognosticating future events by the use of moles.

  • - Questioning the Nature of Divinity
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "The Occult Nature of God" seeks to detail, according to the existence of free will and other categorical concepts, elucidate the various states in which a divinity can exist. Rather than seek to prove a deity or deities do or do not exists, it focuses upon possibility within its logical framework. Through these categories, with few exceptions, virtually all theistic paths, including atheistic variants, can be categorized and described, and often ascribed to various cultures and time periods.

  • - What Are They?
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Brackett's work here on apparitions which materialize during seances is a fairly good display of the kind of semi-skeptical mindset displayed by many in a period marked by mediums and colonialism. Neither technically fully receptive nor particularly a full skeptic per se, Brackett attempted to study in particular one now infamous individual- Anna Fay- who not many years after this book would be exposed as a fraud by none other than Harry Houdini. Brackett, unfortunately for his reputation, was fooled by the parlor tricks.To the occultist thus this guide serves as a potent warning of anecdotes, even literary, and of assuming the veracity of studies performed even scientifically by others. It is also a fine example of early 20th century pseudo-academia.

  • - The Myths of Norseland
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This work is a fine example of the rising late 19th century interest in mythology beyond the typical bible-related classics of Rome and its prior counterparts in Greece. Containing a series of twelve Norse legends, it also includes a fairly lengthy (and handy) final index of terms. Of especial note for some occult paths is the inclusion of regeneration after Ragnarok here; this is compared by the author of this work with the story of the resurrection of Revelation even as the Norse deities are (occasionally helpfully) compared to the Roman.

  • - A Collection
    af Tarl Warwick
    178,95 kr.

    This collection of texts is meant as a broad overview of demonology from a variety of different backgrounds- different religions and from different ages- supplemented by a bibliography for further reading, and an appendix containing bits of additional works of note on the subject material, plus an expansive preface explaining the backdrop of each entry.This book seeks to consider the nature of the demon, its existence or nonexistence, and the nature of witchcraft and the devil, from these multiple viewpoints.From the protestant "Demonology" of King James I, to Sinistraris observably catholic "Demoniality" and from secular to spiritualist works spanning multiple centuries, this collection of demonological lore is meant for serious aficionados of the subject.419 pages.

  • - An Occult Work
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This particular work is a short introductory text that contains some now-amusing allusions to magnetism and telegraphy within the context of comparisons to the spiritual world, as well as a slew of philosophical lore. For the modern occultist it is more useful for some techniques used for mindfulness such as those involving breathing and fasting.It contains applause for both the Christian and Hindu (common at the time) and is broken into a series of- essentially- sample letters from master to student. It is not immediately clear if the author (about whom little can be gleaned) was a Theosophist or a self proclaimed occultist independently.

  • - Botanic Guide to Health
    af Tarl Warwick
    138,95 kr.

    Antonette Mattesons "Occult Family Physician" is one of a large number of works from its era on the subject of herbal medicine; it is, however, more comprehensive than most, mixing a fairly exhaustive list of specific recipes with a truncated Materia Medica and a basic and reasonably modern dietary guide. It also includes a few short poems and a passage, oddly, on spiritism, mediumship, and clairvoyance.Overall it is quite good; the botanic method often ruminated on but a few species (lobelia notably) but Mattesons work goes a bit further than this and provides a list of about a hundred herbal species of note which are variously combined with other methods to preserve, restore, and promulgate health. It is perhaps one of the best medical works of its admittedly pre-modern era.

  • - Modern English Edition
    af Tarl Warwick
    123,95 kr.

    Walter Scott's magnum opus on witchcraft and demonology is one of the most in depth and intelligent works of its entire era. Informed by the secular wisdom of the Enlightenment, it exposes fraud and stupidity in religious and spiritual circles while relating anecdotal and historical tales of imps, witches, banshees, demons, Satan, and much more. An invaluable philosophical treatise and a historical tract in ten letters twain, "Letters on Witchcraft and Demonology" relates dozens of tales from dozens of cultures, forming a rational and intricate look at the burning times, demonology, the occult, witchery, and far more. Modern English edition.

  • - Egyptian Secrets
    af Tarl Warwick
    113,95 kr.

    Albertus Magnus' Egyptian Secrets is a grimoire dating to the early 18th century, originally of German stock. Translated later to English and released by the famous L W deLaurence, it is comprised of three volumes and contains spells, prayers, tips on husbandry, healing, hunting, and much more.Much of the lore is bizarre and some may be an example of hidden meaning. It was certainly influenced by the Petit Albert of slightly earlier French design and contains some similar content. It may be deemed, by some, as containing a degree of black magic, and calls upon the demonic several times although it is primarily for healing.

  • af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    The Grimoire of Pope Honorius is so named because it purports to be a short collection of prayers and invocations with rituals designed to call forth demons from Hell, allowing a holy conjurer to enslave them to their own designs. While it is not certain that Honorius is its author (and it may take its name from the "Sworn Book of Honorius" instead) it is well known within the occult world as a grimoire worth pursuing nonetheless. The lengthy invocations call upon various names ascribed to YHWH the God of the Hebrews- through this process, and other ritualism, it is thus claimed possible to draw forth even Lucifer himself from the abyssal regions for the purposes of one who is worthy and holy enough to command such powers.

  • - A Discourse on Satan
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "Is the Devil a Myth" is a slightly non-classifiable work from the dawn of the 20th century dealing with demonology, the titles and function of Satan (as well as his various powers, from a protestant perspective), and fits loosely in with the moral tracts of its era against spiritualism, mesmerism, stage magic, alcohol, and other "social ills." While exceptionally pessimistic about mankind's ability to directly confront what Wimberley sees as the threat of demon possession and sin, it comes replete with a literal treatment of Revelation and thus its "happy" ending.

  • - An Astrological Work
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "The Language of the Stars" is one of the best basic primers to astrology in the corpus of occult literature. Works of similar length often cover little else than the twelve signs, the meaning of the planets, and lengthy concordances of their overlap with metals, plants, diseases, or other things. This particular text goes well beyond this. With a good appendix of terms, extensive calculations, charts, and a list of planetary and other influences, Burgoyne's "Language" allows the reader (student of astrology) to themselves understand and calculate nativities, among other things.

  • - Intercourse Between Spirits and Men
    af Tarl Warwick
    67,95 kr.

    This short but intriguing work is the result of early 19th century protestant rationalism. Eschewing superstition while accepting both Jesus and the general mode of Christian worship, Quitman here identifies (rightfully) pagan and occult elements sprinkled into Christendom along with Judaism and Islam.Along with this come various folk superstitions, incantations and the sort, and a bit of discourse on that old serpent the Devil.

  • - Satanic Satire
    af Tarl Warwick
    128,95 kr.

    From the inner workings and ruminations derived thereof of human decomposition, a quasi-satirical view towards the infernal and blasphemous, and more than a slight interest in the mad and depraved, Morbid Stories promises a little bit of everything within the most extreme circles of horror subgenre, from the outright violence of splatterpunk to the horrifying chill of the macabre. Herein are short stories ranging from the deliberately repulsive to the intentionally heretical, with a warped fondness for Satan, and an appreciation for decay and mortality that few may truly understand. Beyond merely a work of horror, the subgenres contained within this work are not for the faint of heart, and its content me described as a fusion of the madness of Lovecraft and the screeching, wailing, agonizing butchery of anything written in the most hardcore circles the deepest, darkest underground of literary taboo. For those who consider standard horror too tame, and standard macabre too uplifting, Morbid Stories can offer you that first glance at the truly depraved underworld of mankind, pulling you deeper and deeper into lunacy with every turn of the page.

  • - Historical Mythology
    af Tarl Warwick
    108,95 kr.

    This work, created in the early 20th century by Odell Shepard, is one of the better works made through time to craft mythology (and cryptozoology of a fashion) together with more modern historical treatments of its subject matter. It is the unicorn (or alicorn) here which concerns the text- and related material ranging from the quite antiquated, to the medieval, and the then-modern as anthropology and adventure made its way further into the outlands of Africa, India, and Tibet. Here, of note, is an extensive treatment of the purported healing and anti-poison properties of unicorn horn, medieval medicine processing the same through alchemy and quack medicine into tincture and powdered forms, and the latter day abandonment of such materials within medical lore during the enlightenment. The unicorn is thus not treated solely within this more rational text as a misunderstood rhinoceros, but also as other misunderstood beasts, a spirit, and a religious icon overlapped with royalty, especially in the English tradition.

  • - A Collection of Tales
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of three separate types of actual spiritual lore. The first section of it entirely deals with anecdotal tales in which the author proclaims to have encountered ghosts or similar phenomena. The second is a compilation of such lore referred to him from other people.The third section categorizes some phenomena such as automatic writing, the seance, and spirits in the ocean, trees, and so forth, and the author gives his "superphysical" opinions of their character. Altogether comprehensive, if at times requiring a bit of credulity.

  • - The Art of Telling Fortunes
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The Universal Fortune Teller is pure Americana- a hand guide to divining the future and determining destiny through the use of tea leaves, playing cards, palmistry, astrology, and other means. Written in 1860, it is partially based on older traditions within American and English divination. From the day of the week upon which a child was born to hair color this manuscript claims many prognosticating capabilities. With a variety of charms and spells to secure love and wealth, it is properly understood as one of the foremost American occult works.

  • - The True Word Of God
    af Tarl Warwick
    88,95 kr.

    For thousands of years man has dwelt in ignorance of the true story of God. Spending his time fighting others with different beliefs, man has held himself back through oppression, enslaving himself as well to ancient dogma without knowing its true source. The Nonfiction Bible is the one absolute, unadulterated, true word of this same God. Witness the epic struggle of Jesus and Satan as they fight over whether disco or rock and roll will become the dominant musical force for mankind. See God destroy the world because of apple pie. Hear the tale of Jesus slaying a dragon and starting a small business. From the old testament to the new testament up to the modern day, this one work, apart from all others, is the sole and only spiritual truth in an otherwise blind world. And you can be sure this book came from divine inspiration, after all, the book says that it does!

  • - The Gospel According to Moses
    af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    One part literal derivation from the Bible and one part acknowledgement of inference and symbolism, "The Tabernacle" is a partially compiled work crafted from content delivered by the famous Presbyterian figure George Junkin.This particular work should be of significant interest to those whose Biblical interests extend to the actual form and function, as well as symbolized meaning, of all things Exodus. The Jewish Temple is of course of great modern importance to Jews, Christians, and Occultists alike.

  • - For the Societas Rosicruciana
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Khei's "Brief Course in Mediumship" is a sort of collection of material on the basic concepts of both physical and strictly spiritual phenomena associated loosely with what is now normally termed "psychic phenomena"- such as levitation, telepathy, and the trance state.It gives a basic, broad overview of some methods involved and a few resources are mentioned for further study. The work is strictly from the background of Rosicrucianism.

  • - A Work of Theosophy
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The Esoteric Basis of Christianity is one of a number of interesting spiritual and technically academic works penned during the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Theosophists overlapping Christian lore with Eastern and espousing their beliefs in an original mystery religion. It details some of the sayings of Jesus (and Paul), refutes contemporary church doctrine (in an able manner) and delves into some of the occult trappings of number symbolism.

  • - Sculptured Stones of the Old and New World
    af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    "Archaic Rock Inscriptions" is one of several companion works to "Ophiolatreia" and "Cultus Arborum." Dwelling mostly on British and Irish stone carvings, it seeks to reconcile the widespread prevalence of cup-shaped and similar markings all over the world to one another and determine, through the profuse use of secondary sources, the historical origin and purpose of the same. Containing important if partially dated material for the academic and a good springboard to other works for the occultist, it is a fine text infinitely worthy of modern consideration.

  • - Phallic Faiths and Worship
    af Tarl Warwick
    83,95 kr.

    The late 1800s phallic series is a bit of an unknown in the world of spiritual academia- the author is not known but is presumed to be Hargrave Jennings. Regardless, what we do know is that it is both extensive and highly useful for those who wish to study the occult- providing profuse secondary sources.This work ruminates on the presumably sexual symbols of fish, flowers, and fire, within the context of religious worship, especially with regards to Hinduism, Buddhism, Egyptian religion, and the pre-christian practices of Britain.

  • - The Grimoire of Solomon
    af Tarl Warwick
    88,95 kr.

    One of the most renowned of all grimoires, the Greater Key of Solomon is a translated compilation of Solomonic magic taken from seven different manuscripts ranging from the 15th to 17th centuries. Compiled by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers at the end of the 1800s, its content is partially diabolical, partially god-fearing, and completely magickal. Through the rites listed within the text, which is broken into two books, the master, or operator, is said to be capable of calling forth a number of demonic spirits and securing various powers and abilities- partly through conjuring, partly through the use of pentacles and talismans. Additional "experiments" in invisibility, restoring lost property, and more, are also listed. It contains an interesting passage regarding crafting a magic carpet, and several spiritual texts related to Kabbalah. The mage is warned repeatedly by Mathers and by Solomon (within the context of the work itself) to remain chaste and pure, for otherwise is to invoke the wrath of the entire cosmos. Fully Illustrated.

  • - Five Dissertations Upon the Subject of Christmas
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Max Heindel's "Mystical Interpretation of Christmas" is a series of five short lectures which espouse a view of the holiday which deviates both from the traditional Christian and from the secular- a Rosicrucian, Heindel here references earth spirits and otherworldly forces, Shakespeare, fairies, and other interesting topics.The concept of doing good or charitable works and extracting, from those acts, spiritual advance, the same being subjugated in an East-to-West manner to lunar and seasonal cycles, is also spoken of, and the Zodiacal nature of ascension.

  • - Mind Altering Species in the Backyard
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    "Spirits of the Garden" is a cursory overview to multiple psychotropics which are commonly grown or which exist in the wild in many climates of the world. Combining the occult with the biological, the work seeks, in brief, to disclose the nature of some of these species. Speaking of plants such as morning glory and san pedro cacti, and fungi such as amanita muscaria (the fly agaric) it provides a shorter expose paired with the longer "Fruits of Eden; Herbalism and the Occult."

  • - Book Of Light
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    The Sepher Bahir remains to this day one of the principle Kabbalist texts ever created. Ascribed to ancient times, it was first compiled in its general form in the 12th century in Provence, compiling disparate texts which had been part of a loose and sometimes oral tradition in times prior to that same era. It contains five sections, expounding (through rabbinical scholars it is in turn ascribed to) various scriptural truths regarding the nature of the cosmos, of the deity spoken of, and explaining its way through parts of the Torah by virtue of both metaphor and scriptural comparison. The material is not entirely linear, being compiled from other sources, which may indeed have come from various dates beforehand. It interprets a slightly different story of Adam and Eve, and often dwells upon concepts which may well have been influenced in some way by Gnosticism, or by scholars who had encountered it. Whatever its true origins, it remains a priceless compilation for those studying the mysteries and occult tenets of the Torah.

  • - An Exposition of the Phallic Origin of Religion
    af Tarl Warwick
    78,95 kr.

    Clifford Howard's work on "Sex Worship" is a broad overview of phallic worship and related topics which serves as a fairly proper introduction to all of the more specific subtopics of this formerly taboo school of mythological study- the cultus arborum, serpent veneration, the lingam and yoni of Hinduism, and so forth.Carefully avoiding the explicit and obscene, the book is flatly academic, and well written, dwelling often on Greece, Rome, and then-modern India. Works such as this one completely changed anthropological and religious discourse over the course of just a few short decades at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

  • - An Alchemical Manuscript
    af Tarl Warwick
    123,95 kr.

    The Rosary of the Philosophers goes well beyond a recipe book for the practice of alchemy. Originally created in the Renaissance, it combines philosophy with chemical study within the alchemical sciences of the age and contains lengthy passages dedicated to each of the major physical processes literally used in the time period for alchemical work. Containing metaphors and riddles (sometimes explicitly stated to be such) the hidden meaning of the work and its content is clear; a study of science, proto-secular philosophy, and a literal treatment of the processing of mercury, sulfur, and other materials through processes such as fermentation, putrefaction, sublimation, and all other dynamic physical systems quantified at the time by man. For those practicing the occult, the philosophy on its own herein makes it a gem of Renaissance literature. Fully illustrated, 174 pages.

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