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  • af Teckshawer Tom
    607,95 kr.

    In today's quickly changing global environment, information and communication technology (ICT) innovation research is of utmost importance for emerging nations. This book explains the crucial part that ICT innovation plays in supporting socioeconomic development, boosting education and healthcare, and advancing emerging countries as a whole. Developing countries have a variety of difficulties, including the need to close the digital divide, infrastructure limitations, and restricted access to resources. A comprehensive framework to solve these issues and realize unrealized potential is provided by ICT innovation research. Developing nations can promote effective government, give marginalized populations more influence, and promote economic prosperity by using the power of ICT. The revolutionary effects of ICT innovation research are highlighted in this book on a variety of industries, including e-commerce, finance, politics, and agriculture. It highlights the chance to go past conventional developmental stages, allowing emerging nations to catch up to their more developed counterparts.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    458,95 kr.

    El objetivo de este libro era establecer si Zimbabue tiene el potencial y la capacidad de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para implantar métodos de voto electrónico en el a menudo desacreditado proceso electoral del país. El estudio adoptó métodos cualitativos y datos secundarios recogidos de informes pertinentes, cuestionarios distribuidos aleatoriamente a la población en general, así como entrevistas con funcionarios de la Comisión Electoral de Zimbabue (ZEC) y de la Autoridad Reguladora de Correos y Telecomunicaciones de Zimbabue (POTRAZ). El libro pone de relieve la situación global y nacional de la adopción de las TIC en Zimbabue, que es el motor clave para el éxito de la implantación del voto electrónico, la cobertura de Internet y su uso en el país. La investigación también indagó cómo los ciudadanos de Zimbabue en la diáspora, a través de las nuevas plataformas de Internet, pueden ejercer su derecho a participar en el discurso político del país y votar utilizando el modelo de voto electrónico. Las conclusiones indican que, aunque puede hacerse, no se practica. De ahí que los ciudadanos en la diáspora estén siendo excluidos del proceso electoral.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    583,95 kr.

    Uma ferramenta formidável com potencial para melhorar a conservação e a gestão sustentável dos recursos naturais são as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC). É possível resolver os problemas do esgotamento dos recursos e da perda de biodiversidade utilizando as TIC em muitos elementos da conservação ambiental, como a monitorização, a recolha de dados e a sensibilização do público. No entanto, é crucial considerar as repercussões inesperadas que podem resultar da utilização alargada das TIC neste contexto. A fim de promover a gestão e a conservação sustentáveis dos recursos naturais, este estudo examinará as implicações não intencionais das TIC. O estudo também identifica e examina quatro áreas importantes de preocupação, incluindo a fratura digital, a privacidade e segurança dos dados, a gestão dos resíduos electrónicos e a pegada ecológica, com base em investigação pertinente e exemplos de casos. A investigação procura educar os decisores políticos, os profissionais e os académicos sobre a importância de utilizar as TIC de forma ambientalmente consciente, realçando estas consequências indesejadas, particularmente nos países africanos.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    583,95 kr.

    Uno strumento formidabile con il potenziale di migliorare la conservazione e la gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali è la tecnologia dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC). È possibile affrontare i problemi dell'esaurimento delle risorse e della perdita di biodiversità utilizzando le TIC in molti elementi della conservazione ambientale, come il monitoraggio, la raccolta di dati e la sensibilizzazione del pubblico. Tuttavia, è fondamentale considerare le ripercussioni inaspettate che potrebbero derivare dall'ampio uso delle TIC in questo contesto. Al fine di promuovere la gestione e la conservazione sostenibile delle risorse naturali, questo studio esaminerà le implicazioni non intenzionali delle TIC. Lo studio identifica ed esamina quattro importanti aree di preoccupazione, tra cui il divario digitale, la privacy e la sicurezza dei dati, la gestione dei rifiuti elettronici e l'impronta ecologica, basandosi su ricerche pertinenti ed esempi di casi. La ricerca cerca di educare i politici, gli operatori e gli accademici sull'importanza di utilizzare le TIC in modo consapevole dal punto di vista ambientale, sottolineando queste conseguenze indesiderate, in particolare nei Paesi africani.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    583,95 kr.

    Die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) ist ein hervorragendes Instrument, das die Erhaltung und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen verbessern kann. Durch den Einsatz von IKT in vielen Bereichen des Umweltschutzes, z. B. bei der Überwachung, der Datenerfassung und der Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit, können die Probleme der Ressourcenerschöpfung und des Verlusts der biologischen Vielfalt angegangen werden. Um eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung und Erhaltung der natürlichen Ressourcen zu fördern, werden in dieser Studie alle unbeabsichtigten Auswirkungen der IKT untersucht. Die Studie identifiziert und untersucht vier wichtige Problembereiche, darunter die digitale Kluft, den Datenschutz und die Datensicherheit, die Bewirtschaftung von Elektroschrott und den ökologischen Fußabdruck, und stützt sich dabei auf einschlägige Untersuchungen und Fallbeispiele. Die Studie soll politische Entscheidungsträger, Praktiker und Wissenschaftler über die Bedeutung eines umweltbewussten Einsatzes von IKT aufklären, indem sie diese unbeabsichtigten Folgen insbesondere in afrikanischen Ländern hervorhebt.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    347,95 kr.

    The objective of this book was to establish if Zimbabwe has the potential and Information Communication Technology (ICT) capacity to implement e-voting methods in the country's often discredited electoral process. The study adopted qualitative methods and secondary data collected from relevant reports, questionnaires randomly distributed to the general populace as well as interviews with Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) officials. The book highlights the global and national status of ICT adoption in Zimbabwe which is the key driver to the successful implementation of e-voting, internet coverage, and use in the country. The research also investigated how Zimbabwe citizens in the diaspora, through new Internet platforms, can exercise their right to participate in the country's political discourse and vote using the e-voting model. The findings indicate that though it can be done, it is not being practiced. Hence citizens in the diaspora are being excluded from the electoral process.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    347,95 kr.

    A formidable tool with the potential to improve conservation and sustainable management of natural resources is information and communication technology (ICT). It is possible to address the problems of resource depletion and biodiversity loss by using ICT in many elements of environmental conservation, such as monitoring, data collection, and public awareness. However, it's crucial to consider the unexpected repercussions that could result from the broad use of ICT in this setting.In order to promote sustainable natural resource management and conservation, this study will examine any unintended implications of ICT. The study also identifies and examines four important areas of concern, including digital divide, data privacy and security, e-waste management, and ecological footprint, based on pertinent research and case examples. The research seeks to educate policymakers, practitioners, and academics about the importance of using ICT in environmentally conscious ways by emphasizing these unintended consequences particularly in African countries.

  • af Teckshawer Tom
    347,95 kr.

    The goal of this study was to evaluate how global digital companies exploit tiny economies by engaging in tax avoidance. It looked at the difficulties and made recommendations for how small economies might handle these difficulties brought on by large digital companies that use the features of their services and technology to escape taxes. Key informant interviews and secondary data gathering from pertinent literature and reports were used as qualitative research techniques. Interviews were conducted with five important informants from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) The study additionally categorizes the types of services offered by various digital economies. It draws attention to the difficulties faced by tiny economies, including the change in global business models, tax evasion, international tax laws, and a lack of resources to comply with them. The results show how minor economies are exploited by digital behemoth businesses through their operations in their jurisdictions, capitalizing on earnings, and dodging tax obligations due to non-legally binding instruments that require international firms to conform.

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