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Bøger af Terri Brisbin

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  • af Terri Brisbin
    122,95 kr.

    The Forbidden Highlander By Terri Brisbin ¿¿Can a man and woman who defy the most powerful chieftain in the Highlands for love survive the challenges ahead of them? James Murray, heir to the powerful and influential Murray chieftain of Perth, was honor-bound to marry the woman his father had chosen... and negotiated for him. Determined to carry out his duties, he ignored the warning signs and even the questionable birth of his fiancée and the clear fact that she bore soft feelings towards her guard. It mattered not... until it did. For try as he might to accept a future with his arranged bride, he instead found the perfect woman for him was her best friend. Elizabeth MacLerie had found no hardship in serving as companion to her friend and cousin Ciara Robertson. She was excited to leave her village and accompany Ciara on the journey to meet and return home with Ciara and her betrothed... until she meets him. James is completely wrong for Ciara, but as the days pass Elizabeth realizes she is falling in love with him. Rather than be forced into the arranged marriage, James takes the bold and dangerous step of running away with Elizabeth. On their own, on the run from two angry chieftains and without friends or family, they must discover the depth and strength of their new love. But will love be enough to keep them together when so many plot to separate them?

  • af Terri Brisbin
    162,95 kr.

    Lady Clare had crossed a line she feared could not be undone. Sir Iain would never allow her to refuse him now.Lady Clare Logan is quite content with her life now-as a wealthy widow she has the means to carry out her late husband's plans for schools and training centers for the poor children of Edinburgh and Leith. Determined to establish his legacy, Clare is stunned when a recently-knighted businessman claims the rights to properties that she plans to develop.Sir Iain Buchanan is used to getting his own way-in business, in life and in any endeavor he tries. With plans to expand the headquarters of his burgeoning shipping empire, Iain runs into an immovable barrier known as Lady Clare. No matter what he offers, she refuses it. So, Iain feels no guilt when he resorts to the methods that successfully saved him from the gutters of Glasgow and allowed him to grow his companies until his business was known around the globe. Methods that meet with little success even while his need to seduce the appealing, beautiful, infuriating woman grows with each encounter.What will it take to make this lady see that he will not take nay for an answer?Unexpected Heirs of ScotlandThe Lady Takes It AllA Lady's AgreementThe Lady's Tutor

  • af Terri Brisbin
    142,95 kr.

    When lies of the past are exposed, can love find the truth?The Explorer - Joshua Robertson, a minor diplomat with distant noble connections, traveled the world in service to the Crown until he made his name with the amazing discovery of a buried Roman town in Northern Africa. However, rumors and innuendo threatened both his reputation and his work until he unexpectedly inherits a title and some lands from a distant relative. Now, protected by the title, no honorable man would raise the questions that plagued him from his past-questions about a partner who was cheated and never shared in the glory of the discoveries. Rumors of thievery and scandal and worse. Certainly, no man would, but a woman might. And does.The Adversary - Arabella MacGibbon spent her childhood watching her father's decline and death because he was shamed and shunned as an impostor. Embittered and certain that the now-Lord cheated her father and contributed to his death, Arabella is determined to find proof of his perfidy and to reclaim her family's honor. To do that, she must get close to the man and get access to his papers and records. Disguising her identity and being hired as his housekeeper may be the perfect opportunity to do it.But what happens if the truth is inconvenient at best and dangerous at worst? Can her plan succeed if Arabella discovers there's so much more to the man and the myth than she dreamt possible?Unexpected Heirs of ScotlandThe Lady Takes It AllA Lady's AgreementThe Lady's Tutor

  • af Terri Brisbin
    28,94 kr.

    En ridders hævn ... Engang var han fuldstændig uimodståelig i enhver kvindes øjne, men livet ændrer sig for altid for Soren Fitzrobert, da han bliver hårdt såret. Nu er han kommet for at få hævn, og han har en udspekuleret plan. Han vil lægge an på fjendens datter. En hård straf ... Under det voldsomme angreb på borgen, havner den uskyldsrene lady Sybilla midt i optøjerne, og da hun vågner fra bevidstløsheden, har hun mistet synet, og kan ikke se borgens nye hersker. Alligevel ryster hun af angst, hver gang hun støder på den arrede barbar. Men det varer ikke længe, før følelserne ændrer sig, og hun pludselig begynder at se frem til mødet med den dynamiske ridder ... En sensuel forsoning? Mod sin vilje indgår Sybilla ægteskab med Soren, men må snart indse, at hun ikke kan modstå hans forføreriske kneb. Alt imens Soren bliver mere og mere tiltrukket af den kvinde, som ellers blot indgik som en brik i hans plan om hævn …

  • af Terri Brisbin
    28,94 kr.

    NOBEL RIDDER AGTVÆRDIG HUSTRU Den store kriger Brice Fitzwilliam har endelig modtaget sin velfortjente løn, da han tildeles en titel, jorde og godset Thaxted. Nu mangler han bare at kræve den uskyldsrene brud, han også er blevet lovet! Men Gillian af Thaxted nægter at være nogen mands trofæ. Og det kan end ikke et giftermål ændre på. Hun er på ingen måde til sinds at underkaste sig den sejrrige ridders kraftfulde krop, hans mørke gennemtrængende blik, endsige den fremfusende måde, hvorpå han beskyttende holder hende fast om natten ... Brice gør sin pligt og tilfredsstiller sin nyvundne hustru – men indser snart, at han heller ikke selv vil være den natlige nydelse foruden! Men som ridder kender han også risikoen ved at føje sin stædige, vidunderlige brud ...

  • af Terri Brisbin
    28,94 kr.

    Den største kamp af dem alle ... Stærk, hensynsløs, modig og beslutsom. Sådan er Giles Fitzhenry, riddersønnen, der stadig trækkes med skammen over at være blevet født udenfor ægteskab. I bestræbelserne på at redde sit folk og sin jord er lady Fayth tvunget til at gifte sig med den mægtige bretonske ridder. Hun ser sig helt fri, men må samtidig erkende den forunderlige og dybe længsel, der vækkes i hende, hver gang hun møder hans gennemtrængende, intense blik. Giles troede egentlig, han havde udkæmpet sin sidste strid. Men det endelige og største slag af dem alle venter forude. At redde den bortførte lady Fayth ... og vinde hendes betingelsesløse kærlighed!

  • af Terri Brisbin
    112,95 kr.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    112,95 kr.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    152,95 kr.

    An ancient goddess grows more desperate to escape the bounds that keep her imprisoned. . .A man whose lands have always been fertile and bountiful even in times of strife and drought. . .The woman whose secret could destroy his dreams and force him into the waiting hands of the evil one..Tolan's family has had a strong bond with the farmlands he tends and he keeps the truth of it secret. For generations, his ancestors worshipped the ancient gods and oversaw their lands. Now, darkness is gathering, and Tolan is drawn into an evil nobleman's plot to destroy his enemies. When his lover Elethea is targeted, too, he must choose one side or the other.Elethea's healing skills are known widely, but when the arrival of strangers cause the power in her blood to surge, she discovers it is more than simply knowledge of the healing arts. The only one she cannot seem to heal is herself and her inability to give Tolan the children he needs is keeping her from committing to him and to a future together.Now, as the evil one gathers its minions and threaten all that Tolan and Elethea hold dear, will they choose the side of humanity or choose the enemy who even now holds their future in his hands?This dark, emotional fantasy romance series set in medieval Scotland was previously published by Berkley.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    132,95 kr.

    An ancient goddess drawing her followers closer to free her from her prison. . .A man who discovers he can control the winds and storms. . .The woman he betrayed who must trust him if they are to conquer the evil one. . .Soren Thorson thought his uncle's stories of an evil force trying to return to destroy their world just another tale of outdated gods. When the powers rise in his blood and he can call and control the winds and sky, Soren realizes he is part of a bigger plot. And when groups of strangers arrive in Orkney and threaten the one woman he loved and lost, he is willing to do what he must to protect her. He never expected it meant battling others who held the powers of ancient gods within them.After Soren's betrayal, Ran Sveinsdottir turns her attentions to learning and controlling her father's trading company. Until a powerful and terrifying man arrives and uses her father to force her into his dark plan. Until she discovers that her affinity to water and the sea is much, much more than simply that.As more innocent lives are put at risk and the future of humanity hangs in the balance, Ran must discover the truth about Soren and her own new powers and decide if she can risk her life, heart and soul to the one man who'd thrown them away once before.This dark, emotional fantasy romance series set in medieval Scotland was previously published by Berkley.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    147,95 kr.

    Eons ago, six ancient Celtic gods turned on the seventh who promised to destroy humanity. To keep her imprisoned, they passed their powers down through their descendants who could be called on if, when, the time to rise up came. In the dark times of the late 13th century, that time came.William de Brus, illegitimate son of King Alexander III, is sent to investigate a nobleman thought to have mysterious powers and designs on Alexander's kingdom. When he discovers the tales are true, and, that he is part of some larger idea plan, William also finds an enticing young woman who seems to be at the center of it all.Brienne of Yester knows who her true father is and so do the villagers around her. She knows she is different in other ways and when her powers soar and she can create and control fire, Brienne learns the truth of her father's nature. And his plan to release their ancestor, the goddess of fire and chaos. The only one who makes her feel safe, the only man she dares trust, may be her soulmate or her destruction.When passions flare and powers rise, can they trust each other enough to give all of humanity a chance to survive or will the goddess escape to destroy everything in the world?

  • af Terri Brisbin
    78,95 kr.

    Katla Thorfinnsdottir nærer stor mistro over for mænd, og hvem kan bebrejde hende, når hun er blevet svigtet på grusomste vis af de mænd, der burde have beskyttet og elsket hende? Da hendes fader befaler, at hun skal pleje en tilskadekommen fange, er det med lige dele nysgerrighed og frygt, at hun opsøger manden. Den store vikingekriger, Brandt Sigurdsson, viser sig at være et fængslende bekendtskab, og snart må Katla vælge, hvor hendes loyalitet ligger – hos slægten eller fjenden?

  • af Terri Brisbin
    87,95 kr.

    She's the best wife...

  • af Terri Brisbin, Mariah Stewart & Georgia Dickson
    197,95 kr.

    BRANDYWINE BridesA Blackwood Legacy AnthologyOne Family - Seven Generations - A Legacy of Love Almost three centuries ago, a Scottish convict was sold into indentured servitude in Philadelphia and given a second chance at a life far from the country of his birth. In the years since, the farm secured by Finlan Blackwood''s efforts would grow and thrive in the Brandywine River valley just as his family and descendants did. Today, Blackwood Farm is one of the largest and most successful farms in Chester County. But it took the sacrifices and best efforts of each generation to make it so.  1721 - In A Traitor''s Heart by Terri Brisbin, a convicted traitor from the Jacobite Rising must find a way to rescue a widow from an unscrupulous man''s plans for her. . . and for the lands she holds. 1779 - In A Patriots'' Heart by Gwendolyn Schuler, a wounded British officer hiding a secret puts the daughter of Blackwood Farm''s owner in danger by his presence in their home.1867 - In Wounded Heart by Martha Schroeder, a damaged Union soldier arrives home to find his childhood sweetheart is the one trying to save his family''s farm. 1919 - In Heart''s Song by Georgia Dickson, when the current owner of Blackwood Farm returns from the Great War, everything looks different to him, even the possibility of love.1943 - In Painted Promises by Kate Welsh, the Blackwood heir, working for the war effort at home, is the only one who can help a woman who fought with the resistance in Europe before she escaped the horrors of war. 1971 - In We''ve Only Just Begun by Cara Marsi, the Blackwood son, suffering from the effects of Vietnam, meets exactly the kind of woman he needs, even if she doesn''t want to be the one. 2017 - In Finn''s Legacy by Mariah Stewart, when a writer comes to Blackwood Farm to interview the family matriarch, the last thing she expects is a reunion with the man who broke her heart before he left for Iraq four years ago.  Seven Blackwood generations. Seven loves worth fighting for.

  • - A MacKendimen Clan Novel
    af Terri Brisbin
    212,95 kr.

    A Highland woman desperate for a hero...A Highland warrior destined to save her...Will love be enough to unite them forever?Anice MacNab barely survived the brutal treatment of her wedding night, leaving her with a shattered life, body and soul. Now, the death of her husband forces her to flee another planned political alliance, seeking the help of the only man she trusts….Robert Mathieson, raised as the son of a steward, discovers instead that he is the son of the MacKendimen laird. Denied recognition and refused his heritage, Robert still finds himself drawn into the intrigue surrounding Anice and wanting the one person he cannot have-his half-brother's wife.Secrets of the past threaten the MacKendimen Clan and vows made will be broken as Robert and Anice claim the love, once forbidden, that could destroy many lives or could unite them forever.ONCE FORBIDDEN is a full-length, historical romance novel (106K words) and was previously published by Berkley in the their Jove Highland Fling line. This revised edition is being released by the author's imprint, Luckenbooth Press.

  • - A MacKendimen Clan Novel
    af Terri Brisbin
    212,95 kr.

    An ancient archway in time. . .A man in search of his future in the past. . .A woman who holds the key. . .Maggie Hobbs has had enough of controlling men in her life. Breaking up with her longtime boyfriend, she heads to Scotland for her summer vacation, hoping to put it all behind her-though she never dreams how far behind her it will go! During a stop at a clan ceilidh, Maggie meets the man who should be heir to the Clan MacKendimen-one whose father turned his back on his heritage for a new life in America. And then Fate steps in to throw her back to a time when men controlled everything!Alex MacKendimen returns to his father's lands and discovers a life that could have been his. With the emptiness of his life staring back at him, he wished for another chance to find happiness and finds himself catapulted to the past - as he and a beautiful stranger face dangers together in medieval Scotland.Thrown back through time to the medieval village of Dunnedin, the two must find a way to survive and make it back home. Neither one knew that falling in love was part of Fate's plan for them.A LOVE THROUGH TIME is a full-length, time travel romance novel (101K words) and was previously published in print by Berkley in their Jove Time Passages line in 1998. This revised edition is being released by the author.Publishers Weekly ----- "Alex and Maggie, both exceptionally well-drawn adult characters, make this appealing adventure special."ALA Booklist ----- "Brisbin provides plenty of humor and entertainment in this romp through time, but she sees to it that medieval life is not presented as all fun and games."Romantic Times Magazine ----- " enjoyable read that will sweep readers away to the Scottish moors."

  • - A MacKendimen Clan Novel
    af Terri Brisbin
    197,95 kr.

    A man conceived in the past and living in the present. . .A woman in need calling him back. . .Where and when does his destiny lie?Current Day. . . .Douglas MacKendimen grew up listening to his parents' fantastical tales of their journey to the past and has never believed a word of it. Caught up in the stressful world of practicing medicine, the strange dreams during restless nights should not surprise him-but the woman calling to him does. The dreams intensify as he returns to Scotland for a family gathering.Dunnedin, Scotland, 1370Caitlin, daughter of the MacKendimen Clan healer, has even greater abilities than her mother and can heal with only her touch. Her power is growing as she tends to her kith and kin, but is drawn to a man in her dreams. When he appears and saves her life, she believes they are meant to be together. The truth - that he is from the future and must return destroys all her hopes. She cannot abandon her clan to be with him and he must leave.Secrets of the past and future threaten to destroy them as Douglas and Caitlin's love grows. When the fates are against them, it's just a matter of time before they will be forced to choose whether to follow their hearts' desires or to remain apart forever.This full-length romance novel was previously published in print by Berkley/Jove and is now revised and re-released by Luckenbooth Press.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    197,95 kr.

    A man born an heir, but raised a bastard. . .A woman with the proof to put him on the throne. . .A love endangered by the intrigue of Elizabeth's court. . .Richard Granville, an illegitimate son of Henry VIII, has always wanted to be king of England, but a bastard cannot inherit that position. So, he contents himself by serving his half-sister Queen Elizabeth. When her enemies approach with claims of his rights to the throne and with a plot to put him there, he is tempted. . . oh so tempted.Sharon Reynolds, a museum curator on holiday in present day England, discovers proof of a legitimate male heir to Henry VIII and is shocked to be thrown back through time with that proof. Believing she was sent back to right the wrongs done to Henry VIII's rightful heir, she searches for the man who should be king. Unfortunately, by the time she uncovers his identity and must decide whether or not to give him the evidence that would put him on the throne, she has fallen in love with him.Danger, intrigue and deception surround them as they struggle to find the path that fate means for them. . . and their love. Can their love help them survive in Elizabethan England or will Richard forever remain the queen's man?"Wonderful plotting, great characters, intriguing history and sizzling passion make THE QUEEN'S MAN a romance reader's dream!" Sandra Hill, NYT and USA Today best-selling author"Excitement, adventure, royal intrigue. . . Sheer Elizabethan delight!" Maggie Shayne, NYT and USA Today best-selling authorTHE QUEEN'S MAN is a full-length, historical time travel romance novel (100K words) and was previously published by Berkley in the their Time Passages line. This revised edition is being released by Luckenbooth Press.

  • - A MacKendimen Clan Novella
    af Terri Brisbin
    112,95 kr.

  • - A Highlander Novella
    af Terri Brisbin
    107,95 kr.

    The StorytellerA Highland Romance Novella Struan Cameron has spent the last 270 years trapped between life and death on the battlefield of Culloden Moor. His role as the Storyteller has kept many of the other ghosts from going mad. But now, the powerful Muir witch has offered him the chance to see an end to his time on the moor and he plans to take it. He is given up to two days - back as a man of flesh and blood -- to perform some task for the witch that will earn him a chance for revenge or release. With the touch of her hand, the witch sends him. . . to Maine. Fiona Masters has lost everyone important to her in a terrible accident that she believes was her fault. Mired in pain and grief, she decides she cannot live another day and plans to take her own life. With all the arrangements made and the gun in hand, she is stopped by a tall, handsome, sexy Scottish warrior who bellows at her in Gaelic! Believing she is caught up in her own personal 'A CHRISTMAS CAROL' and its ghosts of past, present and future, Fee allows this Highlander into her life, knowing there's nothing he can do to change her mind or make her want to live. . . Or can he? Two strangers who have suffered similar loss and grief find that they do have some comfort to offer, but at the end of two days, will either of them be alive? Ghosts of Culloden Moor, #45Struan Cameron has existed as a ghost for 270 years has a chance to win his release-if he performs a task for the powerful Muir witch. Accepting the offer, he finds himself stopping Fiona Masters from taking her own life. But, can this tall, sexy Highland ghost to stop her plan?

  • af Terri Brisbin
    97,95 kr.

    Upon A Misty Skye Alexander MacDonald, second son of the chieftain of the mighty MacDonald Clan, and Isabel MacLeod, heiress to The MacLeod of Skye, were not supposed to meet or fall in love or marry. But, they have and now their parents plan to separate them by any means possible. As they flee to their homes looking for safety and a new life together, they are chased by warriors sent to capture them. Taking refuge in the only place they can, Alexander and Isabel find themselves deep in the ruins of the haunted Duntulm Castle. On a dark and misty night on very edge of the magical Isle of Skye, the ghost of Duntulm Castle has been waiting centuries for forbidden lovers just like Alex and Isabel. . . .

  • af Terri Brisbin
    97,95 kr.

    Ailis lost the love of her life. . . or is he standing right in front of her?Lachlan MacLean loved his enemy's daughter but duty called for him to marry another. Attacked by an unseen assailant and left to die in a fiery grave, he survived and now wanders the isle of Mull without any memory of his past. He seeks anyone who might know him but the one he wishes to find is the woman who haunts his dreams and visions. When he encounters her, she is being given in marriage to another man. He doesn't know her name, but he knows he must have her to regain his life. Ailish MacKinnon lost the love of her life in a terrible fire and months later is being forced by her father to marry. When she refuses and is given to the next man who enters the keep instead, she discovers that the mysterious 'Iain' reminds her of the man she lost. Worse, he encourages her to be the woman she should be. As the battle of wills between father and daughter builds, so does the passion between her and this hooded man. Will she be able to claim the man she lost knowing that exposing his identity brings danger back to him? Or can she give him up now that she has found him?

  • - A Midsummer Knights Romance
    af Terri Brisbin
    142,95 kr.

    A Midsummer Knights Romance: A Tournament World of Chivalry, Intrigue, and PassionAn Outlaw's HonorWhen the only man she can trust is known for his dishonorable past, what could go wrong? A Dishonorable ManThomas Brisbois of Kelso has only one goal when he arrives at the tournament--to defeat the only knight who ever bested him in battle. If he succeeds, the Scottish king will return to him his lands, his honor and his life. He has little interest in other prizes, and even less when he learns that the lord for whom his rival fights has included a daughter among the spoils at stake in their contest-- a lovely daughter with no desire to play the pawn, or to see her father's champion win. She is a distraction, all the more after she explains her own ideas about which knight shall have her, and how and when. A Desperate WomanAnnora may be a pawn in her father's plans but she has no intention of letting that happen without a fight of her own. When she sees the frank desire in Thomas' gaze for her, she makes her own offer-she'll help him win if he'll let her go. . . after he beds her. Her plans go awry when she discovers the truth of the man beneath the armor. The man who had lost everything and struggles to regain his life. Only the ultimate tournament battle will reveal if she's made the biggest mistake of her life or if she's found the answer to all her problems in trusting an outlaw's honor.Summer, 1193. England is in turmoil, and a great tournament is scheduled near the border of Scotland and England. The greatest knights and lords from England, Scotland, Ireland, and France have gathered to compete for a great prize. There will be celebrations and jousts and feasting. It will be an exhibition of chivalry and warrior skills, a breeding ground for treason...and for love.

  • - The STORM Series
    af Terri Brisbin
    172,95 kr.

    From USA TODAY Bestselling author Terri Brisbin. . . .While magic still glimmered over the lands and people of Scotland and the Vikings ruled the western islands and the north, three brothers struggle against their fate to overcome a dreaded curse tied to their own Fae powers. Their hearts, souls and very lives depend on the women they betrayed.Duncan of Skye heals with his touch and many powerful nobles vie to use it for themselves. But every use of his power brings pain and destroys his body and he knows he will not survive much longer. When a woman given to him gives him blessed relief from his suffering, he knows he must keep her as he seeks a way to end the curse.Isabel has been forced by her stepfather to use her body for his aims. She’s learned to numb herself as she is given to many men to serve as his spy and blackmailer. But, when she is sold to the man called the Healer, she finds him to be different than any other before him.Time is running out for Duncan and, as he draws Isabel closer and closer, they discover that they could be each other’s redemption or their destruction.  When love could break the curse can these two risk everything and claim it? “A passionate and powerful page-turner!” NYT Bestselling Author Teresa Medeiros“Explicit love scenes and emotional turmoil lend drama en route to a powerfully moving conclusion.”— Publisher's Weekly“MISTRESS OF THE STORM is a scorching romance! Emotionally riveting and powerfully passionate, this book is a fantastic read!” – The Romance Reviews*Top Pick July 2011 and Best Book in Erotic -Historical Fantasy Romance of 2011 by The Romance Reviews The Storm series: A Storm of Passion – Book 1A Storm of Love – novella – Book 2A Storm of Pleasure – Book 3Mistress of the Storm – Book 4  This dark, emotional and steamy fantasy romance series set in medieval Scotland was previously published by Kensington Books in their Brava imprint and is now re-released by the author.

  • - The STORM Series
    af Terri Brisbin
    162,95 kr.

    From USA TODAY Bestselling author Terri Brisbin. . . .While magic still glimmered over the lands and people of Scotland and the Vikings ruled the western islands and the north, three brothers struggle against their fate to overcome a dreaded curse tied to their own Fae powers. Their hearts, souls and very lives depend on the women they betrayed. Katla Svensdottir will do anything to save her brother from death—even give herself to the man they call the Truthsayer for his pleasure.  For, unless Gavin of Orkney reveals her brother’s innocence, he will be executed for treason. And sharing this man’s bed will not be a hardship for her, even if she pays a dear price later.Gavin needs Katla to ease the incessant and maddening noise in his head and he promises her anything to get her to agree to help him—even to help her brother. But, Gavin already knows the boy’s truth and played a part in his arrest and his father’s death.When kings and powerful men fight over Gavin’s extraordinary gift and when the truth will reveal too many dark and dangerous secrets, will Katla be his salvation or his executioner? "Brisbin’s A STORM OF PLEASURE is fast-paced and wildly hot with a touch of the supernatural.”--RT Book Reviews The Storm series: A Storm of Passion – Book 1A Storm of Love – novella – Book 2A Storm of Pleasure – Book 3Mistress of the Storm – Book 4 This dark, emotional and steamy fantasy romance series set in medieval Scotland was previously published by Kensington Books in their Brava imprint and is now re-released by the author.  

  • - The STORM Series
    af Terri Brisbin
    107,95 kr.

    From USA TODAY Bestselling author Terri Brisbin. . . .While magic still glimmered over the lands and people of Scotland and the Vikings ruled the western islands and the north, a woman encounters a powerful Fae prince and could not imagine the consequences that would shape the rest of her life and that of her sons – three brothers who will struggle against their fate to overcome a dreaded curse tied to their own Fae powers. Agneis of Mull betrayed the Fae prince who loved her and lost everything and everyone. Exiled for her sins to the untamed lands of Argyll, a chance encounter with a younger man offer Agneis the possibility of a new life. . . and love.Breac never expected someone like Agneis to come into his life, but he saves her life even as she saves his soul. Can their love, one based on passion, stand against old enemies who now threaten and a dangerous curse of the Fae?  The Storm series: A Storm of Passion – Book 1A Storm of Love – novella – Book 2A Storm of Pleasure – Book 3Mistress of the Storm – Book 4 This dark, emotional and steamy fantasy romance series set in medieval Scotland was previously published by Kensington Books in their Brava imprint and is now re-released by the author.

  • - The STORM Series
    af Terri Brisbin
    172,95 kr.

    From USA TODAY Bestselling author Terri Brisbin. . . .While magic still glimmered over the lands and people of Scotland and the Vikings ruled the western islands and the north, three brothers struggle against their fate to overcome a dreaded curse tied to their own Fae powers. Their hearts, souls and very lives depend on the women they betrayed.  Connor has the ability to see the past, present and future and uses his gift for the benefit of his wealthy patron. But, it comes at a high price—his power first blinds him and then will kill him. . . if the woman intent on his death doesn’t get to him first. She claims he destroyed her family, but he only knows relief and pleasure when she is with him.Moira has lived to avenge her family’s destruction that the Seer caused. But captured and made his prisoner, she discovers he is not what he seems and yet is so much more. As she watches his dark power control him, Moira also finds a sensuality that draws her closer and closer and tempts her to put aside her vengeance.As darkness and danger gather around them and the curse of his Fae father reaches its deadly conclusion, will Connor and Moira find the love that could save them both? “Boldly sensual and richly emotional.”  Booklist“Hot and compelling!”  NYT Bestselling Author Madeline Hunter The STORM Series: A Storm of Passion – Book 1A Storm of Love – novella – Book 2A Storm of Pleasure – Book 3Mistress of the Storm – Book 4  This dark, emotional and steamy fantasy romance series set in medieval Scotland was previously published by Kensington Books in their Brava imprint and is now re-released by the author.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    73,95 - 107,95 kr.

    Miniserie: MacLerie slægten (4/4)Hvorfor havde han aldrig set hende før? Blikket klæbede til de vuggende hofter, der nærmede sig brønden. Håret, der var for langt til at tørklædet kunne dække det helt, flagrede i vinden, læberne så ud til at trænge til kys, men han kunne ikke smile hende kysseklar, for blikket var nedslået, som hun gik der i sine egne tanker.Aidan MacLerie vidste, at hun skulle være hans, og hun skulle nok blive det. For landsbyens kvinder sagde aldrig nej til ham. Aldrig. Men han havde jo heller ikke før mødt Catriona MacKenzie...

  • af Terri Brisbin
    73,95 - 107,95 kr.

    Miniserie: MacLerie slægten (3/4)Klanoverhovedet Athdar MacCallum fra det skotske højland er forbandet af tidligere tragedier og har helliget sig opgaven at lede sit folk, og har svoret aldrig at gifte sig igen. Indtil han falder for den uskyldsrene Isobel Ruriksdottir.Isobel er draget af den sårbarhed, hun fornemmer, der gemmer sig bag klanoverhovedets øjne. Men hendes faders uvenskab med ham gør, at han umuligt kan være noget for hende. Et forhold til ham kan kun resultere i fare, men det er umuligt for hende at ignorere fristelsen til at risikere alt for deres dødsens farlige lidenskab.

  • af Terri Brisbin
    73,95 - 107,95 kr.

    Miniserie: MacLerie slægten (2/4)Fange hos klanhøvdingenFor at genvinde kontrollen over sin splittede klan må Rob Matheson tage Lilidh MacLerie som gidsel. Men Lilidh er ikke noget ligegyldigt gidsel. Hun er også den kvinde, han engang elskede – og fornægtede!Lilidh har aldrig kunnet glemme Robs kærtegn, og selvom hun ikke har nogen anelse om, at han blev tvunget til at fornægte deres kærlighed, har hun ikke kunnet glemme den mand, der knuste hendes hjerte for mange år siden. Nu ser hun ind i sin fangevogters øjne og genkender overhovedet ikke den frygtindgydende høvding, han nu er blevet. Hun burde være rædselsslagen. Hun aner ikke, hvad han vil gøre med hende. Men noget ved ham både ophidser og afvæbner hende…

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