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Bøger af Thomas Möller

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  • af Thomas Möller & Mogens Steffensen
    1.147,95 kr.

    In classical life insurance mathematics the obligations of the insurance company towards the policy holders were calculated on artificial conservative assumptions on mortality and interest rates. However, this approach is being superseded by developments in international accounting and solvency standards coupled with other advances enabling a market-based valuation of risk, i.e., its price if traded in a free market. The book describes these approaches, and is the first to explain them in conjunction with more traditional methods. The various chapters address specific aspects of market-based valuation. The exposition integrates methods and results from financial and insurance mathematics, and is based on the entries in a life insurance company's market accounting scheme. The book will be of great interest and use to students and practitioners who need an introduction to this area, and who seek a practical yet sound guide to life insurance accounting and product development.

  • af Thomas Möller & Erling Samuelsson
    95,95 kr.

    Der er i dag så mange tilbud både på jobbet og derhjemme, at man har brug for at kunne styre sit tidsforbrug. De fleste af os vil det hele, men har ikke tiden til det. Derfor er det nødvendigt at prioritere, hvad der er vigtigt her og nu, og hvordan tiden bedst bruges på det. Det er nødvendigt at planlægge, hvad den næste opgave er, samt hvordan den bedst gribes an. For at blive god til at styre sin tid skal man kunne prioritere, og man skal have en stærk selvdisciplin, så man følger sine valg. Bogen giver nogle simple regler til at forbedre din performance og holde snor i den tid, du bruger. Der findes mange tidsrøvere, og med denne lille bog, kan du slippe ud af deres kløer.

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