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  • af Thomas Schachtebeck
    548,95 kr.

    Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Didaktik - Englisch - Pädagogik, Sprachwissenschaft, Note: 2,0, Freie Universität Berlin, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Aufgrund meiner Beobachtungen und der Lehreraussagen an Berliner Grundschulen kam ich zu der Vermutung, dass die doch recht schlecht ausgeprägten kommunikativen Fertigkeiten der von mir beobachteten Schüler eventuell auf die Qualität der im Unterricht verwendeten Lehrwerke zurückgeführt werden könnte, da diese für einen kommunikativen und handlungsorientierten Englischunterricht unter Umständen nicht optimal konzipiert sind. Um diesem Sachverhalt nachzugehen und nachzuforschen, ob meine Vermutung tatsächlich gerechtfertigt und zutreffend ist, soll es das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit sein, den Stellenwert des Sprechens in ausgewählten Lehrwerken, die im Englischunterricht der Berliner Grundschule benutzt werden zu überprüfen. Dabei soll untersucht werden, welche unterschiedlichen Übungstypologien die Lehrwerke zur Ausbildung der kommunikativen Fertigkeiten anbieten, in welchem Umfang diese Übungstypologien jeweils vertreten sind und inwiefern diese "kommunikativen" Übungstypologien die im Rahmenlehrplan für Englisch festgeschriebenen kommunikativen Fertigkeiten abverlangen und fördern. Vor dem Hintergrund der Globalisierung in unserer heutigen Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft ist die Kommunikation nicht nur im Berufsleben, sondern auch im Alltag und in den Medien zunehmend mehrsprachig geprägt. Deshalb muss es eine der zentralen Aufgaben des Schulunterrichts sein, bei den heranwachsenden Schülern die Entwicklung einer interkulturellen fremdsprachigen Handlungsfähigkeit zu fördern, um sie auf ein Leben in einer immer enger zusammenwachsenden Welt vorzubereiten, in der Menschen unterschiedlichster Kulturen und Nationalitäten auf engstem Raum zusammenleben.

  • - Gothic Elements in the Victorian Novel
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    151,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject Didactics - English - Literature, Works, grade: 2,0, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Surveying English Literatures II , language: English, abstract: Gothic Elements in the Victorian Novel -The Meaning of Mystery and Suspense in Jane Eyre1 IntroductionUndoubtedly, Charlotte Brontë¿s Jane Eyre was one of the most successful and influential novels published during the era of Victorian England, which lasted from 1837 until 1901 , and even today, Jane Eyre is regarded as one of the most important masterpieces in the history of world literature. Although Brontë¿s novel primarily fulfills features of the romance novel ¿ certainly a very popular and widespread genre among Victorian writers - Jane Eyre can be accounted a hybrid of three literary genres, which not only shares romantic elements, but also characteristics of the Bildungsroman and the Gothic novel. However, Brontë¿s novel basically follows ¿two traditional plot lines¿ (Heller 1993: 49) of Victorian women writing. On the one hand, Jane Eyre comprises a love story between a man and a women, represented by the relationship between Jane and Rochester, which clearly corresponds to romance elements, whereas, on the other hand, the story of Jane¿s personal and psychological development, which is expressed by her different encounters with the external world over a large range of time, corresponds to the female Bildungsroman. Nevertheless, in Jane Eyre, both plots are strongly interrelated with each other, what makes each plot rather complex and difficult to analyse (cf. Heller 1993: 49). Moreover, Charlotte Brontë repeatedly utilised several mysterious and horrific incidents - which are clear indicators for a Gothic influence - throughout the whole novel. The question may be raised, how and for what purpose did Brontë implant Gothic elements in her novel, although the period of ¿classic¿ Gothic writing had already come to an end in the early 19th century. Was it just for the cause of catching the reader¿s attention and making the story more interesting to read, or was there even more behind it?In order to find a suitable answer to that question, this essay will first point out a couple of striking and important scenes which represent typical Gothic features in Jane Eyre, and then, it will try to analyse the causes for the application of these Gothic elements and their effect on the novel¿s message which is aimed to be delivered.

  • - A Tightrope Walk Between Oral Communication and Written Communication
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    151,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Miscellaneous, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin (Sprachenzentrum), course: Sprachpraxismodul Oral Skills/Writing Skills II, language: English, abstract: Due to the fact that the number of Internet users worldwide has grown at 146.2% within the last five years from 2000 to 2005, the Internet itself has become one of the most important and essential kinds of modern media we can imagine these days - at least in the industrialised countries . Recent research statistics from the 31st of March 2005 show that there are currently 888,681,131 Internet users all over the world, which constitutes 13.9% of the whole world population . The main reason why the Internet has established such a prominent position in the world of media is because it covers a wide-ranging field of interests such as news, career, spare time activities, and communication. Since human beings are primarily characterised by an intrinsic urge to communicate with one another, it is no wonder that the invention of the Internet has brought up various forms of computer mediated communication (CMC). One of the most popular and favoured forms of CMC is Internet Chat because it is said to be so close to face-to-face communication like no other kind of mediated communication.In the following section, this report will first give some brief background information about Internet Chat; then it will investigate the general structure pattern of chat conversations; and finally, it will analyse the relationship between verbal and nonverbal language aspects of chat communication in order to find out whether Internet Chat can really be regarded as a written form of oral communication which integrates oral components into graphical constructions of utterances (Schmidt 2000 : 126).

  • - The function of music in Rushdie's novel
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    159,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works, grade: 1,7, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Literary Concepts II: Intermediality , language: English, abstract: [...]In his seventh novel The Ground Beneath Her Feet (hereafter GF), Rushdie tells the love story of the 20th century pop icons Vina Aspara and Ormus Cama. However, GF is not exclusively about love since the novel also combines a lot of historical and mythological aspects with the mainstream pop culture of the 20th century. In fact, the field of pop music seems to be central next to the novel¿s love theme because throughout the whole book, extracts of original and remodelled song lyrics are incorporated into the texture of GF, and these song lyrics are ¿ amongst many other things - used to reflect the love between the novel¿s protagonists. Furthermore, the subject of music is also realised by the adoption of another strategy. Although the novel is said to be fictional, GF ¿tries to blur the edges between the fictional world and the real world¿ [Rushdie, interview with Vijaya Nagarajan 1999]. Therefore, Rushdie applied the technique of the alienation effect, which aims to make the familiar seem strange. This technique was predominantly realised by embedding mythological aspects in the story of GF and changing historical events which actually happened. Consequently, Rushdie created a ¿parallel version of the world¿, which is slightly different from reality. The most influential aspect which makes the familiar life of the novel¿s pop stars seem strange is its comparison with the Orpheus myth. Moreover, the Orpheus myth dignifies music as it basically declares that ¿one can kill the singer, but not the song.¿Since the subject of music seems to be of crucial importance in GF, and Salman Rushdie regards pop music as the ¿first cultural phenomenon of extraordinary force¿ [Rushdie, interview with Vijaya Nagarajan 1999], this paper aims to explore which different functions music fulfils in Rushdie¿s novel. Therefore, this paper will first give a brief and general overview about the theoretical background of intermediality and the interrelation between literature and music. Afterwards, it will try to uncover in which ways music is related to GF by pointing out the different purposes music fulfils in terms of the novel¿s mythological aspect, the topic of globalisation and the love theme. Finally, this paper will work out in how far GF draws parallels to the life and music of famous pop icons like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan, but the paper¿s main interest is clearly dedicated to Ormus Camäs resemblances to Bob Dylan.

  • - Spelling differences between the two standard varieties
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    151,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Grammar, Style, Working Technique, grade: 1,3, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Sociolinguistics and Varieties of English II , language: English, abstract: Throughout the 20th century, Standard British English (hereafter BrE) and Standard American English (hereafter AmE) made up the two ¿reference varieties¿ of the English language. Even today - in the 21st century ¿ BrE and AmE represent ¿a large proportion of all native speakers of English (83 per cent)¿ [Svartvik & Leech 2006: 150] in the world. The reason why these two varieties have aquired such a prestigious position among many other varieties of English is that in Great Britain and in the United States - two of the most influential nations of the 20th century in terms of political power and economical strength ¿ ¿English has been institutionalised longer than anywhere else¿ [Cheshire 1991: 13]. Consequently, BrE and AmE ¿provided the chief native-speaker models which non-native speaking teachers of English¿ [Svartvik & Leech 2006: 150] aim to instil.Although both ¿reference varieties¿ of English seem to be very much the same at first sight, ¿British and American English undoubtedly are different, and Englishmen and Americans undoubtedly know it.¿ [Partridge & Clark 1951: 308]. Closer investigations reveal that AmE is different from BrE at levels of phonetics, phonology, grammar, lexis and spelling. Whereas the fields of pronunciation and lexis definitely share the most prominent and numerous differences between AmE and BrE, the field of spelling shows only a couple of minor differences. Today, the vast majority of English lexis is spelled the same in AmE and BrE. However - to a certain extent - there are some characteristic spelling differences between AmE and BrE which many learners of English are not well familiar with. In the following, this paper concentrates on pointing out the major differences in spelling between contemporary AmE and BrE since this linguistic field of interest is very strongly related to the different historical and political developments America and Great Britain went through. Therefore, this paper will first work out some historical reasons for the development of spelling differences between the two ¿reference varieties¿ and highlight Americäs most influential attempts to standardise American spelling. Afterwards, it will give a detailed overview about the most prominent and common spelling differences between AmE and BrE by categorising them into three major groups and providing a couple of examples for each group, and finally, this paper will briefly reflect on the situation of AmE and BrE in the world today.

  • - The Knight of the Lion" in contrast: Differences between the Middle English poem and its French source
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    151,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - History of Literature, Eras, grade: 1,7, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Medieval English Literatures II : English Arthurian Romances , language: English, abstract: There is no doubt that Chrétien de Troyes was one of the most influential writers in the Middle Ages, and his poem Yvain: The Knight of the Lion (Yvain: Le Chevalier au Lion) is probably one of the greatest masterpieces of medieval writing. Since there are many different redactions of Chrétien¿s Yvain: The Knight of the Lion (hereafter Yvain) today ¿ such as Hartmann von Aue¿s Iwein, the Welsh Owein, and the Middle English Ywain and Gawain (hereafter YG) ¿ it can be rightfully claimed that Yvain had a huge impact on the literary world of the Middle Ages. Referring to the English world of literature, YG is ¿ of course - the most popular redaction of Chrétien¿s Yvain. However, there are a lot of critics who argue whether this Middle English redaction of Chrétien¿s Yvain should be regarded ¿as a work of art in its own right or as merely a translation¿ [Finlayson 1969: 312] of its French source. In order to give proof that YG is a work of its own rather than a pure literal translation of Chrétien¿s Yvain, this paper aims to highlight and analyse some striking differences between these two poems. Therefore, this paper will first focus on some differences in terms of form and style, and then, it will concentrate on some matters which are related to different meanings and different focal points of YG and Yvain.

  • - A Subculture Struggling for Power, Respect and Male Identity
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    328,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Didactics - English - Miscellaneous, grade: 2,0, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Verttiefungsmodul Culture - Gender - Media II, language: English, abstract: Contents1 Introduction2 Spotlight on Football Hooligans ¿ A Theoretical Background2.1 Defining the Terms ¿Hooligan¿ and ¿Hooliganism¿2.2 The History of Football Hooliganism in England2.3 The Subculture of Football Hooligans ¿ Specific Characteristics, Attitudes and Behaviour Patterns2.4 A Typical Day of Football Hooligans3 The Representation of Masculinity in John King¿s The Football Factory3.1 The Meaning of Violence and Gang Fights3.2 The Importance of Male Bonding3.3 Male Sexuality and the Protagonist¿s Attitude towards Women4 ConclusionReferences[...]The reason why the phenomenon of hooliganism is so strongly linked to football is because this kind of sport is seen ¿as an appropriate venue for [...] aggressive rivalries, partly because of the working class roots and traditions of the game but also because of the culturally prescribed ¿territorial¿ and masculine values which are intrinsic to it.¿ (Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research 2001: 1) Thus, there is no doubt that typical attitudes and emotions representing ¿true masculinity¿ (Holt 1989: 8), such as the celebration of physical strength and the loyalty to ¿mates¿ or to a specific territory, are traditional and popular features of football culture. [...]Since meanwhile, the male-dominated subculture of football hooligans has not only grown to a serious problem in England but also in many other countries around Europe, football-related antisocial behaviour has become a subject to much discussion about masculinity and subcultures in the fields of academics and the media over the past several years and decades. Consequently, my paper aims at presenting football hooliganism as a male subculture with its own values and rituals, which are clearly different from those of our dominant culture, and, furthermore, it tries to analyse what images of masculinity are associated with the subculture of ¿ particularly English ¿ football hooligans. Therefore, my paper will first provide some important theoretical background information about hooligans, which are necessary in order to get into the topic of football hooliganism more elaborately. Then, it will analyse why hooligans belong to a certain form of subculture by presenting and explaining specific characteristics, attitudes and behaviour patterns of football hooligans, and, finally, it shall explore what kind of masculinity is represented by the football hooligans described in John King¿s novel The Football Factory.

  • - Der Einsatz von Rollenspielen zur Foerderung der kommunikativen Kompetenz im Englischunterricht einer 5. Klasse
    af Thomas Schachtebeck
    370,95 kr.

    Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Didaktik - Englisch - Pädagogik, Sprachwissenschaft, Note: 1,6, 2. Schulpraktisches Seminar (S) Treptow-Köpenick, Veranstaltung: Fachseminar Englisch, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Auch der RLP schlägt vor, dass Rollenspiele geeignete Sprechanlässe sind, um die Basisstrategien: auswendig gelernte Sprachmuster verwenden; Raster als Sprechhilfe benutzen; vorgegebene Strukturen mit eigenem Wortschatz mischen [Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Sport Berlin et al. 2006: 20.]zu üben, den Anteil der aktiven Sprechzeit zu erhöhen, die SuS durch reale Alltagssituationen zum Sprechen zu motivieren und schließlich die Kompetenz des mündlichen Sprachgebrauchs zu festigen und zu verbessern. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es daher, am Beispiel des Rollenspieleinsatzes in einer 5. Klasse der Beatrix-Potter-Grundschule der Frage nachzugehen, ob Rollenspiele im Englischunterricht tatsächlich eine geeignete Methode sind, um die SuS zum aktiven, freien Sprechen zu motivieren, die aktive Redezeit im Gegensatz zum traditionellen Englischunterricht zu erhöhen und letzten Endes die kommunikative Kompetenz der SuS anzuregen, zu fördern und zu verbessern.

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