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Bøger af Tibor Kiss

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  • af Tibor Kiss
    347,95 kr.

    A classical viewpoint claims that reality consists of both things and stuff, and that we need a way to discuss these aspects of reality. This is achieved by using +count terms to talk about things while using +mass terms to talk about stuff. Bringing together contributions from internationally-renowned experts across interrelated disciplines, this book explores the relationship between mass and count nouns in a number of syntactic environments, and across a range of languages. It both explains how languages differ in their methods for describing these two fundamental categories of reality, and shows the many ways that modern linguistics looks to describe them. It also explores how the notions of count and mass apply to 'abstract nouns', adding a new dimension to the countability discussion. With its pioneering approach to the fundamental questions surrounding mass-count distinction, this book will be essential reading for researchers in formal semantics and linguistic typology.

  • af Tibor Kiss & Artemis Alexiadou
    4.056,95 kr.

  • af Tibor Kiss & Artemis Alexiadou
    3.982,95 kr.

    This Handbook represents the development of research and the current level of knowledge in the fields of syntactic theory and syntax analysis. Syntax can look back to a long tradition. Especially in the last 50 years, however, the interaction between syntactic theory and syntactic analysis has led to a rapid increase in analyses and theoretical suggestions. This second edition of the Handbook on Syntax adopts a unifying perspective and therefore does not place the division of syntactic theory into several schools to the fore, but the increase in knowledge resulting from the fruitful argumentations between syntactic analysis and syntactic theory. It uses selected phenomena of individual languages and their cross-linguistic realizations to explain what syntactic analyses can do and at the same time to show in what respects syntactic theories differ from each other.It investigates how syntax is related to neighbouring disciplines and investigate the role of theinterfaces especially the relationship between syntax and phonology, morphology, compositional semantics, pragmatics, and the lexicon. The phenomena chosen bring together renowned experts in syntax, andrepresent the consensus reached as to what has to be considered as an important as well as illustrative syntactic phenomenon. The phenomena discuss do not only serve to show syntactic analyses, but also to compare theoretical approaches with each other.

  • af Tibor Kiss & Artemis Alexiadou
    3.982,95 kr.

    This Handbook represents the development of research and the current level of knowledge in the fields of syntactic theory and syntax analysis. Syntax can look back to a long tradition. Especially in the last 50 years, however, the interaction between syntactic theory and syntactic analysis has led to a rapid increase in analyses and theoretical suggestions. This second edition of the Handbook on Syntax adopts a unifying perspective and therefore does not place the division of syntactic theory into several schools to the fore, but the increase in knowledge resulting from the fruitful argumentations between syntactic analysis and syntactic theory. It uses selected phenomena of individual languages and their cross-linguistic realizations to explain what syntactic analyses can do and at the same time to show in what respects syntactic theories differ from each other.It investigates how syntax is related to neighbouring disciplines and investigate the role of theinterfaces especially the relationship between syntax and phonology, morphology, compositional semantics, pragmatics, and the lexicon. The phenomena chosen bring together renowned experts in syntax, andrepresent the consensus reached as to what has to be considered as an important as well as illustrative syntactic phenomenon. The phenomena discuss do not only serve to show syntactic analyses, but also to compare theoretical approaches with each other.

  • - Neue Studien zum deutschen Verbum infinitum
    af Tibor Kiss
    1.547,95 kr.

    Over the past few decades, the book series Linguistische Arbeiten [Linguistic Studies], comprising over 500 volumes, has made a significant contribution to the development of linguistic theory both in Germany and internationally. The series will continue to deliver new impulses for research and maintain the central insight of linguistics that progress can only be made in acquiring new knowledge about human languages both synchronically and diachronically by closely combining empirical and theoretical analyses. To this end, we invite submission of high-quality linguistic studies from all the central areas of general linguistics and the linguistics of individual languages which address topical questions, discuss new data and advance the development of linguistic theory.

  • - Eine Einfuhrung in die deklarative Grammatikanalyse
    af Tibor Kiss
    727,95 kr.

    "e;Merkmale und Reprasentationen"e; ist eine Einfuhrung in die HPSG (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar), eine deklarative Syntax-Theorie, die - auf rigiden mathematischen Konzepten aufbauend - sowohl innerhalb der theoretischen Linguistik als auch innerhalb der Computerlinguistik eingesetzt wird. Nach einer Diskussion der wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen und einer Einfuhrung in die benotigten mathematischen Konzepte folgt anhand verschiedener Phanomenbereiche aus dem Deutschen (NP,Satzstruktur, Infinitivkonstruktionen) eine Einfuhrung in die Methoden und Prinzipien der HPSG. Der Untersuchungsschwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf dem Deutschen. Die Einfuhrung richtet sich an Studierende der Linguistik, die Grundkenntnisse in der Syntax-Analyse besitzen.

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