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  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    535,95 kr.

    Conociendo el fascinante mundo de la Geodesia puedes saber la orientación, inclinación y desarrollo de la superficie terrestres, y el planeta como tal. Aquí una muestra de ese mágico mundo de conocimiento científico aplicado a un área del municipio de Teustepe en el Departamento de Boaco en Nicaragua conocido como Finca La Coca, un sitio rural ubicado a pocos minutos del casco urbano de Teustepe. En este libro encontrará lo más variados gráfico, mapas, cuadros y datos útiles y práctico para la toma de decisiones dirigida a la planificación física de territorio y ordenanza municipal. Un libro con rico contenido, cuidadosamente elaborado y revisado para su disposición por quienes deseen conocer de topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía rural, así como medición de campo a través de tecnología GPS y levantamiento de datos in situ. Este libro está dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de la Geología, Geografia, Historia, especialista en planificación, ingeniero geodestas, y Comunicadores Sociales.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    504,95 kr.

    Heute umfasst die künstliche Intelligenz eine Vielzahl von Teilbereichen. Diese reichen von allgemeinen Bereichen wie Lernen und Wahrnehmung bis hin zu spezifischeren Bereichen wie Spracherkennung, Schachspielen, Beweisen mathematischer Theoreme, Schreiben von Gedichten und Diagnose von Krankheiten. Künstliche Intelligenz synthetisiert und automatisiert Aufgaben, die im Prinzip intellektuell sind, und ist daher potenziell für jeden Bereich menschlicher intellektueller Aktivitäten relevant. In diesem Sinne ist sie ein wahrhaft universelles Gebiet. Künstliche Intelligenz ist eine neue Form der Problemlösung, die Expertensysteme, die Handhabung und Steuerung von Robotern und Prozessoren umfasst und versucht, Wissen in solche Systeme zu integrieren, d. h. ein intelligentes System, das sein eigenes Programm schreiben kann. Ein Expertensystem ist definiert als eine Programmierstruktur, die in der Lage ist, Wissen über einen bestimmten Bereich zu speichern und zu nutzen, was sich in seiner Lernfähigkeit niederschlägt. In ähnlicher Weise kann KI als die Fähigkeit von Maschinen betrachtet werden, Algorithmen zu verwenden, um aus Daten zu lernen.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    504,95 kr.

    Today, artificial intelligence encompasses a wide variety of subfields. These range from areas of general purpose, learning and perception, to more specific ones such as speech recognition, playing chess, proving mathematical theorems, writing poetry and diagnosing diseases. Artificial intelligence synthesizes and automates tasks that are in principle intellectual and is therefore potentially relevant to any field of human intellectual activities. In this sense, it is a genuinely universal field. Artificial intelligence is a new form of problem solving, including expert systems, robot handling and control, and processors, which attempts to integrate knowledge into such systems, in other words, an intelligent system capable of writing its own program. An expert system defined as a programming structure capable of storing and using knowledge about a given area that translates into its ability to learn. Similarly, AI can be considered as the ability of machines to use algorithms, learning from data.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    504,95 kr.

    Atualmente, a inteligência artificial engloba uma grande variedade de subdomínios. Estes vão desde áreas de objetivo geral, aprendizagem e perceção, até áreas mais específicas, como o reconhecimento da fala, jogar xadrez, provar teoremas matemáticos, escrever poesia e diagnosticar doenças. A inteligência artificial sintetiza e automatiza tarefas que são, em princípio, intelectuais e é, por conseguinte, potencialmente relevante para qualquer domínio das actividades intelectuais humanas. Neste sentido, é um domínio verdadeiramente universal. A inteligência artificial é uma nova forma de resolução de problemas, incluindo os sistemas periciais, a manipulação e o controlo de robôs e os processadores, que tenta integrar o conhecimento nesses sistemas, ou seja, um sistema inteligente capaz de escrever o seu próprio programa. Um sistema pericial é definido como uma estrutura de programação capaz de armazenar e utilizar conhecimentos sobre um determinado domínio, o que se traduz na sua capacidade de aprendizagem. Do mesmo modo, a IA pode ser considerada como a capacidade das máquinas de utilizarem algoritmos, de aprenderem com os dados.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    504,95 kr.

    Oggi l'intelligenza artificiale comprende un'ampia varietà di sottocampi. Questi spaziano da aree a scopo generale, come l'apprendimento e la percezione, ad aree più specifiche come il riconoscimento vocale, il gioco degli scacchi, la dimostrazione di teoremi matematici, la scrittura di poesie e la diagnosi di malattie. L'intelligenza artificiale sintetizza e automatizza compiti che sono in linea di principio intellettuali ed è quindi potenzialmente rilevante per qualsiasi dominio delle attività intellettuali umane. In questo senso, è un campo veramente universale. L'intelligenza artificiale è una nuova forma di risoluzione dei problemi, che comprende i sistemi esperti, la manipolazione e il controllo dei robot e i processori, che cerca di integrare la conoscenza in tali sistemi, in altre parole, un sistema intelligente in grado di scrivere il proprio programma. Un sistema esperto è definito come una struttura di programmazione in grado di immagazzinare e utilizzare la conoscenza di un determinato settore che si traduce nella sua capacità di apprendere. Analogamente, l'IA può essere considerata come la capacità delle macchine di utilizzare algoritmi, di apprendere dai dati.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    504,95 kr.

    Aujourd'hui, l'intelligence artificielle englobe une grande variété de sous-domaines. Ceux-ci vont des domaines généraux, de l'apprentissage et de la perception, à des domaines plus spécifiques tels que la reconnaissance vocale, le jeu d'échecs, la démonstration de théorèmes mathématiques, l'écriture de poèmes et le diagnostic de maladies. L'intelligence artificielle synthétise et automatise des tâches qui sont en principe intellectuelles et est donc potentiellement pertinente pour tout domaine d'activités intellectuelles humaines. En ce sens, il s'agit d'un domaine véritablement universel. L'intelligence artificielle est une nouvelle forme de résolution de problèmes, y compris les systèmes experts, la manipulation et le contrôle de robots et les processeurs, qui tente d'intégrer la connaissance dans de tels systèmes, en d'autres termes, un système intelligent capable d'écrire son propre programme. Un système expert est défini comme une structure de programmation capable de stocker et d'utiliser des connaissances dans un domaine donné, ce qui se traduit par une capacité d'apprentissage. De même, l'IA peut être considérée comme la capacité des machines à utiliser des algorithmes, à apprendre à partir de données.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    504,95 kr.

    En la actualidad, la inteligencia artificial abarca una gran variedad de subcampos. Estos van desde áreas de propósito general, aprendizaje y percepción, a otras más específicas como el Reconocimiento de voz, el juego de ajedrez, la demostración de teoremas matemáticos, la escritura de poesía y el diagnóstico de enfermedades. La inteligencia artificial sintetiza y automatiza tareas que en principio son intelectuales y, por lo tanto, es potencialmente relevante para cualquier ámbito de actividades intelectuales humanas. En este sentido, es un campo genuinamente universal. La inteligencia artificial es una nueva forma de resolver problemas dentro de los cuales se incluyen los sistemas expertos, el manejo y control de robots y los procesadores, que intenta integrar el conocimiento en tales sistemas, en otras palabras, un sistema inteligente capaz de escribir su propio programa. Un sistema experto definido como una estructura de programación capaz de almacenar y utilizar un conocimiento sobre un área determinada que se traduce en su capacidad de aprendizaje. De igual manera se puede considerar a la IA como la capacidad de las máquinas para usar algoritmos, aprender de los datos.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    497,95 kr.

    This text presents the main elements of a life project with clear and simple examples in the city of Teustepe in the department of Boaco (Nicaragua). It identifies the social and economic context of each project, complemented with the financial plan and work program for its execution. It allows readers to develop the process in an orderly and systematic manner. This book reveals the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of the author, his responsibility and social commitment. It shows creativity, organization, planning, leadership and the ability to interpret reality and transform it. With this text, the graduates of the last year of Secondary School of the Ministry of Education (Mined) are facilitated to enter the current labor market. This book presents specific development processes of three life projects: Café Molido La Joya, MARYGH Bakery and Pastelitos Los Ángeles. Undoubtedly, the development of these projects requires the guidance of language and literature specialists. With this work, self-employment is promoted and with it a better quality of life, strengthening the family economy and improving local development.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    697,95 kr.

    Community entrepreneurship is summarized in a set of efforts made by a group of people who make up an organization, association, community or other type of entity in order to improve the social and economic situation of each of the members in a local environment. They are known by the name of Life Projects. They are business ideas to manage self-employment and contribute to the productive, social and economic development of a geographic region. This work was carried out in the city of Teustepe and its neighboring communities within the framework of educational projects promoted by the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education with students in the last year of secondary education to promote entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and leadership. In turn, improve the quality of life of its protagonists, and family economy. We thank the teachers of the fourth cycle of the Youth and Adult Education program of the Ministry of Education (Mined) for their permanent motivation, excellent educational work and dedication to service, with the valuable and successful collaboration of the Spanish academic publishing house, an icon of daily effort and dedication.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    552,95 kr.

    Existential is a text to meditate, reflect and analyze. A useful and practical book that puts into perspective our location in space and time, in life and nature. Because everything that happens around us has an explanation, and is connected with all natural beings. The book is illustrated with photos, data and illustrations that enhance the knowledge on this subject. With this book are exposed various episodes of our human nature that must be understood to lead a better quality of life, peace and harmony. I invite you to discover through its pages the interesting and new content that will help a lot in your personal training and professional growth, in the family and in the community. This text is aimed at professionals in journalism, psychology, social communication, philosophy and higher education students. It is dedicated to God for giving us the wisdom, understanding, strength, energy and inspiration to take the right paths. We hope you enjoy this book.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    517,95 kr.

    Geoethics deals with scientific, technical, educational, social and cultural practices related to sustainability, development, geodiversity, geological heritage, rational exploitation of mineral resources, responsibility in the prediction and mitigation of natural hazards, among others, both on Earth and, with a view to the future, in other spatial bodies. In addition to the deontological principles of honesty, integrity, professional secrecy, loyal competence, etc., shared by other professions, geoethics establishes other principles on which the behavior of geologists should be based. Internationally, two scientific societies dedicated to the promotion and development of geoethics have developed, both under the auspices of the International Union of Geological Sciences: the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH) and the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG). Every professional community strives to maintain certain standards of competence and quality in its work. For this reason, it controls and supervises, in some way, the integration of new members and the adequate professional practice.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    532,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    In this book you will find the breakdown of steps to prepare the protocol or scientific research project contextualized in an area of the city of Managua through a case experience on the elaboration of Rosemary shampoo by artisanal means. This document is based on the analysis and revision of the document, aimed at a process of experimentation based on a controlled observation of variables. Through this project it will be possible to know better the techniques and purely scientific procedures with an approach directed to the family economy, and health in a population group of people with age ranges between 35 to 60 years old.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    Neste livro encontrará a discriminação dos passos para a elaboração do protocolo ou projeto de investigação científica contextualizado numa zona da cidade de Manágua através de uma experiência de caso sobre a elaboração de champô de alecrim por via artesanal. Este documento baseia-se na análise e revisão de um documento, visando um processo de experimentação baseado numa observação controlada de variáveis. Através deste projeto, será possível conhecer melhor as técnicas e os procedimentos puramente científicos com incidência na economia familiar e na saúde de um grupo populacional de pessoas entre os 35 e os 60 anos de idade.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    In questo libro troverete la suddivisione delle fasi di preparazione del protocollo o del progetto di ricerca scientifica contestualizzato in un'area della città di Managua attraverso un caso di esperienza sull'elaborazione dello shampoo al rosmarino per via artigianale. Questo documento si basa sull'analisi e la revisione di un documento, finalizzato a un processo di sperimentazione basato sull'osservazione controllata delle variabili. Attraverso questo progetto sarà possibile approfondire le tecniche e le procedure puramente scientifiche con un'attenzione particolare all'economia familiare e alla salute in un gruppo di popolazione di età compresa tra i 35 e i 60 anni.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    The field survey in the field of topography is one of the key processes of scientific research, in fact, from there, more effective and realistic decisions are made, a budget is built, and it is decided what equipment or technique will be used for a topographic survey altimetry and planimetric. Through the topographic survey, the current natural conditions of the terrain are evaluated. Likewise, the type and quantity of personnel to be employed in the topographic survey is decided. For this reason, it is one of the most important stages prior to the execution of an engineering work or cadastral survey. In this book you will find updated data on the subject, photos, maps, and graphics that improve the understanding of the subject. We hope you enjoy it.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    Neste segundo número da Revista Ciencia y Humanidad destacamos aspectos relevantes da literatura e dos seus diferentes géneros literários, tais como ensaios, contos, poemas e prosa, que têm servido para reconstruir diferentes cenários que envolvem a sociedade de hoje. Esta revista destaca o trabalho profissional no campo literário, tendo uma projecção educativa e muito útil para jovens e adultos dedicados à actividade literária, ou estudantes universitários que estudam filologia, comunicação social, jornalismo, língua e literatura, filosofia. O objectivo desta revista é partilhar material literário que ajudará o leitor ávido a melhorar as suas aptidões e capacidades, encorajando a sua imaginação, criatividade, capacidade analítica e fortalecendo os processos de memória.Hoje em dia, a leitura é a forma de abrir o caminho para descobrir outros mundos e formas de ver a realidade, despertando o interesse de muitos leitores, e não há nada melhor do que um bom livro que o ajude pela mão e o encoraje a dar este pequeno mas grande passo em direcção ao raciocínio crítico e profundo do ambiente que nos rodeia e nos afecta.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    In this second issue of the Revista Ciencia y Humanidad we highlight relevant aspects of literature and its different literary genres, such as essays, stories, poems and prose, which have served to reconstruct different scenarios that involve today's society. This magazine highlights the professional work in the literary field having an educational projection and very useful for young people and adults engaged in literary activity, or university students who are pursuing careers in philology, social communication, journalism, language and literature, philosophy. This magazine aims to share literary material that will serve the diligent reader to improve their skills and abilities, encouraging their imagination, creativity, analytical skills and strengthening memory processes.Nowadays, reading is the way to open steps to discover other worlds and ways of seeing reality, awakening interest in many readers, and there is nothing better than a good book that helps you by the hand and encourages you to take this small and big step to critical and deep reasoning of the environment that surrounds us and affects us.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    457,95 kr.

    The first edition of the Revista Ciencia y Humanidad invites us to explore the wonders of geology and seismology, as well as archaeological aspects of great touristic and cultural value. This publication contributes to scientific education with quality based on international standards of scientific research. Science and Humanity Magazine presents a compendium of carefully developed articles based on thorough studies developed in Nicaragua. Here you will find photos, maps, graphs and other resources to better illustrate the reader. With the Journal, the international dissemination of academic results is given way to greater dissemination of research work that contributes to the social, environmental and economic development of today's societies.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    622,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    422,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    457,95 kr.

    Floods are one of the most lethal threats of nature because of their speed of formation and extent of destruction. Therefore, its study is extremely important because it disrupts the proper functioning of the economy and social and environmental development of many cities and municipalities not only in Nicaragua but also in Latin American countries and the world in general. A clear example is the overflow of the Fonseca River in the City of Teustepe, which completely destroyed the bridge that connected this place with other neighboring communities, such events took place on October 26, 2017. And as well as this site, there are many more that you will be able to read in this interesting book with abundant illustrative resources for use and handling of the reader. Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    297,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    297,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    297,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    297,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    297,95 kr.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    382,95 kr.

    La vulcanología clásica se refiere al estudio de los volcanes, la lava, el magma y otros fenómenos geológicos relacionados aquí en la Tierra. Un vulcanólogo es un estudioso de este campo. El término vulcanología viene de la palabra latina Vulc¿nus, Vulcano, el dios romano del fuego. Ahora bien, a raíz de la exploración espacial se observó que existe vulcanismo de baja temperatura en los cuerpos helados como Encelado, por citar un ejemplo. Este vulcanismo presenta el mismo fenómeno, un material que se funde por una diferencia de temperatura y es eyectado a la superficie. Por lo que la vulcanología moderna, se refiere a una fuente de calor y un material capaz de fundirse, de tal manera que se enfoca en el estudio del material eyectado, estructuras que forman y los procesos e interacciones asociadas a la formación y evolución del fundido, así como al origen de la fuente de calor. Los vulcanólogos visitan frecuentemente los volcanes Terrestres, en especial los que están activos, para observar las erupciones volcánicas, recoger restos volcánicos como la tephra (ceniza o piedra pómez), rocas y muestras de lava. Una vía de investigación mayoritaria es la predicción de las erupciones.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    422,95 kr.

    La ingeniería geológica es la rama de la ingeniería que aborda la resolución de problemas relacionados con la interacción directa e indirecta, del hombre con el medio geológico, entendido éste como el soporte de las actividades humanas.1¿ La ingeniería geológica comprende un amplio abanico de definiciones condicionadas por el país de origen. Bell (1992) define la ingeniería geológica como la aplicación de la geología a la ingeniería práctica o, dicho de otro modo, es la disciplina encargada de estudiar todos los factores geológicos que intervienen en la localización, diseño, construcción y mantenimiento de los trabajos de ingeniería. De forma similar, González de Vallejo et al., (2002) definen la ingeniería geológica como la ciencia aplicada al estudio y solución de los problemas de ingeniería y medioambiente. A su vez, la International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG, 1992) define la ingeniería geológica como la disciplina dedicada a la investigación, estudio y resolución de problemas de ingeniería y medioambiente que pueden resultar de la interacción entre la geología y los trabajos o actividades humanas, y correspondientes medidas de prevención geológica.

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