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Bøger af Ulla Rahbek

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  • - Uncertain Pathways to the Future
    af Mark Ølholm Eaton, Andrew Fish, Ole Helmersen, mfl.
    322,95 kr.

    As witnessed during the very close 2014 referendum on Scottish independence and during the 2016 referendum on British EU membership, sub-state national identities in Britain remain strong and increasingly challenge the idea of a United Kingdom. In Britain Today, topics and key subjects are chosen to reflect the most important social, political, and cultural issues in Britain today, with a focus on those that Scandinavian lecturers and students will find particularly important and engaging.This thoroughly revised second edition includes two new chapters on Socio-Economic Structures and Stratification and on Britain and the European Union. Topics and key subjects are chosen to reflect the most important social, political, and cultural issues in Britain today, with a focus on those that Scandinavian lecturers and students will find particularly important and engaging.Avoiding overly descriptive approaches, the book provides introductions to prominent ideas, social, political, and cultural critique and responses, all of contemporary relevance. In addition to providing the necessary basic and factual information, the book and its homepage suggest student assignments, topics for presentations and essays, and literature for further reading. The chapters of the book are organized thematically and arranged in balanced and substantial modules. This means that each chapter can stand alone and need not be read or taught as part of a particular sequence. This allows lecturers to easily design a course on the basis of Britain Today according to their own preferences or curricular demands.On the book's website, you can find assignments, relevant links and suggestions for further reading.

  • af Ulla Rahbek
    492,95 - 680,95 kr.

    This book explores contemporary British multicultural multi-genre literature. Rahbek analyses how twenty-first-century British multicultural novels both envision and reimagine an inclusive nation and thematise the detrimental effects of individual exclusion on characters' pursuits of the good life.

  • - Developments in Contemporary British Society
    af Jørgen Sevaldsen, Ole Vadmand, Jan Erik Mustad & mfl.
    191,95 kr.

    This introduction to British society and culture is a joint venture between Danish and Norwegian writers. The focus is on understanding the main features of contemporary British society through discussions of political, historical and cultural processes. Modern Britain is primarily aimed at Scandinavian students of English and students engaged in the study of the cultures and histories of the British Isles. It may be used as a set text for foundation and Bachelor level students of British culture, civilisation, history and social sciences

  • af Ulla Rahbek
    377,95 kr.

    Global Voices er en bog om globale samtaler, møder, dialoger og stemmer i den engelsksprogede litteratur.Bogens tekster åbner for en rejse, hvor læserens nysgerrighed og lyst til at indgå i dialog giver mulighed for at træde ind i anderledes verdener. Teksterne er fra så forskellige steder som Australien, England, USA, Kina, Vietnam, Skotland, New Zealand, Vestindien og Nigeria og udgør en ’samtale’ mellem forfattere, kulturer og læsere.Tekstlæsning samt analyse og fortolkning er i fokus i Global Voices. Det er bogens mål at lære eleverne at læse med teori, så de lærer at bruge begreber som ’home’, ’identity’ og ’globalisation’ i deres læsning. Bogen udvikler elevernes kompetencer inden for åbenhed, tolerance, interaktion og interkulturel dialog, så de bliver bedre rustede som globale borgere.Global Voices består af 11 kapitler, der hver har et tematisk fokus som fx identitet, kolonisering eller historie. Hvert kapitels tekster er sat sammen, så der internt i kapitlet er en ’samtale’ mellem de to-fire tekster. Til hver tekst er der pre-reading, questions on the text og post-reading excercises. Forfatteren giver også i opgaverne forslag til, hvordan teksterne ’taler sammen’ på tværs af kapitlerne.

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