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Bøger af Veronica Roth

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  • Spar 19%
    - Divergent 2: Oprøreren
    af Veronica Roth
    162,95 kr.

    Fremtidens verden er inddelt i fem faktioner. Dit tilhørsforhold dikterer dit liv. Tris har fravalgt sin familie og sluttet sig til Skytsenglene. Men da der udbryder krig mellem faktionerne, og hendes nærmeste bliver dræbt, styrter hendes verden i grus.Som "divergent" bærer hun samtidig på en grusom hemmelighed. Hvis hun skal redde verden, må hun igen gøre sig fri. Også selvom det betyder, at hun må sige farvel til den, hun elsker allermest."Oprøreren" er anden bog i Divergent- trilogien. Første bog ("Afvigeren") var Veronica Roths debut som forfatter. Serien er oversat til 44 sprog og solgt i mere en 30 mio. eksemplarer.

  • Spar 19%
    - Divergent 3: Fornyeren
    af Veronica Roth
    162,95 kr.

    Hvad er sandheden værd? Kan man overhovedet sætte en pris på den? Tris og Four finder ud af, at hele deres liv og virkelighed har været baseret på en løgn. Deres verden er vendt på hovedet, og de må begge gøre op med sig selv, om de har troen på, at den kan rettes igen. Og ikke mindst om det vil være prisen værd."Fornyeren" er tredje bog i bestsellertrilogien "Divergent".Bøgerne er oversat til 44 sprog og er solgt i over 30 millioner eksemplarer.Filmen har dansk biografpremiere 16. marts 2016

  • Spar 25%
    af Veronica Roth
    49,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Fremtidens verden er inddelt i fem faktioner. Dit tilhørsforhold dikterer dit liv. Tris har fravalgt sin familie og sluttet sig til Skytsenglene. Men da der udbryder krig mellem faktionerne, og hendes nærmeste bliver dræbt, styrter hendes verden i grus.Som "divergent" bærer hun samtidig på en grusom hemmelighed. Hvis hun skal redde verden, må hun igen gøre sig fri. Også selvom det betyder, at hun må sige farvel til den, hun elsker allermest."Oprøreren" er anden bog i bestsellertrilogien "Divergent". Bøgerne er oversat til 44 sprog og er solgt i over 12 millioner eksemplarer.Divergent-trilogien er 23-årige Veronica Roths debut som forfatter. "Afvigeren" blev valgt som "Favourite Book 2011" på verdens største brugeranmeldelsessite,, og er allerede en New York Times-bestseller."Til alle, der elskede The Hunger Games." Publishers Weekly

  • Spar 19%
    - Afvigeren
    af Veronica Roth
    162,95 kr.

    Tris lever i en postapokalyptisk verden, hvor samfundet er inddelt i fem faktioner.Som 16-årig skal hun vælge, hvor hun hører til. Hendes valg vil diktere hendes venner, hendes idealer, hendes tilværelse.Det er et valg for livet.I sjældne tilfælde er der nogen, som falder uden for kategori.Hun afviger. Hendes liv er i fare."Afvigeren" er første bog i Divergent-trilogien og er 23-årige Veronica Roths debut som forfatter. Den blev valgt som "Favourite Book 2011" på verdens største brugeranmeldelsessite,, og er allerede en New York Times-bestseller.

  • Spar 25%
    af Veronica Roth
    49,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Hvad er sandheden værd? Kan man overhovedet sætte en pris på den? Tris og Four finder ud af, at hele deres liv og virkelighed har været baseret på en løgn.Deres verden er vendt på hovedet, og de må begge gøre op med sig selv, om de har troen på, at den kan rettes igen. Og ikke mindst om det vil være prisen værd."Fornyeren" er tredje og sidste bog i bestsellertrilogien "Divergent". Bøgerne er oversat til 44 sprog og er solgt i over 12 millioner eksemplarer.Divergent-trilogien er 23-årige Veronica Roths debut som forfatter. "Afvigeren" blev valgt som "Favourite Book 2011" på verdens største brugeranmeldelsessite,, og er allerede en New York Times-bestseller."Til alle, der elskede The Hunger Games." Publishers Weekly

  • Spar 21%
    af Veronica Roth
    49,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Tris lever i en postapokalyptisk verden, hvor samfundet er inddelt i fem faktioner. Som 16-årig skal hun vælge, hvor hun hører til. Hendes valg vil diktere hendes venner, hendes idealer, hendes tilværelse. Det er et valg for livet. I sjældne tilfælde er der nogen, som falder uden for kategori. Hun afviger. Hendes liv er i fare. "Afvigeren" er første bog i Divergent-serien og er 23-årige Veronica Roths debut som forfatter. Den blev valgt som "Favourite Book 2011" på verdens største brugeranmeldelsessite,, og er allerede en New York Times-bestseller. SÆRPRODUKTION

  • af Veronica Roth
    677,95 kr.

    No. 1 New York Times bestsellers DIVERGENT, INSURGENT and ALLEGIANT plus FOUR - A DIVERGENT COLLECTION and WORLD OF DIVERGENT available as a set for the first time! DIVERGENT is a major motion picture in 2014.

  • Spar 81%
    af Veronica Roth
    25,95 kr.

  • af Veronica Roth
    107,95 kr.

    Fans of Star Wars and Divergent will revel in internationally bestselling author Veronica Roth's first title in a stunning new science-fiction fantasy series.

  • af Veronica Roth
    125,95 kr.

  • af Veronica Roth
    147,95 kr.

    I anden bog i sin stort anlagte tobindsserie afslutter bestsellerforfatteren Veronica Roth sin fortælling om Cyra og Akos. Bogen er en farverig og storladen fortælling om håb og udholdenhed i et brutalt univers, fortalt fra fire forskellige perspektiver.Ved deres fødsler har oraklerne givet Cyra og Akos hver deres skæbne. Skæbner, der ikke kan undslippes. Akos er forelsket i Cyra, selvom hans skæbne har pålagt ham at dø i hendes families tjeneste.Cyras tyranniske far styrer sit folk med en jernnæve, og da han starter en altødelæggende krig, beslutter Cyra og Akos at forsøge at stoppe ham. Det betyder, at Akos' dage hurtigt kan være talte – og at Cyra måske vil være tvunget til at slå sin egen far ihjel.Men man kan opfylde sin skæbne på mange måder, og da slutspillet går i gang, er der blevet vendt op og ned på alle forestillinger og forudsigelser.Anden bog i Veronica Roths nye tobindsserie.

  • Spar 21%
    af Veronica Roth
    127,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Tobias blev kendt som den karismatiske og uudgrundelige "Four" i "Divergent - Afvigeren". Få indblik i Tobias' dramatiske baggrundshistorie, og kom helt tæt på de mest skelsættende øjeblikke i hans liv - fortalt fra hans perspektiv. Indeholder fire præ-Divergent-historier og tre ekstra episoder fra filmen.

  • af Veronica Roth
    212,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth, When Among Crows is a contemporary fantasy set in Chicago, where creatures from Slavic lore are real and among us, and is a story about the families we build-and the ones we destroy.

  • af Veronica Roth
    125,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times bestselling, creatures from Slavic folklore stalk Chicago. A story about the families we build and the ones we destroy.

  • af Veronica Roth
    172,95 kr.

  • af Veronica Roth
    165,95 kr.

    The best science fiction and fantasy stories of 2021, selected by series editor John Joseph Adams and guest editor Veronica Roth. This year's selection of science fiction and fantasy stories, chosen by series editor John Joseph Adams and bestselling author of the Divergent series Veronica Roth, showcases a crop of authors that are willing to experiment and tantalize readers with new takes on classic themes and by exchanging the ordinary for the avant-garde. Folktales and lore come alive, the dead rise, the depths of space are traversed, and magic threads itself through singular moments of love and loss, illuminating the circulatory nature of life, death, the in-between, and the hereafter. The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021 captures the all-too-real cataclysm of human nature, claiming its place in the series with compelling prose, lyrical composition, and curiosity's never-ending pursuit of discovering the unknown.

  • - Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, Four
    af Veronica Roth
    513,95 kr.

    Celebrate the tenth anniversary of the publication of Divergent with a special edition four-book boxed set of the #1 New York Times bestselling series that captured the hearts of millions of readers and inspired a series of major motion pictures starring Shailene Woodley. Each book in the set includes exclusive content from Veronica Roth and beautiful reimagined cover art from award-winning illustrator Victo Ngai. Beatrice Prior''s society is divided into five factions—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). Beatrice must choose between staying with her Abnegation family and transferring factions. Her choice could transform her. Her choice could destroy her. Her choice will define her. Containing anniversary editions of Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four, all featuring gorgeous panoramic cover art by Victo Ngai and extra content from Veronica Roth. A beautiful gift set for collectors and fans new and old. EXCLUSIVE EXTRAS The Histories of the Factions: Dauntless, Amity, Abnegation, Candor, and Erudite What''s in a Name? Essay Deleted Scenes: Tris and Tobias Break Up; The Roots of Amity; Marking the Divergent; Tris''s Erudite Hallucination In-depth Q&A with Veronica Roth about the characters of Caleb, Johanna, the Amity faction, and The Factionless Free Four: Tobias Tells the Divergent Story We Can Be Mended 

  • - Stories from the Future
    af Veronica Roth
    127,95 kr.

  • af Veronica Roth
    107,95 kr.

    Fans of the Divergent series by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be thrilled by Four: A Divergent Collection, a companion volume that includes four pre-Divergent stories told from Tobias Eaton's point of view.DIVERGENT, INSURGENT and ALLEGIANT were major blockbuster movies in 2014, 2015 and 2016.Readers first encountered Tobias Eaton as "e;Four"e; in Divergent. His voice is an integral part of Allegiant. Readers will find more of this charismatic character's backstory told from his own perspective in Four: A Divergent Collection. When read together, these long narrative pieces illuminate the defining moments in Tobias Eaton's life.The first three pieces in this volume - "e;The Transfer,"e; "e;The Initiate,"e; and "e;The Son"e; - follow Tobias's transfer from Abnegation to Dauntless, his Dauntless initiation, and the first clues that a foul plan is brewing in the leadership of two factions.The fourth story, "e;The Traitor,"e; runs parallel with the events of Divergent, giving readers a glimpse into the decisions of loyalty - and love - that Tobias makes in the weeks after he meets Tris Prior.Exclusive scenes included!

  • af Veronica Roth
    107,95 kr.

    In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.

  • af Veronica Roth
    107,95 - 126,95 kr.

    526 pages, paperback. What if your whole world was a lie? The thrillingly dark conclusion to the No. 1 New York Times bestselling DIVERGENT trilogy. What if a single revelation - like a single choice - changed everything? What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected? The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered - fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she's known, Tris is ready. Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.

  • af Veronica Roth
    147,95 kr.

    CYRA ER SØSTER TIL EN BRUTAL TYRAN, der regerer over sit folk med en jernnæve. Hun har et unikt talent for at påføre smerte, som hun tvinges til at udnytte. Men Cyra ønsker at være andet end bare sin brors våben – og i hemmelighed lægger hun planer …Akos bliver som barn kidnappet af Cyras bror, og mod sin vilje tvinges han ind i en verden af vold og frygt. Men efterhånden udvikler han alligevel et slægtskab med sine dødsfjender.Hadet mellem Cyras og Akos’ lande og familier virker uoverstigeligt. De to må bestemme sig for enten at hjælpes ad med at overleve – eller tilintetgøre hinanden.Bestsellerforfatteren til DIVERGENT er tilbage!Med mere end 35 millioner solgte eksemplarer er Veronica Roth hurtigt blevet en af verdens mest populære YA-forfattere. Hendes nye roman, Dødens mærker (”Carve the Mark”), udkommer 17. januar 2017 i Danmark – og bliver tilgængelig samtidig på 33 sprog.Dødens mærker er første bog i Veronica Roths nye tobindsserie. Næste bog udkommer i 2018.

  • af Veronica Roth
    191,95 kr.

  • af Veronica Roth
    90,95 kr.

    From #1 New York Times bestselling, creatures from Slavic folklore stalk Chicago. A story about the families we build and the ones we destroy.

  • af Veronica Roth
    107,95 kr.

    She turns to the future in a world that's falling apart. The No. 1 New York Times bestseller DIVERGENT - also a major motion picture.

  • af Veronica Roth
    273,95 kr.

    The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered?fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she's known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.But Tris's new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature?and of herself?while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of fans in Divergent and Insurgent.

  • af Veronica Roth
    215,95 kr.

    In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue?Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is?she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are?and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . .or it might destroy her.Veronica Roth bursts onto the literary scene with the first installment in the Divergent series?dystopian thrillers filled with electrifying decisions, heartbreaking betrayals, stunning consequences, and unexpected romance.Performed by Emma Galvin

  • af Veronica Roth
    95,95 kr.

    A fallen regime. A missing child. A chance at freedom. Ten years ago, Sonya was the face of an oppressive regime. Then it was toppled by rebels and she was thrown into prison - where she has been locked up ever since. When an old enemy comes to her with a deal, it seems too good to be true: find a missing girl who was stolen from her parents, and earn her freedom. But as Sonya hunts for the child, she is forced to dig deeper into the past - and her family's dark secrets - than she ever bargained for . . .Praise for Veronica Roth 'Poster Girl cements Veronica Roth's status as a superstar' Gregg Hurwitz, #1 International bestselling author of the Orphan X series'Veronica Roth's latest outing will draw you into its broken world, and make you think more deeply of our own' Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of Girl, Forgotten'Roth weaves a tale of redemption and regret that kept me riveted and guessing until the last page' Hugh Howey, New York Times bestselling author of Wool and Across the Sand'Veronica Roth is the cure for all those humdrum 'one true saviour' narratives' Charlie Jane Anders, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of THE CITY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, on CHOSEN ONES'Roth has pulled off a virtuoso performance' Blake Crouch, bestselling author of DARK MATTER and RECURSION on CHOSEN ONES'Roth somehow manages to make universe-building look easy' Charles Yu, bestselling author of INTERIOR CHINATOWN on CHOSEN ONES

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