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  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    658,95 kr.

    Autor tej książki zbadal i udokumentowal wlaściwości okladek z walków do odziarniania bawelny oraz tlo procesu odziarniania walków. Większośc operacji odziarniania bawelny odbywa się przy użyciu odziarniarek dwuwalcowych (DR), które pelnią ważną rolę w zakladach odziarniających. Walki stosowane w tych branżach są powszechnie wykonane z pokryc Chrome Composite Leather-Clads (CCLC) zamocowanych na wale. Pokrycia CCLC zawierają okolo 18 000 do 36 000 mg/kg (ppm) chromu . Podczas przetwarzania nasion bawelny w dżinach DR, bawelna typu lint jest zanieczyszczona chromem w ilości okolo 140 do 1990 ppm jako chrom calkowity, który jest substancją rakotwórczą w stosunku do bezpiecznych wartości granicznych wynoszących 0,1 ppm. Również pracownicy zakladów giniarskich i wlókienniczych są bezpośrednio narażeni na dzialanie tej rakotwórczej substancji i są podatni na zagrożenia dla zdrowia. Aby zrównoważyc ten problem, wyprodukowano i przetestowano wolne od zanieczyszczeń gumowane tkaniny bawelniane (RCF) do badań laboratoryjnych i handlowych, które mogą byc stosowane komercyjnie jako alternatywa w przemyśle odziarniania rolkowego z korzyścią dla środowiska, spoleczeństwa, wlaścicieli mlynów, handlowców, pracowników i rządu.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    496,95 kr.

    The primary purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process is to encourage the consideration of the environment in the Organization's project planning and decision making process and to arrive at environmentally compatible actions. Technical and economic factors dominance the World¿s projects, plans, programs, policies and legislative actions. The objective of the study is to conceptualize training and research course module incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process for the Sustainable Development of officer trainees' (OTs) of Bihar Institute Public Administration and Rural Developments (BIPARD), Gaya/Patna, Bihar, India . SEA process can be broadly defined as a study of the impacts of a proposed project, plan, project, policy, or legislative action on the environment and sustainability.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    504,95 kr.

    The book discusses on climate change and environmental sustainability ¿ case study and check for environmental health impact assessment (EHIA) process of nuclear power plants. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and EHIA processes have been conducted for a nuclear power plant to consider the safety and health impacts to mitigate psychological health loadings on workers and nearby residents. Strategic environmental assessment system is a potentially useful element of good environmental management and sustainable development; however, as currently practiced in industries, it is far from perfection as per the climate sensitivity factor. Emphasis should be given in industries on maintaining economic viability of the operation, while in turn taking care to preserve the ecological and social sustainability of the country. International EIA process required multi-disciplinary approach that has been conducted very early stage of Indo-Matsushita Midget electrode project 1982 at Tada for technical, economic, ecological and social sustainablities.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    1.063,95 kr.

    Proces strategicznej oceny oddziäywania na ¿rodowisko (SEA) mo¿e by¿ szeroko zdefiniowany jako badanie i sprawdzanie potencjalnego wp¿ywu (skutków) proponowanego projektu, programu, planu, polityki lub dziää legislacyjnych na ¿rodowisko i zrównowäony rozwój. "Ocena oddziäywania na ¿rodowisko" (EIA) mo¿e by¿ zdefiniowana jako systematyczna identyfikacja i ocena potencjalnego wp¿ywu (skutków) proponowanych projektów, planów, polityk, programów lub dziää legislacyjnych w odniesieniu do fizyczno-chemicznych, biologicznych, biochemicznych, toksykologicznych, biofizycznych, radioaktywnych, kulturowych, spo¿eczno-ekonomicznych i antropologicznych komponentów cäego ¿rodowiska. Ostatnie pi¿¿ dekad charakteryzowäo si¿ uchwalaniem aktów prawnych dotycz¿cych ¿rodowiska, w tym aktów dotycz¿cych kontroli zanieczyszcze¿ wody, powietrza i ziemi, gospodarki odpadami stäymi i niebezpiecznymi, ochrony zasobów i odzysku (RCR) oraz rekultywacji gleby i wód gruntowych. Mo¿na wspomnie¿, ¿e najwäniejsze z nich mo¿na okre¿li¿ mianem "trzech E" (in¿ynieria lub technika, ekonomia i ¿rodowisko). Protokó¿ SEA jest pomocny w podejmowaniu znacznie wcze¿niejszych decyzji ni¿ proces EIA i jest kluczowym narz¿dziem zrównowäonego rozwoju.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    773,95 kr.

    L'autore di questo libro ha studiato e documentato le proprietà dei rivestimenti dei cilindri di sgranatura del cotone e lo sfondo del processo di sgranatura a rullo. La maggior parte delle operazioni di sgranatura del cotone viene eseguita utilizzando sgranatrici a doppio rullo (DR) che svolgono un ruolo importante nelle fabbriche di sgranatura. I rulli utilizzati in queste industrie sono comunemente realizzati con rivestimenti in pelle composita cromata (CCLC) fissati ad un albero. I rivestimenti CCLC contengono circa 18 000-36 000 mg/kg (ppm) di cromo . Quando il seme di cotone viene lavorato in DR gins, il cotone di lanugine è contaminato con cromo da circa 140 a 1990 ppm come cromo totale, sostanza cancerogena rispetto ai limiti di sicurezza di 0,1 ppm. Inoltre, i lavoratori dello sgranatore e degli stabilimenti tessili sono direttamente esposti a questa sostanza cancerogena e sono vulnerabili ai rischi per la salute. Per ovviare a questo problema, sono state fabbricate e sperimentate rondelle/rulli in tessuto di cotone gommato (RCF) senza inquinamento sia per studi di laboratorio che commerciali, che potrebbero essere utilizzati commercialmente come alternativa nelle industrie di sgranatura a rulli a beneficio dell'ambiente, della società, dei proprietari dei mulini, dei commercianti, dei lavoratori, dei dipendenti e del governo.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    773,95 kr.

    O autor deste livro investigou e documentou as propriedades de revestimentos de rolos de descaroçamento de algodão e os antecedentes do processo de descaroçamento com rolos. A maior parte das operações de descaroçamento do algodão são realizadas utilizando máquinas de descaroçamento com rolos duplos (DR) que desempenham um papel importante nas fábricas de descaroçamento. Os rolos utilizados nestas indústrias são geralmente feitos de revestimentos de Couro Composto de Couro Cromado (CCLC) fixos a um eixo. As coberturas CCLC contêm cerca de 18 000 a 36 000 mg/kg (ppm) de crómio. Quando o algodão de linho é processado em gins DR, o algodão de linho é contaminado com crómio de cerca de 140 a 1990 ppm como substância total de crómio, que é cancerígena em relação aos limites seguros de 0,1 ppm. Além disso, os trabalhadores das fábricas de gin e têxteis estão directamente expostos a esta substância carcinogénica e são vulneráveis aos riscos para a saúde. Para compensar este problema, foram fabricadas e experimentadas lavadoras/ rolos de tecido de algodão sem poluição (RCF), tanto para estudos laboratoriais como comerciais, que poderiam ser utilizadas comercialmente como alternativa nas indústrias de descaroçamento de rolos em benefício do ambiente, da sociedade, dos proprietários das fábricas, dos comerciantes, dos trabalhadores, dos empregados e do governo.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    318,95 kr.

    Tower cranes cum hoists are widely used for lifting purposes in the construction engineering industries. The tower cranes contribute to the number of serious accidents and disasters. Property damages and bodily injuries will be avoided if they are properly and sustainably designed and developed for construction engineering industries. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process can be broadly defined as a study and check of the potential impacts (effects) of a proposed project, program, plan, policy, or legislative action on the environment and sustainability. The significance of the research work is mainly the confirmatory SEA process for achieving sustainable tower cranes that aim to incorporate environmental and sustainability considerations into planning and decision-making processes, and to formulate sustainable projects, policies, plans, programs, and legislative actions. Three most of the significant terms discussed are " Sustainable environmental inventory ","Sustainable environmental impact assessment," and " Sustainable environmental statement ¿.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    318,95 kr.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    426,95 kr.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    708,95 kr.

  • af Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
    558,95 kr.

    The author of this book has investigated and documented the properties of cotton gin-roller coverings and background of the roller ginning process. Most of the cotton ginning operations are performed by using double roller (DR) ginning machines which serve an important role in the ginning factories. The rollers used in these industries are commonly made of Chrome Composite Leather-Clads (CCLC) covering fixed to a shaft. The CCLC coverings contain about 18 000 to 36 000 mg/kg (ppm) of chromium . When the seed-cotton is processed in DR gins, the lint cotton is contaminated with chromium of about 140 to 1990 ppm as total chromium, which is carcinogenic substance as against the safe limits of 0.1 ppm. Also, gin and textile mill workers are directly exposed to this carcinogenic substance and are vulnerable to health hazards. To offset this problem, pollution-free rubberized cotton fabric (RCF) washers/ rollers both for laboratory and commercial studies have been fabricated and experimented.This could be used commercially as an alternative in the roller ginning industries for the benefit of environment, society, mill owners, traders, workers, employees and the government.

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