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Bøger af Virginia Woolf

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  • af Virginia Woolf
    163,95 kr.

    Virginia Woolf's greatest works, To the Lighthouse, A Room of One's Own, and Mrs. Dalloway, offer readers a captivating glimpse into the human experience. With her innovative writing style and acute observations of the human condition, Woolf explores themes of love, loss, and the search for identity. Her works continue to resonate with readers, providing a powerful and thought-provoking reflection on the complexities of life, society, and the individual psyche. - A collection of some of the most acclaimed and beloved works by the author. - Unique and innovative writing style - Explores themes of love, loss, identity, and the complexities of human relationships - Includes some of the most celebrated and influential works of modernist literature - The book offers readers the opportunity to experience these timeless works firsthand and appreciate their enduring legacy.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    163,95 kr.

    In Jacob's Room, Virginia Woolf takes readers on a journey through the life of Jacob Flanders, a young man coming of age in early 20th-century England. Through Woolf's vivid and evocative prose, we see Jacob navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and societal expectations as he grows from a boy into a man. Woolf's experimental narrative style and use of stream of consciousness add a layer of depth to the story, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in Jacob's thoughts and experiences. As we follow Jacob through his life, we also witness the changing world around him, from the political upheaval of World War I to the shifting social norms of the time. Through it all, Woolf's writing captures the essence of a generation coming of age in a rapidly changing world.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    373,95 kr.

    Although known for her later experiments with style and structure, Virginia Woolf set out in her early novels to master the traditional form. Her second novel, Night and Day, presents itself as a seemingly conventional marriage plot, complete with love triangles, broken engagements, and unrequited affections. Beneath these conventional trappings, however, the book¿s deeper concerns are resolutely subversive. The main characters¿a quartet of friends and would-be lovers¿come together, pull apart, and struggle to reconcile socially-prescribed norms of love and marriage with their own beliefs and ambitions.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    278,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    143,95 kr.

    Mrs. Dalloway takes place over the course of a single day in a woman's life in 1920's London. There are flowers to buy, outfits to choose, but also a visit from a past lover, and the tragic fate of a young war veteran who cannot adjust to life in post-war London. Virginia Woolf's supple and mesmerizing account of an ordinary day draws the reader into the minds, perceptions, and emotions of an astonishingly varied and vivid cast of characters. Woolf reminds us that each day, hour, and even minute of our lives harbors the potential to transform us and those around us. The novel ranks among those rare, timeless books that speak to us anew with each reading. Includes Woolf's short story, "Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street," a uniquely insightful new afterword, and a detailed biographical timeline.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    228,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    218,95 kr.

    Probably Virginia Woolf¿s best-known novel, Mrs. Dalloway, originally published in 1925, is a glorious, ground-breaking text. On the surface, it follows Clarissa Dalloway, an Englishwoman in her fifties, minute by minute through the June day on which she is having a party. At a deeper level, however, the novel demonstrates, through an effortless stream of consciousness, the connections formed in human interaction¿whether these interactions are fleeting, or persist through decades.This is a novel to read and cherish, if only to marvel at Woolf¿s linguistic acrobatics. Words and phrases swoop and soar like swallows. Woolf¿s sentences are magnificent: sinuous, whirling, impeccably detailed. As narrative perspective shifts from character to character¿sometimes within a single sentence¿readers come to understand the oh-so-permeable barrier between self and other. Through Clarissa we meet Septimus Warren Smith, his wife Rezia, and a cast of dozens more, all connected by the ¿leaden circles¿ of Big Ben marking the passage of every hour, by the pavements of Bloomsbury that lead everywhere and nowhere. Modernist London has never been portrayed more sublimely: replete with birdsong and flowers, resplendent in sunshine, youthful yet eternal¿and even in the aftermath of war and pandemic, resilient.Mrs. Dalloway is Woolf¿s attempt to express that which may be inexpressible. It offers a close examination of how difficult it is, even when our hearts are brimming, to say what we really feel; and it examines the damage we inflict through our reticence with words, our withholding of love. It is a novel of the soul, and a work of immense beauty.

  • af Virginia Woolf & August Nemo
    118,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    218,95 kr.

    We rely on your support to help us keep producing beautiful, free, and unrestricted editions of literature for the digital age.Will you support our efforts with a donation?In her third novel, Virginia Woolf departs from conventional narrative and explores storytelling through discordant scenes and impressions. Jacob Flanders¿ life story is told through the perspectives of the people in his life.In Jacob¿s Room, we see Jacob grow from a young boy to an ardent student of Classical culture while the world around him moves closer to an impending war. Jacob is described in flashes by the women around him¿his mother and his lovers.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    54,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    133,95 kr.

    Pero, me diréis, le hemos pedido que nos hable de las mujeres y la novela. ¿Qué tiene esto que ver con una habitación propia? Intentaré explicarme. Cuando me pedisteis que hablara de las mujeres y la novela, me senté a orillas de un río y me puse a pensar qué significarían esas palabras. Quizás implicaban sencillamente unas cuantas observaciones sobre Fanny Burney; algunas más sobre Jane Austen; un tributo a las Brontë y un esbozo de la rectoría de Haworth bajo la nieve; algunas agudezas, de ser posible, sobre Miss Mitford; una alusión respetuosa a George Eliot; una referencia a Mrs. Gaskell y esto habría bastado. Pero, pensándolo mejor, estas palabras no me parecieron tan sencillas. El título las mujeres y la novela quizá significaba, y quizás era éste el sentido que le dabais, las mujeres y su modo de ser; o las mujeres y las novelas que escriben; o las mujeres y las fantasías que se han escrito sobre ellas; o quizás estos tres sentidos estaban inextricablemente unidos y así es como queríais que yo enfocara el tema. Pero cuando me puse a enfocarlo de este modo, que me pareció el más interesante, pronto me di cuenta de que esto presentaba un grave inconveniente. Nunca podría llegar a una conclusión. Nunca podría cumplir con lo que, tengo entendido, es el deber primordial de un conferenciante: entregaros tras un discurso de una hora una pepita de verdad pura para que la guardarais entre las hojas de vuestros cuadernos de apuntes y la conservarais para siempre en la repisa de la chimenea.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    228,95 kr.

    Era una noche de verano y, en la amplia estancia con ventanas que daban al jardín, hablaban acerca del pozo negro. El consejo del condado había prometido llevar agua al pueblo, pero no lo había cumplido. La señora Haines, esposa del caballero terrateniente, una mujer que tenía cara de oca y unos ojos saltones, como si vieran algo que tragar en la acequia, dijo con afectación:¿¡Vaya tema de conversación en una noche como esta!Entonces hubo un silencio; una vaca mugió, y esto dio pie a que la señora Haines comentara cuán raro era que, siendo niña, jamás hubiera temido a las vacas, solo a los caballos. Aunque había que tener en cuenta que, cuando era muy pequeña, todavía en el cochecito, un caballo de tiro había pasado a un dedo de su cara. Su familia, dijo la señora Haines al anciano que estaba sentado en un sillón, había residido cerca de Liskeard durante siglos. Las tumbas que había en el cementerio así lo demostraban.Fuera, un pájaro gorjeó. ¿¿Un ruiseñor? ¿preguntó la señora Haines.No, los ruiseñores no llegaban tan al norte. Era un pájaro diurno que, animado por otro día sustancioso y suculento, por los gusanos y los caracoles y la arenilla, gorjeaba incluso dormido.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    68,95 kr.

    Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf is a modernist masterpiece that takes readers on a mesmerizing journey through the thoughts and experiences of its characters. Immerse yourself in Woolf's innovative narrative style and explore the complexities of human consciousness and societal expectations. Experience Woolf's lyrical prose and stream-of-consciousness storytelling. Engage with the inner lives of the characters and their interconnected narratives. Reflect on themes of identity, time, and the constraints of social conventions. Delve into Woolf's exploration of gender roles and the impact of World War I. This edition presents Woolf's groundbreaking novel with a beautifully designed cover, making it an essential addition to the collection of literary enthusiasts and fans of modernist literature.

  • af Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry & Julia Margaret Cameron
    148,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    288,95 kr.

    Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.? If Shakespeare had a sister as talented as he, would she have got the same opportunities to develop her skills? Constructed around Woolf's idea that to write fiction a woman must have money and a room of her own, this revolutionary work depicts a woman's predicaments as she struggles deep within for some place of her own where she can work without restrictions. it brings forth the differences, biases and conventional attitudes that have caused immense suffering to women across the centuries. A major work of the twentieth-century feminist literature, a Room of One's Own is an extended essay based on a series of lectures titled? Women and Fiction? delivered at two women's colleges in Cambridge. More than half a century after its publication, this book continues to be an inspiration for women across the globe.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    153,95 kr.

    Virginia Woolf, una de las autoras más relevantes de la literatura del siglo XX.La novela más popular de la autora de Una habitación propia.Clarissa Dalloway es una mujer de cincuenta y dos años de la alta sociedad londinense, casada con un diputado conservador del parlamento británico y madre de una hija adolescente. Un día de junio de 1923, se prepara para dar una fiesta en su casa aquella misma noche. Allí se rencontrará con amigos que hace muchos años que no ve. Mientras pasea por las calles londinenses ultimando los preparativos, Clarissa se encuentra inmersa en sus propios recuerdos y examina las decisiones que ha tomado a lo largo de su vida, como su romance de infancia con Peter Walsh.Pasado, presente y futuro se entretejen en este relato que, a través de las complejas vidas interiores de sus personajes, consigue explorar los límites de la experiencia humana. Por su narrativa cargada de lirismo, capaz de reseguir con maestría los monólogos interiores de los protagonistas, y su reivindicación de la condición femenina, La señora Dalloway se ha convertido en una de las novelas más revolucionarias e imprescindibles del siglo XX.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    163,95 kr.

    A Room of One?s Own is an essay written by Virginia Woolf. It was published in 1929 and is based on two lectures given by the author in 1928 at two colleges for women at Cambridge. In this famous essay, Woolf addressed the status of women, and women artists in particular. In this essay, the author also asserts that a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write. According to Woolf, women?s creativity has been curtailed due to centuries of prejudice and financial and educational disadvantages.To emphasize her view, she offers the example of an imaginary gifted but uneducated sister of William Shakespeare, who, discouraged from all eventually kills herself. Woolf celebrates the work of women who have overcome that tradition and become writers, including Jane Austen, George Eliot, and the Brontë sisters, Anne, Charlotte, and Emily. In the final section Woolf suggests that great minds are neutral and argues that intellectual freedom requires financial freedom. The author entreats her audience to write not only fiction but poetry, criticism, and scholarly works as well.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    52,95 - 59,95 kr.

    En modern klassiker!Virginia Woolfs genombrottsroman är en banbrytande och gripande berättelse om en ung mans kamp för att hitta sin plats i en värld styrd av sociala normer och konventioner.Genom ögonen på de kvinnor som står honom närmast får vi följa Jacob Flanders liv i det tidiga 1900-talets England – från barndomen i en idyllisk kustby till studier vid Cambridge och sökandet efter mening och identitet i Londons bohemiska konstliv. Genom Woolfs poetiska och djupt psykologiska skildring bjuds läsaren in i Jacobs värld och får ta del av hans kärlek, sorg, glädje och smärta. Virginia Woolf var en tongivande modernist och en av 1900-talets viktigaste engelskspråkiga författare. Med sin experimentella prosa och karaktäristiska berättarteknik var hon med och nydanade romangenren. Hennes verk har även ökat medvetenheten om kvinnorollen och inspirerat flera nutida feministiska rörelser.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    278,95 kr.

    Réussissez votre bac de français 2023 grâce à notre fiche de lecture de l'essai Une chambre à soi de Virginia Woolf !Validée par une équipe de professeurs, cette analyse littéraire est une référence pour tous les lycéens.Grâce à notre travail éditorial, les points suivants n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous : la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé du livre, l'étude de l'oeuvre, l'analyse des thèmes principaux à connaître et le mouvement littéraire auquel est rattaché l'auteur.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    224,95 kr.

    "Woolf's most lighthearted novel is a playful and exuberant romp through history. As a teenage nobleman, Orlando spends his days in revelry at the colorful Tudor court of Queen Elizabeth and his nights in writing earnest poetry. A favorite of the elderly queen, he falls in love with and is jilted by a wayward Russian princess. Two kings later, having reached his thirties, Orlando is sent to serve as ambassador to Constantinople, where he awakens one day to find himself in the body of a woman. The Lady Orlando takes this circumstance in stride and returns to England, where she engages in love affairs with both men and women, consorts with the famous poets of each age, finds happiness with an unconventional husband, and at last achieves publication of her own epic poem in the year 1928, the same year that Woolf published her novel. With its blend of fantastical adventure and satirical wit, Orlando was an immediate popular and critical success, one whose status as a classic has only grown with time."-- Provided by publisher.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    118,95 kr.

    Virginia Woolf's fantastical novel about an Elizabethan nobleman who lives for three centuries and transitions into a woman, with a new introduction by Carmen Maria Machado.The long-lived protagonist of Orlando begins as a passionate teenage aristocrat, whose days are spent in rowdy revelry at the colorful Tudor court of Queen Elizabeth and his nights in writing earnest poetry. A favorite of the elderly queen, he falls in love with and is jilted by a wayward Russian princess. Two kings later, now in his thirties, Orlando is sent to serve as ambassador to Constantinople, where he awakens one day to find himself in the body of a woman. The Lady Orlando takes this circumstance in stride. She returns to England, engages in love affairs with both men and women, consorts with the famous poets of each age, finds happiness with a gender-nonconforming husband, and at last achieves publication of her own epic poem in the year 1928. A playful and exuberant romp through history, Orlando is Woolf’s most lighthearted and unusual novel.  VINTAGE CLASSICS.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    146,95 kr.

    The beautiful Everyman gift edition in hardback.The Lord Orlando's country seat has 365 rooms. An exquisitely beautiful youth, he is a favourite of the ageing Queen Elizabeth and enjoys all that Court and tavern have to offer. He falls passionately in love with the intriguing Sasha, an androgynous Russian princess, who jilts him. Stricken, he takes up Literature, penning huge quantities of poems and plays, 'all romantic, and all long'. A few decades later a still youthful Orlando is appointed ambassador to Constantinople by Charles II. Here he wakes up one day and finds he has the body of a woman. "Different sex, same person", she observes, unphased.In London, it is the eighteenth century, and she can hobnob with "men of genius" Pope and Swift, Johnson and Boswell. She has affairs with both women and men, but before long it is the nineteenth century, oppressively gloomy and moral and probably time to find a husband. Fortunately, in a Brontësque moment on a moor, the gender- nonconforming Marmaduke Bonthrop Shelmerdine, newly back from Cape Horn, gallops past and scoops her up into bliss.Woolf's most unusual and joyous novel was inspired by her affair with the dashing author and aristocrat, Vita Sackville West.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    333,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    128,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    273,95 kr.

    To the Lighthouse explores the relationships and inner thoughts of a family on their visits to the Isle of Sky.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    93,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    148,95 kr.

    A Society & Kew Gardens: Level 600 Reader (L+) (CEFR B1) presents modern and simplified versions of two famous stories written by Virginia Woolf. A Society, first published in 1921, shows the issue of inequality in British society in the early 1900s. It ridicules the elitist social circles of England with satire, revealing their shallow and isolated nature. Kew Gardens, first published in 1919, explores the thoughts and feelings of various characters during a visit to the London botanical gardens.Level 600 Matatabi Reader (L+)* Flesch Kincaid Grade Level 3.9* CERF B1* (L+): 1190 Headwords* 5180 (3860 + 1320) Words

  • af Virginia Woolf
    368,95 kr.

    Originally published in 1929, A Room of One's Own eloquently states Woolf's conviction that in order to create works of genius, women must be freed from financial obligations and social restrictions.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    388,95 - 533,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    278,95 kr.

    Betty Flanders, veuve, trois enfants, Archer, le second Jacob, le dernier au berceau. Virginia Woolf écrit la vie de Jacob par petites touches légères successives, comme pour une aquarelle. Les portraits de l'entourage de Jacob au long de sa vie viennent éclairer sa personnalité.

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