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  • af Vivek Sharma
    121,95 kr.

    "Switch Mantra" is more than just a book - it's a transformative tool that can help you create the life of your dreams. The knowledge and wisdom of it empower you to live your best life and become the best version of yourself.From our hearts to yours, we hope that this will serve as a valuable resource on the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, It will provide the tools you need to harness the power of Mantras & achieve your goals.This book will guide you to unlock the keys to manifesting abundance in your life, Whether you desire financial prosperity, radiant health, fulfilling relationships, academic excellence, inner peace, harmonious business, recognition, or enhancing beauty.Get ready to manifest your dreams and create a life beyond your wildest imagination. Grab your copy now and witness the extraordinary power that lies within you

  • - An epic tale of a Special Forces soldier betrayed and hunted in the murky underworld of Black Operations.
    af Vivek Sharma
    93,95 kr.

    SAG 51 is a novel written by author Vivek Sharma. It is an action fast paced thriller about a soldier who is on deputation from the Special Forces to a Black Ops Hit Team.The plot centers on the system of alternative power centers and problems involved in Govt Sanctioned Black Ops. The scene starts in New Delhi and then encompasses Israel and Iraq and the Asian sub-continent while also opening wide the potential for corruption and involvement with organized crime, up to and including murder. It features Keviv a tough SF soldier and also a highly skilled Assassin.

  • - Kinnaurabhumau
    af Vivek Sharma
    113,95 kr.

    Prasrtih is a word of Sanskrit origin (where 'pra' as prefix 'Sr' as verb root and 'ktin' as suffix) which means continuity. This book is second in continuation of poetry collection first published as Saa. Here two poems are edited versions while rest four are totally new. Specialty of this poetic work is brevity of words (not more than 800 words). Simple easy to grasp Sanskrit language, in Devanagari script is widely appreciated both by simple laypersons and scholars. It touches writer's personal experience with his arguments on different moods and characters. Starting from a character sketch to double standards of behavior, it is written in wonderful natural Himalayan beauty of Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India.

  • - Kinnaurbhumau
    af Vivek Sharma
    113,95 kr.

    In Sanskrit language 'Saa' means She and 'Kinnaurbhumau' means land of Kinnaur. Who is she in land of Kinnaur. Is she poets lover or someone to whom poet can't left out in her deeper thoughts? To know one must read this collection of free style non-metric poetry in Sanskrit language with Devanagari Script. Its unique advantage is that it is based on the poet's actual life experience. Written in very lucid style this work is first original effort to depict thoughts in pure modern thinking with one of the oldest language i.e. Sanskrit. From a Psychoanalytical researcher to a simple layperson this work is must read for a Sanskrit lover. It simple expressions makes it easy grasp for Hindi readers also.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    273,95 kr.

    Forget the desktop, this is the era of the pocket powerhouse. Smartphones have not just transformed communication, but ignited a mobile revolution, reshaping how we experience the world - and how we buy. In this dynamic landscape, understanding the new dance between consumer behavior and marketing strategies is not optional, it's essential. "The Mobile Revolution" delves deep into this fascinating interplay. Get ready to unpack the micro-moments that define modern decision-making - the instant searches, the lightning-fast comparisons, the social validation fueling every purchase. We'll explore how brands are adapting to this always-on, hyper-connected audience, crafting personalized experiences that fit seamlessly into their mobile journeys. No longer passive viewers, consumers now wield unprecedented power, demanding convenience, context, and a frictionless path from curiosity to click. Witness the rise of augmented reality, voice search, and shoppable experiences, blurring the lines between physical and digital. Learn how data-driven insights and AI personalization are enabling brands to speak directly to individual desires, crafting messages that resonate in the palm of their hand. From omnichannel engagement to app-centric ecosystems, "The Mobile Revolution" is your roadmap to navigating this dynamic terrain. It's a story of adaptation, innovation, and ultimately, connection - because in the mobile age, brands that truly understand their audience can unlock explosive growth, one micro-moment at a time.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    353,95 kr.

    Promotional strategies play a pivotal role in brand building, serving as the cornerstone for businesses seeking to establish a robust and recognizable presence in the market. Successful brand building goes beyond merely advertising products or services; it involves creating a unique identity that resonates with the target audience. In this dynamic business landscape, where competition is fierce and consumer preferences rapidly evolve, implementing effective promotional strategies is crucial for sustained growth and market relevance.One of the fundamental components of brand building through promotional strategies is a comprehensive understanding of the target audience. Businesses must conduct thorough market research to identify their demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics. Armed with this knowledge, tailored promotional campaigns can be crafted to appeal directly to the preferences and needs of the intended consumer base. Personalization is key in capturing attention and fostering a connection between the brand and its audience. Building a consistent and cohesive brand image is essential for long-term success. A unified visual identity, including logos, color schemes, and messaging, should be integrated across all promotional materials. Consistency builds recognition and trust, as consumers are more likely to remember and engage with a brand that presents itself in a clear and cohesive manner. This visual identity should be reinforced through various channels, including social media, traditional advertising, and in-store experiences.Social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools for brand building in the digital age. Leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allows businesses to connect with their audience on a more personal level. Engaging content, such as visually appealing images, videos, and interactive posts, can create a sense of community and foster brand loyalty. Additionally, social media provides a platform for real-time communication, enabling brands to respond promptly to customer feedback and concerns.Collaborations and partnerships can amplify the reach of promotional efforts. Teaming up with influencers, other businesses, or organizations that share a similar target audience can extend the brand's visibility and credibility. Co-branded campaigns or joint events can create a buzz and generate interest among a broader audience, helping to build brand awareness in new markets.Embracing experiential marketing is another potent strategy for brand building. Providing consumers with memorable and immersive experiences creates a lasting impression. Whether through events, pop-up shops, or interactive online campaigns, brands can leave a positive and lasting impact on their audience. Experiential marketing fosters emotional connections, turning consumers into brand advocates who are more likely to share their positive experiences with others. In the digital era, data-driven marketing is indispensable for optimizing promotional strategies. Analyzing consumer behavior, preferences, and engagement metrics allows businesses to refine their approaches continuously. By leveraging data insights, brands can tailor their messages, channels, and timing to maximize the effectiveness of their promotional efforts. In conclusion, effective promotional strategies are the bedrock of successful brand building. By understanding the target audience, maintaining a consistent brand image, leveraging social media, forming strategic partnerships, embracing experiential marketing, and utilizing data-driven insights, businesses can create a compelling and enduring brand presence. The dynamic interplay of these strategies fosters brand loyalty, drives customer engagement, and positions the brand for sustained success in a competitive marketplace.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    83,95 kr.

    The subject of coping with the loss of a loved one mostly deals with the perspective of the "One" who is left behind, poignantly reminiscing about things done or not done, love shared or not shared and most importantly- WORDS said or Not Said, when there was a still a chance to say them- when it could have made all the difference. As Words, whether spoken mellifluously or conveyed silently, shape the world we live in. Giving us the power to celebrate or cope, express or suppress- whatever we choose to do with them. But what about the choices of the "One" whose loss the one who is left behind wants to cope up with, because the One who departs is the One whose innings comes to an end, snatching away his or her chance to Live, Do, Experience Affect, Express and most importantly SAY what remains unfulfilled or unexpressed at the time of the ultimate journey. And considering Life & Death to be two Absolute, Undisputed and Certain points in a man's journey, shouldn't the paradigm of coping and expressing be as much for the one who departs as it is for the one who remains behind in this world. Is there a way for the departing soul to take a leap of faith and use the power of Words one last time to bridge those gaps which sometimes gnaw at his or her soul in those final moments. Can (s)he take recourse to the power of Words to revel one last time in profundity of love and happiness in the last phase of life and leave behind this revelry as a legacy for the loved ones. Something which obviates the need of coping to some extent notwithstanding the catharsis of grieving! Seeding Hope and Love in the life of the one who is left behind. Can Words play a role here! FOUR LETTERS OF LOVE is one such story which delves into this magical world of Words! It tries to explore certain questions. Such as: What happens when a man's innocuous longing to live happily with his family is out-dared by a dark premonition, making him believe his ultimate journey is looming ahead. Is there anything he can do in those moments to let his two month old child know, how much his father loved him? Something which could actually make the child see the world of his or her father ? What happens when a daughter having an extremely difficult relationship with her mother, because of scars from her childhood, finds herself standing on the doors of motherhood and is swept in a vortex of emotions, all of which cajole her to reach out to her mom. Something which she hasn't done since ages. Is there a way for her to cross those burnt bridges? And is it really that simple, or that easy, in the life we live, to reach out? Can there be a friendship through which providence can manifest itself in the darkest hours? And can love be the source of courage for a family making it fathom the deepest and darkest abyss life can comes across? Is there a way to triumph over the forces which seek out to destroy the fabric of hope? Is there a way to gift our life legacy to the ones we love the most, despite the odds? This is a story where four lives intersect on the canvas of four letters written across a span of 22 years. A powerful and touching story which portrays the power of a family, the power of love, to seek happiness in the belly of darkness, to snatch hope from the jaws of despair. All this and more using the Power of Words, when there is still time to use them! The inspiration came from some real life events which took place in recent times. An inspiring and heart-warming narrative which is bound to change the way we look at life and our intrinsic ability to face anything. The inheritance of loss under no circumstances should be bereft of hope!

  • af Vivek Sharma
    258,95 kr.

    Malcolm X once said, "The Future Belongs to those who prepare for it today." Olympiad exams are an excellent platform to hone learning Process of students. It helps them to improve aptitude, Competitive Spirit, Sharpens the memory, increases the power Reasoning which ultimately improves their results.The Bloom School Olympiads, are prepared under the great supervision of best faculty team that challenges not just National but International level of Olympiad examinations.Here's introducing "Bloom General Knowledge Olympiad Study Book" for Class 10 is designed as a perfect resource to Study & Practice for Various National & International Olympiad Exams. This book curates the entire syllabus of the General Knowledge Olympiad in a Chapterwise manner carrying different objective questions. Each Chapter ensures that students get well-versed in Study and exam patterns with an interactive language so that students remain indulged in the process of learning till the last. In the end, it comes with complete hints & explanations to assist in self-understanding of concepts. This book carries:1. The entire syllabus is divided into 28 Chapters2. Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions3. Each chapter carries; Analytical, Application and Remembering as Olympiad level4. 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision5. Answers are given for self-assessmentTABLE OF CONTENT Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, National Movement, Word History, Art and Culture, Our Universe and Earth, Continents, India: Size, Location and Physical Features, India Drainage and Climate, India: Land, Soil and Water Resources, India: Minerals and Energy Resources, India: Agriculture, India: Industries, India: Transport and Communication, India: Human Resource (Population), Ecology and Environment, Constitution, Fundamental Rights/Duties and DPSPs, Our Government, Our Judiciary, Panchayati Raj, Indian Economy, Poverty and Employment, Money and Banking, General Science, Science and Technology, General Knowledge, Practice Set [1-2], Answers.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    233,95 kr.

    Malcolm X once said, "The Future Belongs to those who prepare for it today." Olympiad exams are an excellent platform to hone learning Process of students. It helps them to improve aptitude, Competitive Spirit, Sharpens the memory, increases the power Reasoning which ultimately improves their results.The Bloom School Olympiads, are prepared under the great supervision of best faculty team that challenges not just National but International level of Olympiad examinations.Here's introducing "Bloom General Knowledge Olympiad Study Book" for Class 9 is designed as a perfect resource to Study & Practice for Various National & International Olympiad Exams. This book curates the entire syllabus of the General Knowledge Olympiad in a Chapterwise manner carrying different objective questions. Each Chapter ensures that students get well-versed in Study and exam patterns with an interactive language so that students remain indulged in the process of learning till the last. In the end, it comes with complete hints & explanations to assist in self-understanding of concepts. This book carries:1. The entire syllabus is divided into 26 Chapters2. Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions3. Each chapter carries; Analytical, Application and Remembering as Olympiad level4. 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision5. Answers are given for self-assessmentTABLE OF CONTENT Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, Indian National Movement, World History, Art and Culture, Our Universe and Earth, Continents, Indian: Size, Location and Physical Feature, Drainage and Climate, Land, Soil and Water Resources, Energy and Mineral Resources, Agriculture, Industries, Transportation and Communication, Human Resource (Population), Ecology and Environment, Constitution and Fundamental Rights, Our Government, Our Judiciary, Election and Political Parties, Indian Economy, Poverty and Unemployment, International Economic Organisation, Science and Technology, General Knowledge, Practice Sets (1-2), Answers.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    1.777,95 kr.

    The Chemical Dialogue Between Plants and Beneficial Microorganisms provides foundational insights on plant beneficial microorganisms and their impact on the health and productivity of plants. Providing in-depth and recent updates about unexplored aspects of plant microbes interactions, the book includes the biological repertoire of arbuscular mycorrhizal association, molecular architecture of Rhizobium-plant symbiosis, and endophytes in transcriptional plasticity during host colonization by endophytes. The book also includes details about the mechanism of different plant beneficial microorganisms, how these differ, and their cross signaling. This book will be an important reference for researchers working on different plant beneficial microorganisms and their molecular arsenal.

  • - CEO-led Workforce Education for the Age of And
    af Vivek Sharma
    258,95 kr.

    If you are the CEO of a large corporation, you know there is a workforce crisis that mandates better workforce education. You also recognize that traditional education programs aren't working. Enter C-Spark. It outlines the first CEO-led strategic approach to workforce education, which will help you seize the opportunity to generate revenue; ensure business agility; recruit and retain the best talent; move the needle on diversity, equity and inclusion; advance authentic corporate citizenship and create industry-leading brands. When ignited, the C-Spark ushers in the Age of And, an age marked by not just one, but many "ANDs" - business AND social impact, the employee AND learner, the customer AND the community, the shareholder AND society, the good fiduciary AND the good citizen, doing well AND doing good.

  • af Vivek Sharma, Navpreet Kaur & Sunil Kumar Chaudhary
    533,95 kr.

  • af Vivek Sharma, Navpreet Kaur & Sunil Kumar Chaudhary
    728,95 kr.

  • af Vivek Sharma, Navpreet Kaur & Sunil Kumar Chaudhary
    733,95 kr.

  • af Vivek Sharma, Navpreet Kaur & Sunil Kumar Chaudhary
    738,95 kr.

  • af Vivek Sharma & Deepika Singla
    588,95 kr.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    273,95 kr.

    WIREFRAMED is written for executives seeking to understand digital transformation. It's structured to fast-track fluency in the origins of digital, its trends and how it's playing out across key industries. Built in three parts and designed for those with little or no technology or engineering background, Vivek Sharma takes readers on a journey that traces the origins of the digital technology, illustrates how digital works and explores the ways it's shifting commerce, the workplace and the geopolitical landscape. By simplifying digital, WIREFRAMED delivers a blend of practical knowledge and a strategic lens that will impact your leadership today while informing your digital posture for tomorrow.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    769,95 kr.

    In todayΓÇÖs increasingly competitive business environment, organizations must be able to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape where traditional business concepts no longer ensure success. The future will be driven by value and competing ideasΓÇöcreating an environment where old alignments and equations will be replaced by a global network of projects and brand equity can evaporate quickly. Scale business relationships or perish is becoming the new mantra. Written by a team of authors from the world''s largest software outsourcer, Web-Based and Traditional Outsourcing explains how to leverage the Web to effectively manage and deploy people, resources, and competenciesΓÇöregardless of their location. It introduces ground-breaking business models and frameworks that add significant value to outsourcing. This cutting-edge reference:Integrates sourcing, acquisition, payment, and sales into a single end-to-end solutionAddresses outsourced project management, as well as the offer and acceptance of technology servicesDetails how to reduce costs and improve delivery times in software projects through reuse Explains risk sharing, co-ownership, win-win business approaches, and equity-based contracts Examining emerging trends and the future of outsourcing, the text provides authoritative insights into what are becoming the new ways of doing business. The authors supply the enterprise-wide vision of corporate capabilities needed to address contemporary outsourcing issues and include helpful tools for evaluating offshore vendors and determining the best location for your infrastructure needs.

  • af Vivek Sharma
    1.465,95 kr.

    Project execution is often outsourced to external organizations possessing specialized expertise in planning, allocating resources, and completing projects in an integrated manner faster than the project owner. This book explains how to buy and sell outsourcing services, find the right outsourcing partner, and effectively execute projects.

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