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  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    Le livre Tao Te King a été écrit par le grand adepte spirituel chinois Lao-Tseu il y a environ 2500 ans. Le livre Tao Te King est l'un des manuels fondamentaux sur la philosophie et la méthodologie de la croissance spirituelle.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    107,95 kr.

    Estas parábolas fueron anotadas a partir de las palabras de Lao Tsé y cuentan cómo él aprendió del Gran Huang Di. Aquí los escalones del Camino espiritual que debe ser recorrido por el alma para conocer a Te y Tao están descritos en un estilo de parábola.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    192,95 kr.

    En este libro del Dr. Vladimir Antonov, escrito en un lenguaje sencillo y abordable para todos, se habla de lo más importante: qué es Dios, cuál es el lugar del ser humano en la Evolución de la Conciencia Universal, cuáles son los principios de formación y corrección del destino y cómo obtener salud y bienestar. También se habla acerca de los métodos más eficaces de autorregulación psíquica, del perfeccionamiento espiritual y del conocimiento de Dios. Además, se incluyen materiales de varios discursos dados por el autor. Por lo tanto, algunos temas esenciales se repetirán siendo expresados con diferentes palabras. Esperamos que este hecho no aflija al lector, sino que, al contrario, le permita comprender toda esta información más profundamente. El libro está dirigido a todos los lectores.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    172,95 kr.

    This book presents a series of lectures about the higher stages of human spiritual development. The lectures describe the methodologies of the main philosophico-religious traditions that existed in the past or exist now on the Earth. This material illustrates the fact that the methodology of spiritual de-velopment is one for all people and that in this way God leads all people to Perfection.

  • - (colección de artículos)
    af Vladimir Antonov
    87,95 kr.

    Este libro es una colección de artículos y discursos del Dr. Vladimir Antonov, un científico que se ha dedicado a estudiar, entre otros fenómenos, las formas no materiales de vida y sus relaciones con las personas encarnadas. Entre estas formas de vida, las principales son los Representantes de la Conciencia Primordial (el Creador, Dios Padre, etc.), llamados también los Espíritus Santos. El aprendizaje con Ellos permitió formular -en un lenguaje sencillo y comprensible para todas las personas razonables- las respuestas a las preguntas fundamentales que surgen ante cada uno, tales como qué es Dios, qué es el ser humano, en qué consiste el significado de nuestras vidas en la Tierra, cómo realizarlo de la mejor manera y cómo deben ser las relaciones del ser humano con Dios. Este libro será interesante y útil para todos, incluyendo a los pedagogos y jóvenes.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    People have different ideas about what their religious life should be. Some think that it should consist in the participation in rites and violence against other people. Others - the reasonable ones - understand that One Universal God (the Creator, the Primordial Consciousness), called Allah in Arabic, now (and not, for example, during the formation of Islam) wants from us, embodied people, quite the contrary. Namely, He wants everyone to perfect, to develop himself or herself as a soul. It is customary in Islam to denominate a war against people who are considered enemies as external jihad, while internal struggle against one's own imperfections as internal jihad. Sufism - the main branch of Islam - is where the methods of internal jihad are practiced. You can read about this in the books such as Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present, Divine Parables, Book of the Warrior of the Spirit and in others. The parables published in this book are also dedicated to this theme. The true methodology of spiritual development taught to us by Allah is one for all people who seek the Path of spiritual perfection. Only the external forms of manifestation of religiosity are different. Yet they were created by people, and not by Allah, and do not relate directly to Him. This book will be useful to all those people who, in their personal evolutionary development, have become mature enough to practice internal jihad.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    107,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Ces paraboles indiquent comment vous pouvez exceller dans l'amour du coeur, et en dépassant vos vices, devenir pur, aimable, fort, et sage. Chaque parabole vous permet de toucher la connaissance spirituelle des Maîtres, Qui partagent avec nous la richesse et la beauté du grand art de la transformation des âmes.

  • - (The Emerald Tablets And Other Texts)
    af Vladimir Antonov
    87,95 kr.

    This book provides information about the spiritual life in Atlantis. It includes, in particular, excerpts from conversations with former Atlanteans, who worked and developed during their incarnations on that continent. The main value of the book is a description of the methodology of spiritual development. This book is intended primarily for those who seek the way to achieving the spiritual Perfection.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    Les Enseignants Divins qui vécurent à l'Atlantide jadis, continuent de diffuser Leur Connaissances à des personnes vivant sur la Terre aujourd'hui. Ils enseignent, entre autres choses, les principes de l'éducation spirituelle, de l'Évolution de la Conscience, de la signification de notre vie terrestre, ainsi que sa réalisation. Ce livre sera intéressant et utile, donc, à quiconque qui cherche à la Perfection spirituelle.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    342,95 kr.

    This book is a unique collection of knowledge on the world religious philosophy - from ancient times to present day. It includes Tao Te Ching of Lao Tse, Bhagavad Gita of Krishna, Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, Emerald Tablets of Thoth-the-Atlantean, Golden Verses of Pythagoras, apocryphal Gospel of Philip, and many more. The texts are presented in a modern competent edition with clarifying commentaries. The reader can become acquainted with the Teachings of Jesus Christ and Buddha, with the fundamentals of Quran and Sunna, with the concept of Agni Yoga, with the spiritual knowledge of Native Americans, with the Teachings of contemporary Divine Messiahs: Sathya Sai Baba and Babaji from Haidakhan.One may see that in all times God has been teaching people the same, though in slightly different words - depending on concrete cultural traditions and political situations. He teaches us what He wants us to be, what is the meaning of our lives on the Earth, and how to realize it.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    197,95 kr.

    This book is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language by scientist-biologist Dr. Vladimir Antonov. It covers the essential issues: what is God, the place of human being in the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness, principles of forming and correction of destiny, ways of attaining health and happiness, most effective methods of psychic self-regulation, about spiritual development and cognition of God.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    97,95 kr.

    This book is dedicated to the ethics of Islam. It contains quotes from the Quran and Sunna, and other texts describing the true Islam.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    107,95 kr.

    These Parables were narrated so that everyone reading them may experience the presence of God and open oneself to the true life in Him - in His Beauty, Harmony, and Love!

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    These parables are written from the words of Lao Tse and relate how He learnt from Great Huang Di. The steps of the spiritual Path that permit to cognize Tao and Te are described here in parable style.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    102,95 kr.

    This book, written by Russian scientist Vladimir Antonov, Ph.D. (in biology), contains a scientific description of the mechanisms of development of the human reproductive system, including the embryonic period, childhood, and adolescence. The book also contains a thorough description of the mechanisms of formation of homosexuality in both sexes. Various results from experiments conducted on animals, in relation to this subject, are also described. Much attention is given to the methods of regulation of the sexual function: from choosing an appropriate diet - to the methods of psychic self-regulation, including work with chakras and meridians. A significant part of this book is dedicated to the bioenergetic aspect of sexual interaction, sexual psychology, and ethics. The author suggests viewing sexuality as an opportunity of spiritual growth through correct development of the emotional sphere, refinement of the consciousness, and ethical self-control. At the end of this book, there is a comprehensive bibliography. This book is intended for specialists-scientists, physicians, psychologists, and for the general public.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    107,95 kr.

    Divine Teachers Who lived in Atlantis continue to give Their Knowledge to people that inhabit the Earth today. They teach, among other things, about the principles of spiritual education, about the evolution of consciousness, and about the meaning of our lives as well as about its realization. This book will be interesting and useful to anyone seeking the spiritual Perfection.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    87,95 kr.

    This book presents a positive analysis of the Teachings of Agni Yoga recorded by Helena Ro-erich and describes how to use this knowledge in practice for spiritual development. The book is addressed to those aspiring to real cognition of God and spiritual self-realization. The book is addressed to those seeking advancement on the spiritual Path.

  • - Sexualidad infantil * Orígenes de la homosexualidad y de otras patologías * Regulación de la función sexual * Aspectos bioenergéticos del sexo * Ética, religión y sexo
    af Vladimir Antonov
    102,95 kr.

    Este libro contiene una descripción científica, pero entendible para el público general, de los mecanismos y regularidades del desarrollo del aparato reproductor humano en el período embrionario, en la niñez y en la adolescencia. También contiene una descripción completa, basada en resultados de experimentos pertinentes sobre animales, de los mecanismos según los cuales se forma la homosexualidad en ambos sexos. El autor describe los métodos que permiten regular la función sexual y que varían desde la elección de una dieta apropiada hasta la autorregulación psíquica que incluye el trabajo con los chakras y meridianos. Una parte significativa de este libro está dedicada al aspecto bioenergético de la interacción sexual, a la psicología sexual y a la ética, examinada incluso desde el punto de vista religioso. El autor da pruebas de que la sexualidad puede contribuir al crecimiento espiritual a través del desarrollo correcto de la esfera emocional, la refinación de la conciencia y el autocontrol ético. Una bibliografía exhaustiva está presentada al final. El libro está dirigido tanto a científicos especializados y médicos como al público en general.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    77,95 kr.

    Babaji est l'un des Enseignants Divins bien connus de l'humanité, un Représentant du Créateur. Il a enseigné (et continue à nous enseigner maintenant - tout en étant désincarné) comment nous pouvons marcher sur le Chemin menant à la Perfection, à la connaissance de Dieu, à la réalisation du but de nos vies. De ce livre nous pouvons apprendre ce qu'Il a dit aux gens pendant Sa dernière Incarnation Divine sur Terre. Le livre est destiné à toutes les personnes.

  • - Les Tables D'Émeraude Et Autres
    af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    Ce livre présente de l'information au sujet de la vie spirituelle en Atlantide. Il inclut, en particulier, des extraits de conversations avec d'anciens Atlantes, Qui ont travaillé et se sont développés pendant leurs incarnations sur ce continent. La valeur principale de ce livre est une description de la méthodologie du développement spirituel. Ce livre est destiné, tout d'abord, à ceux qui cherchent le chemin de l'accomplissement de la Perfection spirituelle.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    Des enseignements et des informations à propos du Maître Divin Pythagore sont contenus à l'intérieur de ce livre. Il contient aussi - des conversations avec Lui ainsi qu'avec Ses Disciples Divins. Ce livre saura intéresser et rendre service à tous ceux cherchant leur voie vers la Perfection Spirituelle.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    107,95 kr.

    This collection contains autobiographical parables of one of the Divine Teachers, also known as Ngomo. These parables tell us about the best that existed in the history of the Russian Christian monasticism. Material collected in this book can be considered as one of the manuals of spiritual life for all who seek to become better before the Face of God.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    In this book the author presents an understanding of the primary philosophical truths and the form of religious activity that God wants to see on the Earth. He also provides a detailed explanation of God, Evolution, man, the purpose of human life, and the Path of spiritual self-realization. The author discusses also the process of perversions of the Teachings of God by people. This book includes an extensive list of literature on the considered subjects. The book is addressed to all those seeking to know the Truth and to participate actively in the Evolutionary Process.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    This book, compiled of bylinas - the Heroic tales in Slavic folklore tradition - is about how to live in the Truth, serve the Good and grow spiritually. Let the parents and teachers read this book to children, as well as children, parents, and all other people - to themselves.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    117,95 kr.

    This book is composed of articles by several authors, who worked in the scientific-spiritual School of Vla-dimir Antonov. The main methodological advantage of this School is the development of its students as spiritual hearts, which allows them to walk the Straight Path - to realization of God's Precepts, to spiritual Perfection. The methods of the School are presented as a sequence of steps: starting from most simple, basic - to more complex, advanced. In this book the authors give methodological recommendations and modifications of the basic methods adapted to children and adolescents. The main priorities of this program are the following: laying the foundation for a spiritual attitude (that is based on love) towards other people and all living beings, developing the skills necessary for a healthy lifestyle, expanding the horizons and learning the basic ideas about the meaning of our lives on the Earth. This book is intended for teachers working with children of different ages. It can be useful to parents as well.

  • - Path Of Heart (Don Juan Matus, Eagle, And Others)
    af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    This book is dedicated to the true spiritual culture of Native Americans. On its pages, Divine Native American Chiefs tell about the Path leading to Perfection - the Path to Freedom.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    87,95 kr.

    This book, dedicated to the Teachings of Sathya Sai Baba, was written at His request. Published in Russian, it was blessed by Him in His Indian ashram. Later the text of the book was supplemented with conversations with Sathya Sai Baba.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    87,95 kr.

    Este libro fue creado por pedido de Sathya Sai Baba. Publicado en Ruso, fue bendecido por Él en Su Ashram de India.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    82,95 kr.

    Babaji es uno de los muy conocidos Maestros Divinos de la humanidad, el Representante del Creador. Él enseñaba (y sigue enseñándonos ahora desde Su estado no encarnado) cómo podemos recorrer el Camino hacia la Perfección, hacia el conocimiento de Dios y hacia la realización del significado de nuestras vidas. Leyendo este libro, podemos conocer lo que Él dijo a la gente durante Su última Encarnación Divina en la Tierra. Este libro está dirigido a todas las personas.

  • af Vladimir Antonov
    92,95 kr.

    ¡Estas Parábolas fueron narradas para que cada lector pueda experimentar en su vida la presencia de Dios y abrirse a la existencia verdadera en Él, en Su Belleza, Su Armonía y Su Amor!

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