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  • af W H Buzzard
    132,95 kr.

    Una sátira sobre la generación crucial que cambió para siempre los valores estadounidenses. Después de la "generación gloriosa" que salvó al pueblo estadounidense de la Gran Depresión, la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Alemania nazi, llegaron los rebeldes de la década de 1950 que nos legaron el rock'n'roll, los autos clásicos de exposición, el bebop y los métodos de crianza del Dr. Spock. En el paisaje del oeste de Texas de los años 50, Tim y Hect, dos amigos adolescentes y díscolos, disfrutan de "la buena vida". Tras crecer acunados en un estilo de vida que incluso les permitía jugar a la guerra con rifles calibre 22, el mundo de los muchachos súbitamente da un giro abrupto cuando lo que era un simple juego deriva en un espantoso asesinato. Al caer el día, a Hect se le ocurre una última broma: incendiar una vieja choza en un desarmadero de autos abandonado. Tim acepta de inmediato, aunque en realidad cree que el objetivo de su amigo es un nido de avispas que cuelga de un mezquite. Los muchachos llenan una botella con combustible de un camión en ruinas y arrojan la bomba Molotov contra la choza, que se convierte en una bola de fuego. En medio de su asombro, al comprender que su amigo había decidido incendiar la construcción, Tim ve con horror una figura en llamas a través de una ventana. Y el momento en que la antorcha humana y el aterrorizado Tim cruzan la mirada se graba en la memoria del muchacho. El ruido de las sirenas que se acercan desde el pueblo los interrumpe. Convencidos de que la broma los hará acabar con una sentencia de muerte, Tim y Hect deciden que solo les queda una opción: convertirse en fugitivos de la ley. Armados solo con su férrea determinación y una ingenuidad abrumadora, los dos muchachos huyen hacia el desierto de Texas. Sin embargo, su estilo de vida malcriado no los había preparado para enfrentar el hambre, la sed, la vida en los caminos, la falta de refugio y todo un mundo oculto de pobreza y padecimientos, a lo que se suma la sordidez de las calles de Juárez, en México. Estos son algunos de los comentarios de los editores acerca del libro: "Es una historia muy entretenida, repleta de tensión, pero también con mucho humor". "En una sátira cruda sobre los privilegios y los excesos sociales que se burla de la década de 1950 y los descendientes de la "generación gloriosa", la novela de humor y aventuras HAY UNA GENERACIÓN muestra con sabiduría el salvajismo propio de la juventud, la inutilidad de los derechos heredados y la fugacidad de la infancia con un estilo que cautivará a los lectores de todas las edades". "De principio a fin, esta novela de ficción representa una farsa entretenida que atraviesa aventuras y situaciones cómicas, con un final sorprendente que nadie podrá imaginar". "Pura diversión" desarrollada por un "maestro de la narración". TODAS LAS CRÍTICAS DEL LIBRO SON AUTÉNTICAS Y CORRESPONDEN A LECTORES REALES, Y NO HAN SIDO COMPRADAS EN SITIOS WEB NI "INTERCAMBIADAS" CON OTROS AUTORES.

  • - Kids of the Greatest Generation
    af W H Buzzard
    217,95 kr.

    At the end of the second book in the series, THERE IS A GENERATION II, the two heroes, Tim and Hect, escaped an attack by Mexican Federales on a militia training facility known as "the camp." At the last moment they flew off in a World War II Lisunov Li-2 transport, which Tim learned from a nearby passenger, was a Russian version of a Douglas DC-3. Flying at an altitude approaching 10,000 feet, the twin-engine airplane tossed about in near tornadic winds in a lightning-filled thunderstorm. The turbulent flight traveled among the mountain peaks of Mexico on the way to Bogota Colombia, South America. Terrified their young lives might end by a fiery flash from the clouds or else with a sudden impact into El Popo, the towering volcano outside the plane's porthole windows, neither boy had time to consider what sort of shadowy intrigue they were caught up in. All they knew was that the conspiracy had gotten bigger and more complex than first thought. Beyond that, they were too occupied listening as grown men whimpered a Hail Mary in between episodes of convulsive airsickness. Thankfully, they flew out of the storm intact. The plane leveled off except for occasional abrupt drops and lifts in the unstable air within the mountain range. Compared to what they had just been through, though, the ride was hardly rougher than a back seat on a school bus. Now that things had calmed down, Tim managed to pick up scraps of information from his neighbor passenger about their situation, enough to realize that they had become involved in an international organization whose power and reach extended globally. Tim discovered also that it was only because of a misperception by the planeload of executives that Tim and Hect had been allowed on the transport in the first place. The boys had mistakenly been identified as plants from the security division of the secret association, positions that struck fear in the hearts of the other passengers. As a result, the two were catered to as VIP's, at least for as long as the deception held.By the time they reached South America the boys' real identities had been uncovered, and they wound up captives. In the meantime, they discovered the worldwide organization's purpose was to infiltrate western societies, including the USA, and utterly restructure those "decadent" cultures without being detected by the populaces. The boys, then, faced a dilemma: either play along and betray their homeland, all the while hoping to stumble on an escape route of some sort, or else find a way to resist. Either option risked prison or worse-being unwilling targets at the end of a firing range.

  • - Kids of the Greatest Generation
    af W H Buzzard
    217,95 kr.

    In the 1950's the great culture shift that revolutionized American values lay restlessly dormant in that juvenile generation. The boys and girls that would one day transform society still played cowboys and Indians, war, or hopscotch. Their parents, who spent the latter half of the 1940's celebrating the end of the Great Depression, rejoicing in victory after World War II, and exulting in being the world's lone superpower, had by the middle of the next decade all but partied-out, but not so their materialistic kids.At the finish of the first book in the series, THERE IS A GENERATION, the two protagonists, Tim and Hect, took different paths. Hect disappeared into the vast Mexican desert, last seen heading for a mysterious location known ominously as the "Camp." Tim, meanwhile, returned home to discover his mother thoroughly dismayed by her son's recent antics and ready to teach him a lesson of a lifetime. Only what's to be done with a headstrong rebel in 1950's west Texas? Why not do what every other frustrated parent does who can afford the tuition-ship the bad seed off to George S. Patton Military Academy? Those battle hardened World War II veterans will teach the mischief-maker some discipline. The idea sounds abhorrent to Tim, however, who decides it's time to hit the road a second time, head to the Mexican desert outside of Juarez where he last saw Hect, and make every effort to find and rescue his best buddy.Unknown to Tim, however, since the two friends were last together, Hect has been shanghaied into a militia cult hidden away from governmental prying eyes in the wilds of the Chihuahua Desert. He also has been indoctrinated with a set of beliefs that vehemently opposes his friend's former lifestyle so that he now resents anyone born rich, including his onetime best friend. As Tim and Hect end up butting ideological heads, the boys are forced by militia leaders to undertake a dangerous mission together, one in which they will have to cope with a delusional psychopath, travel through a desert wasteland, and face a hostile Mexican army. Chances are they both will wind up dead. Maybe spending a few years at George S. Patton Military Academy, now that Tim has had a chance to think about it, hadn't been such a bad idea after all.

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