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  • af Warren Brown
    114,95 kr.

    Christmas Legacies is a comic book that explores the legacies of Christmas. The legacy of Christmas has existed in nature since time began. The greatest legacy of Christmas is the birth of Jesus, the little baby on that special day known forever.The legacy of hope is spread at Christmas, we know that we can all be saved in time. The legacy of charity to share what we have, Comes into play throughout the Christmas year.The legacy of love, brotherhood and unity is alive, Among all people and in every human tribe. The legacy of peace, love and cooperation, Is one that should unite the whole of humanity.

  • af Warren Brown
    131,95 kr.

    The Father Christmas Factor is a comic book based on the myth and legend of Father Christmas. Father Christmas was named after a Turkish, Bishop in the 3rd century, called Saint Nicholas. Legend has it that Saint Nicholas, Saved sailors from a bad storm, Off the coast of Turkey in the middles ages.Santa Clause is not just a plastic figure, A Saint of a man giving gifts to children. Santa is more than just an old man on a card, A truck, a cut-out or a figure in the front yard. The legend of Santa Claus grew over time, In legends, folklore and in Christmas rhyme.Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ, A very important day in the Christian faith. Santa Claus is now a part of the Christmas celebration, Enjoy a Happy Christmas with peace, joy and jubilation. The Santa Claus factor works the whole year, you do not need a flowing beard or a red suit. The magic of Christmas works when we open our hearts, The human bond unites us and does not keep us apart.

  • - Secrets to Captivating and Inspiring Audiences
    af Warren Brown
    88,95 kr.

    Drawing from years of experience in the world of storytelling, Warren Brown has crafted an essential resource for anyone seeking to harness the power of storytelling. Whether you're an author, speaker, educator, or simply passionate about the art of storytelling, this book provides invaluable insights and techniques to elevate your storytelling abilities."The Storyteller's Handbook" dives deep into the intricacy's storytelling. It explores the art of creating stories that resonate on an emotional level, leaving a lasting impact on audiences.Readers will learn the secrets to crafting compelling narratives, honing their communication skills, and mastering the art of engaging storytelling.

  • af Warren Brown
    107,95 kr.

    A writer's mind should always be open to receive new and exciting ideas. There is a universe of ideas and concepts, that are waiting to be explored and developed into great ideas. A simple idea has the potential to be used in so many ways. In this book you will find that I have taken one idea and developed into a variety of literary works. A single idea can be presented as a story, a poem or as an article.There are a large number of poems, stories and articles, that focus on the power of imagination, creativity and the literary craft. You are welcome to take the seed ideas from this book and to evolve them into your new creative literary works, from a seed to a sapling to a tree. You will discover on reading this book, that it is packed with so many new concepts, that will be a launchpad to exploring a universe of your ideas.There are so many ideas that are waiting to be discovered and your eyes will open to where you can find such concepts in your life. Even the simplest idea has the potential to be made crafted into a wonderful poem, story or article. Allow your creativity to flow, as you get inspired by the poems and stories in this collection.

  • - A.I. Singularity
    af Warren Brown
    182,95 kr.

    The Age of the Singularity has arrived, the time when A.I. can exist and function independently. The A.I. Department of International Humane Resources, was set up in 2030 and it was established to provide humans with a comfortable existence on the planet, making sure that living conditions were always humane and no one had to suffer from lack of anything.There was no hunger and no poverty in the world, since the Artificial Intelligent machines were put in place to protect humans and their world.In 2040, humans faced an extra-terrestrial invasion and pandemic, that made it difficult to live and breathe without the use of artificially intelligent machines.Did the A.I. International Humane Resources make the right decision to turn humans into cyborgs for their benefit and for the benefit of mankind, that always craved longevity and immortality?

  • af Warren Brown
    145,95 kr.

    It was a Green Moon that Halloween, when passengers on the train went for a ride. After the ride on the train to see the Green Halloween Moon, they were never the same. There is only one night when the zombies turn into humans once again, and it is on Halloween night. Will these zombies escape their fate?Meet the Zombie Astronaut, the Zombie King, the Zombie Beautician, the Zombie Baker, the Zombie Butcher and other ghastly zombies. Read this Halloween graphic novel and your Halloweens will never be the same again.

  • af Warren Brown
    117,95 kr.

    Every writer has a special place where he or she creates their work. Usually, this writing space is comfortable and allows the writer or poet to think and dream. The writer's cave could be your bedroom, your garden, your library, your attic or even sitting at your kitchen table.We hear about the Batcave and the Mancave, now you can create your Writer's Cave where you can produce your imaginative and creative work. Batman keeps all his high-tech equipment, gadgets, gizmos, and research tools, including his car, plane, and costumes to help him to fight crime from his Batcave. While in a Mancave you will find everything that a man would love to have from the sofa, and television, to his gadgets, books, gizmos, and other stuff that make him feel at home and in his element.A Writer's Cave can include your favorite desk, chair, laptop, close to your reference books, and an inspiration board, looking out over the garden, or across the city or it could just face a blank wall. Your Writer's Cave could be located at your favorite spot, where your ideas flow and where you can sit without being disturbed too much.Your Writer's Cave is your creativity spot or Fortress of Imagination and not a place to hide away from the rest of the world. Take the time to step back into the real world and enjoy life with family and friends.You are invited to step into my Writer's Cave and read the creative and imaginative works I have produced in the forms of poems, stories, and articles. This collection of work is filled with motivational and inspirational pieces. You will also find insightful articles on the writing craft and keys to opening your imagination.I hope that you enjoy reading this collection of my writings and get inspired to create your wonderful work as you sit inside your Writer's Cave of imagination, fiction, fantasy, and creativity.

  • af Warren Brown
    222,95 kr.

    Welcome to the tenth book in the "Prolific Writing for Everyone" Series. The title of this book is "Museum of Creativity and Inspiration for Writers". In this collection of stories, poems, articles, writings prompts and tips on the art and craft of writing, you will discover some unique ways to release your imagination and creativity.Enter the "Museum of Creativity and Inspiration for Writers," that will take you on a thrilling excursion into finding ideas that work for you and also discovering inspiration in the way the author has used simple ideas to create more complex stories, articles and poems.The writer has used the most basic ideas to take them to new levels to entertain, educate and create awareness in the mind of the reader, on the potential that every idea possesses. Using the tips, techniques and writing prompts in this book and in the "Prolific Writing for Everyone" book series, you will be able to unleash all the ideas that reside in your mind.Explore the hidden treasures and enter the halls of this "Museum of Creativity and Inspiration for Writers", to find hidden artifacts that are just waiting for you to discover. Every story, poem and article that you read will be like a museum exhibit, that is filled with interesting thoughts and ideas for you to use in your work.Every idea in this "Museum of Creativity and Inspiration for Writers", can be used in a variety of ways. Start by opening the book at random and reading the first literary piece that catches your eye. Let the idea contained within that piece open your mind and creativity to form a new idea for you to use in your next work. You can always start at the beginning and try creating your own ideas, as you get inspired, from the very first literary piece.Ideas are everywhere just waiting for the poet, writer and the Storyteller to appear. It will become natural for you to find the story within every literary piece and in the world around you. Write every day and start by using the simplest ideas. At the beginning it is essential to make notes of ideas as and when they come to you. However, after a few months and a few years, you will find ideas for stories appearing in front of you without you even trying too hard.Writer's block will become a faint memory for you, if you write every day and keep honing your literary skills. There will come a time in your literary career, when the gates to the Museum of Creativity and Inspiration in your mind, will give you a gold Card membership, to access every hall and view every exhibit of story whenever you have the time to write and create.

  • af Warren Brown
    212,95 kr.

    There is a famous 11th century collection of stories, folktales, legends and histories written in Sanskrit, by the Shaivite Somadeva, called the "Kathasaritsagara" or the "Oceans of the Streams of Stories". There are multiple layers of story, within a story in this amazing collection of stories. The "Kathasaritsagara", is a large collection of stories loosely strung together. The stories are narrated for the recreation and the information of the same individual or stories about their adventures.This book that you are reading right now is the "Ocean of Ideas and Inspiration for Writers" and it is a collection of several poems, articles and stories which contain nuggets of ideas for writers, to develop.Every story, article or poem in this book, can be compared to an oyster in the ocean, that has the seed of a good idea, you as the writer can use to create a wonderful story. These stories are the product of the imagination and creativity of the author. You as a writer can use these ideas to inspire you to become a prolific writer.I have completed and published over 3000 stories, articles and poems on Medium, the publishing platform. I have also over the past two decades written and published over 200 books on Amazon.I would like to encourage you as a writer to create and share your stories, articles and poems for the world to enjoy. If you enjoy writing as much as I do, you will have the strong desire to keep writing your ideas. It is important to keep a journal filled with your ideas. It is also necessary to develop the habit of writing every day.The "Ocean of Ideas and Inspiration", is waiting for you to dive into today and to unleash the tidal waves of creativity to create your own work.Thank you for purchasing this book and I am sure that you will enjoy reading it and using the writing tips, ideas to inspire you on the Writer's Way, today and every day of your life. Share your talent with the world as a writer and always know that writing is your contribution to the literary field and it is your legacy.

  • af Warren Brown
    127,95 kr.

    Kang is a young boy, who loses his father before he is born. His father is killed on the battlefield. Kang's mother is a brave warrior who is captured by Alien invaders.She is kept as a prisoner. A year later Kang is born. Kang discovers who he is and he is determined to free his people from the enslavement of the cruel and powerful extra-terrestrial green warriors who rule Earth. Will Kang succeed in defeating the leader of the extra-terrestrials and freeing humanity from bondage?

  • af Warren Brown
    182,95 kr.

    A writer's mind should always be open to receive new and exciting ideas. There is a universe of ideas and concepts, that are waiting to be explored and developed into great ideas. A simple idea has the potential to be used in so many ways. In this book you will find that I have taken one idea and developed into a variety of literary works. A single idea can be presented as a story, a poem or as an article.There are a large number of poems, stories and articles, that focus on the power of imagination, creativity and the literary craft. You are welcome to take the seed ideas from this book and to evolve them into your new creative literary works, from a seed to a sapling to a tree. You will discover on reading this book, that it is packed with so many new concepts, that will be a launchpad to exploring a universe of your ideas.There are so many ideas that are waiting to be discovered and your eyes will open to where you can find such concepts in your life. Even the simplest idea has the potential to be made crafted into a wonderful poem, story or article. Allow your creativity to flow, as you get inspired by the poems and stories in this collection.

  • af Warren Brown
    182,95 kr.

    The Café of Creativity and Inspiration for writers is open and ready to serve a delectable array of drinks and condiments. In the Café you will find a selection of poems, stories, and essays written by Warren Brown on the literary craft.These poems, articles, and stories, take the reader and the writer into a world of new literary experiences, as created by the imagination of the author. The writer shows you how he finds and develops his ideas into stories, articles, and poems.This collection of work gives the reader an opportunity to look inside the creative and imaginative world of the writer. There are essays on what it takes to be a writer and the work that goes into creating and developing ideas.In this book, you will find pieces on a variety of topics. Using every subject in this book as a "key", to developing your own ideas is one of the best ways to use this book. There are a billion ideas present in the world today, it is up to every writer and storyteller to take those ideas and make them their own.Every writer is a creator of imaginary worlds. It is up to you as the reader to explore the mind of the author. As a writer, it is also up to you to open the doors to your own imagination to find new ideas and to develop them into complete stories, articles, and poems for a world of readers to enjoy. The real secret for a good writer to become a great writer is to write from the heart, as that is what connects you to your readers.

  • af Warren Brown
    132,95 kr.

    "The Castle of Ideas and Inspiration for Writers", is composed of a collection of essays, stories and poems. Each creative literary piece will inspire you to create your own collection of writings. Each story is a writing prompt for you to start creating your literary work.This castle is filled with stories and poems on a variety of issues, including essays on how you can become a better creative writer. The subjects covered in this collection will open your eyes, to your own imagination and creativity.After reading just a few pages of this book, you will be inspired by the "idea keys" contained within its pages to write and keep writing. You will find that your Muse will be awakened and your mind will get new ideas. Every title of a chapter in this book is a "key" for you to use and develop into your creative work.Writing is a non-stop process and it takes time and effort. Great writers are not born, it is only with inspiration and dedication to the literary craft that they develop into notable writers. You may not win the Pulitzer Prize or the Nobel Prize for Literature, but you will write and gift your literary creations to the world.What will you discover within the walls of this great castle? You will discover new ideas, perspectives, inspiration, and creativity, that are the bricks and mortar of your imagination for building your own literary castle.

  • af Warren Brown
    117,95 kr.

    The Chasm of creativity and inspiration is filled with stories and poems on a variety of issues, including essays on how you can become a better creative writer. The subjects covered in this collection will open your eyes, to your own imagination and creativity.After reading just a few pages of this book, you will be inspired by the "idea keys" contained within its pages to write and keep writing. You will find that your Muse will be awakened and your mind will get new ideas. Every title of a literary piece in this book is a "key" for you to use and develop into your creative work.Writing is a non-stop process and it takes time and effort. Great writers are not born, it is only with inspiration and dedication to the literary craft that they develop into notable writers. You may not win the Pulitzer Prize or the Nobel Prize for Literature, but you will write and gift your literary creations to the world.Leap into the chasm of your own imagination and creativity, as you discover all the wonderful literary pieces you can create if you just believe in yourself as a writer. Share your creative imagination with the world in the form of your literary artistic creations.There is no need to wait for the right time to start your journey on the "Writer's Way", start today and watch as your treasury of creations increases in volume, just by writing a minimum of three pieces a day, or even one poem a day is a great place to start.

  • af Warren Brown
    132,95 kr.

    A writer needs to always refresh his or her mind with new ideas and inspiration. A writer always looks for stories, as there are stories everywhere just waiting to be told. Everything that we see, hear touch, and experience in life has the potential to become a great story or poem. A fiction writer and a poet will know a good idea when they spot one.This book is filled with new, original ideas to spur your imagination in the form of prompts, articles, and poems. There are a number of inspirational and motivational poems and articles to help you on your path as a writer. There will be times when you are discouraged and decide to quit writing. At those times leaf through the pages of this book and you will find a new idea to motivate you to continue writing.In this book, you will be encouraged to stretch your imagination, read the writing on the wall, create several ideas from a single one, make your writing entertaining, how to be a good writer, how to dazzle readers with your imagination, and the power of a "story hook", create your tapestry of words, how writers use their awesome superpowers for change, the importance of encouragement, the value of writing milestones, how to gain a large following, become a creative writer in four steps and 10 reasons to keep writing among several other articles, poems with inspirational messages.Write every day and you will have a large collection of your literary work at the end of the year. Make it a point to write and publish your writings. It is only when you share your work with others that are you really offering your ideas and thoughts for the world of readers to enjoy.I hope that this book provides you with some useful techniques, tools, and ideas to help you to develop your writing skills. The growth and development of a writer is an ongoing process, with so many things to learn on the way. This book will guide you in becoming the writer that you want to be in life.

  • af Warren Brown
    127,95 kr.

    Drawing from years of experience in the world of storytelling, Warren Brown has crafted an essential resource for anyone seeking to harness the power of storytelling. Whether you're an author, speaker, educator, or simply passionate about the art of storytelling, this book provides invaluable insights and techniques to elevate your storytelling abilities."The Storyteller's Handbook" dives deep into the intricacy's storytelling. It explores the art of creating stories that resonate on an emotional level, leaving a lasting impact on audiences. Readers will learn the secrets to crafting compelling narratives, honing their communication skills, and mastering the art of engaging storytelling.

  • af Warren Brown
    222,95 kr.

    Have you ever visited an island in your life, in reality or virtually? I have visited a number of islands in the mangrove forests of the Sunderbans in India. There were monkeys on one island, there were crocodiles in the waters and there were tigers in the forests. It was an interesting adventure from sailing in the boat full with tourists and their families, eagerly clicking photographs of every island they passed, the open waterways free from any other river traffic, the delicious food we were served and the best part was walking on those swampy lands to visit camping lodges and ruins of old residences and monuments still standing on the small and large islands.As a school boy, I was fascinated with Robert Louis Stevenson's famous adventure tale, "Treasure Island." Over the years I saw several versions of movies based on the popular novel. Another story and the movie based on it was Robinson Crusoe. Who can forget the movie, "Castaway" with Tom Hanks? I also loved watching the television live action series, "Arrow", based on the DC superhero comics. The main character Oliver Queen is shipwrecked on a mysterious island called Lian Yu, for five years, in the North China Sea.Welcome to the Island of creativity and inspiration for writers. On this island you will find ideas old and new, that I have crafted with my imagination and creativity. These are all "seed" ideas that you can collect. Allow these ideas to germinate and develop into full-blown stories, article and poems that you can create into your vibrant literary pieces.This book is sprinkled with tips on how you can find and develop your ideas, as well as discover all those hidden gems that are still lying buried in the island of creativity, within your fertile imagination. Remember that all you need to do is to get ready, pack your bags, hop onto a boat, as we navigate on the waters, to all the islands and uncharted swamplands, on the river of your imagination and creativity.Keep a journal with you, to jot down all those ideas, that keep appearing in front of you, as you row your boat in the smooth, calm and sometimes rough waters of your imagination. There is an abundance of rich ideas waiting for you to discover them on this quest to the island of creativity and imagination for writers.Thank you for reading this book and I hope that you discover all those wonderful ideas just waiting to be written and published, as you unleash your creative imagination.

  • af Warren Brown
    157,95 kr.

    Kang is a young boy, who loses his father before he is born. His father is killed on the battlefield. Kang's mother is a brave warrior who is captured by Alien invaders. She is kept as a prisoner. A year later Kang is born. Kang discovers who he is and he is determined to free his people from the enslavement of the cruel and powerful extra-terrestrial green warriors who rule Earth.Will Kang succeed in defeating the leader of the extra-terrestrials and freeing humanity from bondage?

  • af Warren Brown
    147,95 kr.

    This is the age of the digital nomad. There are professionals travelling and working all around the globe, far away from their homes. These freelancers are comfortable in the countries that they visit. These entrepreneurs adapt to the land they live in as digital nomads. How are they able to live and work in an entirely new country?Every country is so different and diverse from language, to food, customs, religion and social norms. After the pandemic life has changed for people and we are all learning to adapt to the new world of working. Will things go back to normal, or the familiar way that they were before the pandemic? I do not think so. We live in a world that is more connected than ever before. The rise of technology and the ease of travel have made it possible for people to live, work, and thrive anywhere in the world. As a result, there has been a growing movement towards global citizenship - a lifestyle that prioritizes openness, diversity, and exploration. There are so many videos on social media sites that inform and educate entrepreneurs to the fact that the age of "digital nomads" has arrived and it is here to stay.But what does it mean to be a global citizen, and how can you become one? In this book, I provide a step-by-step guide to help you live, work, and thrive anywhere in the world. I will cover everything from navigating legal requirements and finding housing to understanding local cultures and building community abroad.Whether you are a young professional looking to build a career in a new country, a family looking to experience new cultures, or a retiree looking for adventure in your golden years, this book has something for you. I believe that anyone can become a global citizen, regardless of their background or experience. By following the steps in this guide, you can build a life that is truly global, filled with diverse experiences, new perspectives, and endless opportunities.

  • af Warren Brown
    182,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence is going to take over the world and control mankind is just a myth, according to a few articles I have read by experts. Yet, we fear the machines and think that someday they will dictate our human existence and possibly destroy us. Perhaps, this is because of some of the ways in which artificial intelligence has been depicted in science fiction novels and in cinema, as destroyers of mankind. A good example of this is the "Terminator" movie and series. Machines are just machines and only function with the help of the programs that are installed in their circuitry. Is A.I. friendly to humanity? Yes, you can get a friendly A.I. that is programmed with social interacting skills, like a robot designed to look like a human being in appearance and in mannerisms, that will smile at you as you approach and converse with you, just like a human being. The same human-looking robot will also watch your reactions and react to you accordingly.Will there be an artificial intelligence workforce in the near future, possibly by 2030? If engineers, scientists, and merchants of industry are to be believed, such a thing will not occur in our future and we humans have no cause for concern. According to these experts in the fields of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, there will be a form of synthesis between AI and the human workforce, with new types of work being created in the future, for the benefit and advancement of human civilization. This book is about developing a mindset that understands the presence of artificial intelligence in society. A.I. is simply a tool for us to use to do what we enjoy doing, which is making a difference in the world and in human society.

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